Can a Collaborative Questioning Strategy with Web-based Formative
Feedback Improve Understanding of the Simple Harmonious Motion
Maha Nur Aida
, Sentot Kusairi
, Sulur
, Prima Dyah Andari
State University of Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Senior High School 1 Karangrejo, Indonesia
Keywords: Conceptual Understand, Collaborative Questioning, Web-Based Formative Feedback
Abstract: Simple harmonic motion is one of the fundamental concepts in physics. Nevertheless, some studies have
found that many students have difficulty in learning this concept. This study aims to analyse understanding
of the concept of simple harmonic motion of high school students who have studied with collaborative
questioning with web-based formative feedback. The research used mix methods with embedded
experimental design. The study involved 34 high school students consisting of 7 male students and 27 female
students. The main instruments of the study included 9 graded validated multiple-choice test items with an
Alfa Cronbach value of 0.87. N-gain and effect size analyses are performed on the test result data, while
qualitative analysis is performed on the student's answer. The results showed that the average value of N-gain
of 0.65 (height) and effect size 4.52 which is in the category is very large. This shows that the application of
collaborative questioning along with web-based formative feedback can improve students' conception
comprehension significantly.
One of the focuses of physics learning is to deliver
students to achieve good understanding of the
concepts. Understanding of concepts and principles
of physics is useful for explaining natural events
(Brookes and Etkina, 2015) and helping students
define concepts (Docktor and Mestre, 2014).
Understanding of good concepts in students can be
achieved through the provision of direct experience
centered on students (Goodhew and Robertson,
2017). Students who master the concept are able to
solve problems (Weaver et al., 2017) (Weaver et al.,
2018). Based on this, understanding of the concept
has an important role in physics.
Simple harmonic motion is a complex concept of
physics. Simple harmonic motion learns about the
movement of disturbed objects from equilibrium
positions, macroscopic phenomena (DiSessa and
Sherin, 1998). The characteristics of the pendulum
motion cannot be explained or observed only from
observation of the periodic motion phenomenon of
the pendulum only. Therefore, many students still
have not mastered the concept of simple harmonic
motion (Adolphus, Alamina and Aderonmu, 2013).
This is evidenced by the still low understand of
concepts on simple harmonic motion concepts
(Parnafes, 2010).
Some studies have found that there are still many
students who have difficulty in studying simple
harmonic motion. Students find it difficult to find the
speed of oscillating objects that assume a constant
value (Parnafes, 2010). Another difficulty is to
determine the magnitudes affecting the spring period.
Based on the results of a study of 100 students, more
than 20% of students explained that the spring period
depends on amplitude. Students reveal that the longer
the track, the time it takes to get back to its original
position will be longer (Frank, Kanim and Gomez,
2008). In addition, students have difficulty in solving
problems mathematically and cannot identify the
issues used for calculation (Adolphus, Alamina and
Aderonmu, 2013).
The study also found several models of difficulty
experienced by students in studying the topic of
simple harmonic motion. 1. Students fail to build on
existing knowledge in long term memory (DiSessa
and Sherin, 1998; Frank, Kanim and Gomez, 2008).
Aida, M., Kusairi, S., Sulur, . and Andari, P.
Can a Collaborative Questioning Strategy with Web-based Formative Feedback Improve Understanding of the Simple Harmonious Motion Concept?.
DOI: 10.5220/0008410902670273
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2018), pages 267-273
ISBN: 978-989-758-391-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2. Students are wrong in arranging knowledge
relevant to the problem (Hammer, 2000). 3. Students
have difficulty in deciphering and operating
mathematical equations such as when deciphering
force on spring and pendulum (Adolphus, Alamina
and Aderonmu, 2013). 4. Students experience
confusion to understand the characteristics of simple
harmonic motion in which there are some objects
(Parnafes, 2010). It is important for students to have
a proper understanding or understand of the concept
of the concept at the beginning of the lesson.
Collaborative questioning is one model of
learning that can improve understanding of physics
concepts. The results of the study (Anderson, 2012)
states that students who learn with questioning
strategies have improved understanding of concepts
better than inquiry methods. It is shown that students
will be encouraged to optimize their thinking power
through productive, systematic, directional, and
profound questioning so that it is believed to be able
to direct the formation of the correct concept
(Aghekyan, 2015). (Kastner et al., 2016) explains that
the collaborative question and answer pattern in the
discussion group will provide the interaction of
adding or punishing concept justification to other
students so that the formation of the physics concept
becomes better. In addition, (Lupu, 2012) in his
research also shows that learning collaborative
learning can improve the understand of the concept
without telling or explaining to the students.
Nevertheless, at the end of the collaborative
questioning lesson, there are still some students who
are experiencing the problem of learning understand.
One effort that can be done to handle the problem
of learning understand is by implementing web-based
formative feedback. Providing web-based formative
feedback is very important in the learning process
(Burger and Nadirova, 2011). Providing appropriate
target feedback has a positive impact on students
(Valdez et al., 2014). (Watson et al., 2016) found that
students would be motivated to straighten out
thinking or behavior in understanding better concepts.
This is supported by several research results that have
been done by some previous researchers, namely
(Gikandi, Morrow and Davis, 2011; Valdez et al.,
2014) who found that giving feedback (feedback) can
increase learning motivation so that more confident
and gain a better understanding . One other example
is the study of increased learning outcomes conducted
by (Sofianto, Wartono and Kusairi, 2016) which
concluded that the provision of feedback affects
student achievement. Students who were given
formative assessments complete with their feedback
had a higher average learning outcome than students
who were not given feedback in their assessment
(Valdez et al., 2014).
Formative assessment is able to provide feedback
required teachers to detect difficulties or levels of
student understanding clearly, so that the feedback
can provide improvements to improve students'
concept of understanding, and can motivate students
to learn better. Formative assessment using the
multiple choice questions item is one of the types of
formative assessments that are considered to be more
helpful for students to know the lack or weakness of
their understanding of the physics concept (Attali and
van der Kleij, 2017)). In addition, formative
assessments using multiple choice questions can also
help teachers in providing more appropriate feedback
to improve understanding or perform remedial
programs more specifically (Singh, 2008). According
to (Iron, 2008), the most effective feedback is the
feedback given a few minutes after the students
complete the task.
This study aims to apply the collaborative
questioning strategy with web-based formative
feedback and analyze the concept understand.
Questions raised in this study are as follows. 1. How
to master the concept of students on simple harmonic
motion concepts that learn with collaborative
questioning strategy with web-based formative
feedback? 2. What difficulties are still experienced by
students after learning with collaborative questioning
strategy with web-based formative feedback ?
This study uses mixed design methods with
embedded experimental design developed by
(Creswell, 2012). The subjects consisted of 34
students consisting of 7 male and 27 female students
from X grade students of class MIA 2 Senior High
School One Karangrejo academic year 2017/2018.
The design used in this study is the research model
One Group Pretest Postest, which is done pretest then
subject to treatment in a row. After being given
treatment, the subject is given a posttest to measure
learning outcomes. Stages of the implementation of
the study can be seen in Figure 1. The instrument used
is a matter of double-choice options which consists of
9 questions. Indicator of each item can be seen in
Table 1.
This is evidenced by the learning begins with
working on the problem of right as much as 5 items
in the web-based. Finished to do all the questions,
students will get feedback in the form of a solution of
the problems that have been done. Here are the
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
lessons learned during the class. First, learning begins
with apperception activities, students are given a
video about the pendulum associated with the
characteristics of the motion that occurs to check their
understanding taken from SMP whether it is correct
or not about the concept of the direction of the restorer
style on pendulum spring like Figure 2. Next the
teacher asks the students discussion to answer, "Make
an appropriate video question like in PowerPoint
slides? "With its time to teach. The teacher asks the
students to present the learning objectives that will be
learned today in accordance with what has been
discussed with their friends.
Figure 1: Mixed method research design with embedded
experimental design (Creswell, 2012).
Figure 2: Children’s video playing swing in the garden.
Have you ever played a swing in the park?
Yes, Ma’am
How did the swing move?
Direction of swing motion back and forth
This is because of the pull or push that is
usually called the style
How did that happen?
If the pull or drive is given greater, then
the swing will also swing higher and
swing for a longer time repeatedly
Table 1: Problem item indicators.
Problem indicators
Students can apply the period and
frequency of the mass-spring system if
different mass and deviation
1, 2
Students can determine the concept of
position, speed and acceleration through the
5, 6, 7,
Students can compare the frequency
and period of a simple swing if the mass
and different angular deviations
3, 4
Students can compare the potential
energy of two mass-spring systems that
have the same initial deviation
The student's initial knowledge is correct, that is,
if the attraction or encouragement is given greater,
then the ayuna will also swing higher and swing for a
longer time repeatedly. Second, the teacher asks the
students to hold group discussions by answering the
questions that are on the student worksheet as shown
in Figure 3. Students conduct group discussions for
20 minutes.
Figure 3: Students discussing the direction of style of
Based on group discussions, students have
understood the direction of the restoring force in
pendulum. One member of the pendulum group
conducts his time-to-teach discussion with one
member of the spring group as Fig. 4.
Figure 4: Its time to teach.
Can a Collaborative Questioning Strategy with Web-based Formative Feedback Improve Understanding of the Simple Harmonious Motion
Fourth, each student must record the concept that
has been obtained in each notebook and write self-
assessment in order to know the extent to which the
understand of student concepts. Fifth, students do the
tasks in the form of multiple-choice questions as
much as 5 items in the web-based and finished doing
all the questions, students will get feedback in the
form of a solution of the problems that have been
done. Sixth, students do multiple choice questions in
order to strengthen the understand of the concept that
has been owned and will be directly given feedback
completed working on one problem and so on.
The value of students after working on the summation
problem of simple harmonic motion shows the
understand of the concept of simple harmonic motion.
Students working on multiple choice questions
reasoned with levels C2 to C5. Prior to use in the
study, the item was validated by three experienced
validators. The instrument used needs to be tested to
know the quantity of statistics. Analysis of the
instruments performed are different power and level
of difficulty, correlation score of each item to the total
score and reliability. Furthermore, the instrument
consisting of 9 valid questions is analyzed reliability
using Cronbach's Alfa. From the calculation results,
obtained Cronbach Alfa value of 0.818. The value is
included in the category of "very high".
Before being given research treatment, students
are given a pre-test to know the student's initial
ability. Here is a histogram of pre-test and post-test
result of understanding of physics concept shown in
Figure 5 and descriptive statistics Table 2.
Figure 5: Histogram of students’ pre-test and post-test
Table 2: Descriptive statistics pre-test and post-test concept
understanding of students.
Deviation Standard
*The score of the test scale is 0-9
The values of skewness on pretest and posttest are
0.332 and -0.502. The skewness value of the pretest
and posttest data is greater than -1 and less than +1.
so both data can be said normal distributed (Morgan
et al., 2004) because normal distributed hence can be
tested using parametric test that is paired sample t-
test. The results of paired sample t-test obtained
significant values of 0.00 and less than 0.05 so that
differences in pretest and posttest score is significant.
Based on these results can be concluded that the
understand of student concepts increased after
learning with collaborative questioning with web-
based formative feedback. The effectiveness of
learning using collaborative questioning with web-
based formative feedback can be seen based on the
effect size and the average value of N-gain. The result
of effect size and average N-gain calculation is
presented in Table 3.
Table 3: Descriptive statistics pre-test and post-test concept
understanding of students.
Cohen’s d-effect size
Vey high
Average N-gain
Figure 6: Difficulties in the concept of pendulum
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
Table 4: Changes in student responses from pre-test to post-
test: pre-test*post-test crosstabulation.
*Correct answer
After learning with collaborative questioning
along with web-based formative feedback, the
students' correct answers increased to 23 students.
This increase was followed by changes in student
reasons that fit the scientific concept. From Table 4
can be explained 4 students answered the choice of A
with the reason that the fastest to the starting position
is Dian, because he has a smaller mass so he is easy
to get ahead of Ani. The mass of a pendulum has an
effect on the swing period. The lighter the swing mass
the greater the period of a simple swing. 6 students
answered option B with the fastest reason to get to the
starting position is Ani, because he has a heavier mass
than Dian. The larger the mass the greater the period.
That the greater the mass the greater the period. 23
students answered option C with the reason which can
be seen in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Students’ reason for answered option C.
Based on the data, as many as 23 students
answered correctly. However, the average student
holds that the period of the swing is influenced by the
mass of the swing. As many as 4 students answered
A, students assumed that the mass of a pendulum had
an effect on the swing period. The lighter the swing
mass the greater the period of a simple swing. A total
of 6 students answered B, the students assumed that
the larger the mass the greater the period.
This student error is suspected because students
are still difficult to distinguish the magnitude related
to determine the spring period and swing period.
Difficulties of students in differentiating magnitudes
on simple harmonic vibrations according to research
(Adolphus, Alamina and Aderonmu, 2013). Students
are still having difficulty in solving simple harmonic
motion problems due to lack of skills training in
identifying the magnitudes on simple harmonic
motion concept, the students only understand it not
yet in the deeper stage of understand.
Based on the results of research that has been done
through collaborative questioning strategy along with
web-based formative feedback can improve the
understand of the concept of simple harmonic motion.
The results showed that the average value of N-gain
of 0.65 (height) and effect size 4.52 which is in the
category is very large. This shows that the application
of collaborative questioning along with web-based
formative feedback can improve students' conception
comprehension significantly.
One of the causes of student difficulties is to
distinguish quantities of periods and frequencies.
Difficulties of students in differentiating magnitudes
on simple harmonic vibrations according to research
(Adolphus, Alamina and Aderonmu, 2013).
Adolphus states, students still have difficulty in
solving simple harmonic motion problems due to lack
of skills training in identifying the quantities on
simple harmonic motion concepts. Students
understand only not yet in the deeper stage of
understand. Formative assessment using the right
items is wrong and multiple choice through web-
based is one of the types of formative assessments
that are considered to be more helpful for students to
know the lack or weakness of their understanding of
the concept of physics (Attali and van der Kleij,
2017). In addition, formative assessment using
wrongly false and multiple-choice items can also help
teachers in providing more accurate feedback to
improve conceptual understanding more specifically
(Singh, 2008). According to Iron (2008), the most
effective feedback is the feedback given a few
minutes after the students complete the task. Thus,
providing web-based formative feedback can help
students' difficulties in understanding the concept of
simple harmonic motion.
According to (Atan et al., 2011; Anderson, 2012)
the application of collaborative questioning in the
study of physics can improve students' better
understanding of concept and able to build questions
and skills to ask students and research conducted by
(Burger and Nadirova, 2011) stated that the provision
of formative feedback is very important in learning
process. Web-based formative feedback is a means to
help the student's concept forming properly because
basically development and learning takes place while
working on various practice questions. Activities of
exchanging opinions and mutual learning in
collaborative questioning have involved students to
Can a Collaborative Questioning Strategy with Web-based Formative Feedback Improve Understanding of the Simple Harmonious Motion
develop thinking and improve conceptual understand
through web-based formative feedback so that
learning becomes more effective. Students who feel
embarrassed to ask the teacher, can ask with friends
in their respective groups. Therefore, it is necessary
to do the learning with collaborative questioning
strategy with web-based formative feedback to
improve the understand of the concept of simple
harmonic motion. Recommendations for further
researchers, the authors suggest to do research in
place of internet access smoothly so that later will
facilitate students in following the learning through
Integrating web-based formative feedback to the
collaborative questioning can help student to
understand physics concept especially on harmonic
motion. Student understanding will be better after
learning. However there are still some difficulties
experienced by students.
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research of State University of Malang fiscal year
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Can a Collaborative Questioning Strategy with Web-based Formative Feedback Improve Understanding of the Simple Harmonious Motion