Knowledge, Attitude, and Experience about Industrial Disaster
Mitigation and Preparedness
Erna Dwi Wahyuni, Deni Yasmara, Ika Wahyu Widyah Rufiyanti
and Nadia Rohmatul Laili
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Mitigation, Preparedness, Industrial Disaster, Knowledge, Attitude, Experience.
Abstract: When a community is unprepared for industrial disaster, the anticipated results are many fatalities and
economic loss. Preparedness indicators can be seen from knowledge, attitudes, and experience regarding
disaster risk. The purpose of this research was to explain the relationship between knowledge, attitude, and
experience of teenagers about industrial disaster mitigation and preparedness . The design of the research
was descriptive correlation with a cross-sectional approach. The sample of the research was 109 teenagers
in the age range 15-18 years who lived in high risk of industrial disaster. This research were undertaken by
using simple random sampling by each cluster. The dependent variable were knowledge, attitude, and
experience about industrial disaster mitigation, and the dependent variable was preparedness. Data was
collected by using questionnaires and analyzed using Spearman’s rho test and a chi square test with
significant level α<0.05. The results show that knowledge about industrial disaster mitigation does not have
significant correlation with preparedness (p = 0.323), attitude about industrial disaster mitigation has
significant correlation with preparedness (p = 0.037), and experience about industrial disaster mitigation has
significant correlation with preparedness (p = 0.004). It can be concluded that knowledge on mitigation has
no effect on preparedness, whereas attitude and practice have an effect on preparedness. People practicing
preparadness was not based on knowledge, but on training and experience.
In Gresik, industrial disasters still occur and cause
loss of property, financial loss, environmental
pollution, and even death. The high threat (hazard)
of industrial disasters such as factory explosion and
toxic gas leak is still felt by the people of Gresik,
especially people in Randuagung Village.
Randuagung is one of the villages in Gresik that has
a high vulnerability to being affected in the event of
a disaster. Randuagung Village has this status
because of its location, within a radius of 1 mile of
93 surrounding factories. Threats and high
vulnerability means that Randuagung Village has a
high risk status regarding industrial disaster (FEMA,
2003). The high risk of industrial disaster itself can
be reduced if the capacity of the community,
especially adolescents, for disaster management is in
both good and in the high category. In fact, to date,
the level of awareness and responsiveness of the
people, especially the adolescents, in Randuagung
Village is still less than optimal because most of
them have never received information about disaster
management, so the relationship between
knowledge, attitude, and experience of adolescents
about industrial disaster preparedness and mitigation
cannot be explained.
Data from the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) states that from 2009 to 2013
there were 37,000 cases of fires in industries with 18
deaths, 279 injured, and a total loss of 1 billion US
dollars (Campbell, 2016). National Disaster
Management Authority (BNPB) stated that Gresik
City was ranked 2nd in all of Indonesia in 2011 for
vulnerability to industrial disaster case after Sidoarjo
city (BNPB, 2011). According to data from the
BNPB in Baheramsyah (2013), the island of Java,
especially in the regencies/cities along the north
coast, has a high risk because it has developed
industrial areas with dense populations. Based on the
level of industrial disaster vulnerability, adjusted
according to the degree of vulnerability due to
technology fails, which refers to population density
and vulnerable groups, East Java occupies the 3rd
position, with high vulnerability.
The results of research by Firmansyah (2014) on
125 adolescent students aged 15-19 years found that
93 students (74%) have less knowledge on disaster
Wahyuni, E., Yasmara, D., Rufiyanti, I. and Laili, N.
Knowledge, Attitude, and Experience about Industrial Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness.
DOI: 10.5220/0008323502570262
In Proceedings of the 9th International Nursing Conference (INC 2018), pages 257-262
ISBN: 978-989-758-336-0
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
management, and 122 (99%) students havebehavior
preparedness that indicates they are not ready.
Firmansyah (2014) explains that this is happening
because most students never learn about disaster
management. Based on a preliminary study by
researchers on April 16, 2017, using a questionnaire
with adolescents in Randuagung Village about the
knowledge of industrial disaster mitigation, it was
found that 2 people (20%) had good knowledge of
mitigation, 3 people were aware enough (30%), and
5 people (50%) were less aware of industrial disaster
mitigation. Among Randuagung Village youth, with
regard to preparedness in industrial disaster
management, there were only 2 people (20%) who
were totally prepared , and 8 people (80%) who still
had not taken any action. The lack of knowledge
among young people in Randuagung Village is due
to the fact that teenagers get less information and
socialization about industrial disaster management.
National Disaster Management Authority or
BNPB (2011) explains that industrial disaster is an
accident caused by two factors, namely unsafe
human acts and unsafe conditions. The damage
mechanisms caused by industrial disasters can be
explosions that result in death, injury, and damage to
buildings and infrastructure that can release harmful
pollutants (Coburn, 1994). The most effective way
of dealing with industrial disasters is to reduce the
possible causes of the disaster to minimize the losses
that will arise (BNPB 2008). Important factors in
industrial disaster management are comprehensive
structural and non-structural mitigation, spatial
planning, and law enforcement (Sari, 2016).
Mitigation is an obligation of various parties,
including experts, governments, and especially
people affected by industrial disasters. The active
participation of communities in pre-disaster
management is essential to reduce the risks of plant
fire disasters (BNPB, 2008). Such active
participation includes actions to monitor pollution
levels, to ensure inspection and enforcement of
existing standards, and to improve security laws and
prepare evacuation plans (Coburn et al., 1994).
The approach in this study uses behavioral
theory based on the theory presented by Lawrence
Green, which states that a persons behavior is
influenced by three factors, namely predisposing
factors (knowledge, attitude, experience, trust,
values, beliefs), supporting factors (availability of
health facilities, access to health facilities,
government regulations and surrounding
communities, health capabilities), and drivers
(family support, attitudes and behavior of health
workers, peer attitudes and behavior, motivation).
These three factors influence ones behavior
(Nursalam, 2016). Knowledge is a key factor and a
key to preparedness. Knowledge possessed can
usually affect one’s attitude and awareness to be
ready for alert in anticipating the disaster (BNPB
2008). Knowledge about disasters should be given to
the community, especially adolescents because they
are part of the community with an important role to
play in the effort to anticipate and handle the disaster
(Maryani, 2010). Mitigation planning should aim to
develop a disaster security culture in which people
are fully aware of the dangers they face, protect
themselves as far as they can, and fully support the
efforts made for their protection. Anyone living in
hazard-prone areas should understand the dangers as
a fact of life.
The approach in this study uses behavioral
theory based on the PRECEDE (Predisposing,
Reinforcing, and Enabling Cause in Educational
Diagnosis and Evaluation) is a guide in analyzing or
diagnosing and evaluating behavior for intervention.
PROCEED (Policy, Regulatory, Organizational
Construct in Educational and Environmental
Development) presented by Lawreance Green,
which states that a persons behavior is influenced
by three factors, namely predisposing factors
(knowledge, attitude, experience, trust, values,
beliefs), supporting factors (availability of health
facilities health, access to health facilities,
government regulations and surrounding
communities, health capabilities), and drivers
(family support, attitudes and behavior of health
workers, peer attitudes and behavior, motivation).
These three factors influence ones behavior
(Nursalam, 2016). Knowledge is a key factor and a
key to preparedness. Knowledge owned possessed
can usually can affect the one’s attitude and
awareness to be ready for alert in anticipating the
disaster (BNPB, 2008). The aim of this research was
to explain the relationship between knowledge,
attitude, and experience about industrial disaster
mitigation and preparedness with teenagers.
The research used a cross-sectional design to assess
the relation between variables. The population was
15-18-year-old teenagers who lived in areas prone to
industrial disaster, which were the hamlets of
Manangkuli, Setinggi, and Randubowo in
Randuagung Village, Kebomas, Gresik district. The
population number was 1,183 people. By using
simple random sampling of probability, the sampling
selection was done and 109 respondents were
found.The research instrument was a questionnaire
extracted from books called Integrating Manmade
Hazard Into Mitigation Planning (2003)” and
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at
Local Level (APELL) (2015)” that had been adjusted
to the concept of disaster management. The validity
and reliability tests were done, and the results were
>0.05 and >0.6 respectively, from which it was
concluded that the instrument was valid and reliable.
The data was collected by visiting respondents
one by one (door-to-door data collection). The
researcher visited the house and firstly explained the
research problem, purpose, and benefit; secondly,
the researcher gathered the data using the
The research was undertaken in Randuagung
Village, Kebomas, Gresik district, on August 13,
2017. The data collected was analyzed using the
correlational statistical test Spearman’s rho and chi
square with the significance level of α = 0.05.
The research had been passed with ethical
approval number 484-KEPK by Faculty of Nursing
Universitas Airlangga Health Research Ethics
Committee on August 8, 2017.
Table 1 shows that most respondents have poor
knowledge but show good preparedness. Based on
the result of Spearman’s rho test p value = 0.323, it
means there is no correlation between knowledge of
disaster mitigation industry with adolescent
preparedness in the face of industrial disaster. The
level of knowledge does not affect a persons
preparedness in disaster management.
Table 2 shows that most respondents have a
positive attitude and show good preparedness. There
are also respondents who have negative attitudes and
show less preparedness. The result obtained by using
Spearman’s rho correlation test was p = 0.037
<0.05), which means there is correlation between
attitude to industrial disaster mitigation with
adolescent preparedness in facing industrial disaster.
The correlation strength (r = 0.201) means the
variable attitude to industrial disaster mitigation with
preparedness in the face of industrial disaster has a
low relation.
Table 3 shows that most respondents have
conducted industrial disaster mitigation and showed
good preparedness. The result of the statistical test
using the chi square test was p = 0.004, which means
there is a correlation between experience of
industrial disaster mitigation and preparedness in
face of industrial disaster.
The results of data analysis about the relationship
between knowledge level of industrial disaster
mitigation and preparedness in the face of industrial
disaster shows that there is no correlation between
knowledge level of industrial disaster mitigation and
preparedness in facing industrial disaster. The results
of this study are in line with the research by Pratama
(2016), which states that there is no correlation
between knowledge and community preparedness,
because the respondents studied have different levels
of different cognitive domains with each other, so
the understanding of the concept of disaster varies.
Each individual will differ in how to interpret the
attitude in preparedness in the face of disaster. The
results of this study indicate that most respondents
have less knowledge of industrial disaster
mitigation, but as many as 26 people (23.9%) show
good preparedness.
This is in accordance with the PRECEDE and
PROCEED theory presented by Lawrence Green,
which states that ones behavior is influenced by
three main factors. The theory can be described in
the following way: the behavior itself is determined
or formed from three factors, namely predisposing
factors, supporting factors, and driving factors.
Predisposing factors include knowledge, attitude,
experience, values, and beliefs (Nursalam, 2016). It
Table 1: Cross-tabulation of disaster mitigation knowledge and preparedness.
Spearman’s rho test p = 0.323 r = 0.096
Knowledge, Attitude, and Experience about Industrial Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness
shows that good adolescent preparedness is
influenced not only by knowledge but also by other
factors such as experience. Teenagers who live in
hazard-prone areas of industry will indirectly
become familiar with the situation, so they have
experience in dealing with industrial disasters
despite the lack of knowledge about industrial
disaster mitigation.
The lower level of knowledge of respondents
about the mitigation of industrial disasters is due to
the lack of information obtained and the lack of
socialization about industrial disaster management
and mitigation-related training that can be done to
reduce the impact of industrial disasters. This can be
seen from the sources of information about disaster,
which for the majority of respondents are informal
sources such as internet, television, and newspapers
so that the level of understanding of respondents
about preparedness is in the poor category. The
results showed that 66 respondents stated that they
had never received any training or simulation in
disaster management. The local teenagers stated that
most had never been informed about disaster
management, particularly mitigation and
preparedness against industrial disasters, which had
an impact on adolescent preparedness to deal with
industrial disasters. Measures to reduce the impact
of disasters on individuals and communities can be
implemented with information and education, so that
increasing disaster preparedness will be more
effective through using both formal and informal
education channels that will provide good
The results of this study also show that
respondents who have a good level of knowledge
but less preparedness is 1 person (0.9%). Inadequate
preparedness may be due to the respondent only
knowing about but not yet being at the stage of
being alert in behavior towards industrial disasters.
Preparedness in tackling industrial disasters is not
only influenced by knowledge of industrial disaster
mitigation; it could be influenced by the teenagers
experience in dealing with previous industrial
disasters and teenage perceptions of industrial
Setyawati (2014) argues that understanding and
knowledge of disaster is the basic capital in the
concept of disaster mitigation and preparedness.
People may have awareness about responding to
disasters but they do not try to avoid these disasters,
so it is important to make a new attempt at
increasing awareness of disaster. Efforts to provide
education and training in disaster management
through formal and non-formal education for
adolescents should be coordinated with cross-
sectoral links between local government and related
organizations so that teenagers awareness of
industrial disasters can increase. Information
obtained from the respondents is that the
respondents have lived long enough in the area to be
responsive to what must be done and prepared
before a disaster so that the respondents have
personal experience in disaster management, even
though the knowledge is related to the minimal
disaster response.
The results of data analysis on the relation of
experience of industrial disaster mitigation with
preparedness in the face of industrial disaster show
that there is a relation between these. The
relationship between the experience of disaster
mitigation and economics has a positive direction
that shows that the more respondents have
Table 2: Cross-tabulation of disaster mitigation attitude and preparedness.
Spearman’s rho test p = 0.037 r = 0.201
Table 3: Cross-tabulation of disaster mitigation experience and preparedness.
Chi square test p = 0.004
INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research
experience of industrial disaster mitigation, the
better will be their preparedness.
This study is in line with Kapucus research in
Pratama (2016), which suggests that individuals who
have experience in dealing with disasters will adapt
during the disaster situation so that the threat of
disaster will be responded to seriously and more
effectively in the future. At the individual level, the
experience of disasters generally has a positive
impact on future disaster-related motivations.
Becker (2017) in his research says that the process
of forming a persons preparedness behavior is
influenced by experience. Experiences are referred
to in his research by several categories such as
having experienced disaster, interaction with the
surrounding community, having awareness and
knowledge about disaster, and never giving
knowledge to the surrounding community around
disaster management.
The results of this study are in line with the
opinion of Azwar (2003), which states that the
factors that influence the formation of human
behavior are personal experience, culture, others that
are considered important, and emotional factors in
the individual. One factor that can affect the
preparedness of personal experience. What has been
experienced by a person participates in the formation
and influence of the appreciation of someone with
the stimulus. Owned experience will provide
stimulus in the form of responses related to
psychological objects to form an action (Darmawan,
2013). Pangesti (2012) argues that experience is the
best way to gain the truth of knowledge. Individual
personal experience can be a learning process to
solve problems faced in the future.
The results of this study indicate that adolescents
who have had experience in disaster mitigation and
also good preparedness amounted to 33 people.
Experience is a predisposing factor that has
important factors in the formation of adolescent
preparedness behavior. Experience is the best lesson
in human life because a bad experience in the past
can be a lesson as well as a warning for the
individual self so as to form a better individual self
and try to improve so that a bad experience is not
experienced by the individual self. The PRECEDE
and PROCEED theory presented by Lawrence
Green states that a persons behavior is influenced
by three main factors.. One of the predisposing
factors is knowledge (Nursalam, 2016).
The results also show that there are 2
respondents (1.8%) who have experienced industrial
disaster mitigation but have less preparedness. The
results of the research indicates that the lack of
preparedness is because the last education that these
2 people had was elementary school and the
knowledge that both of them have is in the ‘enough’
and ‘less’ category’. Good preparedness is
influenced by external factors that are in the
disaster-prone industrial environment, so
respondents are accustomed to and have personal
experience of how to deal with industrial disaster;
therefore in this research attitude about mitigation
influenced preparedness.
There are two major findings in this research. The
first is that knowledge does not have any correlation
towards disaster preparedness. On the contrary,
attitude and experience have a high correlation
towards preparedness. The second is that experience
of past events of disaster can be translated to
It can be concluded that teenagers tend to be
more influenced by experience than knowledge in
case of disaster preparedness. As shown above,
teenagers are more likely to learn from active
learning rather than theoretical or passive learning.
Nurses and health workers are supposed to
cooperate with local government, village authorities,
and related institutions such as BNPB to conduct
disaster management related activities in the form of
counseling and disaster simulation training for
surrounding communities, especially teenagers.
Nurse specialists in disaster need to be added to
locations prone to disaster. In line with this, health
facilities have to be prepared and designed properly
to handle industrial disaster.
People in disaster or hazard-prone locations,
especially adolescents, are expected to play an active
role in conducting disaster management efforts,
particularly before an accident occurs. In accordance
with this, the surrounding industries are expected to
apply the principles of health and safety maximally
to prevent disaster.
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INC 2018 - The 9th International Nursing Conference: Nurses at The Forefront Transforming Care, Science and Research