Empowering Biology Students Creative Thinking Skills in Biology
Learning of 21st Century: Guided Inquiry-Based Lesson Study
Nova Fitriani Wahdah
, Aminatur Rosyidah
, Warni Makmur
, Herawati Susilo
, Sri Endah
Student of Magister Programme, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Biology Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia.
Keywords: Creative Thinking Skills, Guided Inquiry-Based Lesson Study
Abstract: Observation result on Thursday 7th September 2017 shows that students in biology learning of 21st century
tend to be quiet and not focus on learning during the discussion process, while students who are active only
some students and tend to remain. Based on these facts, we need a strategy that help students more creative
in their learning in the classroom, one of them is guided inquiry. The aim of this study is to describe the
implementation of guided inquiry-based lesson study to improve the creative thinking skills of biology
students who take Biology learning of 21st century course. The type of this research is Classroom Action
Research. The subject of this study is all of biology education students in VII semester who took Biology
learning of 21st century course. The result of this research are (1) Guided Inquiry-Based Lesson Study can
improve students’ creative thinking skills, which can be known from observation result of students creative
thinking skills in cycle I is 70,8% increase to 73,2% in cycle II.
The general skills of master program is to increase the
capacity of learning independently (Kemendikbud,
2014). Training the students to be a self-supporting
and lifelong learners for master students could be
conducted through Field Experience Practice (Susilo,
2015). This activity was conducted in a group of 3 or
4 people who then formed Lesson Study (LS) Team.
LS team learn to teach students of biology education
FMIPA UM in different courses, depending on the
interest and choice of students. Practice activity
facilitate master students to learn, and apply directly
the knowledge and skills acquired during classroom
The Aims of Field Experience Practice (FEC) that
was conducted by the author on Biology learning of
21st century were to teach 21
century life skills, to
develop 21
century life skills, form a profesional
learning society, and produce article. Master students
guide the students of Biology learning of 21st century
to teach and trained 21
century life skills of their
friends through Lesson study to achieve this goals.
The role of Master students in this activity is as a
clinical supervisor. Master students provide a
guidance for students who are in charge to teach their
friends to develop chapter design, lesson design,
student worksheets, determine the instrument to
measure students skills that they want to develop.
Biology learning of 21
century course is a course
that teach students about many kinds of 21
life skills. This requires students to be able to master
and develop the necessary 21
century skills. Master
students are given the task of helping undergraduate
students develop their life skills, so that
undergraduate students are asked to directly practice
designing how to develop life skills of the 21st
century, then implementing it and finally measuring
the achievement of the design that has been
implemented. During the mentoring process of
undergraduate students, FEC students also carry out
LS in guiding students to implement LS in order to
develop 21
century skills.
Observations have been conducted in Biology
learning of 21
century course two times, ie on
August 24 and September 7, 2017. The results of the
observations indicated that the class was dominated
by only a few students. Students who asked questions
only five students and students who answered were
also only those students. If these five students were
distributed in different groups then this active student
Wadah, N., Rosyidah, A., Makmur, W., Susilo, H. and Indriwati, S.
Empowering Biology Students Creative Thinking Skills in Biology Learning of 21st Century: Guided Inquiry-Based Lesson Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0008409201530158
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2018), pages 153-158
ISBN: 978-989-758-391-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
will dominate in the group, thus preventing other
students from contributing their creative ideas. This
fact indicates that a learning model is needed, because
it can help students more actively study in the
classroom, so that each student can convey his idea
freely. There are a variety of learning models that can
be applied to overcome this problem. The learning
model chosen by the writer was guided inquiry model
based on lesson study with scaffolding method.
Guided inquiry model is a learning model that
helps students to find answers of questions or
problems they encounter through investigation. This
model is very suitable to help students to be active in
learning because each student in each group is asked
to look for a problem and then seek answers from
these problems. Implementation of this model is
expected to improve students' creative thinking skills
in seeking answers and solutions from problems in
the field of learning they encounter in the classroom.
Learning models that require students to conduct an
inquiry can guide students to increase the curiosity
that can be seen from the investigation of the
problems undertaken during the learning processes,
the smoothness in finding solutions, flexible thinking
that will help students look for many different
alternative solutions, and authenticity of ideas.
Implementation of inquiry learning model was
conducted through lesson study, it aims to facilitate
master students and undergraduate students who are
guided in investigating the problems that occur in the
learning process. Lewis (Ibrohim and Syamsuri,
2008) explained that the Lesson Study was chosen to
be an alternative that positively impacted the
prospective teachers and students who were taught.
Furthermore, it is explained that the Lesson Study is
an alternative way that can improve the quality of
learning and student activities, because a) the
development of Lesson Study is done and based on
the result of "sharing" of professional knowledge
based on the practice and the teaching result which is
done to the teacher; b) a fundamental emphasis on
Lesson Study, ie the quality of student learning; c) the
purpose of the lesson to be the focus and the main
point of attention in classroom learning; and e)
Lesson Study will place the main role of teacher as a
The Implementation of guided inquiry-based
lesson study is conducted through scaffolding
method. The scaffolding method is carried out by
giving direction, guidance, encouragement, giving
examples, to outlining the learning steps so that
students can grow independently. Master students
direct the undergraduate students to find problems in
the learning process in the 21
Century Biology
Learning class, then ask students to find solutions to
the problems.
The type of this research is classroom action research
with qualitative descriptive approach. This study is
conducted in two cycles, where in each cycle there are
four stages: planning, action, observation and
reflection. In each open class two Lesson Study
processes are performed. The first lesson study was
conducted by lecturer with three master students. The
results of the first lesson study then implemented to
guide the undergraduate students in implementing the
second Lesson Study. The first and second Lesson
Study consist of stage plan, do, and see. Summary of
the research activities are shown in Table 1. The
subjects of this study are 31 students of biology
education courses, who took biology learning of 21
century course.
The Lesson Study implementation data comes
from the clinical supervisor and the Lesson Study
member of undergraduate students. These data were
obtained from the monitoring sheet of the plan, do,
and see activities filled by the clinical supervisor. The
data of learning implementation came from the
clinical supervisor. Creative thinking skills data were
obtained from the results of the Mind Map assessment
made by the students at each meeting. Qualitative
data of creative thinking skills were observed from
the activities of Plan, Do, and See which were carried
out by groups who taught their friends. The research
procedure in this Classroom Action Researh (CAR) is
more unique than usual. Researchers here not only
guide students in the classroom, but also provide
guidance for students who will teach their friends.
The first step of CAR is plan, same like Lesson
Study (LS). Master students observe the learning
activity to find a problem. After that master students
and lecturer work collaboratively to find a solution.
At this step master students decide who will teach and
who will observe the learning activity (Amri, 2013).
The second step is action, in LS it called Do.
Master students as the lecturer do the action. Master
students ask the learning biology of 21
students to make four groups (the first step of guided
inquiry). Each group of bachelor students should
observe the 21
century skills weakness of their
friends. After they found their friends weakness, they
should solve it by doing lesson study (the second step
of guided inquiry). After that master students guide
bachelor students to make a plan for solving the
problem (the third step of guided inquiry). Bachelor
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
students are asked to implementing their plan for
developing their friend’s 21
century skills by using a
learning model. During the action, the observers
observed the learning activity of bachelor students in
classroom and outside of classroom –planning step of
bachelor students.
The last step is reflection, in LS called See. There
are two kinds of See. The first See is held by bachelor
students with master students. This activity is
conducting after the action of bachelor students. At
this step, the next group can find the problem that they
should solve. The last step of bachelor degree is
writing report. The second See is doing by master
students and lecturer. The result of guided inquiry
implementation based lesson study is written in this
Table 1: Classroom action research plan.
CAR cycles
Topic LS member
Date of
Plan Do See
I (guided
lesson study)
century as century of
Indah Syafinatu Z.
Kuni Mawaddah
Leviana Erina
Lia Kusuma W.
Lydia Bayu F.
Nikita Rizky
Developing curriculum and
assessment of 21
Amien Fadli
Anggun Risma A.
M. Nasrul Fuad
M Feri S. F.
Siti Ma’rifah
& 3
5 October
5 October
II (guided
lesson study)
Developing and measuring
life skills (ICT: Digital
Literacy, Visual Literacy,
and Technological
Literacy) in 21
Indah Syafinatu Z.
Kuni Mawaddah
Leviana Erina
Lia Kusuma W.
Lydia Bayu F.
Nikita Rizky
& 1
Learning model and
method for 21
learning (Inquiri, Problem
Based Learning and Project
Based Learning)
Anisa Fitria
Arif Affandi
Firda A. Z.
Rifda Zulfa
Riska May H.
10 & 14
Table 2: Guided Inquiry-based lesson study
No. Cycle I Cycle II
1. 75% 95%
3.1 Implementation of guided inquiry-
based lesson study
The percentage of instruction in guided inquiry
syntax shows an increase from cycle I of 75% to cycle
II of 95% , seen in Table 2.
The implementation of the learning process in the
first cycle reached 75%. The achievement of syntax
implementation does not reach 100% because the
clinical supervisor should guide the students who still
do not understand the models that will be used in
delivering the learning materials. Data collection to
prove the hypothesis that has been arranged still not
directed. Students who do the modelling have not
been able to make records of student activities that are
taught. The implementation of the second cycle has
reached 95%. Not reaching the syntax until 100% is
due to busy students who have to divide the time in
implementing the plan with thesis writing interfere
with the achievement of syntax. Students are very
difficult to be invited to implement the Plan due to
their respective activities.
3.2 Lesson study implementation
The implementation of the Lesson Study is derived
from the monitoring sheet of the Lesson Study which
is filled by the observers. The analysis was done by
dividing the scores obtained with the maximum score
then multiplied by 100%. The results of monitoring
Empowering Biology Students Creative Thinking Skills in Biology Learning of 21st Century: Guided Inquiry-Based Lesson Study
the implementation of Lesson Study can be shown in
Table 3.
Based on Table 3, it can be seen that all the stages
of Lesson Study have been done well. The average of
the implementation of the plan phase is 92.18% which
is included in the criteria of well done implemented.
The average of performing stage is 91,61% which is
included in the criterion of well done implemented.
The average implementation phase of the see stage is
100% which falls into the criteria of well done
implemented. Lesson Study in this study is very
helpful for clinical supervisor in knowing the
problems that are not observed by the
Table 3: Monitoring result of lesson study implementation.
The score of Lesson study implementation
3 100
4 87,5
clinical supervisor, especially information about the
student learning process during learning process take
place. Clinical supervisor can improve learning based
on information submitted by the observers about
student learning activeness. In addition, the stage that
can be done after the activity can be used as the basis
for the preparation of the lesson plan for the next
meeting. The success of learning cannot be separated
from the information as advice and input from the
observers and supervisors in the stage of See.
Lesson study guides clinical supervisor what to
focus in discussing about plan, do, and see on
classroom learning (Kuramoto and Huiting, 2012).
Plan was conducted for discussing about the
preparation of learning scenarios, where LS members
provide advice to teacher model who will teach in
open class, resulting in good planning and can
achieve the learning objectives to be delivered in the
classroom. In this research, the stage of the plan is
also to produce lesson plan which contains detailed
learning scenarios and operational steps, other
learning tools, such as student worksheet, scoring and
evaluation format, preparation of instructional media,
and agreement of members who will become teacher
model. This is in accordance with the importance of
the plan described by (Susilo, Chotimah and Sari,
2011) that the plan aims to produce a learning design
that is believed to be able to teach students effectively
and generate student participation in learning. This
planning is done collaboratively by several teachers
who belong to a Lesson Study group. Usually it was
established first who among the LS team who will
become the teacher (teacher model), then the clinical
supervisor compile lesson plan. The teacher then
meet and share ideas to refine the design of learning
that has been drawn up by teacher model to generate
ways of organizing teaching materials, learning
process, and preparation of learning aids that are
considered the best. All components contained in this
learning design are then simulated before being
implemented in the classroom. At this stage also set
observation procedures and instruments required in
the observation. Plan, do, see, activities are shown in
Figure 1.
3.3 Creative Thinking Skills
Lesson study can help pre service teacher to improve
their creative thinking (Adams, 2013). The
percentage of students' creative thinking skills
showed improvement in the first meeting and the last
meeting, but experienced a decrease in the second and
third meetings shown in Table 4.
The improvement of students creative thinking skills
has been seen from 71% become 76%. However at
the second and third meeting there was a decline. This
is because some of students do not gather their mind
map to the clinical supervisor. Another reason that
causes CTS decrease is LS team choose a wrong
model to teach their friends. Lesson study team does
not develop creative thinking skills, they develop
communication skills.
Mind map created by students shows the level of
creativity of the students. The highest aspect of
students' creative thinking skills is the fluency aspect.
Students are very fluent in mentioning the branches
of the mind map they have built. (Buzan, 2006;
Evrekli, Balim and İnel, 2009) state that branch-level
growth outward shows the number of creative ideas
added in the mind. Making a mind map that is done
independently trains students' interpersonal
intelligence. This intelligence raises the confidence
and belief in the ability that is owned (Dewi and
Indrawati, 2014). The lowest aspect of creative
thinking skills is elaboration. Students still have
difficulties in giving illustrations of each branch they
make, students tend to write only words without
ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation
giving illustrations in the form of figure or other
Improved mind map results show that students are
increasingly skilled in creative thinking. These results
are consistent with the research of (Keleş, 2012)
which concludes that mind maps are an effective and
positive learning medium for enhancing student
creativity demonstrated through the use of color and
mind map form. (Wang, Lee and Chu, 2010) also
stated that the use of mind maps makes it easier for a
person to remember information. The problem of
students' creative thinking skill can be overcome with
guided inquiry
Figure 1: Plan, do, and see activities.
Table 4: Creative thinking skills (CTS) of students.
CTS Aspects Cycle I Cycle II
Elaboration 66 63 63 68
Fluency 80 81 78 85
Flexibility 62 64 68 75
Originality 73 73 71 74
CTS scores 71 70 70 76
learning model. The ability of students in designing
learning activities has increased. At the first meeting
of group 1 consisting of Kuni, Nikita, Lia, Lidya and
Levia are still confused how to start designing a
lesson plan. The clinical supervisor responds to the
student's inclination, so the clinical supervisor gives
the question of herding as "how are the characteristics
of the material you will convey?" Kuni replied "the
characteristics of the material we will convey are still
just reading, and we have difficulties in finding the
material we will convey we've searched on wikipedia
and other sources but none ". Clinical supervisor
suggest "you should not be fixated on the source of
Indonesian language, because very few Indonesian
resources who discuss about it. Try to search with the
English keyword." In the next meeting, this first
group had finished designing chapter design, lesson
design, student’s worksheet and papers that become
teaching materials that they will use.
The second group consisting of Siti, Anggun,
Amin, Fuad, and Fery. This group was more creative
than the previous group. This second group learnt
from previous group experiences and instantly
determines the issues they will pick up. The material
to be taught by group two was curriculum
development. The creativity level of the second
groups was higher than the first group by designing
the learning that produces the product in the form of
a poster.
The modeling group at the third meeting was still
the same as the second meeting, but they did not
produce the product. At this meeting the second group
more focused on the demonstration of student
communication skill development, so the method
chosen was the method of debate.
The fourth modeling group is Alfan, Firda, Rifda,
Anisa and Ayu. The motivation of this group in
implementing the plan were very low, but when the
lecturers provide the stimulus in the form of questions
they start to give a positive response. The level of
student creativity in this last group was the same as
the first group. However, the efforts of this group
have been maximized.
Based on the research results it could be concluded as
follows. Guided inquiry-based lesson study can
improve students' creative thinking skills. This can be
known from the results of mind map assessment in
the first cycle of 70% increased to 73% in cycle II or
experienced an increase of 3%. With the Lesson
Study, lesson plan can be produced well so that the
Empowering Biology Students Creative Thinking Skills in Biology Learning of 21st Century: Guided Inquiry-Based Lesson Study
model lecturers can be better prepared to do the
learning and can make students more able to
empower the creativity of students in designing
learning activities.
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ICLI 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation