Implementation of Writing Narrative Text through Folklore-based
CD Learning Media
Susi Darihastining
STKIP PGRI Jombang Indonesian Education Study Program, East Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Folklore, Learning, Media, Implementation, Writing Narrative Text
Abstract: This study aimed to improve the process of writing narrative text through Folklore-Based CD Learning
Media. The research method used was classroom action research carried out through 2 cycles.Each cycle
consisted of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The data sources of this research were
STKIP PGRI Jombang students of the third semester. Data collection techniques included observation,
documentation, and interviews. Data analysis using inductive descriptive analysis technique emphasizes
process and outcome. The data covered (a) improvement of the narrative writing process through Folklore-
Based CD Learning Media and (b) result of improvement of the students' ability in writing narrative text
through Folklore-Based CD Learning Media. The result of the research revealed that there was an
improvement in the process of writing narrative text through the media of learning CD based on folklore
and the increasing score of the students’ narrative writing through Folklore-Based CD Learning Media.
Literacy application is an effort to enlarge the
knowledge information contained in letter and
number and accompanied by the utilization of
science and technology in realizing literacy skill that
contains the character education. The Government
makes an effort in all manner of national literacy
movement. As the impact of literacy, the ideal
condition will embody the improvement of
communication ability or skill in society. The impact
of literacy (reading and writing) can also increase
one's ability to socialize. Through a reading and
writing process, someone can get information,
understand, analyze, respond and use the language.
So the ability to write and read can be said to be the
advancement center of vision paper(Sunendar et al.
Indonesia has natural resources, multicolored
culture, diverse ethnic and language. It makes
Indonesia is highly considered as the richest
concerning culture, natural resources, tribes and
languages among other countries. Besides, the
diversity and richness of local wisdom can be
utilized. For that purpose, stakeholder takes
responsibility and alert in preserving and
maintaining Indonesian local wisdom(Sunendar et
al. 2017). Raising and collaborating local wisdom
becomes the duty of the nation's next generation.
Maintaining, generating the national culture to the
next generation, promoting and socializing the
culture to the national and international community
should become everyone's concern.
Based on the results of the observation, there are
no many types of research in teaching language skill
discussing the explanation about Indonesian
cultures, such as the use of a fairy tale or a narrative
story of the origin of region and others. Meanwhile,
research conducted in 2013 that discussed creating
creative drama script with guided writing strategy
resulted in the skill of writing drama script for
students. In 2014, another research entitled
"Unfolding Values of Javanese Cultural Wisdom in
JidorSentulanJombang an Ethnolinguistics study
reveal how the values that exist in the narrative of
JidorSentulan in Jombang can be part of the
education character in Indonesia, especially in
Java(Darihastining & Maryaeni 2017). Besides, in
2015, research entitled "Training of Journalistic
Skill and Photographer at MA Unggulan KH
bang"discussed the impact of applying writing skill
on journalistic aspect and photography media on the
progress of Science and Technology for teachers and
lecturers(Darihastining 2015). Moreover, in 2016 a
researcher also started to connect cultural literacy
with the cultural approach, which is entitled
"Developing Students, Literacy Culture through
Cultural Approach with SastraPentasJidorSentulan
in Jombang." In addition to it, in 2017 Schemata
Darihastining, S.
Implementation of Writing Narrative Text through Folklore-based CD Learning Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0008215401710181
In Proceedings of the 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC 2018), pages 171-181
ISBN: 978-989-758-416-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
applied in Learning and Comprehending to Read
Through Literature Stage Based for The Students of
BIPA LPPI in PT Jedang Indonesia Jombang
District (CJI) in Jombang"(Darihastining 2017).
Besides, another previous study conducted by
Mahyudiet al., 2016 connected literature features
with technology. The research reveals some visual
features of Indonesian digital poetry including
textual, time and neutral spaces(Mahyudi et al.
2017). Textual space—throughthe characteristics of
poetry—prioritizes the kinetics of the text.
Furthermore, Funkhouser (2007: 55) stated that the
elements of poetry which are implicated in digital
poetry could be text and appear repeatedly.
Meanwhile, (Idris 2014) conducted research about
writing skill to write descriptive text through
discovery method by using picture media for
students of Indonesian Department in academic year
2011/2012 Universitas Ekasakti Padang(Idris et al.
The other linguistics research was also conducted
by Premsrirat, Suwilai and Samoh, Uniansasmita in
2012 of which the research results showed that Thai
students' language skills (reading and writing)
improved significantly through a socio-cultural
program which functions to respect local
culture(Premsrirat & Samoh 2012). The students
had to master both local languages, Patani Malay,
and Thai language. The students were required to
respect and keep their local identity and national
identity. Culture is the primary media to connect
this need; moreover, they could live in dignity and
encourage national reconciliation.
However, far too little attention has been paid to
the ideal condition on the effect of literacy
concerning its information and implementation in
Indonesia, moreover, the use of literacy which
collaborates with local Indonesian culture. The
results of observation showed that in the aspect of
writing skill, the students of Indonesian Language
and Literature Study Program STKIP PGRI
Jombang, for example, still belong to the category of
less than the maximum score. This condition may be
caused by the lack of various learning media used
for teaching that can build aspects of local culture,
instead of focusing on the linguistic aspects of their
writing. Thus, learning narrative writing skill
through folklore-based learning CD to improve
students' writing skill is proposed, especially to the
students majoring in Indonesian language and
literature students in the second half of the class of
Specifically, this research aimed to investigate
the process of improving students' writing ability in
narrative through folklore-based CD learning media
and the improvement of students' ability in writing
narrative through folklore-based CD learning media.
It is expected that students could understand and
apply the four language skills as well as understand
‘parole”, and speech acts which reflect the local
culture. This functions to uphold the students'
identity with local wisdom and local experience, as
Indonesian. Overall, this present research aimed to
improve students' writing process and the writing
2.1 Literacy in Writing a Narrative
Global Monitoring Report Education for All (EFA)
2007 reported that literacy skills, mainly reading and
writing, play a fundamental role in modern life. As
Koichiro Matsuura, general director of UNESCO,
states that literacy skill is the primary stage to build
a better life and civilization along with participating
in various social activities, cultural, political and
economic activities in the modern era which is so
open in ASEAN Economic Community.
2.2 Writing and Local Wisdom
The linkage between local wisdom and literacy
implementation should be flexible to socio-culture to
promote social and cultural locality, which can
facilitate the development of literacy. Therefore, the
responsive and adaptive attitude of the community
and the response to local wisdom can make the
application of literacy successful and worldwide.
Besides, the diversity and richness of local wisdom
can be utilized and collaborated. Due to the reasons,
stakeholders are responsible and vigilant in
preserving and caring for Indonesian local
wisdom(Sunendar et al. 2017). Raising and
collaborating local wisdom becomes the duty of
Indonesian next generation. Therefore it is necessary
to maintain and help to generate the local culture to
the next generation and to promote and socialize it
with the national and international community.
Writing is a communication activity in social
interaction through written language. As one of the
productive skills, the authorsdevelopedthe topic, the
express ideas, opinions, feelings, will, and wishes, or
information as the results of experience and
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
knowledge in social interaction(Syafi’ie et al. 2001).
Writing is the process of generating ideas gradually
from the beginning until the end (Tompkins 1994).
Writing can also be considered as a series of
thinking and produce the reading results
activities.According to Semi (2003:41), every type
of essay has a specific characteristic that
distinguishes them from other types (Semi 1990).
2.3 Writing Narration and Suggestive
Narration: Steps
Writing stage, according to Murray (Tompkins
1994), consists of three stages. First is pre-writing
activities that include describing, selecting topics
based on themes, developing topics, writing titles
and developing a framework. In this stage, the
process that consists of discussing, clustering and
observing the activities in the classroom was
conducted. The second stage is writing activities that
comprise drafting and editing. The students made a
draft consisting points to be disentangled and not
separated from the topic. The betterment was made
by adding, reducing and eliminating words or
sentences on the development of their essays.
Meanwhile, editing was carried out by improving
the techniques such as beheading, capital letter
writing, and front-end writing, pronouns, and
development. The third is the post-writing stage in
which the students published their writings in front
of their friends to discuss in order to get input before
it is published on the bulletin board or in the journal.
Emilia (2011: 91) mentions that the purposes of
narrative text are telling, responding and entertaining
the readers or listeners(Emilia 2011). The narrative
text has several elements: direct and indirect
elements(Herman & Vervaeck 2005). The direct
element can be interpreted as having a denotative
meaning while the indirect element contains
connotative meaning. Connotative meaning, in this
case, can be a reference and support the aspect of
writing a suggestive narrative. Then the analysis
uses suggestive narrative(Keraf 1993). It is a series
of events that can stimulate the imaginary power of
the readers. Nevertheless, the stages of writing a
suggestive narrative are (1) determining the theme
and the message delivered, (2) setting the target of
the reader, (3) designing the main event in the form
of the groove, (4) dividing the main event into the
beginning, the development and the ending of the
story, (5) detailing the main events that will be
displayed as supporting the story, and (6) composing
figures and characters, setting and point of view.
In addition, writing skill is a language skill with
the highest level of competence. Writing skills have
five types with a distinctive feature of the character.
First, the narration is writing that contains the
chronological structures of the event, the time, and
the detail picture of the object. Narrative texts are
divided initially into two, the first is expository with
the actual portrayal of events or expository facts, and
narrative text is also subdivided in a special and
general way, while the suggestive narrative is
imaginary or (fictional). The difference between an
expository narrative and a suggestive narrative is the
purpose and use of the elements contained therein.
The expository narrative aims to convey information
about an event, develop knowledge, based on the use
of reasoning and ratio analysis, and the language
contains a denotative informative meaning.
Meanwhile, the suggestive narrative conveys the
implicit meaning, creates imaginative power, use
flexibility in reasoning only to convey meaning, and
the use figurative language.
2.4 Constructivism on Suggestive
Narrative Writing Learning
Constructivist learning approach is a way or process
of human processing that constructs knowledge and
builds her/himself with knowledge gained from
lecturer or teacher. Teaching is a knowledge-
building process built on knowledge-based
collaboration between teachers and students and
schemata owned by a student or students(Suparno
Students are expected to construct the
knowledge already taught by the lecturer by
collaborating with their respective schemata.
Students become motivated and being taught to
write suggestive narratives with the help of CD
learning media that contains some regional stories or
traditional drama results that are loaded with local
culture. Students are not only trained on aspects of
language skills but also on aspects of local culture in
the CD learning media that contains some regional
stories. It can stimulate the young generations to
love Indonesian culture and have a responsibility to
internationalize the Indonesian culture that will be
written in their writing.
2.5 Folklore-based CD Learning
Media: Suggestive Narrative
Media can be interpreted as an intermediary in the
learning process. The Association for Educational
Implementation of Writing Narrative Text through Folklore-based CD Learning Media
Technology and Communication (AECT) states that
it is a form of a channel that people use as a tool to
deliver messages and information. Likewise,
Arsyad(2015: 2) argued that media is a slice of the
learning process for educational purposes(Arsyad
2010). This CD learning media contains traditional
stories based on local culture. The media provides
Indonesian culture that can stimulate students to
imagine in the local culture, Javanese culture, and
stimulate the imagination to develop theme ideas
and design imaginative events.
The steps of using CD learning media are a)
turning-on the power, b) pointing to software on the
wall, c) click ‘phone', all; d) after that the lecturer
communicates with the students in turn by selecting
the serial number of students on the computer
screen; click ‘group' If lecturer wants to make a
group; e) if you want to listen to audio, directly press
the power on DVD;dan f) insert the CD select one of
the desired audio on the TV screen. Press 'Play', the
audio can be heard by lecturers and students.
This research used a qualitative approach. The data
covered learning behavior, nature and not contrived.
The data analysis was conducted by using
descriptive inductive, focusing on the process and
result.The research result was verified and
triangulated by the expert and people related to this
research. Bogdan and Biklen (1992: 29-30)
suggested that qualitative research has the following
characteristics (1) the researcher as the main
instrument, (2) descriptive, (3) natural, (4) data
analysis is inductive, and ( 5) understanding of the
main meaning(Bogden & Biklen 1992).
This research activity was divided into three
stages of the writing process: pre-writing, writing,
and post-writing. This classroom action research was
used to improve students' skills in narrative writing
skills, especially suggestive narratives through a
Folklore-based CD learning media. Folklore-based
CD learning media was expected to stimulate
students in developing the imagination while
developing the framework by writing a suggestive
This classroom action research in this study was
designed by adapting the Kemmis and Taggart
model. The implementation of the Kemmist and
Taggart action research model includes taking action
following the planned procedure, acting as an
observer and monitoring the actions undertaken, and
reflecting on the elements of weakness and
excessive implementation of the action as the basis
for planning the action of persuasion (McTaggart &
Kemmis 1988). Classroom action research has a
beginning spiral cycle of planning, response
deciding actions, and reporting on the findings of the
research findings. Initial activities undertaken in
classroom action research was begun with a
preliminary study or preliminary observation and
reflection as the basis for determining appropriate
action to solve the problem of writing a suggestive
narrative. After that, the researcher analyzed the
problems found by doing the planning action,
developing the steps of action as the basic cycle and
done collaboratively. The data source of this
research was the 3
-semester students of Indonesian
language and literature education study program.
The data of this research include (1) improvement
data of narrative suggestion writing process through
learning CD based on folklore and (2) data of
improvement result of suggestive suggestion related
through learning CD based on folklore.
3.1 Preliminary Studies
Preliminary stages of the study were conducted to
determine the problems caused during the learning
process. The researcher conducted interviews with
lecturers and students about the obstacles or
problems encountered in the teaching and learning
process, especially writing courses.The activities
undertaken during the preliminary study were: (1)
interviewing lecturers and students in the course of
writing narration from the material and media side,
(2) giving the students a preliminary test to know the
student's ability in writing the suggestive narrative,
and (3) Observing the teaching and learning
process.The results of the observation process show
that the problems identified were (a) the students’
difficulties in determining the theme and the
message delivered, (b) the students had not been
able to design the main event in the form of the
flow: dividing the main event into the beginning, the
development and the end of the story, (c) detailing
the main events that will be displayed as supporting
the story and (d) the lecturers had not used varied
learning media, let alone the use of cultural-related
learning media. The researcher proposed and applied
folklore based learning media to improve the process
and result of students'competence in writing the
suggestive narrative.
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
3.2 Planning Action
The design of the action was conducted based on
preliminary study findings. The actions included (a)
developing learning tools (syllabus) which
contained, (b) the theme and point of instruction,
formulating indicators and problem descriptors, as
criteria for measuring the success of suggestive
narrative writing lessons; (c) designing learning
scenarios; (d) designing learning materials, (e)
developing data collection techniques and (f)
training or brainstorming and discussion with
lecturers to collaborate on the application of
narrative suggestive writing lessons through a
folklore-based CD learning media.
A suggestive narrative writing lesson with
folklore-based CD learning media was based on two
cycles, particularly with three meetings per cycle.
The implementation was arranged like this: all
indicators and descriptors in writing suggestive
narratives with Folklore-based CD learning media
were expected to be obtained in the two cycles
which could give a result on students' improvement
in writing. Should there is no improvement in this
stage, and the researcher would apply the next cycle.
3.3 Action Research Steps
The implementation steps that had been prepared in
the lesson plan were described as follows:
(1) The lecturer implemented narrative suggestive
teaching lessons using folklore-based CD
learning media.
(2) The practitioners (lecturers who taught the
course) were observed. The researchers
observed them thoroughly and systematically.
The assessments were recorded, and the
obstacles and shortcomings for further
improvement of action were discussed. The
recorded activities were in the form of video,
field notes, and photographs.Preparation of
lesson plan was divided into three steps/ 2
hours of meetings; each meeting was allocated
with a time of 2x 50 minutes. The focus of this
action was to apply suggestive narrative
writing on each cycle. The actions were carried
out as follows:
3.3.1 Pre-writing
The first step in writing a suggestive narrative is-
writing, which determines the theme essay and the
message delivered, sets the target readers and
applies the language laboratory to listen to folklore-
based CD learning model. The steps are as follows:
(a) The lecturers organized classes, generated
student schemata, and provided direction of
competencies that must be possessed by
students in writing a suggestive narrative
through learning CD based on folklore.
(b) Students determined the theme of the essay and
the message delivered according to the direction
given by the lecturer. The theme determination
was done in a group brainstorming with friends
and listing the themes that had been discussed.
(c) The student determined the target of the
intended reader according to the lecturer's
explanation and by the experience gained.
Lecturers also socialized the target sample
(d) Students and lecturers operated the language
laboratory following the stages of the use of
laboratory with CD learning that had been
communicated first, and the use of standard
operating procedures (SOP) Laboratory to listen
to sample suggestive instructional narrative CD
prepared by lecturers.
(e) Students had experienced, impressions and
stimuli after applying and listening to
suggestive narrative learning CD.
3.3.2 Writing
The stages of writing narrative suggestive include
writing, which is developing the theme, elaborating
events, dividing events, specifying main events,
checking the suggestive words, checking words
choice, determining characters and characterization
based on the illustration in the CD, exchanging the
draft of suggestive narration, and revising the draft.
(a) Students developed a theme as a basis for
designing a major event in the form of the plot
in a paragraph or discourse. This activity is
guided by a lecturer.
(b) Students divided the main event into the
beginning, development, and ending of the story
according to the content and grammatical
(c) Students detailed the main events that will be
displayed as supporting stories and lecturers
directing the process of detailing events and
observing the power of suggestion poured by
students into essays with stimuli from learning
CDs based on folklore.
Implementation of Writing Narrative Text through Folklore-based CD Learning Media
(d) Students re-examined the suggestive power
listed and summarized in the narrative text in
(e) Students checked the use of word or diction
choices and the use of sentence structure.
(f) Students composed figures with illustrations
from learning CDs based on folklore, students
detailed the background and point of view.
(g) Students exchanged suggestive narrative pieces
with other groups for editing guided by
(h) The student returned his / her written review
and gave his or her judgment and the name of
the corrector.
(i) Students improved the edited results that had
been returned from the correction of other
groups based on suggestive narrative elements.
3.3.3 Rewriting
Rewriting was conducted after passing the pre-
writing and writing.In this step the students did these
(a) Students read the essay in front of the class.
(b) Other students provided suggestions and
judgments on the reading of a narrative essay
suggestive of their friend.
(c) Students examined the logic of intonation and
gesture when reading narrative narratives
(d) Students were scheduled in the bulletin of
Students’ Association magazine.
3.3.4 Observing
At the observation stage, the researcher observed the
process and the result of writing the narrative
suggestion. The researcher looked at the suitability
of planning and execution. The researcher
collaborated with lecturers to give the motivation to
improve the learning action implementation. The
researcher used recording media to collect the data.
The recording data were analyzed to the
practitioners, and the result was used as the next
cycle of the action research.
The assessment of the writing cover the aspects:
theme preciseness, the accuracy of audience target,
accuracy in plot drafting events, accuracy in
dividing events, accuracy in specifying events,
accuracy in determining character and
characterization, sentence structure, Suggestive
Power Diction Choice, punctuation, spelling,
uppercase, hyphenation, preposition. The scoring
system for each aspect is very good (when four
indicators appear), good (when three indicators
appear), fair (when two indicators appear), and less
(when only one indicator appears).
Meanwhile, the suggestive narrative writing
based on Folklore CD learning was also analyzed
based on the criteria of motivation, imagination,
creativity, teamwork, and listening skill. The same
scoring system is also used: very good (when four
indicators appear), good (when three indicators
appear), fair (when two indicators appear), and less
(when only one indicator appears).
3.3.5 Reflection
The results of observations and data related to
learning suggestive narrative writing were discussed
by researchers and practitioners critically. Reflection
activity was essential to know the progress of
improvement in the process and learning outcomes
and reveal its advantages and disadvantages. These
activities include (a) analyzing the learning process
activities that had been undertaken, (b) discussing
the differences between planning and implementing
the learning actions and (c) outlining the barriers
during the learning process and the solutions used to
break the barriers effectively and the achievements
of the designated plans, and (d) reflection activities
as perfection of previous cycles and the researcher
may consider and define the attitude to the necessity
of subsequent cycles. As Rofi'uddin (1994) stated
that reflection is an activity to analyze, synthesize,
interpret, explain, and conclude (Rofi’uddin 1996).
The results of the research presented were obtained
through observation, field notes, and during the
learning process of writing the suggestive narrative.
Thus, we found out that the students: (a) had not
been able to design the main event in the form of the
groove, (c) divided the main event in the beginning,
the development of the learning process and (d)
detailed main events that would be displayed as
supporting aspects of the story and (e) found that the
lecturers had not used various learning media.
Moreover, the use of culture-related learning media
had never been done.
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
4.1 Planning
Planning to improve the ability to write narrative
suggestions through folklore based CD learning
media was discussed. Preparation of Learning
Implementation Plan was divided into three stages /
2 hours of meetings; each meeting was allocated 2 x
50 minutes. Thi action focused on applying
suggestive narrative writing on each cycle. The
theme chosen was the formal and informal
environment. The basic competence standard of
writing a scientific article on the lesson plan (RPP)
focused on writing a suggestive narrative through a
folklore-based learning CD. Learning outcomes
were expected to improve students' ability in writing
suggestive narrative aspects, namely (a) the students
could determine the theme and the message
delivered, (b) the student could design the main
event in the form of the flow, (c) the student could
divide the main event from the beginning (d) the
student could detail the main events that displayed
as supporting aspect of the story and (e) the students
had been facilitated by the lecturers of various
learning media and the use of learning media related
to local culture to stimulate the students in culture
and internationalize the Indonesian culture.
4.2 Pre-Cycle
The results of data implementation on Pre-cycle
covered these things: before carrying out a study at
cycle one, the implementation of learning was
conducted less various, even the lecturers had not
maximized the use of language laboratories. In fact,
in order to enhance student's literacy competence, it
is closely related to language skills that include;
listening, reading, writing and speaking. Moreover,
the implementation of the four language skills is
inseparable. In pre-cycle stage, the lecturers gave
lectures and treatments as it was done by lecturers
teaching that subject. Also, the students were given a
preliminary writing test to write a suggestive
narrative. The results obtained from the initial test of
narrative writing skills suggestive was still low,
where there were still some students who had
difficulty in writing a suggestive narrative. Among
35 people as the research subjects, there were seven
people who had low scores. This low score was
categorized based on the standard range of values
that had been determined by the vice chairman of an
educational institution. The range of values to
measure students' ability in a particular course is as
Table 1: Range of Score to Measure Students’ Ability
Grade Score
A 80<NA<100
B 66<NA<80
C 56<NA<66
D 00<NA<46
The result of preliminary or pretest score of
narrative suggestive of the student was: there were
35students whose average score is A, 49% or 17
students got B, 17% or 6 students got C, and lastly
there were 12 people or 34% got D. So the average
score of writing a narrative suggestive of 55 students
was 51% got C and D and only 49% who got B and
no one got A. The results of this pretest indicated the
need for action to enhance competence in writing.
4.3 Cycle 1
The implementation of action in cycle 1 to improve
student competence in writing suggestive narrative
was conducted three times. Each meeting with the
duration of 2 credits 100 minutes was conducted,
where the classroom action research steps included
observation and reflection.
Pre-writing was the first step, which was
determining the theme of the essay and the message
delivered, setting the target reader and using
language laboratory to listen to folklore-based CD
learning with these following steps:
(a) Lecturers organized classes, generated student
schemata, and provided direction of
competencies that must be possessed by
students in writing a suggestive narrative
through learning CD based on folklore.
(b) Students determined the theme of the essay and
the message delivered according to the direction
given by the lecturer. The theme determination
was done in a brainstorming group with friends
and listing the themes that had been discussed.
(c) The student determined the target of the
intended reader according to the lecturer's
explanation and based on the experience gained.
Lecturers also socialized the target sample
(d) Students and lecturers used the language
laboratory based on the stages of the use of the
Implementation of Writing Narrative Text through Folklore-based CD Learning Media
laboratory with the learning CD that had been
communicated first. They also used the standard
operating procedures (SOP) Laboratory to listen
to sample suggestive instructional narrative CD
prepared by lecturers.
(e) Students had experience, impressions, and
stimuli after applying and listening to
suggestive narrative learning CDs.
4.3.1 Pre-writing
The results of the implementation of class 1 cycle
action in the prewriting stage on the aspect of the
ability to write a suggestive narrative text were the
students had schemata in variations of learning
media through folklore-based CD learning.The
students in groups had been able to determine the
theme essay quite well. Students could use language
laboratory in accordance with SOP LAB. Students
already had the impression and motivation in
listening to the learning CD well to be poured into
the narrative writing. While the ability to write a
suggestive narrative as a group becomes good,
student's creativity was improved, and also the
student's motivation in writing became quite well
through the variation of folklore-based CD media-
learning. Moreover, the students' power became well
4.3.2 Writing
The cycle 1 action at the writing was done at the 2nd
meeting with a duration of 2 credits 100 minutes
through the classroom action research stage by
preparing the observation along with the process
assessment and outline toolkit used during the
narrative writing narrative through Learning CD
based on folklore. The steps of implementation
when writing was done as follows:
(a) Students developed a theme already discussed
as a basis for designing a major event in the
form of a plot in a paragraph or discourse and
guided by a lecturer.
(b) Students divided the main event into the
beginning, development, and ending of the story
according to the content and grammatical
(c) The details about the main event that will be
displayed as supporting stories and lecturers
directing the process of detailing events and
observing the suggestion poured by students
into essays with stimuli from learning CDs
based on folklore.
(d) Students re-examined the suggestive power
listed and summarized in the narrative text in
(e) Students checked the use of word or diction
choices and the use of sentence structure.
(f) Students composed figures and figures with
illustrations from folklore-based learning CDs;
students detailed the background and point of
(g) Students exchanged suggestive narrative pieces
with other groups for editing guided by
(h) The student returned his / her written review
and gave his or her judgment, and gave the
name of the corrector.
(i) Students revised the edited results that had been
returned from the correction of other groups
based on suggestive narrative elements.
The results of cycle 1 implementation at the stage
when writing on aspects of the products were the
ability to write a suggestive narrative. Students had
been able to design the main event in the form of the
plot in a paragraph or discourse quite well. There
were some students who had not been able to divide
the main event into the beginning, the development
and the ending of the story according to the content
and grammatical elements. Students were good
enough in detailing the main events that would be
featured as story supporters, having gained direction
and emphasis samples from lecturers. The used of
word or diction choice that was poured on the use of
sentence structure was good. Students could arrange
the characters properly with the imagination and
illustration of learning CD based on folklore;
Students could detail the background and point of
view quite well. Students began to form in editing
activities and could assess their friends. Students
could improve and give their friend input well. In
the aspect of the ability to write a narrative process
suggestive, the student could enhance their creativity
in choosing diction correctly. Students could have
more imagination to pour in a suggestive narrative.
Students could cooperate well and care in assessing
the ability of friends on the ability of the writing
narrative suggestive product. Moreover, the students
were motivated in writing a suggestive narrative
through folklore-based CD learning. Details of
scores obtained by students on the ability to write
suggestive narrative through CD learning based on
folklore were as follows: There were 57% or 20
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
students who got B and A, while 22% or 8 students
got C. And 20% or 7 students got D.
4.3.3 Re-writing
The implementation of cycle one at the re-writing
was carried out at the 2nd meeting with the duration
of 2 credits 100 minutes through the classroom
action research stage. The steps of writing in this
stage are as follows:
(a) Students read the essay in front of the class.
(b) Other students provided suggestions and
judgments on the reading of a narrative essay
suggestive of their friend.
(c) Students examined the reasonableness of
intonation and gesture when reading narratives
(d) Students were scheduled in the bulletin of Prodi
Student Association magazine.
The result of the implementation of cycle 1 in re-
writing stage on the aspect of the product's ability to
write a suggestive narrative is as follows: students
were able to read and present the results of their
writing, students already could determine the use of
intonation and gesture, students were ready to
publish the results of writing and concerned with the
progress of bulletins in the course of Indonesian
Language and Literature Study Program.
Meanwhile, in the aspect of process achievement,
students already had creativity although they still do
not get used to it. In addition, students were
motivated to publish their writing. Students had a
concern in listening to their friends when presenting
it in front of the class.
4.3.4 Reflection
In the preliminary implementation stage, the product
aspect reflection and the aspects of the process could
be described as follows; (1) the students had been
able to determine the theme correctly according to
the target even though the result was not maximal
yet; (2) the students had started to be accustomed to
use the language laboratory although it’s a bit
awkward, students and lecturers started to develop
their creativity in facilitating the media learning,
while the creativity of students stimulated suggestive
power in their imagination.
In the implementation stage, the results reflect
the product and process aspects that can be
described as follows; (1) students had been able to
design the main events in the form of plot or plot in
a paragraph or discourse pretty well but still needed
to be improved. (2) There were some students who
had not been able to divide the main event into the
beginning, the development and the ending of the
story according to the content and grammatical
elements. Students were good enough in detailing
the main events that would be displayed as
supporting the story, after getting direction and
examples based on the lecturers’ demand, (3)
students had been able to assess the work of friends
and understand the assessment’ of their friends, and
students understood the local culture as well as
literacy. It was related to the opinion ofArsyad
(2015: 2) who argued that the media was a part of
the learning process for educational
purposes(Arsyad 2010). This learning CD media
contained traditional stories based on local culture in
order to upbringing students’ interest and
stimulation through folklore-based learning CDs.
In the re-writing stage, writing reflection result
could be described as (1) students already could
present the result of their work although still a bit
awkward and nervous. (2) The students were more
concerned about the continuation of their work to be
published in the bulletin. It sets the students' pride
and satisfaction of their writing result toward their
study program.
4.4 Cycle 2
4.4.1 Pre-Writing
Seeing the results of reflection on the first cycle that
still require some improvement, it was discovered
that there was a weakness in the implementation of
learning writing narrative suggestive through
folklore-based learning CD.
The results of the implementation of cycle 2 in
the pre-writing stage on the aspect of the product's
ability to write a suggestive narrative were the
students had schemata in variations of learning
media through learning CDs based on folklore.
Students in groups had been able to determine the
theme essay quite well. Students could apply the
language laboratory following Standard Operational
Procedure of Laboratory and students were no
longer awkward to use the device. Students were
very motivated in listening to the CD of learning to
be implemented into the narrative writing, and they
even wanted to listen folklore on that learning CD.
The students’ had good cooperation ability in the
aspect of the narrative suggestive writing process.
Students' creativity was very good and innovative
through variations of folklore-based CD media
Implementation of Writing Narrative Text through Folklore-based CD Learning Media
learning. Moreover, the students were very good and
4.4.2 Writing
The implementation of class 2 cycle action at the
writing stage was conducted at the 2nd meeting with
the duration of 2 credits 100 minutes through the
classroom action research step by preparing the
observation and observation form along with the
process assessment and outline toolkit used during
the narrative writing through Learning CD based on
folklore. Stages of implementation when writing
were similarly carried out with the first cycle, yet it
only had different treatments.
The results of cycle two in the writing stage on
aspects of the product's ability to write a suggestive
narrative was students could already design the main
events in the form of the plot in a paragraph or
discourse well and students had been able to sort the
main events into the beginning because students
already had the material to organize and predict the
development and the end of the story by the content
and grammatical elements and the imagination.
Students had been good at detailing the main events
that would be featured as supporting aspect the
story, without getting an example from the lecturer
because it had been ever done in the first cycle and
the lecturers had inquiry ability and long-term
memory. The diction used in this research was good
and varied. Students could arrange the figures and
characters with appropriate impression of
imagination and illustration of folklore-based CD
learning. Furthermore, the students could detail the
background and point of view well. Students were
accustomed and consistent in accepting criticism for
correction of the editing process and assessing the
result of their friend's work. In the aspect of the
ability to write a narrative text, the students could
grow their creativity in choosing diction correctly.
Also, the students’ imagination was good to pour in
a suggestive narrative. Students could cooperate well
and care in assessing the ability of friends on the
ability of the product writing narrative suggestive.
Besides, the students were motivated in writing a
suggestive narrative through the stimuli folklore-
based CD learning. The score obtained by the
students on the ability to write a suggestive narrative
through learning CD based on folklore were as
follows: There were 43% with 15 students who got
A and 48% with 17 students got B, while 9% or 2
students got C with a score of 65 and 1 student with
a score of 60. The student who had a score of 60 was
one person, this student was very difficult to
concentrate, and he/she had the ability below the
average one. This student was also introvert that
made her/him difficult to work in a team.
4.4.3 Re-writing
The implementation of cycle2 action at re-writing
stage was conducted at the 2nd meeting with a
duration of 2 credits 100 minutes through the
classroom action research stage. The stage of
implementation when writing was carried out
following the cycle 1. The results of the
implementation of cycle 2 in the re-writing stage on
aspects of the ability to write a narrative product
suggestive were that students were able to read and
present the results of their writing very well.
Students could properly and appropriately determine
the use of intonation and gesture. Students were
ready to publish the results of writing and concerned
with the progress of bulletins in the course of
Indonesian Language and Literature. In the aspect of
the ability of the process of students already had
good creativity in writing a suggestive narrative with
the results of learning through folklore-based
learning CD. Students had the motivation and
courage to publish their writing. Students had a
concern in listening to their friends while presenting
in front of the class and the spirit of giving
suggestions for improvement.
4.4.4 Reflection
At the end of the lecturing, the lecturers gave the
strengthening and equalization of perceptions for the
implementation of narrative suggestive writing
lessons through folklore-based learning CDs.
Lecturers with researchers and students reflected
learning to write narrative suggestions through
folklore based CD learning and solved the problems
that occurred in the learning process. The
improvement of the ability to write a suggestive
narrative of students in 2016 third semester in
STKIP PGRI Jombang had increased significantly.
Based on the results of cycle two, it can be
concluded that by using folklore-based learning
CDon the implementation of writing suggestive
narrative, there is an increase in the students’ ability
to write a suggestive narrative. Students can design
the main event in the form of the plot in a paragraph
or discourse well. Students can process the
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
beginning and end events appropriately. The
students used various dictions that have suggestive
meaning. Furthermore, the student's creativity is
improved along the experience of using folklore-
based learning CD, and it can inspire students to
boost their imagination. At last but not least, the
students love more Indonesian culture and can be
proud to maintain Indonesian culture.
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Implementation of Writing Narrative Text through Folklore-based CD Learning Media