Abnormal Menstrual Period of Hockey Athlete: Association with
Body Fat Percentage and Dietary Fat Intake
Syifa Khaerunnisa
, Debby Endayani Safitri
and Leni Sri Rahayu
Study programme of nutrition: Faculty of health science, Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA University, South Jakarta,
Keywords: Abnormal Menstrual Period, Body Fat Percentage, Fat Intake, Hockey Athlete
Abstract: Most women athletes have an abnormal menstrual period due to decreasing estrogen and progesterone. This
study aimed to analyze the association between body fat percentage and fat intake in a hockey athlete. This
was a cross-sectional study with purposive sampling. This study was conducted in East Jakarta region in July
2018. The analysis involved 40 participants of Hockey Women Athlete. Body fat percentage was measured
using skinfold caliper, while dietary fat intake was estimated using 24 hours recall. Most participants had
oligomenorrhea (62,5%), body fat percentage less than 22% (70,0%), and low dietary fat intake (57,5%).
Body fat percentage was significantly associated (p<0,05) with abnormal menstrual period but dietary fat
intake was not associated (p>0,05) with an abnormal menstrual period of Hokey Women athlete.
An abnormal menstrual period is a disruption during
menstruation which consists of bleeding patterns,
abnormalities in the amount of blood release, and
duration of bleeding (Kusmiran, 2012). Abnormal
menstrual period; such as polymenorrhea,
oligomenorrhea, and amenorrhea; are often
experienced by athletes. Female athletes are included
in risk group for menstrual disorders, that is around
50%. There was an association between weekly
running distance and the prevalence of amenorrhea,
nearly 28% of 40-mile runners per week compared to
amenorrhea, and at 80 miles of runners a week
compared to amenorrhea by 45%; whereas ordinary
women who experience amenorrhea are only about
2%(Bean A, & Wellington, 2010).
Low body fat is related to menstrual cycle
disorders(Khans dan Burkner, 2009). Dr. Frisch,
Harvard University, said that women who
experienced a weight loss of 12-15% had a greater
chance of experiencing a break in the menstrual cycle.
Intake of energy and macronutrients, such as
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins related to the
composition of body fat. Also, these macronutrients
also affect energy use for athletes. Hockey is a sports
game that uses aerobic and anaerobic metabolism.
The most important nutritional role in hockey is fat
(Kemenkes, 2014).
The risk of soft tissue injury and stress fractures
has happened commonly in athletes who experience
a short menstrual cycle. Besides, infertility, early
atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, and cancer of the
reproductive organ can also occur (Mellion, Morris
B., 2009). Estrogen loss is occurring in women who
have an excessive activity or excessive exercise.
Estrogen hormones will decrease after regular
exercise (Wiarto, 2013). All sex hormones are
steroids that are converted from precursor molecules
through cholesterol to their final form. Cholesterol is
a steroid precursor stored in large quantities in theca
cells. Follicle maturation is regulated by GnRH.
Khaerunnisa, S., Safitri, D. and Rahayu, L.
Abnormal Menstrual Period of Hockey Athlete : Association with Body Fat Percentage and Dietary Fat Intake.
DOI: 10.5220/0008380700610065
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Deter minants of Health (ICSDH 2018), pages 61-65
ISBN: 978-989-758-362-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Thus, low fat in the body can interfere with GnRH
secretion in female athletes and interfere with GnRH
secretion that causing the menstrual irregularities
athletes (Paath, Rumdasih, & Heryati, 2005).
This research belongs to quantitative research
with a cross-sectional research design. The
population in this research includes 45 female hockey
athletes. The inclusion criteria for the sample of this
research willing to be a subject in the research, aged
19-25 years, are not married. Whereas the exclusion
criteria include smoking, using hormonal medicine or
long-term therapeutic medicines, extremely losing
weight (it's 2kg / week), menarche age> 16 years, and
vegetarian. This research employs purposive
sampling and selected 40 samples that fulfill the
inclusion and exclusion criteria.
The primary data were collected in 2x24 hours
through food recall interviews, filling out
questionnaires related to the menstrual cycle, and
measuring body fat using skinfold in female athletes
in Jakarta State University hockey associations and
Hockey at Indonesian College of Economics. The
results of body fat data percentage obtained by
measurements using skinfold caliper on the triceps,
biceps, subscapular, and suprailiac sections were then
calculated using the Lohman formula. Furthermore, it
is categorized into two. First was Risk, if percent
body fat ≤22%, and second is not at risk, if body fat
percent> 22%(Stokic & Scrdic, 2014). Meanwhile,
the results of the intake data were calculated using the
Indonesian Food Composition Table. Furthermore, it
is categorized into two: Less (if fat intake is <60%
compared to total energy requirements) and Normal
(if fat intake is 90%-110% compared to total energy
requirements). The results of the menstrual cycle data
were obtained through the date of the first day of the
last menstrual cycle and the date of the first day of the
last two menstrual cycles. Then, the distance between
menstrual cycles was calculated and categorized into
two: the duration of the menstrual cycle disorder (if
polymenorrhea (menstrual cycle <21 days),
Oligomenorrhea (menstrual cycle>35 days) and
Normal (menstrual cycle 21-35 days) (Kusmiran,
Bivariate analysis of data was done and the chi-
squared test of significance was done where
appropriate. Logistic regression analysis was
performed to investigate factors associated with
menstrual disorders.
The research found that some subjects were
included in the category of body fat risk percentage
(70.0%) with the average body fat percentage of was
20.40%, and the body fat percentage of subjects was
between 5.62% and 47.33%. Also, some of the
subjects fat intakes are included in the category of
less fat intake (57.5%) and 62.5% of subjects
experienced menstrual cycle disorders, that was
oligomenorrhea (Table 1).
Table 1: Body fat, fat intake, and abnormal menstrual
Body Fat
At Risk
Not at Risk
Fat Intake
Abnormal Menstrual Period
Table 2 shows that menstrual cycle disorders
occur more in subjects who have body fat risk
percentage 78.6% compared to subjects who have
body fat percentage of not being at risk (33.3%). This
shows that there is a tendency for body fat percentage
to be at risk with menstrual cycle disorders. The lower
the percentage of body fat, the more the subject is at
risk of experiencing menstrual cycle disorders. The
results of the statistical tests performed showed a p-
value of 0.011. It means that there was a relation
between body fat percentage and menstrual cycle
disorders. Subjects who experienced menstrual cycle
disorders 2,357 times were more at risk compared to
those who were not at risk. This research is in
accordance with the research conducted by
Wahyuningsih (2014), mentioning that body fat
percentage is associated with abnormal menstrual
period, in which 66.7% of athletes have less body fat
percentage and experience abnormal menstrual
Abnormal menstrual period occurs more in
subjects with less fat intake (69.6%) compared to
subjects with normal fat intake (58.5%). It shows that
there was a tendency for less fat intake with menstrual
cycle disorders. The less fat intake, the more the
subject is at risk of menstrual cycle disorders. There
was no relation between fat intake and cycle
disturbances (p>0.05). This happens because not only
ICSDH 2018 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
fat intake, but also energy, carbohydrate, and protein
intake can affect the composition of body fat, which
will result in menstrual cycle disruption.
Table 2: Associations of Body Fat and Fat Intake with
Menstrual Period.
Menstrual Period
n (%)
Body Fat
At Risk
6 (28,4)
Not at
8 (66,7)
Fat Intake
7 (30,4)
7 (41,2)
Fisher Exact
A person's body fat level is mostly related to the
level of activity and food intake, one of which is
energy intake (Wiarto, 2013). Energy is the result of
the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
contained in foods that a person takes. Energy
functions as energy for metabolism, growth,
temperature regulation, and physical activity. Thus,
energy intake that exceeds the needs will be stored as
energy reserves in the form of body fat (Thompson,
D., Karpe, F., Lafontan, M., Frayn, 2012)
In sports activities, such as hockey, which is
carried out with high intensity and requires fast power
such as when running to catch a ball. When hitting the
ball hard, the body's energy metabolism will run
anaerobically through energy sources obtained from
PCr and glycogen deposits. Whereas, when doing low
intensity, the energy source is obtained from
carbohydrate, fat and protein deposits. Then when
exercising, body energy savings, carbohydrate
deposits (blood glucose, muscle, and liver glycogen)
and fat deposits in the form of triglycerides will
contribute to the rate of energy production aerobically
in the body. Among the three deposits of nutrients
that become the main energy source when exercising
are carbohydrates and fats (Kemenkes, 2014).
In athletes, there are several metabolic and
morphological changes if the exercise is carried out
for several days or weeks. Metabolic changes that
occur depend on the type of exercise with the use of
aerobic or anaerobic energy system (Wilmore, Jack
H. Costill, 2008). Then, in athletes, there will be a
maximum burning of calories and fat. Although the
athlete's intake is high, burning in her body will also
remain high and will lessen the body fat percentage.
In this research, it was found that the food intake of
respondents had not reached optimal or less. The lack
of food intake with high exercise intensity and
metabolic adaptation will result in high-fat burning,
causing no fat deposits in the body, causing the body
fat percentage of respondents to be low.
The minimum body fat percentage needed to
achieve menarche is 17% (Stokic & Scrdic,
2014)while the minimum body fat percentage
required to maintain menstrual cycle regularity is
22%. In this study, it was found that 70% of subjects
had a risk of body fat percent, which is <22% with an
average body fat percentage of 20.40% and the body
fat percentage of subjects is between 5.62% and
47.33%. This indicates that most of the subjects body
fat is below 22% which can be at risk of experiencing
menstrual cycle disorders. Thus, female athletes
should pay more attention to optimal intake and
composition of body fat so that they are not at risk of
suffering abnormal menstrual period and have long-
term effects, such as infertility, cancer of reproductive
organs and other problems (Mellion, Morris B.,
Body fat is one of the factors that play an
important role in maintaining the regularity of the
menstrual cycle. Fat tissue in the body is needed to
synthesize female reproductive hormones. All sex
hormones are steroids that are converted from
precursor molecules through cholesterol to their final
form. Cholesterol as a precursor steroid is stored in
large quantities in theca cells. Follicle maturation is
regulated by GnRH. Thus, low fat in the body can
interfere with GnRH secretion in female athletes and
then interfere with GnRH secretion, causing athletes
to experience menstrual irregularities (Paath et al.,
In this research, it was found that 69.6% of
subjects had less fat intake. This can be because when
the data were collected, some respondents claimed to
be on a diet by limiting their food intake to reduce
weight for excellent performance during a match.
Besides, most respondents said they were
experiencing stress so that their appetite was reduced.
The diet of female hockey athletes is still not
appropriate, such as eating only twice a day.
Also, some respondents did not eat breakfast and
practiced hockey for 4 hours. Some athletes pay little
attention to what foods are consumed, such as
frequent consumption of instant noodles, and other
snacks. However, some other respondents ate food
with more carbohydrates and vegetables than protein
Abnormal Menstrual Period of Hockey Athlete : Association with Body Fat Percentage and Dietary Fat Intake
and others. It can cause less fat intake. Meanwhile,
Wahyuningsih (2013) stated that eating patterns for
an athlete can be fulfilled in three meals (morning,
afternoon and night) and by paying attention to the
addition of certain types of food to provide energy
during training and matches. Thus, hockey athletes in
the research have not paid attention to the quality of
food that must be chosen. Besides, they did not
consider the fat intake needs. In fact, fat is also
beneficial for athletes who need long-running
activities, such as hockey.
Intake of nutrients consumed by athletes will
produce energy and fat which are useful as building
materials and regulators in the body. This nutrient is
needed by athletes in fulfilling daily nutritional needs
that will be used in carrying out daily tasks, exercises,
and physical activities that will support athletic
physical fitness (Maulana & Sulistyarto, 2016).
Fat intake related to the menstrual cycle is equal
to a percentage of body fat, but the latter is the most
influential. It happens because the percentage of body
fat is fat deposits in the long term, while fat intake can
change. If the energy savings are too much, it will be
stored in the form of fat in the body. Food
consumption affects the percentage of body fat. Also,
the excess energy from food fat intake is easily stored
as body fat compared to excess energy from
carbohydrates (Heriyanto, 2012). Also, to convert
excess carbohydrates into body fat, it takes 23% of
the calories digested. Meanwhile, to turn excess fat
into body fat, only 3% of calories are ingested. It is
consistent with the research conducted in
Switzerland, in that of the 2000 calorie carbohydrates
consumed by one group, only 40 calories from excess
carbohydrates are converted into body fat. This is
because the body is more efficient at converting fat
into body fat, compared to turning carbohydrates into
body fat (Clark, 1996).
Fat is undoubtedly influential at the level of
secretion and balance of reproductive hormones that
regulate menstruation in the body because adipose
tissue is significant in forming, converting, and
storing reproductive hormones in regulating the
menstrual cycle. Low levels of body fat can result in
low estrogen levels associated with infertility.
Meanwhile, the amount of increased body fat will
increase the amount of estrogen in the blood so that
the menstrual cycle becomes longer. Excess body fat
can also cause blood vessel hyperplasia which is the
pressure of blood vessels by fat tissue. If this happens
to the female reproductive organs, the blood that
should flow during the menstrual process is disrupted,
resulting in longer menstruation and irregular
menstrual cycles (Rakhmawati A and Dieny FF.,
The majority of female hockey athletes in East
Jakarta are at risk of body fat and less fat intake. There
is a relation between body fat percentage and
menstrual cycle disorders of female hockey athletes
in East Jakarta region. There was no relation between
fat intake and menstrual cycle disruption of female
hockey athletes in East Jakarta.
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Abnormal Menstrual Period of Hockey Athlete : Association with Body Fat Percentage and Dietary Fat Intake