Lifestyle of Hypertensive Patients in the Coastal Area of Indonesia
A Systematic Review
Nurul Khusnul Khotimah, Kusnanto and Harmayetty
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga,Kampus C Jl. Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Hypertension, Lifestyle, Coastal area.
Abstract: Lifestyles for eating such as eating fish, preserving food with salt and high consumption of salt are
characteristic of coastal communities in Indonesia. This lifestyle causes the risk of hypertension.
Hypertension if it does not immediately treat, it will lead to 7 times greater chance of stroke, 6 times greater
congestive heart failure and 3 times more affected by heart attack. The purpose of this systematic review is
to reveal the unhealthy lifestyles of coastal communities that cause hypertension. The method used is
electronic data base from journal which have been published through google scholer got 10 journals but
according to the inclusion criteria just 9 journal stated that environment have a role to the happening of
hypertension so that life style related to hypertension in coastal area is consumption of food high salt, sea
fish, physical activity, smoking, obesity and stress and 1 journal stating that food consumption has no
relationship in the incidence of hypertension in coastal areas. The conclusion that unhealthy lifestyles in
coastal areas causes hypertension.
Coastal communites in Indoensia have a life style
that is classified as a risk to the occurrence of
hypertention such habits as preserving food using
salt, fish consumtion, smoking habits and lack of
activity. Blood pressure commonly called
hypertension has become a global health issue
because it is the leading cause of death and
disability. In developing countries the prevalence of
hypertension is growing rapidly (Organization WH.,
Indonesia became one of the world's 4th highest
hypertension contributors after China, India and
Russia based on data from 1990-2015 (Forouzanfar
et al., 2017). According to data Sample Registration
System (SRS) Indonesia 2014, hypertension with
complications (5.3%) is the cause of death number 5
(five) at all age (Kemenkes.RI, 2017). In Research
conducted Chobanian et al. (2003) revealed that
uncontrolled hypertension caused a 7 times greater
chance of stroke, 6 times greater congestive heart
failure and 3 times more heart attack. Hypertension
is a disease that can be sufferred by anyone from
different age groups and socioeconomic groups
(Arifin 2016). Lifestyle is one cause of the
occurrence of hypertension. Based on the study that
coastal communities have an unhealthy lifestyle so
that people with hypertension in coastal areas is
higher than mountainous areas (Rusliafa, Jusniar,
Amiruddin, Ridwan, Noor, 2014). There have been
many studies that reveal about factors causing
hypertension in coastal areas so that researchers
interested in conducting systematic review.
The process used to perform systematic reviews is a
reviewer looking for several research journal articles
published through an electronic data base. The
electronic data base used are: google schooler.
Keywords (keywords) used is for journals in the
indoneisa language is "hypertension in coastal
areas". Search results found on. Journals found to be
specified based on the inclusion criteria are 1)
articles published officially both ISBN accreditation
and in junal universities and in indonesian, 2)
articles published in 2010-2018 timeframes, 3)
quantitative research types and 4) articles that have
content primary hypertension in coastal areas.
Khotimah, N., Kusnanto, . and Harmayetty, .
Lifestyle of Hypertensive Patients in the Coastal Area of Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0008326304350437
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 435-437
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Articles appearing 7030 and that fit the inclusion
criteria are as many as 10 journals.
The results of Nelli's research (2016) showed
experiment result that there were 3 risk factors
which related to hypertension event that was
physical activity (p = 0,000; OR = 13,47; 95% CI =
3.52-51,58), obecity (p = 0,002; OR = 6,46; 95% CI
= 1,95-21,47) and stress (p = 0,016; OR = 0,196;
95% CI = 0,05-0,74). (Masengi, Palar and Rotty,
2013) revealed that the incidence of hypertension in
the Malalayang Dua community is 6.3%, the most
commonly consumed sea food commodity is the
fish, especially the skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis),
and there is a significant relationship (p = 0.001)
between seafood consumption and decreased
incidence of hypertension in Malalayang Dua. This
affects the rate of hypertension in this area ie, 6.3%.
Other research results (Saputra and Anam, 2015) did
not show the relationship pattern of consumption
with the incidence of hypertension of young age in
coastal lamongan. The average respondents
consumed potassium and kallium in deficit, coffee
consumption, activity load and exercise habits.
Azhri research (2017) revealed that the results of
this study obtained by using Ordinal Regression Test
that there is influence of physical activity on the
occurrence of hypertension with p value of 0.007
(p0.05). The conclusion in this research is physical
activity on the respondent in RW 02 Kedung Cowek
Surabaya Village have influence to hypertension
incident whereas Body Mass Index (IMT) has no
effect. Other research (Rusliafa, Jusniar, Amiruddin,
Ridwan, Noor, 2014) result of bivariate research
shows that there are differences of hypertension
occurrence in coastal areas and mountains ie diet
(intake of sodium p = 0,026), alcohol consumption p
= 0,009, = 0.004, obesity p = 0.049, stress p = 0.046.
Multivariate anaisis shows a family history (OR =
4.018; 95% CI = 1,813 - 8,906) most likely to have
an incidence of hypertension. The result of statistical
test showed that there was no significant relationship
between risky food consumption behavior and
hypertension (p = 0.079), there was no correlation
between alcohol consumption and hypertension (p =
785). There is a relationship between stress with the
incidence of hypertension (p = 0.001). Research
from Kartikasari dkk 2012 The results of statistical
tests indicate a risk factor for hypertension in the
community of Kabongan Kidul village, Rembang
Regency is the (p = 0,0026; OR = 11,340 and 95%
CI = 1,346 - 95,553), family history (p = 0.000, OR
= 14,378 and 95% CI = 4,027 - 51,332), smoking (p
= 0,010; OR = 9,537 and 95% CI = 1,728 - 52,634),
and obesity (p = 0,007; OR = 9,051 and 95% CI =
1,804 - 45,420), while the consumption of gender,
salt consumption, fat consumption, and activity
factor has no effect. Mubarik 2011. The results
showed that the prevalence of primary hypertension
in Port Jepara was 24.5%. Based on the analysis,
there was an association between Body Mass Index
(BMI) and the incidence of primary hypertension (p
= 0.0001), there was a correlation between smoking
habit and the incidence of primary hypertension (p =
0,02). there was a relationship between the rate of
income and the incidence of primary hypertension (p
= 0.0001), there was a relationship between
caffeinated drinking habits and the incidence of
primary hypertension (p = 0.0001), there was an
association of alcohol consumption with the
incidence of primary hypertension (p = 0, 0001).
The results of several research articles analyzed
emphasize that hypertensive patients present in
coastal areas are strongly influenced by lifestyle and
environmental factors. Bad lifestyle if left
unchecked will adversely affect the health condition
itself. There are differences in hypertension in
coastal and mountainous areas. Where lifestyle in
coastal region is very risk of hypertension compared
wiayah mountains. Lifestyle seen from physical
activity, diet, smoking. Lifestyle of hypertension
triggers such as high consumption of sodium,
activity, obesity, stress, consumption of marine fish,
alcohol consumption (nelli 2016, maski S 2013,
Bariah 2009, Noer B 2014, Raihan NL 2014,
sihotang U 2013, kartikasari 2012, mubarok 2011 )
and a study that is from non-existent BMI,
consumption of salt, coffee, activity with
hypertension. (jesicca j 2017).
Number of articles reviewed 10 articles. From the 10
articles there are 9 articles that get results that
hypertension in coastal areas related degan lifestyle
that includes Lifestyle seen from physical activity,
diet, smoking. Lifestyle of hypertension triggers
such as high consumption of sodium, activity,
obesity, stress, consumption of marine fish, alcohol
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
consumption (nelli 2016, maski S 2013, Bariah
2009, Noer B 2014, Raihan NL 2014, sihotang U
2013, kartikasari 2012, mubarok 2011 ) and 1 study
which states that there is no correlation between
hypertension occurrence and coastal lifestyle such as
BMI, salt consumption, coffee, activity with
hypertension (Jesicca j 2017).
Arifin, M. H. B. M. (2016) ‘Faktor-Faktor Yang
Berhubungan Dengan Hipertensi’, E-Jurnal Medika,
Chobanian, A. V. et al. (2003) ‘Seventh report of the Joint
National Committee on Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure’,
Hypertension, 42(6), pp. 1206–1252.
Forouzanfar, M. H. et al. (2017) ‘Global Burden of
Hypertension and Systolic Blood Pressure of at Least
110 to 115 mm Hg, 1990-2015’, Jama, 317(2), p. 165.
doi: 10.1001/jama.2016.19043.
Kemenkes.RI (2017) Sebagian Besar Penderita Hipertensi
Tidak Menyadarinya,
Masengi, S., Palar, S. and Rotty, L. (2013) ‘Pengaruh
Konsumsi Makanan Laut Terhadap Kejadian
Hipertensi Di Desa Malalayang Dua’, pp. 726–732.
Available at:
Organization WH. (2013) A global brief on Hypertension:
silent killer, global public health crises (World Health
Day 2013), Geneva: WHO.
Raihan, L. N. and Dewi, A. P. (2009) ‘Faktor-faktor Yang
Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Primer
Pada Mayarakat Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas
Rumbai Pesisir’, JOM PSIK Vol 1 No 2, 1, pp. 1–10.
Rusliafa, Jusniar; Amiruddin, Ridwan; Noor, N. (2014)
‘Komparatif Kejadian Hipertensi pada Wilayah
Pesisir Pantai dan Pegunungan di Kota Kendari’, p.
6. Available at:
Saputra, O. and Anam, K. (2015) ‘Gaya Hidup sebagai
Faktor Risiko Hipertensi pada Masyarakat Pesisir
Pantai’, Majority, 5(3), pp. 118–123.
Lifestyle of Hypertensive Patients in the Coastal Area of Indonesia