Comparison of Mean Platelet Volume in Urticaria and Non Urticaria
Patient in Dr. Saiful Anwar Regional Hospital Malang
Doni Kristanto, Aunur Rofiq and Dhelya Widsmara
Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Dr Saiful Anwar Regional
Hospital Malang., Indonesia
Keywords: Mean Platelet Volume, Urticaria, Non-urticaria.
Abstract: Increased of Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) is one of potential marker for disease activity especially for
urticaria based on extrinsic coagulation pathway activity, alternative complement pathway and autoimmune.
Another study showed decreased on MPV in chronic urticaria. This study is aimed to compared MPV value
in urticaria and non-urticaria patient. This analytic observational cross-sectional study was conducted with
consecutive sampling and has been held in June August 2017. The term of inclusion and exclusion criteria
was applied. Data was analyzed using independent T test. Anamnesis, physical examination dan blood
sampling were done in 23 urticaria and non-urticaria patients each. Data showed increased MPV serum in
urticaria compared with non-urticaria patients but this difference was non-significant (sig 0,393; p>0,05). The
conclusion is non-significant difference statistically found in serum MPV value between urticaria and non-
urticaria patient, the average MPV value in urticaria patient was higher that non urticaria patient. Urticaria
type were thought to have a role in MPV value.
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) is simple and accurate
marker to evaluate platelet function and activity. It’s
regularly used in complete blood count examination
that point to platelet volume
(Dugyu, 2015). Platelet
size and volume were depended on bone marrow
production. MPV wasn’t correlated with platelet ages
in circulation
(Giuseppe, 2009). Investigation
showed that MPV can be used as inflammation
marker. Acute urticaria often accompanied with
inflammation like fever and leukocytosis
2015), (Vagdatli, 2010).While in chronic urticaria
found strong evidence of increased MPV value
compared to healthy subject
(Kolkhir, 2016). Cohen
et al (2012) found that high MPV value was the most
commonly marker found in chronic urticaria (3552
from 12778 patients)
(Cohen, 2012).But some
investigator found decreased in MPV value in chronic
urticaria, so it is still controversial
(Isiksacan, 2014).
Based on that difference, the author what to
investigate the comparation of MPV value in urticaria
and non urticaria patient in di Dr Saiful Anwar
Regional Hospital Malang.
This study used cross-sectional observational analytic
design in Dermatology and Venereology Outpatient
Clinic and Clinical Pathology Laboratorium In Dr
Saiful Anwar Regional Hospital Malang, East Java,
Indonesia. The study was approved by the Hospital
Ethics Committee then carried out from June to
August 2017.
2.1 Patients and Clinical Evaluation
The study sample was 23 urticaria patient and 23 non
urticaria patient in Dermatology and Venereology
Outpatient Clinic Dr Saiful Anwar Regional Hospital
Malang. Inclusion criteria were urticaria and non
urticaria patients, aged 18-65 years old, agreed to sign
the informed consent. Exclusion criteria were no
physical urticaria and vasculitis history, obesity,
pregnancy, hypertension, diabetes, active smoker,
skin inflammation, vitiligo, dental infection, sinusitis,
upper respiratory and urinary tract infection, and
aspirin medication in the last 3 month.
Kristanto, D., Rofiq, A. and Widasmara, D.
Comparison of Mean Platelet Volume in Urticaria and Non Urticaria Patient in Dr. Saiful Anwar Regional Hospital Malang.
DOI: 10.5220/0008150000280030
In Proceedings of the 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology (RCD 2018), pages 28-30
ISBN: 978-989-758-494-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.2 Mean Platelet Volume (Mpv) Value
Blood sample was taken as much as 5 ml in EDTA
vacutainer tube and processed immediately using
Hematology Analyzer Sysmex XN 1000
automatically to get MPV value in Clinical Pathology
Laboratorium In Dr Saiful Anwar Regional Hospital
2.3 Data Analysis
Data entry was done on the data sheet. The data then
processed with computer program Statistical Package
for Social Sciences (SPSS). Normality test using
Shapiro-Wilk test and homogenity using Levene test.
The comparison of MPV value in urticaria and non
urticaria was analysed using independent T test.
There were 23 urticaria and non urticaria patients
each aged 18-62 years old included in this study as
showed in table 1 baseline characteristic. Average
MPV value in urticaria group was 9,72 fL ± 0,71. The
lowest MPV value was 8,00 fL and the highest MPV
value was 11,2 fL. Average MPV value in non
urticaria group was 9,56 fL ± 0,58. The lowest MPV
value was 8,20 fL and the highest MPV value was
10,5 fL. Normality test using Shapiro-Wilk test
showed that both group have normal distribution.
Homogenity test using Levene test showed that data
was homogen. Independent T Test was used to
compare MPV value in urticaria and non urticaria
group. From the table 2 showed that t
was 0,863
with significancy 0,393. Non-significant difference in
MPV value between urticaria group compare with
non urticaria group can be concluded from t
< t
or significant value is bigger than α 5%, where the
average MPV value urticaria group is higher than non
urticaria group.
Table 1: Baseline Characteristic.
Table 2: Independent Sample t.
Average MPV value was higher in urticaria compared
with non urticaria showed there is platelet mediator
roles in urticaria pathogenesis or stimulation on bone
marrow secondarily with increased bigger platelet
production as result that caused by increased platelet
consumption on urticaria wheal or systemic
(Milovanovic, 2004), (Canpolat, 2010),
(Purnak, 2011). Platelet role in extrinsic coagulation
pathway lead to histamine release and affect disease
(Aleem, 2015). Bigger platelets were more
reactive than normal platelets, with higher
tromboxane B2 production (Giuseppe, 2009),
(Martin, 1983). MPV was suitable for long time
Comparison of Mean Platelet Volume in Urticaria and Non Urticaria Patient in Dr. Saiful Anwar Regional Hospital Malang
obsevation of inflammation reaction because it was
not correlate with other measurement
2004). Non-significant difference caused by urticaria
type was not considered. According to Vena GA et al
(Vena, 2016), platelet activation is more common in
chronic urticaria
(Vena, 2016). While in acute
urticaria, direct interaction between alergen and IgE
spesific antigen on mast cell and basophil and trigger
mast cell degranulation
(Allen, 2012).
The average MPV value in urticaria patient is higher
than non urticaria patient, but it has non-significant
difference statistically. This may caused by all
urticaria type were included without selected in to
acute or chronic urticaria as platelet activation
process more often in chronic urticaria.
This study was funded by Ministry of Health
Republic of Indonesia since the author was joining
Scholarship from this institution.
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RCD 2018 - The 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology 2018