Strengthening of Learning Strategies on the PMG Ahli Training
Course through Non Classical/Online Training Approach in BMKG
Juniarto Widodo
Education and Training Centre BMKG, Indonesia
Keywords: Functional Training, Learning Management System, Learning Methods and Evaluation Techniques.
Abstract: Online education and training in BMKG (Agency for Metrological Climatological and Geophysical) are so
important to be implemented in nowadays training, especially PMG (Pengamat meteorologi dan Geofisika)
Ahli Training Course in BMKG. This is because there are still many employees who have not accommodated
in the training while the budget ability to organize the training more limited. And many countries with large
populations, limited resources and remote and fragmented geographical areas such as Indonesia, e-learning
holds as the key of better education and provides better access to knowledge resources. The desired
competence in this online training is built through the provision of materials and tasks of observation,
management, and field service in meteorology, climatology, and geophysics. The research method used in
this study is using the extraction method from case studies of the application of online training methods in
PMG Ahli Training Course. The tools in this training are online applications using WIZIQ or Webinar and
online applications using Learning Management System (LMS) by using online class observation consist of
learning process and learning evaluation. Implementation learning strategies in this course is the facilitator
and teacher roles, the training curriculum, the learning methods and the training evaluation techniques. It can
answer the needs of employee competencies that will be important before serving as operational employee in
Facing globalization era, competency is an
unavoidable consequence. It needs the improvement
and development of human resources quality.
Competition in the global era has been filled with all
sophisticated technology. In almost all areas,
education should be able to empower and utilize
technological advances to produce quality human
resources ability in the global competition arena. The
rapid growth of information makes learning needs
intervention such as learning media, learning method
and so on. In the United States alone, as much as $200
billion is invested yearly by organizations into
workplace learning and development programs
(Donovan and Townsend, 2011). Meanwhile, the
number of human resources to meet the needs of
learning professionals encourages by adapting the
new learning model. This challenge requires new
thinking on how to acquire knowledge and skills, and
also how to use learning resources that can follow the
economic needs and development of knowledge.
PMG Ahli Online Training is one of training name
provided by education and training Centre BMKG
(Agency for Metrological Climatological and
Geophysical). PMG (Pengamat Meteorologi dan
Geofisika) Ahli Online Training is kind of a
functional training for BMKG technical staff. As a
PMG Ahli staff, their job can be as an observer or a
forecaster weather/clime. Before PMG Ahli staff
occupied, they have to join and finish PMG Ahli
Online Training.
Online training in Agency for Metrological
Climatological and Geophysical are so important to
be implemented, especially for PMG Ahli Training
Course. It is because of there are still many
employees who have not been accommodated in the
training, while the budget ability to organize training
is getting limited. So this is the important factor why
need to conduct the training fully online. PMG Ahli
Training Course is the training as requirement for all
employees’ staff with bachelor graduates who want to
be functional officer for operational duties in work
place. In the PMG Ahli Training Course, the desire
competencies is built through the comprehensive
Widodo, J.
Strengthening of Learning Strategies on the PMG Ahli Training Course through Non Classical/OnlineTraining Approach in BMKG.
DOI: 10.5220/0008411603160321
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2018), pages 316-321
ISBN: 978-989-758-391-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
materials, tasks of observation and forecast, socio
cultural competencies, meteorology, climatology,
and geophysics services, and also writing scientific
paper. Based on these problems, then Education and
Training Center held PMG Ahli Training Course
2017 until 2018 in several classes, totally there are
seventeen classes have been implemented. After
graduate from this training they become a reliable
personnel for operational staff in BMKG.
Why e-learning in BMKG? The indispensable
moment is not enough to introduce new technology
for learning but it is also necessary to introduce new
ways to think about learning. For many countries with
large populations, limited resources or remote and
fragmented geographical areas such as Indonesia, e-
learning holds the key to better education and
provides better access to knowledge resources.
Distribution of employees who have not been
accommodated in PMG Ahli Training Course are
very random in the sense that employees are scattered
to remote areas in the large and small island. Thus the
challenge of online training will solve the problem of
the number of uneducated employees and reduce it.
(Gold, 2001), his previous study Components of a
Constructivist Class is “Each of the components was
integrated within the course. This section outlines the
course components across three areas the curriculum
content of the course, the instructional method, and
the assessment and feedback mechanism”. Anather
previous study is (Jordan, 2016), told that the benefits
their study are obtain recommendations for online
training solutions that can be relied upon as a classical
training teacher with all the problems. With success
in the implementation of this online training can be
used as a consideration for the implementation of any
other training course.
(Pribadi, 2014), explanation for external changes,
companies can adapt to avoid being crushed by the
change. One of the efforts needed to deal with
external change is the improvement and development
of human resources. Training is one strategy that can
be used by a company to face external changes. Rapid
technological changes and changes in customer
demands on service standards need to be anticipated
by preparing human resources in accordance with the
required qualifications.
(Widodo, 2018) from the research said that
strategies and methods are an integral part in building
learning in both classical and non-classical learning.
Clasical learning means that learning goes in the
class, but for non clasical training, learning run in a
virtual class (online). In the classical training, the
learning strategies are developed independently by
the instructor, but in non-classical training known as
an online training, learning strategies and methods are
developed jointly between instructors/teacher and
instructional designers.
The research problem are how to build a
comprehensive online training and also how can
answer the problem solution of some limitations in
the implementation of classical training. Usually
classical training is an ideal training, but with the
spread of BMKG employees to the remote areas until
many small islands in Indonesia and also budget
constraints, it is necessary to find a strategy for the
implementation of the training without leaving the
essence of the actual training objectives.
Some researcher doing their research about online
training, and have implemented in the technical
training. So this research try to implemented the
learning method through the online training/non
classical training in BMKG named PMG Ahli
Training Course. Based on the underlying problems
above and because there have been no previous
studies in our institution, it is necessary to conduct
detail research detail about online education and
learning strategy that affects the effectiveness and
successful conduct of PMG Ahli Training Course in
Figure 1: Implementation in PMG Ahli Training Course at
This study used qualitative research methodology
with non-experimental research design. Researcher
do the observation on comprehensive online learning
in the PMG Ahli Training Course. Investigation is
also done by observing the synchronous learning and
asynchronous leaning. Learning activities in online
training carried out both the use of WIZIQ or Webinar
for the synchronous learning and Learning
Management System (LMS) for the asynchronous
learning. LMS is a free and open source product that
appropriate to modify and develop a learning
management. All learning activities in this training
are fully recorded in the LMS, based on this recording
Strengthening of Learning Strategies on the PMG Ahli Training Course through Non Classical/OnlineTraining Approach in BMKG
then obtained the data that can be used in the
assessment of participants.
At the end session of this training, then need to
conduct training evaluation. Some instrument
evaluation are applied in this training, include an
evaluation of assignment of each chapter, doing the
effective presentation base on summary of
international journal, video recorded of effective
presentation, online evaluation about resume of
international journal by using Whatsapp media, the
final (summative) evaluation are comprehensive test
using LMS. All data collected from all assessment
parameters then be processed by using Microsoft
Excel data processing. The three group’s assessments
for participants are assessment in each chapter by the
teacher, the professional development assessment and
the final exam assessment. By using the weighting of
the assessment, one score is finally obtained as the
basis for the participants' graduation.
Through the online learning process in each chapter
of learning and through the overall assessment
process so that the qualifications for participant
graduation can be drawn a four basic learning
strategies. So that the learning process in the online
based PMG Expert Training Course training can run
well until the end of training. Learning strategies
usually can divide into internal strategies and external
strategies. Internal strategies usually came from the
participant such as the motivation, creativity, honest
and discipline. Our discussion is focus on the external
learning strategies that can be affect on the successful
conduct this training. Learning strategies in this
training consist of four important thing, those are
strengthening on teacher and training facilitator,
strengthening on the online training curriculum,
strengthening on the variety leaning method and
strengthening on the evaluation aspect. By
implementing this online learning strategies the
improvement of competencies as expected in the
objective of this training can be built successfully.
The four external learning strategies are.
3.1 Strengthen on the Teacher and
Training facilitator
PMG Ahli Training Course facilitator can be taken
from a technical staff of deputy BMKG or Education
and Training Centre staff. The training facilitator is a
person who in charge of managing the class during
the training progress from the beginning until the end.
In this case, training facilitator are came from
education and Training centre staff that called
“Widyaiswara”. The main task of facilitator is bridge
between the teacher and training participants. In
addition, the facilitator also facilitates the interaction
between trainees start from the beginning of training.
Facilitator initiate pre course, introduction
participants and communication in the learning
sessions of each training agenda. Every task of each
chapter taken from technical training material.
Teachers also state the period of time which the
participants must collect for the teacher assessment.
In the learning process, participants will usually meet
some problem related to lack of understanding of
knowledge as well as task assigned by the teacher. In
this case, the participants can ask the facilitator or ask
directly to the teacher to get an explanation and
completion. Teacher assignment can be essay/case
question or multiple choice question.
It is important for every facilitator monitor the
class continuously and build participant’s motivation
to attend each learning forum, as well as on time in
collecting teacher assignments. Sometimes the
facilitator needs to remind the participants if any
participants are late in collecting their task. With the
presence of facilitator, participants will feel not alone
and there is always an opportunity to communicate
any case to other participants and facilitator.
Participants also have to monitor during the training
both deal with learning tools such as PC computer or
mobile devices.
Figure 2: Table of course completion, class of PMG Ahli
training course.
3.2 Strengthen on Online Training
This education and training curriculum contains two
types of competencies that must be met by
participants, namely technical competencies and
socio-cultural competencies coupled with writing
competence. Technical competencies are arranged
sequentially in accordance with their respective fields
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
including aspects of observation, management,
processing and service. (Kaliher, 2010), explain that
base on WebCT module evaluation demonstrated that
an online training approach would be effective in
delivering content knowledge but several problems
with the current online training module approach
were revealed. The curriculum scheme of the PMG
ahli Training Course can be explained in the Table 1.
Table 1. PMG ahli training course climate curriculum for climatology.
Pre Course
Program Direction
Professional development
of PMG
Professional development of PMG
Observation chapter
Synoptic Encoding and
Me48 Encoding
Synoptic Encoding and Me48 Encoding
Basic Law of Synoptic
The basics of synoptic surface rules
Air Quality Observations
Rain Water Chemical Analysis, GHG Sampling Technique,
KU Data Analysis
Data management chapter
Forecast Analysis and
Forecast Analysis and Methods, Seasonal Predictions Forecast
and Rain Opportunities
Fundamentals of Climate
Fundamentals of Climate Change
Verification Method
Verification Method
Services chapter
Public service
Concept and Policy of PP, Pattern of PP Implementation,
Standard of PP and Public Satisfaction Index (IKM)
General and Special
Climate Services
General and Special Climate Services
HTH Monitoring
HTH Monitoring
Dissemination Climate
Dissemination Climate information
Management and socio-cultural chapter
Effective Communication
Effective Communication
Time Management
Time Management
Mental Revolution
Mental Revolution
Professional development centre
Scientific Research Paper
Presentation, Peer-Group Discussion, Review and Feedback
Assessment of Credit Score
Assessment of Credit Score for Climatology Field
Training feedback
In this training, there are two importance aspects
of the curriculum those are knowledge, skill, and also
behaviour in the field of technical and socio-cultural
aspects. The aspects of technical curriculum consist
of a technical field of meteorology, climatology
geophysics and air quality. Base on Table 1, the
structure of curriculum PMG Ahli Training Course
describe in Table 2.
Table 2: Course component of PMG Ahli training course
Course component
Technic material
Evaluation aspect
Strengthening of Learning Strategies on the PMG Ahli Training Course through Non Classical/OnlineTraining Approach in BMKG
3.3 Strengthen on Learning Method
Tabel 2: Variety of learning method on the PMG Ahli
Training Course
Learning methods
Pre Training
Introduction with
PADLET is an online post-it
board that student/teacher can
share with like experience, idea or
mind expression. This is like an
engagement forum for
facilitators-participants, Training
Guide Synchronous sessions and
Asynchronous session
Synchronous sessions and
Asynchronous session, teacher-
participant discussion forums,
task downloads, submit tasks,
Synchronous sessions and
Asynchronous session, teacher-
participant discussion forums,
task downloads, submit tasks,
Services Chapter
Synchronous sessions and
Asynchronous session, teacher-
participant discussion forums,
task downloads, submit tasks,
Socio Cultural
Synchronous sessions and
Asynchronous session, teacher-
participant discussion forums,
task downloads, submit tasks,
games, tasks to create
presentation materials,
presentations, make a presentation
Synchronous sessions and
Asynchronous session, job forum
to make a summary international
journal, international peer-to-peer
review exams online, the final
exam (summative) online
Organize questionnaire and
participant feedback
The use of technology in the learning system leads to
electronic-based learning as a result of technology,
such as information and communication technology.
Information and communication technology-based
learning has changed the classical into online training
that use a media pattern, such as computer media and
internet support. So in this learning, by using LMS
learners can choose any learning materials based on
their own interests, that’s why learning has to be fun,
without boring, full of motivation, passion and attract
(Kaliher, 2010), told in their research, one method
of delivery the module is a learning management
system called Sakai. LMS was the appropriate system
with which to deliver online training module. LMS is
a free and open source product that allow educator
more freedom to modify and develop a learning
management system that meet their goals and needs.
Learning Methods in PMG Ahli Training Course use
two types of methods, these are synchronous and
asynchronous. Synchronous method of learning is
done using WIZIQ or Webinar application in real
time day and time specified, in this case, the
participants are asked to login in an online class and
follow learning. The learning duration of
synchronous session is generally 1-2 hour and
continued with a discussion session. While
asynchronous learning method that is done by
utilizing Learning Management System (LMS). All
training materials have been uploaded to the LMS, so
participants are required to download the materials
and tasks that have been available in it.
3.4 Strengthen on Evaluation
Table 3: Percentage of evaluation aspects.
Create summary
30 %
Live video
35 %
Online evaluation of
resume of research
paper international
35 %
Each Chapter task
40 %
international journal
30 %
Summative final test
30 %
An instrument evaluation conducted in this training
consists of an evaluation of assignment in all
technical agenda. The online training strategy
implementation in this training has succeeded in
graduating the participants until all participants get
the graduation mark. From this mark will be used as
a requirement to obtain functional staff positions in
BMKG. Furthermore, participants who have passed
this training can apply all the knowledge gained
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
during the training and ready to become a reliable
operational staff. Table 3 describes the technique
The graduation criteria are determined based on
the compilation of all values with the following
graduation criteria:
Very satisfactory : > 90,1
Satisfactory : 80.1-90
Quite Satisfying : 70.1-80,
Less than satisfactory : 60,1-70,
Fail : < 60
Based on the graduation level, there were 17
classes of PMG Ahli training participants with a total
number of participants totaling 653 participants, but
only 7 participants who fail graduate. Thus the overall
the percentage of participants graduate abou 98.9
percent, this can be concluded that the participant
graduation still very high, considering the many
constraints experienced by participants in this online
training. It can be said that the implementation of
PMG Expert Training Course online training in
BMKG 2017-2018 (17 classes) is very effective to
increase the number of significant quality operational
staff needs. Participants learning activities with
existing methods were responded well by participants
so online learning can be well received.
Learning strategies in the PMG Ahli Training Course
emphasis on strengthen on facilitator and teacher
roles, strengthen on curriculum, strengthen on
learning methods and strengthen evaluation aspects
are able to answer the needs of employee
competencies that will be important for participants
before serving the functional position of PMG. With
the four of evaluation aspects above, overall can drive
the percentage of participants graduates about 98.9
percent (646 participants from totally 653), this can
be concluded that the participant graduation still very
high. On the other hand, it can be said online learning
activities with existing methods were responded well
and also well received by the participants.
Donovan, P. and Townsend, J. (2011) Transfer of Learning
Pocketbook. Alresford, Hampshire, UK: Management
Pocketbooks Ltd.
Gold, S. (2001) ‘A constructivist approach to online
training for online teachers’, Journal of Asynchronous
Learning Networks, 5(1), pp. 3557.
Jordan, C. L. (2016) An Archival Research Comparing
Learning Effectiveness and Training Transfer
Perceptions between Classroom Technical Training
and Synchronous Online Technical Training. ProQuest
Kaliher, L. B. (2010) Applying multimedia learning
theories to the redesign of Residence Life online
training modules. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway:
University of Delaware, ProQuest Dissertations
Pribadi, B. A. (2014) Desain dan Pengembangan Program
Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi. Jakarta: Pradana
Media Group.
Widodo, J. (2018) ‘Instructional Designer Sebagai Penentu
Pembelajaran Efektif Dalam Diklat PMG Ahli Online
Tahun 2017-2018 di BMKG’, in Seminar Nasional
Strengthening of Learning Strategies on the PMG Ahli Training Course through Non Classical/OnlineTraining Approach in BMKG