Cognitive Instructional Design (CID) In Proficiency Oriented English
Instruction: The Design Principles
Yepi Sedya Purwananti
, Punaji Setyosari
, Bambang Yudi Cahyono
, Sulton
Graduate student of Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Instructional Technology Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Cognitive, Instructional Design, English, Proficiency, Principles
Abstract: English language instruction, as a foreign language, has specific characteristics comparing with other learning
instruction. The early language learning put cognitive as the basic of language learning. Learning theory is
intricately tied to Instructional Design (ID) which can be seen from the elements that branch from learning
theory and fit into the ID. Cognitive learning theory, as an early learning theory, focuses on explaining the
cognitive structures, processes and representations that mediate instruction and learning. In the process of
designing an instructional model, there are some principles that should be adapted. The four-phase cycle of
instruction proposed by Merril (2007) can be implemented in designing a Cognitive Instructional Design
(CID) in proficiency oriented English instruction. The four-phase cycle of instruction consists of
demonstration principle, application principle, activation principle and integration principle. This paper
discusses the application of four principles in designing proficiency oriented English instruction.
English becomes the most important language to be
mastered since English is the first international
language used all over the world (Sharifian, 2009).
The recent condition shows that the importance of
English can be seen from many aspects of life that
require English proficiency. Data taken from English
Proficiency Index (EPI) shows that many countries
eager to improve their proficiency of English. In
2013, Indonesia is in 25th position while in 2015 is in
32nd position (First and First, 2015). Furthermore
English develops rapidly and very complex in our
life. This, of course, demands students’ mastery of
English to be able to go along with the development
in every sector of life. A country with better
proficiency in English will have better economic
condition as well (McCormick, 2013). This statement
indicates that English proficiency influences the
economic condition of a country. One of the examples
is Singapore, which is in higher level of proficiency
than Indonesia, has better economic development. So,
that is why many countries have some efforts to
improve the quality of English mastery of the citizen.
Hongkong, for instance, allocates millions of dollar to
design appropriate English instruction and implement
it in courses. Besides, a country with better English
proficiency level will be more innovative (Tran,
2015). English has been well developed in other
sectors including business and media (Lauder, 2010).
English proficiency becomes one of the requirements
for joining certain position in business and work field.
In media, most of expressions and communications
used in media are in English which is generally
understood by many people. Those examples show
that English proficiency plays important roles in this
Looking at the importance of English, in
education field, the best model and approach of
teaching English is needed to be found and
implemented. More students, especially higher
education students, learn English in order to take
proficiency test rather than to learn English for
communication (Li, Zhong and Suen, 2012). In
Indonesia, some students in senior high school
prepare themselves to take English proficiency test in
order to help them enter qualified universities or
higher education. Furthermore, students of both
senior high school and higher education are interested
in taking English proficiency test to get standard
score in applying scholarship. Nowadays, there are
many kinds of proficiency test such as test of English
as Foreign Language (TOEFL), Test of English for
Purwananti, Y., Setyosari, P., Cahyono, B. and Sulton, .
Cognitive Instructional Design (CID) In Proficiency Oriented English Instruction: The Design Principles.
DOI: 10.5220/0008410002110215
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2018), pages 211-215
ISBN: 978-989-758-391-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
International Communication (TOEIC), International
English Language Testing System (IELTS), Business
English Certificate (BEC), and many more. One will
choose kind of the proficiency test based on his or her
need and purpose. In Indonesia, the most popular
proficiency test taken by the students is TOEFL
(Sulistyo, 2009). Meanwhile, approach and
instructional materials for English proficiency
oriented have not been discussed deeply.
In the process of learning, an individual will
change his or her knowledge or behaviour and it is
relatively permanent due to experience. Three major
learning theories that commonly used as the basis of
designing an instruction are behavioural, cognitive,
and social learning theories. Learning theory is used
as the framework in Instructional Design (ID). In
language instruction, cognitive theory is mostly used
as the approach of designing the instruction since in
the process of both acquiring and learning of
language, cognitive plays the most important roles
(Krashen, 1988). English proficiency oriented needs
special approach and design since the instruction
must be designed based on the need of getting
expected score of proficiency test.
This study is classified into literature review using
meta-analysis method. Since the source of data are
taken from books and articles of current research
results, this study reveals the concept of proficiency
oriented of English instruction from the past time and
the progress of the proficiency orientation of English
instruction. There are three phases of the research;
collecting, analysing and synthetizing.
Instructional Design (ID) and Instructional System
Design (ISD) are two common terms used by the
designer or instructor in instruction. The definition of
Instructional design (ID) is varied in some ways but
most of the definitions highlight processes. (Smith
and Ragan, 2005) define Instructional Design as “the
systematic and reflective process of translating
principles of learning and instruction into plans for
instructional materials, activities, information sources
and evaluation”. This definition underlines ID’s
scientific foundations and range of products
emanating from ID projects. Meanwhile, (Dick,
2009) simply say that ID is ISD in which ISD process
covers analysis, design, development,
implementation, and evaluation.
In the other hand, Instructional Design (ID) is
interpreted as a facet of instruction. It covers the
process of deciding what methods of instruction are
best for bringing about desired changes in student
knowledge and skills for specific course content and
a specific student population (Reigeluth, 1983). In
this case, design is viewed as a planning activity.
Since design is a planning activity, it is suggested that
the teacher or designer needs to take into her/ his
consideration all possibilities of the factors that will
influence the instructional process and outcome.
Moreover, the success of an instruction is also
determined by the quality of the planning.
Some instructional design definitions emphasize
function more than process. Instructional design (ID)
is a systematic process that is employed to develop
education and training programs in a consistent and
reliable fashion (Branch and Kopcha, 2014). Teacher
also play his /her role as designer in education so
he/she knows better what problems are there in the
instruction and also what are the best programs to be
implemented in the class. This is also in line with the
definition of instructional design proposed by
(Reigeluth, 1983) where ID is defined as a body of
knowledge that prescribes instructional actions to
optimize desired outcomes, such as achievement and
affect (Reigeluth, 1983).
The scope of ID is a vast range of activity starting
from analysis through evaluation. To some designers,
ID processes are almost same as the various design
phases. ID knowledge relates to a wide variety of
topics that impact many parts of the design process.
(Richey, Klein and Monica, 2011) picture the ID into
six content domains; learners and learning processes,
learning and performance contexts, content structure
and sequence, instructional and non-instructional
strategies, media and delivery systems, and designers
and design processes (Richey, Klein and Monica,
2011). These domains encompass a broad array of
specific elements that play a role in ID. These
domains, however, are not distinct unto themselves,
and in many cases they overlap. From this case,
learning theory is commonly used as the basis of
designing an instruction.
The primary purpose of instructional design (ID)
is to facilitate learning and improve performance.
Facilitate means to give way or facilities in the
process of teaching and learning in order to enhance
the performance of the students. As a result, theories
which explain learning are extremely relevant to
designers and the field of knowledge base. Learning
theory includes understanding the role of human
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
behaviour and mental function of the mind. In
education field, there some learning theories such as
behavioural, cognitive and social learning theories
that commonly used in ID.
The most important aspect of cognitive learning
psychology for instructional designers relates to
promoting retention of learned material. Therefore,
there are two concepts in the implication of cognitive
concept for instructional- the role of practice and
specific techniques for storing and retrieving
information (Richey, 1986). Furthermore, in ID we
know three main models in designing an instruction;
conceptual model, procedural model and
mathematical model. (Richey, 1986) presents a
conceptual model of instructional design that draws
to a considerable extent on cognitive theory and
which requires the considerations of such factors as
students’ intelligence, cognitive style, cognitive
development, and information processing skills.
In brief, cognitive learning theory provides a large
part of the theoretical base of instructional design.
Learning theory remains a significant element in ID
practice, especially as it guides designers in the
selection of instructional solutions.
Principle is defined as a relationship that is always
true under appropriate conditions regardless of the
methods or models which implement this principle.
The effectiveness, efficiency, and engagement of a
particular model or method of instructions are
functioned of the degree to which these principles are
implemented. In this paper, the writer focuses on the
principles use in designing cognitive instructional
design for English proficiency oriented. Among the
existed principles, the four-phase cycle of instruction
is considered to be the most suitable principles on it.
The four-phase cycle consists of principles of
activation, demonstration, application, and
Activation principle states that learning is
promoted when learners activate relevant cognitive
structures by being directed to recall, describe, or
demonstrate relevant prior knowledge or experience.
Learning from activation is enhanced when learners
recall or acquire a structure of organizing the new
knowledge, when the structure is the basis for
guidance during demonstration, is the basis for
coaching during application, and is the basis for
reflection during integration.
Demonstration principle implies that learning is
promoted when learners observe a demonstration of
the skills to be learned that is consistent with the type
of content being taught. Learning from
demonstrations is enhanced when learners are guided
to relate general information or an organizing
structure to specific instances. Moreover, learning
from demonstration is enhanced when learners
observe media that is relevant to the content.
Application principle explains that learning is
promoted when learners engage in application of their
newly acquired knowledge or skill that is consistent
with the type of content to be taught. Besides,
learning is effective only when learners receive
intrinsic or corrective feedback. Then, learning from
an application is enhanced when learners are coached
and when this coaching is gradually withdrawn for
each subsequent task.
Integration principle states that learning is
promoted when learners integrate their new
knowledge into their everyday life by being directed
to reflect-on, discuss, or defend their new knowledge
or skill. Learning from integration is enhanced by
peer critique and when learners create, invent, or
explore personal ways to use their new knowledge or
skill. Furthermore, learning from integration is
enhanced when learners publicly demonstrate their
new knowledge or skill.
In CID for English proficiency oriented, those
four-phase principle can be implemented in order to
design the instruction in the classroom and also
strengthen it by giving more tasks outside the
classroom. The following is the example of the
implementation of the four-phase cycle in English
proficiency oriented instruction adopting TOEFL as
the most popular proficiency test in Indonesia.
Table 1 explains that in every section of English
proficiency test (listening, structure and written
expression, and reading) can be implemented in the
four-phase cycle. TOEFL, as proficiency test,
consists of listening comprehension, structure &
written expression, and reading comprehension. In
listening, there are three parts of the learners can start
it by knowing the concept of every part as the
activation phase then listen to common expression as
the demonstration phase. While in application phase,
the learners have exercises in listening and relate the
topic of the listening exercises with the daily
activities as the integration phase.
In structure and written expression, in activation
principle the learner can start by recalling the pattern
of sentence for simple and also complex sentence.
Practice the pattern sentence by identifying and
analysing sentences can be done in demonstration
phase. While in application phase, students can
implement the knowledge of pattern in finding the
appropriate word or phrase in doing structure and
written expression exercises. Furthermore, in
Cognitive Instructional Design (CID) In Proficiency Oriented English Instruction: The Design Principles
Table 1: Example of the four-phase cycle in proficiency oriented instruction.
Recall the
concept of
Listen to the
Do exercises in
listening section
Relate the topic of
the listening section
& written
Recall pattern or
structure of
Practice the
Do exercises in
sentence analysis
Relate to the
Structure of sentence
Theory of reading
Practice the theory
Do reading
Relate the topic of
reading passage
TASK Review of the learned materials do exercises
structure and written expressions section, the
activities of recognizing the error of sentence can be
practiced by relating the structure or pattern of
sentence in any English sources. This activity belongs
to integration phase.
In reading comprehension, remembering theory
of reading such as scanning and skimming can be
done in activation phase. This activity must be
supported by learners’ vocabulary mastery as
language component. After knowing the theory, the
students must be active in using the theory in
analysing text or passage. This activity is a part of
demonstrating theory. Since the TOEFL, paper and
pencil based TOEFL, all exercises are in form of
multiple choices. The students ought to practice more
and more in reading comprehension exercise as the
application phase. The topic of reading passages or
text can be related to daily activities or trending issues
to have integration phase of reading comprehension.
All the phases in four-phase principle must be
followed by tasks. The tasks can be in form of
reviewing the material and doing the exercises. To
strengthen the students’ proficiency, teacher can
design online learning to overcome time allocation
problem in face-to-face classroom instruction. The
four-phase principles can be implemented to improve
the quality of proficiency oriented English
Learning theory is intricately tied to Instructional
Design (ID) in which it can be seen from the elements
that branch from learning theory and fit into the ID.
Cognitive as one of early theories commonly uses as
the approach in English proficiency oriented
teaching. Through the use cognitive theories,
designers can construct
appropriate design. The four-phase cycle of
instruction can be implemented in designing a
Cognitive Instructional Design (CID) in proficiency
oriented English instruction. The four-phase cycle of
instruction consists of demonstration principle,
application principle, activation principle and
integration principle.
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McCormick, C. (2013) ‘Countries with better English have
better economies’, Harvard Business Review, p. 15.
Reigeluth, R. (1983) Instructional- Design Theories and
Model vol 1 & 3, 2009. New York: Routledge.
Richey, R. (1986) ‘The Theoritical and Conceptual Bases
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ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
Smith, P. L. and Ragan, T. J. (2005) Instructional Design.
3rd edn. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Sulistyo, G. H. (2009) ‘TOEFL in a brief historical
overview from PBT to IBT’, Bahasa dan Seni, 37, pp.
Tran, M. (2015) Countries with high English Proficiency
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Cognitive Instructional Design (CID) In Proficiency Oriented English Instruction: The Design Principles