The Effectiveness of Group Activity Therapy:Aerobic Low Impact
(Poco-Poco) to Socialization Ability in Social Isolation Patients
Siti Munawaroh, Dya Sustrami, Ninik Ambar Sari
and Nur Muji Astuti
STIKES Hang Tuah Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Aerobic Low Impact (Poco-Poco), Social Isolation Patients, Socialization Ability.
Abstract: Social decline occurs when a person experiences an inability or failure to adjust (maladaptif) to the
environment, causing psychiatric disorders resulting in decreased ability to socialize. One way to improve
socialization skills is by applying socialization therapy. It could be in the form of low impact Aerobic (poco-
poco). The aims of the study is to analyze the effect of low impact Aerobic (poco-poco) therapy on
socialization skills in social isolation patients at Menur Mental Hospital Surabaya. The Design of this study
was one group with pretest and posttest groups. The Independent variable was group activity therapy poco-
poco aerobic gymnastics and the dependent variable was socialization ability. The population in this study
were 14 patients of social isolation. - Samples were recruited by probability sampling with Simple Random
Sampling technique, The study used observation sheet social ability socialization. The Data were analyzed
using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The resu showed group activity therapy:aerobic low impact (poco-
poco)had an effect on social socialization ability. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Results p = 0.002 means there
is a significant differencei between pre and post test. of group activity therapy:aerobic low impact (poco-
poco) to increase their social ability. The implication of this research is the influence of group activity
therapy:aerobic low impact (poco-poco) has an effect on socialization ability in social isolation patient. Nurses
has could improve their gymnastics activities to improve their social skills.
Mental disorder is a condition of disruption of mental,
emotional, mind, will, psychomotor and verbal
behavior, which is a group of clinical symptoms
accompanied by the patient and results in disruption
of the individual's humanistic function (Purwaningsih
and Karlina 2010). One of the signs of symptoms
experienced by people with mental disorders is the
occurrence of social decline. This social decline
occurs when a person experiences an inability or
failure to adapt (maladaptif) to the environment,
causing a psychiatric disorder that resulted in
maladaptif behavior towards the environment, social
decline experienced by someone called social
Based on World Health Organization data WHO
(2009) estimates 450 million people worldwide
experience mental disorders. WHO says at least one
out of four people have mental health problems
around the world (Yosep 2014). According to the
National Institutes of mental health psychiatric
disorders account for 13% of the overall disease and
are thought to grow to 25% by 2030. Data from the
(Basic Health Research) Riskedes 2013 indicates a
substantial amount, 50 million or about 25% of the
population Indonesia experienced mental health
disorder and East Java Province shows the number of
2.2 million people based on data of the population of
east Java is 38005,413 inhabitants. So it can be
concluded that 83,613 souls who have mental
disorders in East Java.
Preliminary survey data conducted by researchers
at Menur Mental Hospital Surabaya on 12 January
2017 in the period of 1 year last 2016 obtained data
of hospitalized patients in January to March there are
3 the highest diagnosis of 211 unspecified
schizophrenia, schizophrenia as many as 91 patients
and schizophrenia hebefrenik as many as 70 patients.
The cause of mental disorders can result from
relationships with others who are treated unfairly,
mistreated, unrequited love, the loss of a loved one,
loss of work and so on. One sign of the negative
symptoms of mental disorder is to withdraw from
social interaction (social isolation). The impact of
developmental disorders and relationships can result
Munawaroh, S., Sustrami, D., Sari, N. and Astuti, N.
The Effectiveness of Group Activity Therapy: Aerobic Low Impact (Poco-Poco) to Socialization Ability in Social Isolation Patients.
DOI: 10.5220/0008329105860589
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 586-589
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in individuals not believing in themselves, not
trusting in others, hesitating, fearing wrong,
pessimistic, despairing of others, incapable and
feeling depressed, this situation can lead to behavior
not wanting to communicate with others , prefer to
remain silent, avoid others (Kusumawati and Hartono
Management of patients with social isolation in
addition to the provision of psychopharmaca drugs
can also be given the therapy group of socialization
in the form of aerobic low impact (poco-poco), while
the general form of socialization is the ability of
socialization, therefore the ability of socialization is
the main requirement of social activities. Within the
group there will be interaction dynamics
interdependent, need each other and become a place
where patients practice new behavior from maladaptif
toward adaptive behavior(Keliat and Al 2011).
Socialization capabilities are dynamic social relations
involving relations between individuals, between
groups of people, as well as between individuals with
human groups(Badrujaman 2010). Thus the purpose
of the study was to find the difference of social
interaction capability before and after performing
This research used pre experimental design with one-
group pre-post test design to know the effectivenessof
group activity therapy: aerobic low impact (poco-
poco) as group therapy in social isolation patient at
Mental Hospital Menur Surabaya. The independent
variable wasthe effectiveness of poco-poco aerobic
gymnastics therapy. Dependent variable was
socialization ability in social isolation patient at
Mental Hospital of Menur Surabaya. The population
in this study were 15 social isolation patients who
experienced impaired socialization ability in
Flamboyan Room at Menur Mental Hospital
Surabaya. Sampling technique used in this research
was probability sampling with simple random
sampling method. The sample in this population is 14
patients of social isolation in Menur Mental Hospital
of Surabaya with the following criteria:
1. Inclusion Criteria: patients with impaired social
interactions, social isolation patients who have
begun interpersonal interactions, socially
responsive social isolates, cooperative social
isolation patients, and socially stable social
isolation patients.
2. Exclusion Criteria: patients who do not
experience social isolation, patients with ill
This research was conducted 31 March 14 April
2017 in Flamboyan Room who experienced social
isolation in Menur Mental Hospital Surabaya. Prior to
data collection, ethical clearance was obtained. Poco-
poco theraphy was carried out 45 minutes for each
session, five times in two weeks. It was instructed by
physical education teacher. The instruments of the
study on socialization ability in social isolation
patient at Mental Hospital of Menur Surabaya were
observation sheet containing 14 items of questions
that have been tested for its validity and reliability.
Statistical test used Wilcoxon in pre test and post test
showed significant value p = 0.005 (p <0.05)
socialization by which its significance value was
considered and interpreted as having difference in
pre-and post social interaction activity.
Result of statistic test using Wilcoxon Signed Rank
Test was p = 0,002. This shows that p <0,05 indicates
that there is different socialization ability before and
after group activity therapy:aerobic low impact
Social isolation is more often experienced by patients
with impaired socialization skills (Hawari 2007).
Research conducted (Nyumirah 2013) said that
patients with impaired socialization ability can be
done with various kinds of therapy, one of therapy
Table 1: Statistical result (wilcoxon test).
Pre Test
Post Test
Wilcoxon signed rank test P = 0,002
The Effectiveness of Group Activity Therapy: Aerobic Low Impact (Poco-Poco) to Socialization Ability in Social Isolation Patients
available is in motion therapy, motion therapy is a
physical activity therapy that can be done by
exercising or gymnastics to train the body a person to
be physically and mentally healthy, exercise is one
form of group therapy to move. Poco-poco was
considered as a relevant group activity for mental
disorder patients for a number of reasons. It was a
simple physical exercise that does not require
complicated movement. As a consequence it raises
motivation and enjoyment for its participants. The
ultimate effect that could be perceived is the fact that
enjoyment and excitement could lead the participants
to have more interactions. This could also improve
communication ability where instructions were given
and understood. By the end of the session, the social
capability, in terms of interpersonal relationship
could be established among the participants.
Based on the results of research group activity
therapy:aerobic low impact (poco-poco)is a series of
motion is selected intentionally by following the
rhythm of the selected music so that gave birth to the
provisions of ritmis, continuity. Group activity
therapy:aerobic low impact (poco-poco)can effect the
ability to socialize against other fellow patients, this
is in accordance with theories according to(Yakub
2010) aerobic exercise can provide mental health
benefits that can reduce stress and improve
socialization and socialization with other patients,
because in this gym there is togetherness and
cohesiveness between members of the group, so that
patients can have opportunities for socialization to
others, in addition to the benefits of this gymnastics
activity can increase concentration, creativity and
increase the amount of oxygen in the blood so that
accelerate blood flow to the brain, at the time of doing
gymnastic activities then the activity can increase
hormones - hormones both in the brain such as
adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine and endorphin. The
potensial of group exercise for promoting
psychological vigor in older adults (Engels et al.
1998). Two mechanisms have been proposed to
mediate the effects of exercise on cognition. The first
is that exercise has a nutritive influence on neuronal
function. Exercise has been shown to promote
neurotrophic effects, including synaptic plasticity,
neurogenesis, and vascular function (Farina, Rusted,
and Tabet 2014).
Purwaningsih and Karlina (2010) suggest there
are 3 benefits of group interaction therapy such as:
general benefits, specific benefits and rehabilitation
benefits. Benefits of group activities in general is to
improve the ability through communication and
feedback, socialize and generate motivation
advancement of congnitive and affective functions.
The benefits of group activities in particular are
enhancing self-identity, channeling emotions, and
improving the skills of interpersonal or social
relationships. And the last benefit of rehabilitation
group activities is to improve self-expression skills,
improve social skills, empathy skills, and improve
knowledge-solving skills. According to (Trisnawan
2010). On the implementation of this gymnastics
there are 3 stages of heating for 10 minutes, core
exercise for 15-20 minutes, cooling exercise for 5
Group activity therapy:aerobic low impact (poco-
poco) is done as many as 5 times of meetings, in 2
weeks with the duration of each gymnastics activity
for 45 minutes. At the beginning before the patient's
gymnast in a group discussion to know the members
masing2 in accordance with the observation sheet and
the extent to which the ability of patients in
interacting, after doing the gymnastics activities
approximately 30 minutes and when completed the
patient's gymnastics activities in the form of group
circles for discussion back and at the value of the
extent to which interaction ability whether there is a
difference or not in the assessment. The first meeting
when the gymnastics therapy, patients feel shy and
more silent, after being given an explanation by the
researcher patients began to follow gymnastics
activities, when therapy began many obstacles
because patients do not understand about gymnastics
movement but they still can follow even though many
movements wrong. The second meeting when the
patient therapy began to confident to follow this
therapy, although some are less confident or shy to
follow gymnastics activities. The third meeting when
the patient's gymnastics therapy began
enthusiastically following the therapy until the end of
the activity and the fourth meeting and the five
patients look happy in following the therapy
activities. The first meeting until the fifth researcher
chose the same patient that is the patient who suffer
from socialization ability disorder, before being given
the treatment of the researcher first called the patient
by going directly to the patient's chamber, so that not
all patients follow this group activity therapy:aerobic
low impact (poco-poco).
Interaction Ability in Social Isolation Patients in
Flamboyan Room after being given group activity
therapy: aerobic low impact (poco-poco) there is
increased socialization ability to members of the
gymnastic group.
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The Effectiveness of Group Activity Therapy: Aerobic Low Impact (Poco-Poco) to Socialization Ability in Social Isolation Patients