The Correlation between the Level of Knowledge and Perception to
the Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV Infections
in Female Sex Workers in Surakarta
Putti Fatiharani Dewi*, Rini Hastuti, Ambar Aliwardani, Mardiana, Endra Yustin Ellistasari
Dermatovenereology Departement
Dr. Moewardi General Hospital/Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Sexually Transmitted Infections, HIV infections, knowledge, perception.
Abstract: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections are serious
global public health issue. Commercial sex workers and their clients are two of the groups at the highest risk
of acquiring and transmitting these infectious diseases. Knowledge is the result of knowing from human to
something, or any deeds of man to understand an object certain. Perception is a complex multifactorial process
built on the experiences that a person undergoes during the course of his or her life which are directly or
indirectly influenced by socioeconomic, political, and cultural contexts. The purpose of this study was to
explore the relationship between the level of knowledge and perception to the incidence of STIs and HIV
infections in Female Sex Workers (FSWs) in Surakarta. A cross sectional based study was conducted among
female sex workers in several area in Surakarta. A total 75 female sex workers completed a questionnaire and
provided blood samples for HIV and syphilis testing, endocervical and vaginal smears were tested for STIs
examination. All data were analyzed statistically by using Chi-Square test with P<0,05 was considered
significant. The overall incidence of various STIs was 42.67%, whereas HIV positivity was 4%. Bacterial
Vaginosis were the most common infections (14.67%). There was no significant correlation between the level
of knowledge and perceptions with the incidence of STIs and HIV infections.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections are an
important serious public health problem worldwide,
they are a major cause of acute illness, infertility,
disability and death (Giri, Hiremath and Kasbe, 2012;
Mesenburg, Muniz and Silveira, 2014).
According to
the WHO, in 2016 there were about 357 millions new
cases of STIs such as Chlamydia (131 million),
Syphilis (5.5 million), Gonorrhoeae (78 million) and
Trichomoniasis (143 million) (WHO, 2016). The
latest STIs and HIV prevalence data in the group of
female sex workers based on the Surakarta AIDS
Commission in 2015 there are 263 new STI cases and
77 new HIV cases (AIDS Comission, 2016).
sex workers (FSWs) and their clients are the largest
group of individuals at high risk (Auli et al., 2013).
Regulations about prostitution vary widely, with
some cities implementing but seldom enforcing
radical laws to prosecute those who engage in or
manage the business of prostitution (Safika, Levy and
Johnson, 2013).
Sexually Transmitted Infections which are
diseases due to among humans sexual activities
including vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex.
Sexually transmitted infections is a broader term than
sexually transmitted disease (Achunam Nwabueze et
al., 2014).
Based on its etiology, STIs can be caused
by either bacteria or virus. The bacteria commonly
presented in STIs are Chlamydia, Syphilis, and
Gonorrhoeae. While viral infections originates from
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), HIV, and Hepatitis
B (S and Uike Assistant Professor, 2016). The
morbidity and mortality impacts of these STIs are
compounded since they also facilitate the sexual
transmission of HIV. HIV infection causes an
immunosuppresed condition which can increase the
number of STIs and lead to greater co-diagnosis
condition. People with active STIs are prone to HIV
infection. HIV positive patients who are exposed to
Dewi, P., Hastuti, R., Aliwardani, A., Mardiana, . and Ellistasari, E.
The Correlation between the Level of Knowledge and Perception to the Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV Infections in Female Sex Workers in Surakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0008152901550158
In Proceedings of the 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology (RCD 2018), pages 155-158
ISBN: 978-989-758-494-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
STIs also have a greater risk to transmit HIV
(Puspitosari et al., 2014).
The perceptions about STIs and HIV have varied
from one society to others and is a complex
multifactorial process built on the experiences which
are directly and indirectly influenced by
socioeconomic, political and cultural context (Auli et
al., 2013). Knowledge is an important prerequisite for
intentional performance of health-related behavior
and prevention STIs and HIV transmission. Most
national programs have made considerable effort to
increase knowledge about HIV, the behaviors that
spreads the disease and the ways it can be avoided and
reduce the stigma.Stigmatizing attitudes are strongly
associated with the missperception of HIV
transmission with negative attitudes toward the social
group, particularly homosexuals and sex workers
(Sohn and Park, 2012).Several government programs
related to STI and HIV control include: improving
early case detection, increasing coverage of ARV
drugs, expanding access to STIs and HIV screening,
improving the quality of primary care facilities, and
advocating local governments to reduce the burden
This study was conducted to assess whether
knowledge and perception are related to the incidence
of STIs and HIV infections.
Cross sectional study was performed in 75 FSWs in
Surakarta by interviewing and performing
laboratorium examination for STIs and HIV. All data
were analyzed statistically by using Chi-Square test
with P<0,05 was considered significant. Each
participant completed a questionnaire survey
regarding sociodemographic condition, knowledge,
and perceptions associated with risk for STIs and
HIV. The questionnaire was assessed based on the
answers about such as ever heard STIs and HIV,
misperceptions about STIs and HIV, transmission,
prevention, and feel at risk of being infected.
Participants can be said to have good knowledge if
they can correctly answer the symptoms and ways of
transmitting STI and HIV diseases. Participants who
are aware that they have the possibility of being able
to suffer from HIV and STIs are said to have a good
perception. Blood was collected and tested for HIV
rapid test and syphilis rapid test. Endocervical,
posterior fornix and vaginal smears were tested for
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, non spesific genital
infections, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and bacterial
vaginosis (Kustanti, 2017).
Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics of Female Sex Workers in Surakarta.
Characteristics Frequency(n=75) Percent (%)
Age 17-25 y.o 3 4
26-35 y.o 15 20
36-45 y.o 36 33
46-55 y.o 18 25
56-65 y.o 3 4
>65 y.o - -
Education Illiterate 10 13.33
Elementary 21 28
Junior 21 28
Senior 21 28
College 2 2.7
Source of STIs information Counseling 30 65.21
Media 13 28.26
Environment 2 4.34
Social media 1 2.17
Source of HIV information Counseling 29 50
Media 23 39.65
Environment 3 5.17
Social media 3 5.17
STIs diseases history Yes 24 32
No 51 68
HIV diseases history Yes 0 0
No 75 100
RCD 2018 - The 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology 2018
The other reason is that many of the FSWs women
fulfill the client's request not to use condoms, and
government screening programs are not routinely
performed so that FSWs feel that they are free from
STIs and HIV diseases.
It is important public health
to conduct exploration, identification, and analysis
the perception, knowledge and behaviours of FSWs
as well as the associated sociopoltical and cultural
factors and the role of FSWs in the risk of acquiring
and transmitting STIs and HIV (The highest
proportion (33%) of subjects was 36-45 years old.
The majority of subjects had education background,
as they all finished their study from elementary,
junior, and senior high school (28% each). The
information about STIs and HIV were mostly from
counseling, 65.21% and 50% respectively. About
32% of female sex workers claimed to have had an
STI in the past.
Of the 75 participants 4% were identified as HIV
positive, screening showed that 53.33% had STIs,
consisting of Bacterial Vaginosis (18.67%), Syphilis
(14.67%), Vulvovaginalis candidiosis (9.3%),
Trichomoniasis( 5.3%), Non-Specific Genital
Infection (2.6%), Diplococcus Gram Negative
Intracellular (1.33%), and Condyloma Acuminata
Table 2: The correlation between the level of knowledge and perception with the incidence of STIs and HIV.
(+) (-) P
(+) (-) P
2 (4.8%) 40
0.648 0.704
1 (3.0%) 32 (97%)
1 (3.3%) 29
0.151 0.810
26 (65%) Bad
2 (4.4%) 43
There was no significant correlation between the
level of knowledge with the incidence of STIs
(p>0.05) as well as the perception and the incidence
of STIs (p>0.05). the same results was also observed
in HIV. Knowledge and perception have nothing to
do with the incidence of HIV.
In this study, most of FSWs had a good education.
Risk perception is a complex multifactorial process
built on the experiences that a person undergoes
during the course of her life which are directly or
indirectly influenced by socioeconomic and cultural
contexts. Some of these condititons may influence the
perception about exposure to acquisition,
transmission and treatment of STIs and HIV (Auli et
al., 2013). Some researchers have found that the level
of knowledge and perception can serve as a barrier to
safer sex practices (Bruce et al., 2011).
Our study
revealed that higher levels of knowledge of STIs and
HIV have no effect on the incidence of STIs and HIV,
as well as the perceptions of female sex workers are
unrelated to the incidence of STIs and HIV. In this
study, FSWs who were positive for STIs and HIV for
have good knowledge and good perception better than
FSWs who were illiterate. Most of female sex
workers received the information about STIs and HIV
through counseling, but this is not enough to reduce
the incidence of STIs and HIV. Previous studies have
revealed that awareness and attitudes towards
sexuality as well as also educational background play
role in the overall knowledge of STIs and HIV
incidences (Mutha et al., 2014). High risk groups such
as female sex workers even they know better about
HIV, are still involved in behavioral risk (Unicef,
2012). Most of FSWs knew and have a good
perceptions about STIs and HIV, but their needs did
not allow any fear and worry, also they did not see
any other options beside sexwork Auli et al., 2013).
The Correlation between the Level of Knowledge and Perception to the Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV Infections in
Female Sex Workers in Surakarta
Most of the FSWs had objective knowledge and
good perception on STIs and HIV, but from the
results of the screening is still found 4% participants
were identified as HIV positive, and 53.33% had
STIs. We believe that this study can provide useful
knowledge in controlling STIs and HIV in a high-risk
population group FSWs and the users, even though
the findings are not able to be generalized due to the
study subjects were limited in number and area as
well as the recall bias in fulfilling the questionnaire.
We recommend routine screening and periodic
surveys in order for early detection of STIs and HIV.
Other approaches for example forum group
discussion, community gathering, workshops also
peer education for counseling and experience sharing
with imparting correct knowledge about STIs and
HIV are needed, so that these FSWs do not just know
about STI and HIV but have a high level of awareness
of both diseases.
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RCD 2018 - The 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology 2018