The Comparison of Dentist Drill with Chemical Reconstruction of
Skin Scars (CROSS) Trichloracetic Acid (TCA)
on Icepick Acne Scars
Moerbono Mochtar
, Leonardo Trisnarizki
, and Indah Julianto
Department of Dermato - Venereology
Medical faculty of Sebelas Maret University. Dr.Moewardi general Hospital - Surakarta
Keywords: Acne scars, Dentist drill CROSS TCA.
Abstract: Acne scar is the most common complication of acne with high incidence rate. There are 3 types of acne scars
ie. boxscar, icepick and rolling. Icepick scar is the most frequent in upto 60-70% cases. Dentist drill is small
high speed drill used to remove decayed teeth in dental caries treatments. The drill can also be used to treat
icepick acne scars. Chemical reconstructions of skin scars (CROSS) using Trichloracetic Acid (TCA) is also
an effective treatment for icepick scars. Objective: To compare the effectiveness of dental drill with CROSS
TCA for treating icepick scars. The total of 10 patients aged 20-40 year old, Fitzpatrick skin type III-IV, with
moderate to severe acne scars more than 3 months were included. Dentist drill was performed on the right
cheek, while CROSS TCA was performed on the left cheek. Comparison of the effectiveness were based on
clinical improvement by photograph, wound healing time, and patients comfort. The patients were evaluated
on days 3, 7, 14 and 30. At the end of the study 6 patients showed excellent clinical improvement, while 4
others showed moderate improvement. Both method were effective for icepick scars treatment. Dentist drill
provided faster wound recovery (3 days) than CROSS did (7 days). However CROSS TCA is more practical
because no special tools requirement, no anesthesia, and more comfortable for the patients.
Acne scars are the most common complication of acne. This
scar can be found in 95% of acne patients resulting in
psychological effects such as low self-esteem, impaired
social interactions, and may influence the successful in
searching a job (Hession and Graber, 2015). Acne scars
classified into three i.e atrophic, hypertrophic and keloid
(Gozali et al., 2015). Atrophic scar is the most frequently
found acne scars in about 80-90% case (Fabbrocini et al.,
2010). By morphology atrophic scars are divided into
boxscar, icepick and rolling (Hession and Graber, 2015).
The icepick scars found in 60-70% of cases (Fabbrocini et
al., 2010).
Chemical reconstructions of skin scars (CROSS) using
high concentrations of Trichloracetic Acid (TCA) 70-100%
is an effective therapy for the management of icepick scars
(Agarwal et al., 2015; Khunger et al., 2011). This method
is effective and safe on dark skin or Fitzpatrick IV- V skin
type (Khunger et al., 2011). The principle of this procedure
is to make a new wound with chemical liquid which will
increase the volume of the dermis due to the formation of
new collagen, glicoseaminoglycans and elastin so that the
scars flatten (Weber et al., 2011; Ramadan et al., 2011).
Dentist drill, is a small high-speed drill, used by
dentists to remove decayed teeth in caries dentist
treatment (Bor gigi, 2017). This tool can also be used
in dermatology the treatment of acne icepick scars
with the same principle mechanism as CROSS TCA
by making a new wound on the scar that will stimulate
wound healing with the formation of the new tissue.
The purpose of this study is to compare the
effectiveness of CROSS TCA with dental drill in
clinical improvement of acne icepick scars.
The total of 10 patients aged between 20-40 years
with acne scars were recruited in this study. The
inclusions criteria were patients with Fitzpatrick 3-4
skin types and acne scars more than 3 months willing
to follow the study. Exclusion criteria were patients
with active inflammatory acne, history of keloids,
history of herpes simplex or herpes zoster in the facial
region. All study subjects had normal vital signs.
Acne scars in the facial region were visible from
50cm distance and when it was stretched the scar did
not disappear. Photograph were taken before and after
the procedure to evaluate clinical improvement.
Mochtar, M., Trisnarizki, L. and Julianto, I.
The Comparison of Dentist Drill with Chemical Reconstruction of Skin Scars (CROSS) Trichloracetic Acid (TCA) on Icepick Acne Scars.
DOI: 10.5220/0008155202570261
In Proceedings of the 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology (RCD 2018), pages 257-261
ISBN: 978-989-758-494-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1. A. Frosting appearance after aplication of CROSS TCA with wooden tip applicator B. Dentist drill application with
perpendicular angle. C. Post dentist drill procedure.
Based on Goodman and Baron criteria, this acne scar
belongs to a moderate to severe acne scar (Goodman
and Baron, 2006).
First we cleaned the facial region with milk
cleaser and cleansing solution, then the icepick acne
scars were marked with permanent marker. The
CROSS TCA were performed without anesthesia on
the left cheek by aplying TCA 80-100% to the base
of the scars by stretching the skin. The TCA applied
with wooden applicator (toothpicks) until whittish or
“frosting” appeared. The tip of wooden applicator
was adjusted to the size of the scars. Dentist drill
applied to the right cheek by 1 mm round tip brace
drill with 90
angle or perpendicularly until
superficial dermis using. This procedure were
perfomed under local lidocain anesthetic (Figure 1).
Topical antibiotic was applied to the skin and the
patients were advised not to wash the face for three
days after the procedured, avoid direct sunlight
during the treatment, and not to manipulate the crust
because it healed within 7 days. The patients were
evaluated and photographed on days 3, 7, 14 and 30
after the procedure (Table 1).
The clinical improvement by photograph, the wound
healing time, and the patient comfort were compared
between the two procedures. Clinical evaluation of
scars improvement was based on Goodman and
Baron acne scars criteria (Goodman and Baron,
2006). The scars improvement was considered poor if
there was no progress on the degree of acne (0-24%),
moderate if there was 1 point increase (25-49%),
good if there was 2 points increase (50-74%), and
excelent if there was 3 points increase (75-100%)
(Bhadwaj and Khunger, 2010).
Both procedures gave moderate to excellent
clinical improvement in all subject after 30 days
(Figure 2). Based on the wound healing time, dentist
drill procedure healed faster within 3 days, whereas
the CROSS TCA the wound in the form of blackish
crusts still appeared more than 7 days (Figure 2).
However all of patients felt that the CROSS TCA was
more convenient than dentist drill. There was no
serious side effect during the treatment in both
procedures except mild side effect such as erythema,
crust and edema. Post inflammatory
hyperpigmentation (HPI) was also not present in all
The icepick scar is the most common acne scar in 60-
70% of cases. This scar has wider surface than the
base. It is like V shape. The rolling acne scars are
usually larger than 4mm in size with wavy surfaces
forming the letter "M". While the boxscar has a round
to oval shape and has a firm vertical boundary to form
the letter "U"(Fabbrocini et al., 2010).
The pathogenesis of acne scarring is not fully
understood. The risk of acne scarring is associated
with the severity of acne and the time to start the
treatment. Acne scar is thought to be derived from the
non inflammatory process into inflammatory acne
that results in follicular wall rupture. The rupture will
lead to the release of irritating materials such as hair,
fat, keratin, bacteria to the dermis so that there is an
inflammation in the dermis that will activate the
complement with classical and alternative pathways
(Maharani and Kusumawardhani, 2016).
There are various modalities of acne scar
treatment such as dermabrasion, subcision, chemical
peels, punch excision, microneedling, soft tissue
augmentation, and laser (Hession and Graber, 2015;
RCD 2018 - The 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology 2018
Figure 2. A.E. Before dentist drill procedure B.F excellent clinical improvement 30 days after dentis drill procedure. C.G
before CROSS TCA D.H Excellent clinical improvement 30 days after CROSS TCA. I. 3 days after dentist drill the wound
healed faster J. Wound 3 days after CROSS TCA.
Table 1. Comparison of CROSS TCA and dentist drill.
Clinical improvement
30 da
s after
Wound Healing Time Patient
Dentist drill
3 DAYS 7 Days 14 Days 30 Days
CROSS Dentist
CROSS Dentist
CROSS Dentist
CROSS Dentist
Patient 1
Moderate Moderate
- + + + + + + + + -
Patient 2
Very good Very good
- + - + + + + + + -
Patient 3
Moderate Moderate
- + + + + + + + + -
Patient 4
Very good Very good
- + - + + + + + + -
Patient 5
Moderate Moderate
- + - + + + + + + -
Patient 6
Excellent Excellent
- + + + + + + + + -
Patient 7
Very good Very good
- + - + + + + + + -
Patient 8
Moderate Moderate
- + + + + + + + + -
Patient 9
Excellent Excellent
- + - + + + + + + -
Patient 10
Excellent Excellent
- + + + + + + + + -
The Comparison of Dentist Drill with Chemical Reconstruction of Skin Scars (CROSS) Trichloracetic Acid (TCA) on Icepick Acne Scars
Zaleski-Larsen et al., 2016;Simmons et al., 2014) The
other treatment option is chemical reconstructions of
skin scars (CROSS) using Trichloracetic Acid (TCA)
high concentration 70-100% which effective on
icepick scars and it is safe for skin colour (Khunger et
al., 2011; Bhardwaj and Khunger, 2010). This
procedure can also be used in rolling scars and
varicella scars (Ramadan et al., 2011; Sardana et al.,
2014). Kim et al reported the use of 100% CROSS
TCA on icepick scars with similar results to the
erbium laser therapy (Agarwal et al., 2013).
Dentist drill in dermatology can also be used for
the management of acne icepick scar. The mechanism
of this drill is almost similar to CROSS TCA by
making a new wound around the scars so that it will
stimulate wound healing with the formation of a new
collagen tissue. Even various therapeutic modalities
are available with varying effectiveness, but some of
the outcome is still less than optimal (Sardana et al.,
2014). No single therapy is universally effective in all
types of scars (Gozali et al., 2015). Therefore some
clinician use combination therapy to improve the
effectiveness (Agarwal., 2013).
In the 10 patients we studied, the acne scars was
clearly visible in 50 centimeters and when they were
stretched several acne scars flattened but some did
not. Such conditions were categorized in moderate-
severe acne scars (Goodman and Baron, 2006). Six
study subject who had more predominant icepick
acne scars showed significant clinical improvement.
Four patients experienced less significant clinical
improvement. The possible causes of this condition
was mixed type of the acne scars, while only the acne
scars being treated was icepick scars, and not others
(rolling and box scar). Therefore the clinical
improvement by photopgraph appeared less
significant. However if we looked closer, the icepick
scars looked flattened by both procedure. The other
reason is the the size of icepick scars is less than 2mm,
smaller than box scars and rolling scars, so that
despite there were flattened scars, the clinical
improvements is not significant. Another possible
cause is that the procedures for acre scars should be
performed in multiple replications depending on the
patient's clinical response, while in all the above
patients we only treat the patient once.
The dental drill provided faster recovery than
CROSS TCA. On the 3rd day the wound has already
closed. Whereas in CROSS TCA group multiple
blackish crusts (Table 1) still persisted. In the 7th day
the entire crust disappeared in dentis drill group but
in CROSS TCA some were still observed.
The patients complained of burning sensation for
5 minutes with CROSS TCA. This occured because
CROSS TCA was performed without anesthesia,
whereas a dental drill was given a local anesthetic
injection. However, injection of pehacaine also
caused pain at the time of injection, especially if the
location of the scars scattered. It was done several
times in some areas caused greater pain. Another
complaint of patients was the sound of drill which
made the patient feel uncomfort. Based on patient
comfort, CROSS TCA is preferred compared to the
dentist drill.
The CROSS TCA and dental drill were effective in
treating icepick scars acne. Each of these procedure
has its own advantages and disadvantages. The use of
a dental drill has a faster wound healing time.
However CROSS TCA is more practical because no
special tools requirement, no anesthesia, and it gives
more comfortable feeling.
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The Comparison of Dentist Drill with Chemical Reconstruction of Skin Scars (CROSS) Trichloracetic Acid (TCA) on Icepick Acne Scars