Analysis and Exploration on Construction of Intelligence Teaching
Environmental System
Feng Zhao
and Manling Cheng
Modern Education Technology Center, Wuhan Business University, Wuhan, China
Keywords: Wisdom, Teaching ,Laboratory.
Abstract: The construction of intelligence teaching environmental system in colleges and universities has been at an
early stage for quite a long time. To successfully complete the intelligence teaching environmental system,
the effort of innovation and development are also needed in terms of educational theory, technology
application and system construction. The author carries out an in-depth study of the definition of the
intelligence teaching environmental system, and conducts field research in colleges and universities. The
study found that there is a shortage of intelligent interaction in current intelligence teaching environmental
system. Therefore, based on this study, the author put forward suggestion of constructing intelligence
teaching environmental system.
In recent years, with the rapid development of
education informatization, both colleges and
universities are actively exploring the establishment
of the "intelligence teaching environment”. However,
some of the construction models only improved the
teaching facilities without setting up a truly
"intelligence teaching environment". How is
"intelligence teaching environmental system"
formed? What is its connotation? This article
analyzes the concept and status separately of
intelligence teaching environmental system, and
provides valuable suggestions for the future.
At present, there are only few international
researches on intelligence teaching environment,
including the research "Active Learning Classroom"
in University of Minnesota and "iRoom" in Stanford
University. After searching international
authoritative periodicals, it has been found that
theories as "the development of learning modes that
new technologies enter the classroom", "providing
adaptive learning content" and "the impact of
learning environment on learning performance" are
mainly focused by researchers.
The 2015 China White Paper on Intelligence
Learning Environment pointed out intelligence
learning acts as one type of learning system, which
automatically records learning processes and
evaluates learning outcomes through modern high
technologies such as Internet of Things, big data and
artificial intelligence(Ronghuai Huang,
2015).Intelligence teaching environmental system
should utilize cutting-edge technologies to manage,
aggregate, analyze, and drive multi-dimensional data
such as teaching, infrastructure facility, campus
activities, students' behavior trajectories, and related
intelligence teaching environment; construct
holographic network environment, cloud computing
Data center, big data analysis application system and
multi-dimensional IoT perception system which
aims to realize the precise distribution and allocation
of related resources in the intelligence teaching
environmental; integrate high-quality resources and
advanced technologies to build an advanced,
efficient and practical intelligence teaching
environment; realize the organic integration of
education and communication, teaching and research,
learning activities, educational administration and
campus infrastructures; realize the intelligent
decision-making, intelligent implementation and
intelligent evaluation of teaching and learning
process so as to realize online interactive teaching
without limitation of time and space; make sure that
high-quality resources can be easily shared. Through
construction of intelligence teaching environmental
system, it has good effect on university construction,
reform and development, promotion the in-depth
integration of information education technology, and
optimization of teaching environment.
At present, many institutions are trying to build up
intelligence teaching environmental system. The
author conducted field researches in some typical
universities and summarized the types of
intelligence teaching environmental system:
3.1 Upgrade of General Laboratory
This type refers to the renovation for completed
laboratory, with the benefits such as enhancing some
equipment parameters, advancing the multi-media
device configuration, making seat configuration
more flexible and comfortable. With high-resolution
teaching tool, hive layout and other measurements,
“intelligence classroom" is to be built.
3.2 Interactive Teaching Platform
"Intelligence classroom" usually refers to multiple
interactive teaching platform. The common
scenarios are including: fixed space with LAN
interaction. non-fixed site with interactive Internet.
mobile interactive teaching.
Fixed space with LAN interaction. This
interactive system is generally installed in the
computer room, where each student is equipped with
a desktop computer. Through the LAN interactive
teaching system, it can basically have achieved to
exchange data, download and upload information
between teachers and students.
Non-fixed site with interactive Internet. This
kind of "remote classroom" is usually equipped with
high-definition video camera, live broadcast,
recording and broadcasting management system,
which can cover more subjects to be taught across
multiple regions.
Mobile interactive teaching. Through unified
identity authentication, such systems can make it
more convenient and frequent to produce and record
the data of the teaching process, and initially form a
statistical report on the teaching situation.
3.3 Teaching Resources Library
Some colleges and universities are strengthening the
utilization of cloud resources with the assistance of
network teaching resources. For example, the
construction of "sky classrooms" and "online
courses" and other learning platforms provide more
options to be taught. Such learning platforms often
require students to take the initiative to learn to
reflect actual teaching value.
3.4 Internet of Things Applications
Some universities have increased IOT control
terminals, such as the electric curtain with light
control, air conditioning with external temperature
sensor in the laboratory, so that the entire teaching
environment can automatically adjust within the pre-
set threshold according to the external environment.
This type of teaching environment basically
achieves the full coverage of the network and
combines some cutting-edge technologies to display
an outline of intelligence teaching environment.
Through summary of status, it can be seen that at
this stage there has not been successful case of
"intelligence teaching environmental system" which
centers on teaching subjects. Currently, cutting-edge
technologies don’t complete interoperability, big
data cannot generate higher value and there is no
closed loop of teaching ecology. Here the author will
analyze in terms of environmental perception, data
standards and personality development:
4.1 Lack of Full Awareness of the
Teaching Process
Most of the IoT technologies used in intelligence
teaching environment are only very simple
applications of the perception of external teaching
environment, without perception of teaching
process(YongheZhang,2012). To record
intellectually the teaching process in the classroom,
technologies such as IoT and artificial intelligence
have to be used to capture every aspect of the
process, identify, detect and analyze the video
captured by the embedded intelligent analysis
module. Based on the algorithms of artificial
intelligence and pattern recognition principles, data
that can truly reflect the teaching process will be
4.2 Lack of Unified Data Standards
At present, colleges and universities have initially
realized the application in different teaching
platforms, such as teaching interactive platforms,
online courses, sky classrooms, etc. These teaching
platforms or systems can obtain high-frequency
knowledge data from students in different teaching
environments. However, due to lack of unified data
standard, the purpose to drive learning method
through data cannot be achieved. These high-
frequency knowledge data cannot receive effective
data management, and cannot provide effective data
support for big data analysis.
4.3 Lack of Personalized Teaching
Resources to Match
The most fundamental feature of intelligence
education is purpose to change the traditional
teaching mode with information technology (Kekang
He,2015). In the traditional teaching mode, the
relationship between teacher and student's
knowledge transmission generally belongs to the
unified knowledge pushing mode. Teachers cannot
get the feedback of pushing knowledge in time.
Students also receive all or part of knowledge from
one person to another. In the end, the reception can
only be reflected through variety of centralized
exams. This traditional teaching model cannot
maximize the potential of students. To construct
intelligence teaching environmental system, it is
necessary to change three points: (1) to change the
methods and modes of knowledge dissemination and
management so that the knowledge become
touchable and pushed to the students in time; (2)
Positioning individual role of teachers and students
to achieve accurate push of knowledge; (3) through
highly interconnected teaching facilities and
analyzing teaching needs based on habits, it can be
achieved to intellectually distribution of teaching
facilities and form eco-friendly and energy-saving
intelligence teaching environmental system.
The author believes that the construction direction of
intelligence teaching environmental system should
innovate and integrate in terms of system
construction, technology application and theoretical
model. Several suggestions are listed below:
5.1 Strengthen the Top Design,
Improve the System Construction
The construction of intelligence teaching
environmental system includes series of construction
directions such as the campus environment, teaching
facilities, discipline construction and system
construction. In the process of forming intelligence
teaching environmental system, it is needed to
emphasize the top-level design, improve the system
construction, attach importance from school level
and cooperate from all departments. For example,
after reaching an agreement on the association
between the public cloud and the private cloud, the
identity authentication of teachers and students can
be associated with the Internet data to realize the
hybrid application of the public cloud and the
private cloud.
5.2 Multi-technology Integration to
Achieve Ecological Information
Through new generation of information technology,
it is to achieve the reconstruction of the entire
education information system. So that teaching
resources and personalized push of data and
information will be precisely distributed, along with
intellectual adjustment of teaching process, teaching
methods, teaching environment and teaching
resources. It is expected to form a closed loop of
information ecology in intelligence teaching
environment system driven by data intelligence.
5.2.1 Collection Integration and
Management if Multi-model Big Data
IoT data that can be collected and researched
through IoT data collection includes classroom
facilities (classroom doors, curtains, air conditioners,
speakers, lights, etc.), video surveillance data
(classroom video surveillance and auto tracking,
etc.), Human Data (Infrared), and various other IoT
data content.
5.2.2 Teaching Data Collection
The new teaching data collection model must take
IoT and mobile Internet as environmental
parameters to collect students' learning data,
curriculum data and classroom teaching interactive
data based on the teaching data at the level of
schools and teaching units, the teaching data at the
curriculum level, the teaching operation data of the
network course etc. Rich teaching resources are
determined by variables and models based on
specific circumstances and needs, so that it can be
able to understand students' learning situations in
different aspects and in multiple dimensions.
5.2.3 Campus Business Data Collection
With the high technology of distributed high-speed
high-reliable data acquisition, high-speed data whole
image, it can be achieved to conduct secondary
development for the collection tool; at the same time,
for business data which cannot get from the system
interface, it can be analyzed manually and check the
data accuracy through database access.
5.2.4 Students’ Track Data Acquisition
Based on the students 'basic information, location
information and behavioral action data, combined
with IoT concept and technology, through direct
acquisition and correlation analysis of two ways
‘acquisition to analyze the student's behavior
trajectory in school to provide data foundation in
terms of analyzing students' personal behavior,
group behavior characteristics and behavior early
warning to improve the management of student
behavior and control.
5.2.5 Relevant Intelligence Teaching
Environment of Internet Data
Through the crawler engine technology such as
crawling the recruitment website and talent demand
network data, it can be researched for the
relationship between positions and capabilities and
achieved to establish individual demand capability
model, so that different talent demand competency
and industry recruitment analysis can be pushed to
students; Secondly, through keyword searching,
targeted monitoring and analysis of hot forums and
site data, data reference and early warning can be
provided for the school to control public opinion risk.
5.2.6 Governance Research of Multi-model
Big Data
The establishment of full data warehouse: Through
tapping full data and incremental data from the
application system, it can establish a full original
data warehouse by Hadoop. Through standardization
of original data and storage in standardized database,
then an application theme database is established
through modeling and analysis. Subsequently, the
theme database is synchronized to application access
library to provide data access for front-end
applications. The retrieval center supports the
management and retrieval of the overall data
5.2.7 Full Data Backup Management
Data warehouse contains the original full data and
incremental data, standardized data, as well as the
model theme data, that is, to achieve a full backup of
the database; if backtracking of business data is
needed, the platform realize the data backup through
the independent storage of incremental data, and
manage the different versions of the backup edition
in visual way by collecting the full amount of the
original data into the full database, customizing the
backup strategy of incremental data and lock the
data of each backup in the meantime.
5.2.8 Research on the Application Interface
with Big Data Open Standard in
Intelligence Teaching Environment
Based on the big data open standard in intelligence
teaching, referring to tri-factor system of
management, supervision and working, guaranteeing
the premise of interface access performance and data
processing performance, adopting custom shading
technology and column storage technology, studies
on application interface development under the data
storage diversity of big data platform can explore the
best application service interface architecture under
the big data architecture and establish a high
performance distributed service interface that can
access all the data storage uniformly to meet the
needs of the school application development and
data query.
5.3 Build up an Open, Interactive
Intelligence Teaching
Environmental System.
Based on the five levels of campus management,
teaching, service, employment and research, studies
on the application of various types of data in the
campus, can analyze the data variation on both time
and space dimensions. Considering the development
trend of data in the future, it can achieve to establish
the management and service model of intelligent
prediction and machine learning. Based on the
campus big data management and teaching service
model, it can also have deeper investigation of
associated analysis through data acquisition, data
storage, data cleaning, analysis modeling, business
presentation and others; Through analysis and
judgment of the teachers behavior, it is helpful to
recognize the students, understand the students,
discover the individual characters adequately and
achieve individualized management. It can achieve
to provide each student with services such as
personal information services, early warning, study
and employment; provide good controllable teaching
support and resource application services for
teachers' teaching as well as convenient interactive
teacher-student communication services; Provide
data report for management and decision support.
The essence of intelligence teaching is to provide
better services and more convenient teaching
support for teachers and students by making full use
of advanced technical measures to improve
education management and decision-making process.
The formulation of teaching policy is no longer a
simple empirical imitation, nor limited
understanding, hypotheses and inferences by policy-
makers without full-scale surveys, arguments and
scientific judgments. Instead, it is emphasized that
more refined capture of changes at all levels Data,
and the complex correlation and causal relationships
demonstrated by the data, could turn the crisis of
instructional and policy decisions into opportunities.
In the aspect of teaching decision-making, the
intelligence teaching environmental system will help
policy-makers to understand the status more clearly
and acquire more comprehensive and valuable
information in a timely manner. The formulation,
implementation and adjustment of data-driven
teaching policy will be made. In the construction of
intelligence teaching environmental system, we
should promote steadily and improve the
construction gradually as a long-term, ecological and
advanced systematic project.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my
workmates Manling Cheng, Feng Zhao for their help
in investigation and requirements analysis. Besides,
the campus network in Wuhan Business University
as an experimental base plays an important role in
this research. Last but not least, the research is
funded by a Natural Science Foundation Project of
Hubei province (2018CFC901) and a Teaching and
Scientific Research Project of Wuhan Business
University (2017N020).
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