Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
Nyilo Purnami
, Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa
, Damayanti Tinduh
Department of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya,
Department of Dermatology Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga- Dr.Soetomo General Hospital,
Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga Dr.Soetomo General Hospital,
Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, Varicella Zoster Virus, Audiogram Examination, Audiology.
Abstract: Background: Ramsay Hunt syndrome (RHS) is a rare disease that caused by a varicella zoster virus (VZV)
infection who common in the geniculate ganglion. RHS causes severe facial nerve damage compared to
Bell's palsy but there is an important condition to be evaluated i.e., damage to the vestibulocochlear nerve.
Objectives: To reports the cases that include diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognosis of RHS patients.
Methods: To observed the case reports from patients admitted to the hospital until patient returns. Case: A
29-year-old man with vertigo symptoms, a mouth congealed, perceived skin efflorescence of the right arm,
and hearing loss. Audiogram examination was obtained sensory neural hearing loss desktra with masking
bone conduction of 60 dB. Electromyography amplitude results in 70% of frontal muscles, 57% of
orbicularis oculi muscle, 40% of nasalis muscle, and 43% of the orbicularis oris. The patient received
corticosteroid therapy and performed facial massage. The patient improved after treatment for 2 months
with mild facial paralysis and hearing function within normal limits. Conclusions: The RHS patient that
observed by audiological examination needs to performed in order to prevent the progression of a threshold
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox is a
characteristic disease that characterized by skin
lesions distributed and mostly occurs in childhood
(John and Canaday, 2017). Several cases of VZV
infection were found in the ganglion geniculate. The
condition is commonly known as Ramsay Hunt
syndrome (RHS). Typical manifestations of RHS
consist of triad herpes eruption symptoms in the
outer ear, facial nerve paralysis, and ear pain (Chen
et al., 2016). The condition is caused by the
reactivation of VZV that had previously been
infected because of the decrease in immune system
(Park et al., 2015; John and Canaday, 2017).
RHS is a relatively rare case, this disease was
lasts for a short time and self-limited. Furthermore,
RHS causes a disturbance in the facial nerve (John
and Canaday, 2017; Kuya et al., 2017) and
vestibulocochlear nerves (Psillas et al., 2012). RHS
has a poor prognosis with 10-30% of patients have
residual symptoms (Kayakurt et al., 2014; Kuya et
al., 2017). Thus, a fixed diagnosis is required
through some tests. Audiological examination is
important to determine the condition of the
vestibulocochlearis nerves (Psillas et al., 2012) and
electromyography (EMG) examination was to
evaluate the facial nerve conditions (Xing et al.,
2013). The goal is to determine therapy and evaluate
the prognosis of RHS patients.
The subject of this study was a man (29 years) that
experienced right ear pain since a week ago, vertigo,
and decreased hearing. In the external aureus was
obtained in bulls and crusts, while in the external
acoustic meatus that has no secretions were found,
but the facial palsy was found. The patient had a
history of otorea at age 5 and recovered a year later.
Patient working in the fish storage area with room
Purnami, N., Prakoeswa, C. and Tinduh, D.
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.
DOI: 10.5220/0008157903810384
In Proceedings of the 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology (RCD 2018), pages 381-384
ISBN: 978-989-758-494-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
temperature below 20
C since 3 months and un-
denied of having chickenpox.
In the initial symptoms was appear in 10 days
ago before the patient had to go to a general
practitioner and was diagnosed with strep throat.
The patient also had control twice to the general
practitioner however it did not improve. Then the
patient went to Otolaryngology unit at Dr. Soetomo
General Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia. The initial
condition of the patient comes are shown figure 1.
Figure 1: The external auric conditions.
Examination of the right auricle was obtained a
picture of vesicles that partially dried and covered in
crust around the front concha. Meatus acoustic
externus was obtained the hyperemia and cicatrik.
While, Weber test was obtained by conduction of
sinusra and examination of audiogram obtained
sensory neural hearing loss desktra with masking
bone conduction of 60 dB. On examination of
tympanometry was obtained a results within normal
limits. Then, patients were diagnosed with ramsay
hunt syndrome and received dexamethasone therapy
1 mg per 8 hours and dicloxacillin 250mg per 8
Figure 2: Graph examination of facial muscles.
The results of EMG examination were obtained a
ratio of 70% frontalis amplitude, 57% orbicularis
oculi, nasalis 40%, and oris 43% orbicularis.
Electrodiagnosis was showed a reversible prognosis
and patients were given the facial massage. The
results of examination of the facial muscles are
shown in Figure 2.
The second week of the patient was eximined by
weber test 3 times that leads to the left and 2 in the
middle. Audiogram examination of the light-
conductive dexterous deafness was dexogram with
the masking of the left bone conduction of desktra
70 dB at a frequency of 4000 Hz. Tympanometry
within normal limits and positive left and left
stapedius reflexes. The patients also complained
uncomfortably in the eyes and performed Schirmer
tests (Table 1). Then, the patients also given the
dexamethasone therapy 1 mg per 12 hours and
added neurotrophic up to week six that showed good
The VZV infection of the geniculate ganglion is
usually called RHS. The condition is a rare case, so
it is often overlooked in diagnosis and therapy.
Detailed clinical examination was obtained a typical
set of symptoms of herpes eruption in the ear, ear
pain, and facial nerve paralysis that easily found in
early stage to prevent complications (Chen et al.,
2016; Kuya et al., 2017).
Herpes Zoster infection could occur due to viral
reactivation after previous varicella infections (Kuya
et al., 2017). However, in this case was denied that
the patient ever getting infected by Herpes Zoster
before. One possible factor triggering reactivation of
viral infections was extreme room temperature
because the patient works in an air-conditioned room
with temperatures below 200 C. These conditions
possibility lower the individual's immune system if it
was exposed continuously (Park et al., 2015; John
and Canaday, 2017).
The condition of oblique mouth and stiffness on
the right face is caused by an infection that attacks
the nerves vii (facial nerves) and decreased hearing
(The vestibulocochlear nerve). The condition was
complained by RHS patients by 84.6% (Zainine et
al., 2012) and if not managed properly it possibility
causes a persistent symptoms as much as 12%
(Kayakurt et al., 2014). The identified herpes
eruption is the usual stage of crustation that
occurring at 1-2 weeks after infection (Avci and
Ertam, 2014). Thus, the Tzanck smear cytological
examination was not carried out with such
considerations (Riahi et al., 2014).
RCD 2018 - The 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology 2018
Table 1: The results of Schirmer test.
Different >
Different >
< 25%
The results of the audiogram examination was
obtained that sensory neural hearing loss desktra in
the first week and re-examination on the second
week that obtained a deaf conduction dexter sinistra.
This neurological disorder was caused by
inflammation of the geniculate ganglion thus
suppressing the cranial nerve of the nerves VIII
(Godani et al., 2013; Kuya et al., 2017). The
improvement was caused by a decrease in
compression of nerves VIII. The EMG examination
of the amplitude illness/healthy were ranged from
40-70%, that estimated the lower the amplitude ratio
than the muscle contractures then more visible and
the prognosis was getting worse (Xing et al., 2013).
Antiviral (acyclovir) was not given with the
consideration of patients who coming a week after
VZV infection and did not show any
immunocompromised symptoms. Also, thus given
dexamethasone at a dose of 3 times 1 mg (Avci and
Ertam, 2014; Chen et al., 2016; Kuya et al., 2017).
The treatment was given for 2 weeks and gradually
decreased the dose and the patient also gets face
massage. Massage proved capable of blood
circulation, so the cells more rapid regeneration and
expected facial paralysis can be minimized (Field,
2014). The second week the patient were
complained of blurred vision and examination, eye
condition within normal limits.
Postherpetic neuralgia complications were a
common complication by 10-30% (Kayakurt et al.,
2014; Kuya et al., 2017). It is necessary to take
preventive steps in the case of RHS which is the
determination of accurate diagnosis and follow
prognosis by using EMG. The prognosis in this case
was good which shows an amplitude ratio above
25% (Xing et al., 2013).
RHS is a rare occurrence with a characteristic triad
of symptoms. In this case, the patients come to
health services a week after the appearance of
paralysis facial and hearing loss. Patients receive
corticosteroid, neurotrophic and facial massage
therapy without antiviral therapy. A few weeks after
the therapy the patient has improves their facial
muscles and audiology functions. As a preventive
measure to prevent the occurrence of RHS
complications required audiological diagnosis and
facial paralysis.
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RCD 2018 - The 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology 2018