The Level of Creative Thinking Skill in Graph Theory Application
Sapti Wahyuningsih, Darmawan Satyananda
Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang Indonesia
Keywords: Application of Graph Theory, Problem Posing, Problem Solving, TTCT
Abstract: Graph theory can be applied to solve various life problems such as optimization of distribution cost, minimum
time routing, and project scheduling. In the Graph Theory Application course, one of the student’s project
tasks was a field survey to the industry / institution / company. From problems found, they identified and
solved problems, modelled problems in graph, and developed the solution design. The purpose of this study
was to identify the students’ level of creative thinking in posing the problem and designing for the problem
solving. To measure the level of creativity, Terrace Test of Creativity Thinking (TTCT) was adapted. Data of
the students' creativity dimensions (fluency, flexibility and novelty) in solving the problem of graph theory
were used to analyse the creative thinking level of students (very creative, creative, creative enough, less
creative, and not creative). From the data analysis, the students' creative thinking level in the Graph Theory
Application was dominant in level of creative thinking 3 i.e. the student was able to show fluency and novelty
or fluency and flexibility in problem posing and problem solving. For the creative thinking level 4 (very
creative) and level 1 (less creative) were in small percentage, and no student with creative level 0 (not
In facing the era of globalization and the challenges
of 21st century education, it is necessary to have a
learning pattern that makes students have high skills
that involve critical, systematic, logical, and creative
thinking. Similarly to the challenges of the working
world that job seekers need to have are the ability to
work together in teams, master the technology, able
to communicate effectively and the most important is
to have problem-solving ability. Learning innovation
is needed to develop those abilities and meet the
demands of skills needed in the 21st century.
Graph theory is one of course in Mathematics
study program, State University of Malang, which has
wide application field in real life. The learning
achievement of graph theory application is a) able to
understand the problem and develop problem solving
algorithm, b) able to design mathematical model,
complete the model, and interpret the obtained
solution, c) able to plan and control the optimization
process in industry, decision making, and business.
(Catalogue of FMIPA UM, 2017). Characteristic of
the content of Graph Theory Application course is the
content can be used to solve a number of real-world
problems, hence the problem solving ability can be
incorporated into this course.
According to (Pehkonen, 1997) problem solving
is one way to encourage creativity as a product of
creative thinking because problem solving is useful in
developing cognitive skills, motivating learning math
applications, and encouraging creativity of thinking.
Some researchers linked the effects of problem
solving to creative thinking, such as (Kandemir, M
and Gür, 2009; Nozari and Siamian, 2014; Dostal,
2015; Kirmizi, Saygi and Yurdakal, 2015; Rodzalan
and Saat, 2015). Problem solving skills are also
needed to face the challenges of 21st century
education (Greiff et al., 2014).
In addition to problem solving, some researchers
suggest that assigning problem posing tasks can be
used to measure creativity of thinking (Leung, no
date; Stoyana and Ellerton, 1996; Silver, 1997).
Problem posing activity is also needed in
mathematics learning, as stated by (Akay and Boz,
2009; Cildir and Sezen, 2011; Şengül and Katranci,
2012; Kunimune and Niimura, 2014).
Creative thinking ability can be measured by
several criteria. According (Silver, 1997) to assess
creative thinking ability in adults can be done with
Wahyuningsih, S. and Satyananda, D.
The Level of Creative Thinking Skill in Graph Theory Application Course.
DOI: 10.5220/0008411403030307
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2018), pages 303-307
ISBN: 978-989-758-391-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT). The
creativity dimension consisting of the three main
components considered in TTCT is fluency,
flexibility and novelty. Fluency refers to the number
of ideas created in response to a command. Flexibility
appears in the approach changes when responding to
commands. Novelty is the originality of an idea
created in response to a command. Some researchers
are adapting TTCT to identify the level of creative
thinking that is (Rababah et al., 2013; Turkey, 2018).
(Siswono, 2011) develops students' creative thinking
level in the mathematics classroom.
This article discusses about how to identify the
students' level of creative thinking in graph theory
application course. The method used adapted
(Siswono, 2011; Rababah et al., 2013; Turkey, 2018).
The type of this research was descriptive qualitative.
The research data source was 25 students who
followed the lectures of the Graph Theory
Application in even semester of 2017-2018 academic
years. To identify student's creativity level, the
following methods were used. 1). Formation of field
survey groups and selection of applied graph
materials, 2). Preparation of survey proposals to
industry / institution, 3). Acquisition of field data, 4).
Formulation / modelling problems, 5). Create
problem-solving designs with various appropriate
The creativity level of students was identified
based on the creativity dimension (fluency, flexibility
and novelty). This level of student creativity was
observed from the problem posing and problem
solving they made based on the results of field
surveys. The level of creativity of students is
described as very creative, creative, creative enough,
less creative, and not creative.
3.1 Field Survey in Graph Theory
Application Course
Field survey conducted by students related to material
of graph theory application course. The main subjects
include are (1) Algorithm in the Traveling Salesman
Problem (TSP) variant and its application, (2)
Matching, matching in bipartition network, matching
in no bipartition network, and its application; (3)
Maximum flow, maximum flow algorithms and its
application, (4) Minimum cost flow, minimum cost
flow algorithms and their application, (5) Vehicle
Routing Problem (VRPPD), Vehicle Routing
Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW), Vehicle
Routing Problems with Simultaneous Deliveries and
Pick-ups (VRPSDP), Multiple Trip Vehicle Routing
Problems (MTVRP) and their implementation, and
(6) Network implementation for project scheduling
(FMIPA UM catalogue, 2017).
Some field surveys conducted by students in even
semester of 2017-2018 are: Optimizing the
Distribution of Newspapers Using Dynamic
Traveling Salesman Problem in Radar Malang,
Optimization of Employee Assignment in “Adi
Bungsu” Cigarette Factory using Bipartition
Matching Graph, Maximum Flow Implementation for
Distributing Product in PT Gatra Mapan Malang,
optimization route of newspaper distribution in radar
malang by using Vehicle Routing Problem With Time
Window (VRPTW), Implementation of Network
Analysis for Solving Project Scheduling Problem in
PT. Kharisma Menara Abadi Malang, Distribution of
Sosro Products Using Minimum Cost Flow Method
at PT Sinar Sosro Malang, Optimization of “Walls”
Ice Cream Distribution Using Capacitated Vehicle
Routing Problem at PT Lukindari Permata Malang.
An example of a graph model of a problem and
the result of a solution on a student assignment is
shown in Figure 1, 2, and 3.
Figure 1: Example of graph model of goods distribution.
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
Figure 2: Solving TSP in software.
Figure 3: Example of TSP solution.
The Figure 1, 2, and 3 shows the model of the
route of newspapers distribution to a number of
agents in several areas in Malang. Searching of
minimum length route which passed all agents is
examined with Nearest Neighbor Heuristic
Algorithm, Nearest Insertion Heuristic Algorithm and
Cheapest Link Algorithm. In the modeled case, the
Cheapest Link algorithm provides better results than
the other two algorithms.
3.2 Creativity Dimension in Problem
Posing of Survey Result
Problem posing of survey results is a task for students
to create or formulate problems obtained from real
survey results, which then modeled and solved. The
steps taken are the students doing field survey,
finding problems, formulating the problem, and
making the draft solution. Problem posing and
problem solving can be used to measure the ability of
creative thinking (Silver, 1994, 1997) .The dimension
of creativity can be measured from three components
of creativity products, i.e. fluency, flexibility and
3.3 Description of Students Creativity
Instruments to determine the level of students’
creative thinking were adapted from Torrence Test of
Creative Thinking (TTCT) (Silver, 1997), the level of
creative thinking (Turkey, 2018), and level student's
creative thinking in classroom mathematics
(Siswono, 2011). Description of indicator of creative
thinking ability used in this research is
Fluency (able to model and solve problems
with various problem interpretations or
Flexibility (able to solve problem and to
discuss in various methods or algorithms), and
The Level of Creative Thinking Skill in Graph Theory Application Course
Novelty (able to check or analyze a number of
methods or algorithms, and to implement new
algorithm or methods)
Of the indicator components above, the creative
thinking level can be described as follow.
Creative thinking level 4 (very creative)
Students are able to demonstrate fluency,
flexibility and novelty, or novelty and
flexibility, in problem posing and problem
Creative thinking level 3 (creative)
Students are able to show fluency and novelty,
or fluency and flexibility, in problem posing
and problem solving.
Creative thinking level 2 (fairly creative)
Students are able to demonstrate flexibility or
novelty in problem posing and problem
Creative thinking level 1 (less creative)
Students are able to show their fluency in
problem posing and problem solving.
Creative thinking level 0 (not creative)
Students are unable to show the three aspects
of the creative thinking indicators in problem
posing and problem solving.
From the analysis result of students’ creative
thinking level in graph theory application course, the
dominant percentage is the creative thinking level 3
(creative) ie the student is able to show fluency and
novelty, or fluency and flexibility in problem posing
and problem solving. As for the percentage of
creative thinking level 4 (very creative) and the
creative thinking level 1 (less creative) is very small.
No student with creative level 0 (not creative).
The result of student creative thinking level
analysis can be seen in Table 1 and Figure 4. In detail,
components of students’ creativity indicator shown in
Table 2.
Table 1: Distribution of students’ creative thinking level.
Creative thinking
Number of
4 (very creative)
12 %
3 (creative)
56 %
2 (fairly creative)
24 %
1 (less creative)
8 %
0 (not creative)
0 %
100 %
Figure 4: Proportion of students’ creative thinking level.
Figure 5: Proportion of students’ creative thinking level
based on its components.
Table 2: Distribution of students’ creative thinking level based on its components.
Creative thinking level
Iindicator components
Number of students
4 (very creative)
fluency, flexibility and novelty
8 %
novelty and flexibility
4 %
3 (creative)
fluency and novelty
32 %
fluency and flexibility
24 %
2 (fairly creative)
12 %
12 %
1 (less creative)
8 %
0 (not creative)
0 %
100 %
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
Of three students in creative thinking level 4, only
two students could show fluency, flexibility and
novelty, and only a student could have novelty and
flexibility in posing and solving problems.
Figure 5 showed depict distribution of creative
thinking level, based on its indicator components.
In this research, most students of graph theory
application course were in creative thinking level 3
(56%). They could present fluenct and novelty, or
fluency and flexibility in posing problem as well as
solving problems. The rest in descending order are in
level 2 (24%), level 4 (12%), and level 1 (8%). This
showed that students were enthusiastic in the course
that involved problem posing and problem solving,
and they could have creative thinking skill which is
really needed in work field afterthat.
This article is part of PNBP Research year 2018
entitled “Peningkatan Kreatifitas Mahasiswa Pada
Matakuliah Penerapan Teori Graph Melalui
Pembelajaran Blended Learning”
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The Level of Creative Thinking Skill in Graph Theory Application Course