The Influence of Use Bb Cream (Blemish Balm Cream) on the
Incidence and the Clinical Severity of Acne Vulgaris in Student of
SMK Negeri 4 Surakarta
F. E. Saputra
, Flora Ramona Sigit Prakoeswa
, C. R. S. Prakoeswa
Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
Department of Dermatology and Venereology Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta-PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital,
Department of Dermatology and Venereology-Faculty of Medicine, UniversitasAirlangga- DrSoetomo General Hiospital,
Keywords: Acne Vulgaris, BB Cream, Cosmetics.
Abstract: Acne vulgaris (AV) can be caused by several factors, one of them cosmetics. BB Cream is currently in
demand by women because of its function that can replace some types of cosmetics in one product.
However, most of women don’t know that the ingredients of the BB Cream can cause acne vulgaris and
aggravate acne vulgaris lesions.This research uses analytic observational method with cross sectional
design.Hypothesis test using chi square bivariate analysis with expected count. Based on 61 respondents
suffering from AV, there were 42 respondents using BB Cream (68.9%), most of respondents using BB
Cream 36 respondents (59.0%) routinely use BB Cream. Result of statistical analysis got value (p = 0,000).
In hypothesis test between the use of BB Cream to the severity of acne vulgaris obtained value (p = 0,045).
Conclusions, there is a relationship between the use of BB Cream (Blemish Balm Cream) on the incidence
and also the severity of clinical acne vulgaris.
Acne vulgaris can be caused by several factors, one
of them cosmetics. BB Cream is currently in demand
by women because of its function that can replace
some types of cosmetics in one product. However,
most of women do not know what the ingredients in
the BB Cream can cause acne vulgaris and
aggravates acne vulgaris lesions. The aim of this is
aims to know the relationship between the use of BB
Cream on the incidence and severity of clinical acne
vulgaris in students SMK Negeri 4 Surakarta.
This research uses analytic observational method
with cross sectional design. The number of subject
calculated using a single proportion formula
according to the type of research design used.
n = Zα
P(1 - P)
= 1,96
0,8 (1
0,2) (3)
= 61,47 rounded to 61 (5)
Number of research respondents 61 students.
Hypothesis test using chi square bivariate analysis
with expected count.
Based on 61 respondents suffering from acne
vulgaris, there were 42 respondents using BB Cream
(68.9%), most of respondents using BB Cream 36
respondents (59.0%) routinely use BB Cream.
Result of statistical analysis got value (p = 0,000). In
hypothesis test between the use of BB Cream to the
severity of acne vulgaris obtained value (p = 0,045).
Saputra, F., Prakoeswa, F. and Prakoeswa, C.
The Influence of Use Bb Cream (Blemish Balm Cream) on the Incidence and the Clinical Severity of Acne Vulgaris in Student of SMK Negeri 4 Surakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0008155902910294
In Proceedings of the 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology (RCD 2018), pages 291-294
ISBN: 978-989-758-494-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Cross Tabulation Of BB Cream Use With Routinity Of Using BB Cream.
Total p No Yes
BB Cream No
Expected Count
7.8 11.2 19.0 0,00
% of Total 100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
Yes ExpectedCount 17.2 24.8 42.0
% of Total 14.3% 85.7% 100.0%
Expected Count
25.0 36.0 61.0
% of Total 41.0% 59.0% 100.0%
Figure 1: Distribution Of Routinity Use OfBB Cream(References: Primary data).
Figure 2: Distribution Of Clinical Severity Of Acne Vulgaris(References: Primary data).
RCD 2018 - The 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology 2018
Table 2: Cross Tabulation Of BB Cream Use With Clinical Severity Of AcneVulgaris (References: Primary data).
Acne Vul
aris Total
Moderate Severe
BB Cream Yes Expected
33.7 4.8 3.4 42.0 0,045
% within 71.4% 16.7% 11.9% 100.0%
No Expected
15.3 2.2 1.6 19.0
% within 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
Total Expected
49.0 7.0 5.0 61.0
% within 80.3% 11.5% 8.2% 100.0%
From 61 respondents who meet inclusion criteria
there are 42 respondents who use BB Cream and 19
respondents who do not use BB Cream. There are 36
(59.0%) of respondents admitted to routinely use BB
Cream while 25 (41.0%) claimed not routinely use
BB Cream.After chi square test between the use of
BB cream with routinity of using BB Cream
obtained p value of 0.000 or p <0.005, it can be
concluded that there is a significant relationship
between the use of BB Cream with the routinity of
using BB Cream on SMK Negeri 4 Surakarta
students. With the result of chi square test as above,
it can be concluded that there is correlation between
the use of BB Cream to acne vulgaris incidence
because respondents who meet inclusion criteria and
use BB Cream routine in using BB Cream. One
factor that plays a role in acne vulgaris is blockage
of the sebaceous glands. If the BB cream is used
continuously, the oil element found in BB Cream
will further obstructthe pores of the skin so it can be
one of the triggers of acne vulgaris (Fatimah, 2017).
Continuous use of cosmetics over a long period of
time can also cause acne which mainly consists of
closed comedo and some papules or pustules lesions
on the cheeks and chin (Kabau, 2012).
Theoretically, cosmetics can cause acne vulgaris
when it contains two comedogenic ingredients such
as lanolin, butyl stearate, lauryl alcohol, petrolatum
found in cosmetics as basic powder, moisturizer,
sunscreen cream. BB Cream is a unity of several
types of cosmetics (Andriana, 2014).
Forty nine respondents who suffered from mild
AV and did not use BB Cream had an expected
count of 15.3 or 100.0%, while those using BB
Cream had an expected count of 33.7 or 71.4%, 7
respondents who suffered from moderate AV and
did not use BB Cream had an expected count of 2.2
or 0.0%, while respondents who suffered from
moderate AV and using BB Cream had an expect
count of 4.8 or 16.7%, in 5 respondents who
suffered from severe AV did not use BB Cream had
an expected count of 1.6 or 0%, while those using
BB Cream had an expected count 3.4 or 11.9%
higher risk of severe AV. Based on Kolmogorov-
Smirnov analysis between the use of BB Cream with
clinical severity of AV obtained p value of 0.045 or
p <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a
relationship between the use of BB Cream on the
severity of AV clinical severity of SMK Negeri 4
Acne vulgaris will get worse when using
cosmetics excessively and continuously because of
the ingredients in cosmetics such as lanolin, butyl
stearate, lauryl alcohol, petrolatum and oleic acid are
comedogenik and tend to increase the severity of
acne vulgaris (Kabau, 2012). This is supported by
the theory expressed by Fultonthat cosmetic
ingredients containing comedogenic substances can
cause irritation and aggravate acne lesions (Fulton,
1989). Comedogenic materials are one of them is
Ascorbyl glucoside, Nylon-12, Isononyl
isononanoate, and on BB Cream there are some of
these comedogenic materials. Other studies were
also demonstrated by Draelos in 6 respondents who
had acne on the back treated with comedogenic
material for 48 hours on Monday and Wednesday,
The Influence of Use Bb Cream (Blemish Balm Cream) on the Incidence and the Clinical Severity of Acne Vulgaris in Student of SMK
Negeri 4 Surakarta
72 hours on Friday and repeated for up to 4 weeks
(Draelos, 2006). After 4 weeks the enlargement of
the biopsy diameter of the specimen was taken,
previously 16cm to 51cm. In addition to ingredients
that contain elements of oil and preservatives that
can cause the occurrence of AV, BB Cream also
contains fragrance ingredients such as Perfume,
Linalool, Limonene, Caffeine, Geraniol, Citral. Such
substances can cause irritation, allergic reactions that
may increase the risk of acne or aggravate acne
lesions (Baldecchi, 2012).
There is a relationship between the use of BB Cream
(Blemish Balm Cream) on the incidence and severity
of clinical acne vulgaris.
In the next research need to do counseling about
BB Cream, proper selection of BB Cream and how
to use a good BB Cream to minimize the occurrence
of acne vulgaris and relapse.
On this occasion the authors convey a sincere
gratitude to Prof. DR. Dr. E.M. Sutrisna, M.Kes, as
Dean of Medical Faculty, University of
Muhammadiyah Surakarta and Dr. Flora Ramona S.
P., Sp.K.K. as a mentor who has guided, provided
critiques and suggestions in this study. The authors
also say many thanks to all those who have helped
the author to completing this study.
Andriana, R., Effendi, A., Berawi, K.N.. 2014. Hubungan
antara Penggunaan Kosmetik Wajah terhadap
Kejadian Akne Vulgaris pada Mahasiswi Fakultas
Kedokteran Universitas Lampung. Medical Journal of
Lampung University, 3(1), pp 1-8.
Baldecchi, T., et al. 2012. From BB to CC Creeams
Innovative Formulation of Multitasking Care.
International Journal for Applied Science, 138 (9), pp
Draelos, Z. and Dinardo, J. 2006. A Re-evaluation of
Comedogenicity Concept Journal of the American
Academy of Dermatology. Journal of the American
Academy of Dermatology., 54(3), pp.507-512.
Fatimah, R. and Tjiptaningrum, M. 2017. Hubungan
Pemakaian BB Cream terhadap Keparahan Klinis
Akne Vulgaris pada Mahasiswi Angkatan 2013
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lampung. Medical
Journal of Lampung University, 6 (3).
Fulton, J. (1989). Comedogenicity and Irritancy of
Commonly Used ingredients in Skin Care Products.
40, pp.321-333.
Kabau, S. (2012). Hubungan Antara Pemakaian Jenis
Kosmetik dengan Kejadian Akne Vulgaris. Jurnal
Media Medika Muda, 43(4), pp.32-36.
RCD 2018 - The 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology 2018