Implementing Direct Instruction Model with Mind Mapping Method
on Static Fluids
Julian Yudani, M. Arifuddin, Misbah, Dewi Dewantara
Physics Education, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Direct Instruction, Mind Mapping.
Abstract: Student physics learning outcomes is still low. So it needs to be improved by using certain models and
methods. One of the ways is by implementing direct instruction Model with mind mapping method of physics
learning. This type of research is a classroom action research that aims to improve students' physics learning
outcomes by using direct instruction model with mind mapping method. The type of research is classroom
action research that consists of 2 cycles. The research was conducted on the students of class XI IPA SMAN
11 Banjarmasin. A test was conducted to collect data onto student learning outcomes. Data were analyzed by
describing the quantitative results obtained. Student learning outcomes of cycle I had not fulfilled the success
indicator with the percentage of students who completed the classical by 54,84%. Student learning outcomes
of cycle II increased to 90.91%. Thus, the conclusion is that students' learning outcomes of static fluid
increases when a direct instruction model is applied using the mind mapping method.
The common problems affecting the world of
education in Indonesia and especially in SMAN 11
Banjarmasin is the low learning outcomes of students,
especially on the subject of physics. Based on the
final semester test results of SMAN 11 Banjarmasin
on Tuesday December 06, 2016, the result of studying
38% of students of grade XI IPA is still below the
minimum graduation criteria, which has been
determined the school is 70. This shows the results of
student learning in class XI IPA SMAN 11
Banjarmasin needs to be improved by using
appropriate teaching models and methods.
Student learning outcomes, is the ability of
students to meet a stage of achievement of learning
experiences in one basic competence (Kunandar,
2007). Bloom mentioned that the learning outcomes
consist of 3 domains: cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor. Based on this, the learning process is
characterized as a whole behavioural change both in
terms of cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The
process of change takes place, from the simplest to
the most complex that is problem solving, and the
importance of the role of personality in the process
and learning outcomes (Ruhimat, 2011).
Student learning outcomes can be improved by
the use of appropriate models and learning methods.
Learning model used in this research is direct
instruction model. The direct instruction model has
been specifically designed to teach students about the
procedural knowledge required to carry out complex
and simple skills and well-structured declarative
knowledge and can be taught step by step (Nur,
2011). Memorizing certain laws or formulas in the
field Science is an example of simple declarative
knowledge (factual information), whereas how to
operate measuring tools of science is an example of
procedural knowledge (Suyidno and Jamal, 2011).
Student learning outcomes can be improved by a
method that can be incorporated into this direct
instruction model, one of which can be used is mind
mapping. Based on Skinner's theory, the mapping is
an appropriate method of learning because all the
reinforcing elements (reinforcement) described by
Skinner such as fun, reward, conducive environments
can be applied to learning by mapping approach.
Mind mapping is an effective visual technique
that represents topics, ideas, or concepts with the help
of shapes, images, and keywords (Balım, 2013). Mind
mapping can be created using handwriting by
combining colours, drawings as well as curved
branches as desired, so mind mapping becomes not
bored to be seen visually (Syahidah, 2015). Mind
Yudani, J., Arifuddin, M., Misbah, . and Dewantara, D.
Implementing Direct Instruction Model with Mind Mapping Method on Static Fluids.
DOI: 10.5220/0008409701930196
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2018), pages 193-196
ISBN: 978-989-758-391-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mapping records all information through symbols,
images, lines, words, and colors. The mind mapping
used in this research is mind mapping type of spider
(Swadarma, 2013).
The necessary tools are very simple, among them
are paper sheets and colored pencils (Balım, 2013;
Corwin, Smith and Dubois, 2016). In mind mapping,
the main topic is depicted in the centre section, with
branches extending out of this image. Branch of the
main topic is a sub-theme. Keywords or images is
used in each branch (Polat, Yavu and Tunc, 2017). In
general, mind mapping is presented logically. This
makes students highly motivated to learn the science
aspects easily (Hallen and Sangeetha, 2015).
Physics learning by applying the mind mapping
method of the direct instruction model can improve
student learning outcomes (Venisari, Gunawan and
Sutrio, 2015). The attractiveness of the view on the
mind mapping and easy to understand by the students
so much the better (Hallen and Sangeetha, 2015).
Mind mapping can be done as an individual exercise
or group exercise, at the beginning and end of
learning (Corwin, Smith and Dubois, 2016).
The formulation of the problem of this research is
how the student learning outcomes, using direct
instruction model with mind mapping on physics
learning in class XI IPA SMA Negeri 11
This type of research is a classroom action research
that aims to improve students' physics learning
outcomes. This research was conducted for 2 cycles.
Each cycle consists of three stages: planning, action /
observation, and reflection. Subjects in this study
were students of class XI IPA SMA Negeri 11
Banjarmasin even semester (semester 2) academic
year 2016/2017 which amounted to 34 people. The
object of research is the result of student physics
learning on the implementation of direct instruction
model assisted mind mapping.
Techniques used in collecting data onto this study
were a test, to determine student learning outcomes.
The test was essay based on learning objectives as a
description of basic indicators and competencies. The
items that had been made are further validated by
experts or practitioners, then tested the test instrument
on students that have been taught the subject of static
Completeness of individual student learning, meet
the criteria of success if students were able to achieve
the minimum criterion value that had been
determined by the school was 70, while the
completeness of learning in classical meeting the
criteria of success if the number of students who
complete 70% of the total students in the class.
There are 7 items on the test result of learning cycle I
according to the purpose of learning. At the first item,
students were asked to explain what pressure means.
The second item were to calculate the hydrostatic
pressure in a certain depth. On the matter had been
known the depth and mass of mercury species. The
third item were a story about a driver of one of the flat
tires, students are asked to answer why a pressure
gauge gives a zero reading while there is still airing
inside the tire. The fourth item, students were asked
to explain the basic law of hydrostatics. The fifth item
were to calculate the height of mercury in the U pipe.
On the matter of known water level, the density of the
water and the mass of mercury the seventh item is to
analyze the ratio of water and kerosene in the tube.
On the question has been known the density of water
type, oil type mass, and hydrostatic pressure at the
bottom of the tube.
Table 1: Recapitulation of the value of the student learning
outcomes classically in cycle I.
0 69
70 100
Table 1 showed that the learning outcomes of
students who completed classically in the first cycle
amounted to 54.84% or had not achieved indicators
of success. Therefore, efforts should be made to
improved learning outcomes of cycle II. To improve
students 'learning outcomes, the next step was to
emphasized the students' ability to work on the
physics problem by optimizing the explanation when
delivering the material and sample questions.
The study continued to cycle II. In phase 1 of the
direct instruction model, the researcher conveyed the
learning objectives and prepared the students. The
learning then proceeds with the next phase. Phase 2
researchers explained the material using mind
mapping followed by explaining the example
There are 6 items in the test results of learning
cycle II in accordance with the purpose of learning.
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
At the first item, students were asked to explain about
Pascal's Law. The second item was to calculate the
force applied to a small suction by applying Pascal's
Law. On the matter had been known the force on the
large suction and cross-sectional area of each
respirator. The third item was about analyzed the
mass given to the cylinder in order for a balanced
system to use Pascal's Law. On the problem had been
known the force contained in the small suction, cross-
sectional area of each type and the type of liquid. The
fourth item, the students were asked to explain about
the Law of Archimedes. The fifth item were to
explain why a hot air balloon can apply the Law of
Archimedes. The sixth item was to analyzed the
density of objects dyed in water using the Law of
Archimedes. On the matter had been known the
weight of objects in the air, the weight of objects
when immersed in water, and the density of water.
Table 2 shows that the learning outcomes of
students who completed classically in cycle I
amounted to 90.91% or have achieved success
indicator. In phase 1 of the direct instruction model,
the teacher conveyed the goals and prepared the
students. The learning then proceeded with the next
phase. Phase 2, the teacher explains the material used
mind mapping followed by explaining the example
problem. After the problem-solving steps were
taught, the teacher guided the training to the students
in phase 3 of the direct instruction model to work on
the practice questions contained in the worksheet.
Teachers checked understanding and provided
feedback on students in phase 4. In this phase, the
teacher asked student representatives to write their
answers in front of the class. This was done to check
students' understanding. The teacher then provided
feedback, asked the other students to respond if the
answer is different from the answer written in front of
the class. Then the teacher provided reinforcement by
explaining the correct answer. The last phase was to
provide opportunities for advanced training and
implementation (phase 5). The teacher provided
advanced training on the worksheet and asked the
students to make a mind mapping based on the
material they have learned in the lesson.
Table 2 Recapitulation of the value of the test of student
learning outcomes classically in cycle II.
0 69
Not completed
3 students
70 100
30 students
Based on the data in Table 2, student learning
outcomes in cycle II increased to 90.91%. Thus,
direct instruction model with mind mapping could
improve student learning outcomes. The study
revealed that direct instruction model with mind
mapping method can improve student learning
outcomes (Venisari, Gunawan and Sutrio, 2015).
Improving student learning outcomes can be done in
direct instruction settings (Kamsinah, Jamal and
Misbah, 2016; Ahliha, Mastuang and Mahardika,
2017). As for ways to improve student learning
outcomes in addition to maximizing the time of
learning, teachers also pay more attention to students
who do not understand when learning, by asking the
rest to respond, respond or ask about what has not
been understood (Karim, Zainuddin and Mastuang,
Mind mapping also plays a major role in the
increase in these learning outcomes. It is seen from
almost all students in the class is not difficult in doing
the problem because it has been explained by the
teacher and some material summaries have been
written in the form of mind mapping. The students
showed more interest in learning the contents and to
apply it more confidentially (Hallen and Sangeetha,
2015). Mind mapping is able to show how people
understand certain concepts. In mind mapping, any
idea can be linked to another (Balım, 2013). Mind
mapping provides data onto changing students
'thinking, and helps visualize students' conceptual
changes (Corwin, Smith and Dubois, 2016). All
words and images on the mind mapping can serve as
the center of another mind map and thus lead to new
interaction patterns (Balım, 2013; Polat, Yavu and
Tunc, 2017). This new interaction pattern is
developed through each new word and image, and
many variations will be added (Polat, Yavu and Tunc,
Figure 1. Student’s mind mapping about Archimedes
Implementing Direct Instruction Model with Mind Mapping Method on Static Fluids
The conclusion is that students' learning outcomes of
static fluid increases when a direct instruction model
is applied using mind mapping method. Student
learning outcomes classically in cycle I and cycle II
increased from 54.84% with the category not
completed to 90.91% with completed category. Based
on the objectives and conclusions of this study, the
teacher has been able to solve the problem of low
student learning outcomes at SMAN 11 Banjarmasin.
Other researchers are also advised to apply the direct
instruction model is applied using mind mapping
method to solve similar problems.
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ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation