Implementation of Permission Use of Space as an Instrument of
Controlling the Space Utilization of High Control Zone of East Java
Festiaty Karismandani, Suparto Wijoyo and Agus Sekarmadji
Magister sains of Law and Development, Universitas Airlangga
Keywords: Spatial Permission, Spatial Planning, East Java.
Abstract: Increased investment in East Java have boosted the intensification of utilization of space, to control the high
rate of space intensification of utilization by local government officials. Specifically, they put control to it
by using space Permit Spatial usage permit which further abbreviated as IPR is the permission required in
the use of space activities in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. IPR which become the
authority of East Java province is a Region of Space Utilization Permits of High Control Zone of a Regional
Scale. During IPR process in the beginning of 2010, both the process of issuing of the permit and post
publication of IPR, there are several obstacles that occur, among other administrative barriers or technical
constraints that cause IPR cannot published even revoked the validity period. This research was a form of
socio-legal research legal analyze of IPR implementation. Based on the results of the analysis existence of
synchronization rules in this National Spatial Plan, provinces and district / city, as well as the importance of
monitoring and evaluation of the institutional role of the IPR has been published in order to keep the
consistency with the physical condition of the field.
Based on Indonesia regulation Number 23/2014 about
local governance, public works Affairs and Spatial
Planning is included in one of the Concurrent Affairs. The
Sub-Division of Spatial Planning is divided into the
Affairs of the Central Government, the province and
distric or city. It provides changes to the Division of the
authority conducting spatial and sectoral policy
implementation against implicates in the area.
Since the enactment of the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia Number about Spatial Planning, districs and
cities in East Java simultaneously carryout the mandate to
draw up the Urban Land Use Plan.
However, it has not been executed directly in term of
areal development. Development should be in accordance
with what had been planned on Urban Land Use Plan, but
many investors still do development in regions that do not
fit the allocation included in the province of East Java. As
an example the case of the construction of the warehouse
which is located in the village of Driyorejo Sub-district
Cangkir of Gresik district. The location of the
development happens to be (the furthest) 35m from
Brantas River bank. That case has been currently the
administrative sanctions Act has been made by the
Government of Gresik Distric.
Based on that, to control the high rate of
intensification of utilization of space of the Government of
East Java implement control efforts through the use of
space Permits the utilization of space. Permit use of space
which further abbreviated as IPR is the permission
required in the use of space activities in accordance with
the provisions of the legislation. The increasing of IPR
application have an impact on control activities of the use
of space is crucial, given the province of East Java have
been Region Regulation Numbe 5/2012 About Spatial
Land Use Plan of East Java province as well as the
Governor's Regulation Number 80 / 2014 About
utilization of space on High Control Zone of
Regional-scale Area in East Java province.
During the IPR process on the early f 2010, issuing
permit and posting publication has encountered several
problems. It is either practically about administrative
barrier or technical constraint resulting late
publication of IPR or even revoked validity period.
Table 1. The number of IPR and the IPR Application has
been published by Technical service unit Integrated
Licensing Services capital investment and Licensing of
Integrated Office of East Java Province
Application for
permission of use
of space
The publish
Karismandani, F., Wijoyo, S. and Sekarmadji, A.
Implementation of Permission Use of Space as an Instrument of Controlling the Space Utilization of High Control Zone of East Java.
DOI: 10.5220/0007552808530858
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 853-858
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Application for
permission of use
of space
The publish
Based on the table above, there is a gap between
the number of application for permission of use of
space and permits issued. The gap started in 2013 in
which IPR publication conducted by UPT P2T. It is
assisted by the team assisting the publication process
through coordination meetings in advance. Thus
there is some IPR application that was denied at the
time coordination meeting about Assisting Team
members due to not having alignment with Spatial
Plan. Meetings in the IPR recommendations Team
Assisting because of the constrained alignment with
the Spatial Plan.
Reflecting to that, there must be a
synchronization of Spatial Land Use Plan, between
national committee and cities/districts. It also
somehow demands consistency of sector policy,
ranging from the central government and local
2.1 Previous Research
Shelly (2017) in her writings titled Controlling
utilization of space in the South Lampung District
explains about the mechanisms Permit utilization of
the space scale of the district. IPR that has district
impact got approval from the head of the district,
after obtaining input/recommendations from the
team of regional Spatial Coordination Board
districts. Further granting of permit utilization of
space done according to the procedures or
mechanisms is in accordance with the provisions of
the legislation. The permission procedure is the first
step to control the use of space. Other than that,
licensing performance on an area is crucial factor to
either attract or discourage investment. Conducting
an effective permission will facilitate the control and
the guidance of violation spatial plan. When the
permission mechanism is not organized properly, it
will be the space utilization of irregularities occurred
Yulinda Adharani, R. Adi Nurzaman (2017) in
their writings titled Permit Function in Spatial Use
Control in North Bandung Area found a Framework
Of Sustainable Development. From the results of
this research, it was concluded that most apartment
and hotel in the area of the North Bandung, have
permit but they do not have Government’s
recommendation. It should be a concern to the giver
of the permission as stated on the applicable
Regional Regulation of West Java Province number 2
/2016 about Guidelines for controlling the area of
the North Bandung. It is explained that Government
recommendation is needed as permission. This
becomes input for policy makers in the spatial
planning and environmental law since they need to
be cautious in issuing permit that deals with
sustainable development. The big step which should
be taken by the local authorities in make it happen is
to build awareness of the whole government staff,
especially stakeholders/decision makers. It is wise to
consider long term consequence of granting
permission to the environment, especially when the
proposed consent breaking the Spatial Plan of the
2.2 Spatial Plan
Spatial Plan in gneral is a combination between the
natural formed and artificial creations land use,
either planned or unplanned. According to
Hermanis-lamet, that nature's creations are treated
by space, resources and as a locus of objects and
activities in advance of this earth
According to D.A. Tisnaadmidjaja, space is
defined as "a physical manifestation of the
geographical and geometrical dimensions which is a
container for human beings in carrying out activities
of his life in a decent quality of life." Spatial Plan is
the form of the structure of space and land use space.
The structure of the space is the order of settlement
centers and network infrastructure systems and
facilities that serve as supporting socio-economic
activities of the community that are hierarchical
functional relationship.
The goal is to create spatial plans is matching
between the various activities in the territories in
order to created a harmonious relationship and
harmonious, so will accelerate the process to achieve
the prosperity and provided the environmental
sustainability life (Tarigan, 2004).
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
Based on law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 26/2007, the efforts of the achievement of
the goals through the implementation of spatial
planning which include: spatial planning, spatial
Utilization and control of utilization of space.
2.3 Control of Utilization of Space
Control of the use of space is the final stage of the
implementation of the spatial planning, consists of
four (4) instruments of regulation; zoning, licensing,
incentives and disincentives, as well as sanctions.
Zoning regulations are drafted as guidelines for
controlling utilization of space. Zoning regulations
are drawn up on the basis of detailed spatial plan for
each zone the utilization of space.
Permissions are set by the Government and local
governments according to their respective authority
in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
Permit use of space that is not in accordance with the
Spatial land use plan is canceled by the Government
and local governments according to their respective
authority in accordance with the provisions of the
The space utilization permits issued and/or
obtained not through the correct procedure is
annulled by law. It is obtained through the correct
procedure but later proved to be incompatible with
the spatial plan of the region is cancelled by the
Government and local authorities in accordance with
those powers.
Against losses incurred due to the cancellation of
permits as requested above can be a viable
replacement to the instances of the giver of the
consent. Permits that are no longer appropriate due to
change of spatial plan area can be canceled by the
Government and local governments. Technically, it is
by providing decent damages as well as any
government officials who authorized the publishing
permission use of space. Thus, it is prohibited to
publish permission that is not in accordance with the
spatial plan.
In the implementation of the use of space in order
to make use of space in accordance with the plan of
spatial locality can be given incentives and/or
disincentives by the Government and local
authorities. The incentives referred to above, which is
a device or an effort to give the reward against the
implementation of the activities in line with the
spatial plans, such as tax relief, the granting of
compensation, cross-subsidies, in return, rental
space, and additional stock.
While the disincentive is the device for
preventing, limiting or reducing growth, activities not
in line with the spatial plans such as restrictions on
the provisionof infrastructure, the imposition of a
penalty, and compensation.
The imposition of sanctions is disciplining action
committed against the use of space that is not in
accordance with the spatial plans and zoning
2.4 Permit Use of Space
Permit Use of Space is one of the instruments for
controlling use of space which aims to make use of
space run in accordance with the functions of the
space specified in the spatial plan which has been
agreed by the Government and the society. The
operational use of space policy is related to the
determination of the location, the quality of the
space and layout of the buildings in accordance with
the legislation, customary law and custom. It
technically was held by the Governor on the
provincial level and the mayor of districts/cities.
2.5 Utilization of Space on High
Control Zone of Regional Scale
Areas of East Java
According to governor regulation of East Java
Province the number 80/2014 About utilization of
space on High Control Zone of Regional-scale Area
in East Java province, High Control Zone is an area
that requires special surveillance and limited its
utility to maintain power support, preventing the
negative impact, and ensure a sustainable
development process.
2.6 The Guidance, Monitoring and
In carrying out the process of issuing of Space Use
Permit in order to be right on target is required the
existence of a guidance , monitoring and evaluation.
The Guidance of spatial planing is an attempt to
improve the use of space-related control of the use
of space on the tight control of the area.
Monitoring activities are conducted to monitor
the implementation of the use of space activities to
conform with the obligations of the holder of the
permit required in IPR document. Related to
monitoring activities, the holder of the IPR are
required to report data permissions required prior to
carrying out physical activities to service
administrator permissions.
Implementation of Permission Use of Space as an Instrument of Controlling the Space Utilization of High Control Zone of East Java
Evaluation activities conducted to assess the
implementation of the activities of the appropriate
allocation of the planned time and conditions of
minimal activities must be carried out in accordance
with a proposal for a provisional permit.
Research methods used in this study was a research
method socio-legal which used normative approach
of the law and using field approach that is reviewing
the legal issues by conducting research the field.
Data collection was carried out by means of field
studies and library studies. The data obtained from
the library of the College Library in the field of
related, included on the agencies or research
institutions, and State institutions related to research
material. Collection of information was done using
the method of interview with speaker which is
stakeholder related Permission Use Of Space As An
Instrument Of Controlling The Space Utilization Of
High Control Zone Of East Java.
The interviews carried out with the use of
directional guidance interviews have been compiled
as his coaching. The truth of this research is
supported also by the author who is one of the
assisting team members provide recommendation for
IPR publication .
Permit use of space is closely associated with the
growth of investment in East Java. It is because
many of his investors who infuse capital in the
sectors of industry and warehousing through land
use. East Java province is the first rank.
In terms of ease of doing business (Ease of
Doing Business), according to Asia Competitive
Institute (ACI) research conducted in April
September 2017 Survey involving businessmen 925.
The ease of investment in East Java Province,
encouraging the government to increase economic
growth but with due attention to the availability of
space in accordance with its allocation. It should be
based on East Java Province spatial planning
mission ,to realize the ease for the development of
regional investment and enhancement of regional
Availability of investment space has been
arranged in Regional Regulation of East Java
Province number 5/2012 about Spatial Planning of
East Java Province Year 2011-2031 It is mentioned in
clause 3 (point e) that namely the function of Spatial
Planning of East Java Province one of them as a
guideline of location determination and space
functions for investment. In addition, the ease of
regional investment is also a spatial planning mission
in East Java
Licensing is one of the spatial control guidance
that has been arranged in RTRW planning documents
of East Java Province. The licensing regulated in the
RTRW of East Java Province is intended for
licensing related to space utilization permit.
According to the provisions of legislation, it must be
owned prior to the implementation of space
utilization. As for the utilization of space the license
is issued prior to the spatial plan determination and
can be proven that the permit obtained in accordance
with the correct procedure, given the appropriate
replacement to the permit holder
In Government Regulation number 26/2008
regarding RTRWN mentioned that the permit of
space utilization is given by authorized officer in
accordance with its authority. The granting of space
utilization permit is done according to the procedure
related to the provisions of the provisions of the
legislation. In addition, the granted of space
utilization permit with major and significant impacts
are coordinated by the Minister
Space utilization permits is granted to the
applicant taking into consideration the compatibility
with the Spatial Plan, compatibility with the Zoning
Regulation, compatibility with other technical field
regulations, and the feasibility of the design and
location of the land
4.1 Institutional License of Space
Utilization for Area of Strict
Control with Regional Scale of East
Java Province
The publication of IPR is through several stages of
the process and licensing procedures. Each licensing
process and procedure has been regulated and has
been set as operating procedures in the Office of UPT
P2T Investment Service and PSTSP of East Java
Province. In the process of issuing IPR, UPT P2T of
the Capital Investment Office and PSTSP East Java
Province assisted by the Assistance Team. In the
process of publishing IPR, UPT P2T of the Capital
Investment Office and PSTSP East Java Province is
assisted by the Assistance Team.
The Assistance Team is a team assigned to
provide recommendations and / or technical
considerations to the Governor on the application of
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
space utilization in the Strict Control Area. The
recommendation is generally refer to the criteria
which support environmental carrying capacity,
prevent negative impacts, and ensure sustainable
development based on Spatial Plan and technical
Based on Governor Regulation No. 80 of 2014 on
Spatial Use in Regional Strict Control Area Scale in
East Java Province, it describeds the stages of IPR
process and procedure submission. Starting from the
applicant to apply, through the administrative
process, followed by coordination meeting with the
Assistance Team which ended with the publication of
4.1.1 Constraints in the Implementation of
Space Use Permit
Since the year 2010,, the implementation of IPR that
took place in East Java Province still has some
obstacles. The obstacles in the implementation of IPR
include administrative constraints to technical
Based on the description of the licensing section
UPT P2T East Java province, constraints of the
administrative aspects often occur at the initial stage
of submission before entering the discussion phase by
the Assistance Team. In fulfillment of administrative
requirements some applicants still have to return
several times to UPT P2T to meet the administrative
requirements. The frequently missed administrative
requirements are Maps accompanied by geographical
coordinates and location photographs (hardcopy and
softcopy) and IPR presentation materials (hardcopy
and softcopy) for indirect permission types.
While the constraints of a technical point that is
related to a lack of understanding of society the
importance of spatial plans, making space is often
considered less important in investment activities. In
addition space is still hindering investment. Many
people still find use of space on the tight control area
has woken up but don't yet have the IPR. Lack of
understanding spatial related is related to the
importance of related mechanism of
incomprehension Permits the utilization of space.
Space Utilization Permit is a principle permit that
is often overlooked because it is considered not too
influential on the type of activity proposed
permission. Party of the district/city Licensing Office
is also still less understand related terms of Governor
Regulation No. 80 of 2014 on Spatial Use in Regional
Strict Control Area Scale in East Java Province. It
remains happen despite a few times of
socialization. This is because participants are present
in different socialization of local regency leader’s
regulation with officers who process the permission.
Besides, the problem of overlapping authority
becomes a different problem. It is related to the
existence of several districts and cities requiring IPR.
So the licensing officers in the Regency / City do not
lead to take care of IPR at the level of East Java
Province. This is what makes the number of buildings
that enter the criteria of strict regional control area of
East Java province does not have IPR.
Another constraint is that at the time of issuance
of IPR, the license holder is given 2 (two) years
period of monitoring and evaluation. Within that
period, the permit holder is expected to be able to
complete the activities in accordance with the time
allocation in the proposal for the permit application.
In fact, many permit holders have not been able to
complete their activities. Thus, they are given extra
time, in accordance with the provisions in Governor
Regulation No. 80 of 2014. Some permit holders do
not provide activity step reports and do not apply for
extension, then IPR has been either revoked or not
Based on the interviews with the Head of Control
and Evaluation Section, Department of Housing,
Settlement and Cipta Karya of East Java Province, as
a member of the Assistance Team and Working
Group on the control of space utilization, the
constraints the constraints experienced by IPR
holders are to meet the 2 year period, in land tenure
and licensing fulfillment.
The License of Space of Strict Control in East Java
Province is one of the controlling instruments, and is
the implementation of Regional Regulation of East
Java Province number 5/2012 on Spatial Planning of
East Java Province as well as Governor Regulation
Number 80/2014 on Area Space Utilization Control
Strict Scale Regional of East Java Province.
Institution in the process of publishing IPR East
Java Province comes from the unit of regional
governmental staff unit who are in charge of spatial
arrangement and other technical service related to the
applicant activity.. Considering UPT P2T, the
Investment Service and PTSP East Java Province
only administrative, it is necessary to enter the
technical spatial so that the IPR issued does not
violate the applicable Regional Spatial Plan
In the implementation of IPR in East Java
province there are some obstacles, namely from the
aspect of administration to technical constraints. The
Implementation of Permission Use of Space as an Instrument of Controlling the Space Utilization of High Control Zone of East Java
obstacles are related to the lack of understanding
about the importance of spatial and overlapping
As an effort to minimize any obstacles in the
implementation of IPR, there needs to be periodical
guidance from the government of East Java Province
to government officials who handle licensing issues
in the Regency / City and investors related to the
importance of spatial planning.
Besides, the control team is necessary to
monitor and evaluate periodically to know the
condition in of the permit holders difficulties in
meeting the requirements of the licensing process
and mastery.
Aside from that, they are needed for special
attention to control of the team to carry out
monitoring and evaluation activities on buildings
around the High Control Zone that area which do not
have IPR yet. It is required the existence of a strict
penalty on parties that have been building around the
area of the High control zone but do not have IPR
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ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School