Single Window Policy for Trade Licensing in Surabaya
Lanny Ramli, Luggas Radianto, Ayu Putri Azahrawany, Vidy Fauzizah Sampurno, Sandra Bagus M
and Rintan Nur Indah Sari Anwar
Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Bureaucracy, Effectiveness, Good Governance, Single Window.
Abstract: Responding to the current era of globalization, the Republic of Indonesia must be able to take advantage of
opportunities by inviting as many investors as possible. The government responded this condition by issuing
Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 97 of 2014 on the Implementation of One-Stop
Integrated Service. The motivation underlying this Presidential Regulation is to get closer and improve
community service, and to shorten the service process in order to achieve the fast, easy, cheap, transparent,
certain and affordable service. The issuance of Presidential Regulation is translated differently in every
region in Indonesia, adapting to the capabilities of each local government, the availability of human
resources, geographical conditions, and the needs of each region. Nevertheless, it can also be translated into
innovation, such as movement made by government of Surabaya. The government aims to achieve a good
and clean government, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism, and to improve the quality of public
services, bureaucratic performance and accountability capacity, and to enhance apparatus professionalism.
Surabaya City Government has established a licensing service in the form of Surabaya Single Window, by
focusing on a user-friendly interface. This system will ease society, who is taking care of the licensing, as
they only make face-to-face interaction with an online integrated system. Surabaya Single Window system
is expected to reduce government’s negative image and increase effectiveness. This system is beneficial for
entrepreneurs who will run their business in Surabaya, because this system has supported Trading Business
The globalization and digital era is now increasingly
fading boundaries and distances. Customers have
been able to choose goods and services from best
sellers or providers according to them. Due to
technological development, customers can access
goods from sellers located around the world without
having to meet them in person. Nevertheless, these
conveniences have not been fully supported by local
government in providing services to the community.
During this decentralization era, licensing process is
important, particularly in Indonesia. The need for
change initiated by the central government and local
government is still on the principle of effective
bureaucracy, which is to encourage the efficiency of
business process to the community.
The local government has not yet been able to
achieve a big leap in realizing business process
efficiency. The government still faces many types of
licensing in the local area. This bureaucracy problem
might contribute to the weakness of investment
competitiveness and the growth of private sector in
the region. The achievement of business process
efficiency is a mere impression of failure, if the
government still cannot provide best solution for
administrative and policy problems.
One step taken by government of Surabaya to
achieve business process efficiency is by issuing the
Mayor Regulation No. 28 of 2013 on the Procedure
of Licensing and Non-Licensing Services in
Surabaya. The purpose of this regulation formulation
is to improve licensing and non-licensing services
that are effective, efficient and transparent to the
community, including business actors in the city.
The government has made a remarkable effort, as
this regulation gave birth to Surabaya Single
Window (SSW) system. These products become
pioneers in Indonesia in terms of effective, efficient
and transparent licensing arrangements, as well as
being the reference of other local governments in
Ramli, L., Radianto, L., Azahrawany, A., Sampurno, V., M, S. and Anwar, R.
Single Window Policy for Trade Licensing in Surabaya.
DOI: 10.5220/0007552608460848
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 846-848
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
licensing arrangements based on the meaning of
outcome for society (Sugiyono, 2011)
1. Purpose and Objectives
This brief study was conducted using interactive
analysis model proposed by Miles and Huberman
(Sugiyono, 2011) to determine the impact of SSW
application in Surabaya. The application has been
successfully accelerated business process efficiency.
The results of this study could gain trust from
public, particularly investors to make investments in
Surabaya. Moreover, the results can help growing
the business managed by private sector. Local
governments should create effective, efficient and
transparent licensing arrangements (Tangkilisan,
The discussion in this study is only limited to the
licensing product in the form of Trade Business
License or better known as Surat Izin Usaha
Perdagangan (SIUP). SIUP is the most basic
licensing product, and any kind of specific licensing
product requires this license. All forms of business
types are required to have SIUP, with the amount of
capital capability affecting the type or category of
SIUP classification, in which there is a business type
Some people argue that getting permission are
complicated, difficult, time consuming and other
negative things (Sutedi Adrian, 2011). According
to the Act No. 30 of 2014 on Government
Administration, permit is a Decision made by an
authorized Government Authority as a form of
approval of a citizen application in accordance with
the prevailing legislation. According to the Minister
of Home Affairs Regulation No. 20 of 2008 on the
Guidelines for the Organization and Working
Procedures of the Integrated Licensing Services Unit
in the Regions, permit is a document issued by the
regional government in accordance with regional
regulation or other regulation constituting a proof of
legality, providing a person or an organization a
legal permission to conduct a business or activity.
Permission has significance for the holder in
conducting legal relationship, either with
government or other parties. Urgency of permission
is as follows (Hadjon, 2009):
As a legal base, certain activities can not be
undertaken by the community without the
permission of the competent government
As an instrument to ensure legal certainty,
generally made for some activities, both
subjective and objective;
As an instrument to protect the interests, either
the interests of the applicant, the interests of the
government, or other interests;
As evidence for a claim, in the case of a dispute
the permit may be used as evidence to resolve
the dispute.
The issuance of Surabaya Mayor Regulation No. 28
of 2013 on the Procedure of Electronic Licensing
and Non-Licensing Services in Surabaya initiates the
application of Surabaya Single Window Surabaya
(SSW). It is a system that allows single data and
information to be submitted, single data processing
and synergy as well as decision-making in
accordance with the duties and functions of each
Regional Working Unit in terms of licensing and
non-licensing services. The purpose of SSW is to
shorten service time, and the process of data
checking and requirements can be more carefully
done. Moreover, all permission arrangements can be
processed simultaneously.
The application of SSW gives a significant
impact for economic and business growth in
Surabaya. Utilizing the development of industrial
electricity, consumers give exact figures that are in
line with industrial growth in Surabaya. In 2012,
there were 3,993 electricity users for industry, and
74,863 users for business. The number in the
following year increased to 4,048 industrial users,
and 88,662 users for business sector. The growth of
electricity users continues to climb in 2014, reaching
4,082 industrial electricity users and 109,295 users
for business. Those numbers quite describe the
industrial and business development in Surabaya.
This increment is directly or indirectly affected by
the convenience provided by SSW system.
This convenience attracts many investors to
make investment in Surabaya, therefore it has some
potentials to be utilized by any party. Both domestic
and foreign investors are interested and ready to take
part in this opportunity. The indications are seen
from the data of Surabaya government as follows:
Single Window Policy for Trade Licensing in Surabaya
Table 1: Realization of foreign capital investment in
Investment ($)
Investment (Rp)
Table 2: Realization of domestic capital investment in
Investment ($)
Investment (Rp)
There are many different types of licensing
services offered by Surabaya government as a form
of public services (Wijoyo, 2009). Nevertheless,
there is one type of permit that becomes the most
basic licensing, so that this license becomes the basis
for the application of other specific permissions.
This type of license is a Trading Business License
(Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP)). From data
provided by Surabaya government, the growth of
SIUP management increases every year as follows:
Table 3: The growth of SIUP management.
SSW user interface is very interesting, even
though there are still technical and non-technical
issues. Technically, the web sometimes provides
inadequate information or slower access that takes
some times to upload data into the system. For non-
technical issue, lack of socialization about the
development of latest public services resulted in
complaints, particularly for those who have
difficulty in using SSW.
With the convenience of Surabaya Single Window
(SSW) system, potential investors who make
investment in Surabaya will improve the economy of
the city. Moreover, SSW can reduce unprofessional
service or not in accordance with the prevailing
procedures. The application of SSW also provides a
transparent supervision on the performance of
Surabaya government, so that society can see the
administrative process real-time. Public satisfaction
index of local government will also increase.
Surabaya government deserves the highest
appreciation for the application of Surabaya Single
Window (SSW) system. Indeed, the system still
needs development, both the user interface and the
application to realize the habit of being paperless. It
is not an easy task to change the habit, but it must be
done. This attitude change serves as the basis of
Surabaya government in facing the globalization and
digital era, so that the city can get big benefit from
business and investment sector. Those benefits can
be utilized to develop society quality. Therefore, the
process of socialization should be performed
Hadjon, Philipus M (2009) Perijinan, Stensilan, Surabaya
Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri No 20 Tahun 2008
tentang Pedoman Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Unit
Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu di Daerah
Peraturan Walikota Surabaya Nomor 28 Tahun 2013
tentang Tata Cara Perizinan dan Non Perizinan
Layanan Elektronik di Surabaya
Sugiyono, (2011) Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif
dan R&D, Bandung
Sutedi, Adrian (2011), Hukum Perizinan Dalam Sektor
Pelayanan Publik, Sinar Grafika, Jakarta
Tangkilisan, Hessel, Nogi S (2005), Manajemen Publik,
Gramedia, Jakarta
Wijoyo,Suparto,(2009).Pelayanan Publik, AUP, Surabaya
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School