A Description of Cadre Motivation of Community TB-HIV Care
Aisyiyah in Sukoharjo and Sragen District
Mitoriana Porusia
, Desy Aulia Abshor
Public Health Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Jl. A Yani Tromol Pos no 1 Pabelan Kartasura Sukoharjo, Indonesia
Keywords: Tuberculosis Suspects, Motivation, Cadre.
Abstract: Tuberculosis is a major cause of death in most countries. Community TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah is a non-
governmental organization of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia that actively seeks TB suspects. Cadres of the
Community TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah in Sragen and Sukoharjo regencies have not been able to meet the
target of 1000 TB suspects / semester. This study aims to describe the motivation of cadres of Community
TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah Sukoharjo and Sragen and the correlation between the motivation and TB suspect
finding. This type of research was analytic observational with cross sectional approach. The object of the
study was all cadres of Community TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah in Sragen and Sukoharjo. The data were
analyzed through description and Exact Fisher test. The results showed that the cadres are likely to do the
job sincerely. However, there is correlation between opinion of attractive reward and target achievement of
TB suspect finding. Reward in the form of money tends to be a motivation to achieve the target of TB
suspect finding. Therefore, it is suggested that principal member of the community can hold regular
recitations meeting to refresh the cadre’s motivation and consider to increase the reward to appreciate the
cadres of achieving the target of TB suspect finding.
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease
caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis which
attacks various organs or tissues of the body,
especially the lungs (Widoyono, 2011). According
to WHO, the number of tuberculosis case is higher
than HIV / AIDS. In 2016, it was estimated that
there were 10.4 million new cases of tuberculosis, or
142 cases / 100,000 populations. 60% of new cases
occurred in 6 countries: India, Indonesia, China,
Nigeria, Pakistan and South Africa (WHO, Global
Tuberculosis Report, 2017). In Indonesia, the
highest rate was reported in West Java with 23,774
people, East Java with 21,606 people and Central
Java with 14,139 people (Ministry of Health, 2016).
According to Widoyono (2011), the national strategy
of TB prevention refers to the DOTS recommended
by WHO. The discovery of TB patients in this
strategy is done passively (passive case-finding).
Directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS) is
indeed a comprehensive step to tackle TB, but this
strategy did not run optimally, as evidenced by the
government's lack of targets in the efforts to
overcome the spread of TB cases. Alternative TB
eradication program with active case finding is to
capture suspected pulmonary TB by involving the
community organizations (Wahyudi, 2010). One
community organization under the Muhammadiyah
organization that is active in TB control is
Community TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah
Based on the Principal Recipient of TB-HIV
Care Aisyiyah in 2017, Aisyiyah established a
community that participates with the government in
the efforts to eradicate TB. The community is called
Community TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah and includes
secondary and primary fund managers from the
Principal Recipient (PR). The program of this
community has been implemented in several areas;
some of them are in Central Java Province,
particularly Sukoharjo and Sragen. The cadres of the
community in both regencies found 566 TB suspects
in 2017. The number reached 26% in Boyolali
Regency, 87% in Sragen Regency, 81% in
Karanganyar Regency, 38% in Sukoharjo Regency,
Porusia, M. and Abshor, D.
A Description of Cadre Motivation of Community TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah in Sukoharjo and Sragen District.
DOI: 10.5220/0008370500200023
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2018), pages 20-23
ISBN: 978-989-758-362-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and 44% in Klaten Regency. The number has not
fulfilled the target of 1.000 suspects per semester.
In fact, the finding depends on the performance
of the cadres in the community of TB-HIV Care
Aisyiyah in accomplishing several tasks. They
include counseling, finding the suspects, and
assisting the patients with MDR TB and TB-HIV
with DOTS strategy. However, the cadres have not
reached the target of TB suspect through active case-
finding. They only provided information to the
target community when there is an event. Indeed,
they did not take the initiative to do the counseling.
As a matter of fact, the cadres should be highly
motivated, especially in accomplishing the
counseling task. According to Porusia and Iswari
(2018), the cadres of community TB-HIV Care
Aisyiyah Surakarta are likely able to find more
suspects when they receive higher reward in the
form of money. However, this result was analyzed
from secondary data. Therefore, it is important to
look for the primary data by interviewing the cadres
about their motivation to find TB suspect. This
research aimed to describe the motivation of the
community cadres of TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah
Sukoharjo and Sragen and the correlation between
the motivation and TB suspect finding.
This type of research is analytical research with an
observational approach and uses cross sectional
study design. This study aims to describe the
motivation of the Community TB-HIV Care cadres
of Aisyiyah in seeking TB suspects and to
acknowledge their motivation in the discovery of TB
suspects in Sukoharjo and Sragen Regency. The
study was conducted in March-June 2018. The
population of this study included the cadres of TB-
HIV Care community Aisyiyah in Sukoharjo and
Sragen Regency which worked for 1 year starting
December 2016-December 2017 and attended
relevant training. By using total sampling method,
the research took 77 respondents. The measuring
instrument used is questionnaire that contains the
reasons, motivations of each cadre, and the target of
TB suspect. Univariate analysis was employed to
describe the cadres’ motivation while bivariate test
using Exact Fisher test was used to correlate the
motivation and the target of finding TB suspect.
Ethical approval was provided by the Ethical
Research Committee of Universitas Muhammadiyah
Percentage of cadre characteristic is displayed
in the chart below.
Gambar 1. Characteristic of Cadre
There were 77 respondents participated in
this research. Most of them aged between 36-55
years old (40% middle-aged adults and 90%
women). Thirty seven respondents graduated from
high school and forty seven of the total numbers
were working. Most of them have been joining this
organization for more than 15 months. All of them
admitted that finding TB suspect is a tenet of
ISLAM religion that teaches them to help others and
98% of them confessed that they do the task
sincerely. However, 75% of the respondents felt that
the task interrupts their time. Eighty two percent of
the respondents felt that the reward was not
attractive and 98% of the respondents declared that
they do this activity apart from the award. Despite
the results, the target was achieved by the majority
of cadres (60 people or 78%).
Based on the correlation test using Exact
Fisher Test, there is a correlation between the
opinion of attractive reward and target achievement
of suspect finding (p=0.031, <0.05). On the other
hand, there is no correlation between sincerity to
find suspect and target achievement of suspect
finding (p=1, >0.05).
Aisyiyah is a branch organization of
Muhammadiyah that empower women as its
member. Thus, the cadres of the Community TB-
HIV Care Aisyiyah are mostly women. In
Muhammadiyah organization, the members believe
that ISLAM teaches its follower to do Amar Ma’ruf
A Description of Cadre Motivation of Community TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah in Sukoharjo and Sragen District
Nahi Munkar which means ‘enjoining good,
forbidding wrong’. It is recited from Quran surah
Luqman (17) “O my child, set up a prayer and tell
people to do good and prevent them from doing
wrong and be patient with what happens to you.
Indeed, those include things that are required”.
Therefore, Community TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah
empowers women to find and assist the TB suspects
as an effort to control Tuberculosis disease.
As mentioned earlier, most of the respondents
aged between 36-55 years old (middle-aged adults,
40%). Almost 60% of the respondents are working.
They voluntarily take part in the community even if
they are working. Seventy five percent of them felt
that the task was interrupting their time. Those who
have been in the community for more than 15
months tend to be highly motivated because they are
fully dedicated. It is proven by the research
conducted by Ardiani (2016) that the length of
service affects motivation.
The cadres, as much as 98%, admitted that
finding the TB suspect teaches them to help others.
According to Green theory, this belief is included
into predisposing factors, derived from the field of
public health which has been in the context of L. W.
Green's PRECEDE-PROCEED model of community
health promotion planning and evaluation (Green
and Kreuter, 1999). Green's PRECEDE-PROCEED
model group divides factors into three types:
predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors.
"Predisposing factors" are defined as factors that
exert their effects prior to occurring behavior, by
increasing or decreasing a person or population's
motivation to undertake particular behavior.
Predisposing characteristics were seen to include
demographic factors (gender and age), behavioral
intentions, and the psychological realm which
include people's knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, self-
efficacy, values, social structure, and existing skills.
In this research, the belief that helps others by
finding TB suspect as part of ISLAM tenet is
included into predisposing factor, in that all cadres
agreed to do this job. From religious aspect, the
cadres should participate voluntarily and sincerely.
However, it was found that there is no correlation
between sincerity and target achievement of suspect
finding (p=1, >0.05).
On the other hand, 98% respondents declared
that they do the job apart of the reward and 82%
respondents stated that the reward was not attractive.
In community TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah, the cadre is
given about Rp15.000 ($1) to find one TB suspect.
Each has a responsibility to reach find around 18-20
TB suspect per semester. The target of finding TB
suspect is achieved only by 60 people (78%).
However, based on the correlation test using Exact
Fisher Test, there is a correlation between the
opinion of attractive reward and target achievement
of suspect finding (p=0.031, <0.05). Besides, there is
enabling factor that make people change their
behavior. Enabling factor includes the accessibility
of the sources and accommodations, the educational
classes, the family support, and the skills (Green and
Kreuter, 1999). The reward in the form of money is
also considered as the enabling factors. It is assumed
that the money received by the cadre is to appreciate
their work.
When the research was conducted, the cadre said
that the purpose of their participation is in
accordance with the Islamic teaching Amar Ma'ruf
Nahi Munkar. Some cadres do not expect any
rewards because from the beginning they only want
to help the government in TB eradication programs.
However, the need for rewards for cadres helps to
build their motivation. According to Djuhaeni
(2010), incentives as part of external motivational
factors were not expected by the community.
Rewards can be in the form of certificates or gift
awarded to outstanding cadres, as it will be more
memorable. A person's motivation arises when given
the opportunity and feedback from what has been
done, therefore an award is needed so that someone
feels cared and guided when making an effort. This
is in line with Malayu's study (2005), stating that
incentives are additional remuneration given to
employees and this incentive is used to support their
work. This is reinforced by the research conducted
by Megawati (2004), who said that all cadres can get
incentives of varying amounts among cadres. Even
though they do voluntary job, but cadres may expect
some incentives. According to Porusia and Iswari
(2018), if incentives increase, the number of
suspected TB findings tends to increase. Although
the predisposing factor is fulfilled, which is the
sincerity as part of religion belief, the enabling
factor should be supported as well by giving the
appropriate reward in the form of money to the
The cadres have been trained in the beginning of
recruitment process. However, this training should
be repeated periodically to give new information
related to TB. An important component that has a
direct effect on improving performance is
knowledge (Yaslis, 2001). Notoadmodjo (2007) said
that cadre behavior which is based on knowledge is
more significant compared to those that are not
based on knowledge. In addition, Wahyudi (2010)
said that there is correlation between knowledge of
health and TB suspect discovery. Adequate
knowledge about TB is likely to boost the cadres to
ICSDH 2018 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
find TB suspect. Wahyudi's research (2010)
mentioned that motivation is a driving factor for
someone to act. The stronger the motivation, the
easier it is for someone to move (p value = 0.012).
Therefore, it is suggested that the principal member
of Community TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah can hold
regular meetings to refresh the cadres’ motivation
and take a consideration to increase the reward in the
form of money to persuade the cadres to achieve the
target of TB suspect finding.
The results showed that most cadres participate
in TB suspect finding because of religion and they
admitted to be sincere. However, there is a relation
between money reward and target achievement of
suspect finding (p = 0.031, <0.05). It showed that
the cadres are likely to do this job sincerely.
Nevertheless, the money reward has become the
motivation to achieve the target of TB suspect
finding. Therefore, it is suggested that principal
member of Community TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah can
hold regular meetings or recitations to refresh the
cadres’ motivation and take a consideration to
increase the reward to persuade them to achieve the
target. It is recommended that the next researchers
conduct experimental research about the
performance of the cadres who received higher
reward and regular training in achieving the target of
TB suspect finding.
The author would express their gratitude to
Allah SWT for the blessing given. The authors
sincerely thank Universitas Muhammadiyah
Surakarta that has supported this research and also to
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A Description of Cadre Motivation of Community TB-HIV Care Aisyiyah in Sukoharjo and Sragen District