The Influence of a Project-Based Learning Model to Life Skill Ability
Hendrik Pratama
, Andista Candra Yusro
and Muhammad Nur Hudha
Universitas PGRI Madiun, Jl. Setiabudi No. 85 Madiun 63118, Indonesia
Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Jl. S. Supriadi Malang 65148, Indonesia
Keywords: Project-Based Learning, Thinking Skills, Social Skills, Academic Skills, Vocational Skills.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of the model of Project Based Learning on student life skills. This
research is experimental research with posttest-only control group design. Data collection method was done
by observation method and questionnaire. Aspects of life skills that include thinking skills, social skills,
academic skills and vocational skills. Learning model by following the steps of Project Based Learning starts
with the essential question, design a plan for the project, create a schedule, monitor the students and the
progress of the project, assess the outcome, and evaluate the experience. The results of the analysis in the
experimental class and control class on the personal skill aspect showed an average score of 80.50 and 79.94,
social skill aspects 85.15 and 83.00, an aspect of academic skills 83.00 and 80.94, and vocational aspects skill
80.95 and 76.82. Because during the learning process other than equipped with the academic ability of
students are also equipped with practical skills closely related to the utilization of electrical circuits in the life
of the everyday. The results showed that the model of Project Based Learning gave a significant influence on
student life skill.
The concept of life skills-based learning should be
integrated into learning. Ministry of National
Education in Anwar (2006: 28) divides life skills into
four types, namely (1) personal skill, (2) social skill,
(3) academic skill, and vocational skill. Personal
skills include self-awareness skills and thinking
skills. Social skills include communication skills and
collaboration skills. Academic skills include the
ability to identify variables, explain variable
relationships, formulate hypotheses, and experiment.
Vocational skills include skills that can be associated
with a particular field of work or vocational.
Vocational skills play a role in training students in
processing things into more useful products (Kusuma
and Siadi, 2010). These four aspects of life skills need
to be possessed by learners to be able to survive and
develop in the face of global challenges.
The appropriate learning model of life skill
development of learners is model of Project Based
Learning. This learning model is project-oriented and
uses a constructivist approach that enables learners to
be active in learning activities. This model
emphasizes the activities of learners and focuses on
the core concepts and principles of a lesson involving
students in problem solving, investigation and
cooperation in producing a product. PBL promoted an
increase in students’ life skills, specifically problem
solving, creativity, responsibility, communication,
and self-direction; and the study adds to the data and
literature about PBL. However, there may have been
other contributing factors for these increases in life
skills such as other college courses, extracurricular
activities, or life experiences. Perhaps college course
assessments in general should focus more on learning
these types of skills because these are the skills that
individuals need and use on an ongoing basis
throughout life (Wurdinger and Qureshi, 2015). In
accordance with Licth's (2014) study that project-
based learning can serve as a teacher's strategy in
enhancing the thinking, communication,
collaborative and creativity skills that are capable of
supporting the development of life skills. Supported
also by research Devkota, et al. (2017) that with the
model of Project Based Learning can provide
opportunities for learners to learn real experiences
outside the classroom to make learning more
meaningful. The steps of learning in Project Based
Learning as developed by The George Lucas
Educational Foundation (2005) consist of: (1) start
with the essential question, (2) design a plan for the
Pratama, H., Yusro, A. and Hudha, M.
The Influence of a Project-Based Learning Model to Life Skill Ability.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 147-153
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
project, (3) create a schedule, (4) monitor the students
and the progress of the project, (5) assess the
outcome, (6) and evaluate the experience.
Life skills and project-based learning models
have relevance because the variables that PBL goals
can be represented by some values in the life skill
aspect. The life skill aspect relates to the experience
that learners must have a provision in life and prepare
themselves for entering the workforce. While the
project-based learning model emphasizes the learning
process on skills aspect, integrated with practice,
cooperation, investigation, problem-solving related to
real-world issues, and product-oriented. Following
the opinions of Wurdinger and Rudolph (2009) that
the project-based approach allows students to learn
essential life skills, instill confidence and desire to
become lifelong learners. Education is not limited to
the theory in the concept in the classroom, but more
important is to apply knowledge owned. Students
must begin to learn about future success and the
challenges they face in entering the workforce.
One of the interesting subjects to discuss is about
electric circuit concept. This course is very applicable
because many examples of electrical circuits that can
be applied in everyday life such as making a
household electrical circuit. However, this material is
also considered difficult by learners. The results of
the assessment of the concept of electrical circuits,
only 43% of students graduated. When viewed from
the approaches, methods, and models of learning
applied to this course is a teacher-centered approach,
through lecture, discussion, and practicum methods.
This model is less appropriate if it refers to the
concept of developing the life skills of learners. The
results of interviews with some students obtained
information that the learning activities have not
linked electrical matter direct current with the concept
of electricity in real life. The direct current electric
material is accompanied by learning by practicum
method. However, when the lecturer asked the
students to analyze the electrical circuit concept in
each student's house, there are still many who cannot
yet. In fact, many are wrong concepts between serial
and parallel electrical circuits. Therefore, educators
need to apply learning models related to real life
experienced by students, able to link learning
materials with everyday life and make the experience
as a provision to run his life. Based on the above
background, then this study aims to determine the
effect of learning model of Project Based Learning on
the ability of student life skills in Electric Circuit
This research is a type of experimental research
conducted on the students of SMT 1 Electrical
Engineering Education Study Program PGRI Madiun
University in 2017. The sample consists of two (2)
classes, namely experimental class and control class
with the number of samples each 34 people. In the
experimental class (A) conducted learning by
applying the model of Project Based Learning. While
in the control class (B) apply the lecture model with
demonstration. Sampling was done by using Cluster
Random Sampling technique that was taken
randomly from population having same homogeneity.
The independent variables in this study are project-
based learning in class A and lecture learning in class
B. The dependent variable in this study is life skill.
The research design used was posttest-only control
group design. Data collection method was done by
observation method and questionnaire. Observation
method is used to assess the 4 aspects of life skill that
includes personal skills, social skills, academic skills
and vocational skills, while the questionnaire is used
to determine students' self-perception of life skill.
Life skill research data were analyzed using
qualitative descriptive analysis.
Basic competency studied is analyzing the direct
current circuit. The materials used are Electric
Circuits with sub-subjects covering the concept of
Ohm's Law, Electricity conduction, Kirchoff Law,
Series Electric Circuit, Parallel Electric Circuit, and
Joint Circuit. In the experimental class, the learning
process flow is by the syntax of Project Based
Learning as in Table 1. While in the control class, the
learning process is done by lecture method
accompanied by demonstration assisted by practicum
tool of the direct current electric circuit.
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
Table 1: Syntax Project Based Learning On Electric Circuit Courses (Wena, 2010).
No Syntax Activity
Lecturer Student
1 Start With the Essential
Stimulate students by requesting to
analyze the concept of household
electrical circuits, analyzing
weaknesses and strengths.
Students formulate the problem with the
subject matter:
The type of electrical circuit available at
The advantages and disadvantages of
the electrical circuit.
2 Design a Plan for the Project Ask students to design projects to
make household electrical circuits.
Students create a complete design that
includes goals, tools and materials, and
how to work.
3 Create a Schedule Ask students to schedule and divide
work assignments
Students arrange schedules of activities
and division of tasks
4 Monitor the Students and the
Progress of the Project
Monitor and observe student activities Implement projects that have been
designed and made documentation
5 Assess the Outcome Assessing the product Presenting the product
6 Evaluate the Experience Provide evaluation and input for
outcomes and learning process.
Fixed flaws and refined the next product
Based on the results of research on experimental
class and control class in terms of 4 aspects of life
skills obtained results as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Personal Skill (a), Social Skill (b), Academic Skill
(c), and Vocational Skill (d)
Figure 1 shows that there is a difference between
the experimental class and the control class on the
four aspects of life skill. Average grade of
experiments for 4 aspects of life skill that includes
personal skills, social skills, academic skills, and
vocational skills of 80.50, 85.15, 83.00 and 80.95
respectively. While the average value in the control
class for 4 aspects of life skill that is 79.94, 83.00,
80.94 and 76.82. In every aspect of life skill there are
indicators in it.
Figure 2: Results of personal skill observation.
Figure 2 shows the observation result on the
personal skill aspect between the experimental class
and the control class with the average values of 80.50
and 79.94, respectively. Personal skills aspect in
terms of self-awareness (self-awareness skills) and
thinking skills (thinking skills). Self-knowing skills
include consciousness as God's creatures, awareness
of self-existence, and awareness of self-potential. At
the time of the learning process, self-awareness skill
can be known from the observation. Such as not
falsify the data of experimental results, discipline and
timely in the task. At this stage, students are given an
explanation of the concept of learning that will be
given, objectives, and learning steps. In the
experimental class, learning steps were taken with the
learning model of Project Based Learning and control
class using lecture model accompanied by
demonstration. Lecturers provide the same problems
in each group that is (1) How the concept of direct
current electric circuits, (2) How the application in
everyday life.
Average Life Skills Observation Results
Experiment Class Control Class
Experiment Class Control Class
The Influence of a Project-Based Learning Model to Life Skill Ability
The next personal skill aspect is thinking skill.
Thinking skill includes 4 indicators (1) information
searching skill, (2) information processing skill, (3)
decision making skill, and (4) creative problem-
solving skill. In the experimental class, students are
required to work quickly to discuss assigned projects.
As a first step, the students conducted a study on the
concept of direct current electric circuit and field
observation. The next step in a group to process
information and make decisions related to the idea of
the project to be made. The idea of a project is to
create a miniature electrical circuit that is commonly
applied in the household. As the final step, the project
made an analysis to answer the problems given by the
lecturer. Through project tasks can also make
students more independent, disciplined, and
responsible. In contrast to the control class, the
students studied the concept of direct current
electricity through demonstration activities assisted
by practicum tools. The visible weakness is that
students do experiments on ready-made tool kits. So
personal skill less well honed. When asked about the
type of circuit, weaknesses and advantages of
electrical circuits at home installations, many students
cannot answer. Project-based learning encourages
students to participate more actively in planning
activities, making students more independent,
disciplined, responsible, and group discussions to
solve problems (Shih and Tsai, 2017). This is what
causes the aspect of thinking skill class experiment
better than control class. Thus, indicating that project-
based learning has a positive effect on the personal
skills aspect.
Figure 3: Social skill observation results.
In Figure 3 shows the observation result, the
average value of social skill aspect which includes 2
indicators of proficiency that is cooperate and
communicate with the mean value in experimental
class 85,15 better than control class with value equal
to 83,00. Collaboration skill with the implementation
of Project Based Learning model is more honed
because in groups of students are required to make
presentation of the results of the discussion and
project steps which include presentation of title,
materials and work tools, project development, until
project presentation at the end of learning. In the
process, the group can exchange ideas, pour ideas,
and ideas. So, communication skills will be formed
and developed. Through communication empathy,
understanding attitudes, and the art of two-way
communication can be developed. According to
Bell's opinion (2010), through good communication
then can train students to pour out their ideas. Unlike
the case with the control class. Students conduct
demonstration activities, analysis, and presentation of
the results of the discussion. This causes social skill
in experiment class better than control class. Learning
in class with Project Based Learning can be
connection with problems of real world (Efstratia,
2014; Musa et al., 2012; Tascı, 2015).
Figure 4: Academic skill observation results.
In Figure 4 shows the observation result, the mean
value of academic skill aspect of the experimental
class and the controls are 83.00 and 80.94,
respectively. Academic skills are the ability to think
scientifically and are the development of thinking
skills. Academic skills have already led to academic
or scholarly activities. These academic skills are
closely related to the learning achievement of the
knowledge and skills aspect. Although there is a
difference in mean values, each group still has
difficulty in concept of direct current circuit.
First, students have difficulty analyzing the effect
of voltage and current on a barrier installed in
parallel. For example, on the question:
1. A closed circuit consists of a
resistor A and a voltage
source. If the circuit is coupled
with a resistor B that is
paralleled with resistor A.
What is the current condition and the voltage
across the resistor A after the addition of resistor
a. The current and voltage are fixed
b. Current and voltage increase
Experiment Class Control Class
Experiment Class Control Class
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
c. Current and voltage decreases
d. The current increases and the voltage
e. The current decreases and the voltage
From the analysis of answers, there is still a
concept error that is (1) the student does not consider
the current change as a result of the addition of
resistors. Conceptually, the magnitude of the current
in resistor A will decrease as it is divided in the
branching point (according to Kirchoff's law). (2) The
voltage value will decrease because it is divided on
each resistor.
Second, students still have difficulty in explaining
the character of electrical circuit. For example, on the
2. Side electrical circuits represent a circuit
consisting of two lamps connected to a voltage
source. Show which circuits are arranged in
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 1 and 3
e. 1, 3, and 4
Some students still think that in parallel circuits
should be lined up, branched, and less attention to
alternative possibilities of other circuits. Many have
answered that the D circuit is parallel. And if in life,
then the series will be connected briefly.
Figure 5: Observation results.
Figure 5 shows the observation result, the average
value of the vocational skill aspect which includes
aspects of linking the material with the product and
creating the experimental and control class products
respectively of 80.95 and 76.82. The vocational skills
assessment indicator of the experimental class based
on the project being undertaken and referring to Clark
(2007) as in Table 2. While the vocational skills of
the control class are taken from the skill aspect.
Table 2. Vocational skill assessment indicators.
No. Aspek Indicators
1 Project Idea Utilization of raw materials are
easily available
Creating products that have
value for use
Products are able to represent
with everyday life
2 Design
Contains guidance on the
design method of the activity
Contains costs and schedule of
Contains a clear division of
3 Performanc
e Practices
Tols preparation
Use of tools as directed and K3
Stages of work according to
4 Product
Appearance of an attractive
Presentation of safe and neat
Present a simple and easy-to-
learn product scheme
5 Product
The shape and appearance is
Proportional size
Product works pro
6 Preparation
of reports
Implementation Method
Results and descriptions
Documentation of activities
Completeness of log book
7 Communica
Submission of results of
Presenting it well and correctly
Answer questions correctly and
Communicating opinions
politely and accordingly EYD
In the vocational aspect of skill, the experimental
class students in groups produce projects related to
direct current electricity. Ideas that appear like series
of parallel electric circuit which is a series of
miniature household. Students at this stage really
need to understand the concept, active and involved
in every activity that is designed, must have creativity
in determining the project idea. The results of the
observation indicate that the application of the project
model makes students the spirit of learning because it
feels learning to be more fun, useful, meaningful, and
applicative. In the control class students do not make
the product but do the demonstration activities and
analyze it. Students cannot actualize themselves
because the existing tools are provided with finished
Experiment Class Control Class
The Influence of a Project-Based Learning Model to Life Skill Ability
circuit and less creativity. So, the learning process
becomes less challenging and interesting. From both
of these learning process, it can be seen that learning
using Project Based Learning model can contribute to
vocational skills aspect. In accordance with research
Fatmawati, (2014) that the Learning-Based
Learning model can improve students' vocational
Completeness of learning and student skills
become more honed. Besides, students can apply their
knowledge in life. For example, when the electrical
circuit at home damaged, students already have
provisions to fix it. The Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2012
suggests that vocational education and training have
advantages in improving life skills of the 21st
century, namely: (1) balancing knowledge between
concepts and practices in learners during learning, (2)
High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) especially on 4C
aspects (Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication
and Collaboration); (3) character development of
learners; (4) developing meta-layered skills such as:
mastering concepts, building skills, fostering
creativity, connecting from different fields, which is
essential to cope with the development of an
increasingly complex world. This is in line with that
proposed by Bell (2010) that Project-Based Learning
is an innovative learning approach that teaches many
strategies for successfully dealing with life in the 21st
The main reason of Project Based Learning is
applied to the direct current flow circuit because it has
the potential to make the learning process interesting,
applicable, demands the students to be active in every
learning, and of course can improve life skill. In
accordance with the results of research (Wurdinger
and Qureshi, 2014; Meyer and Wurdinger, 2015)
states that Project-Based Learning can improve
student's life skills especially on aspects of
responsibility, problem solving, self-regulation,
communication and creativity. Students become more
actively encouraged in learning, while lecturer as a
facilitator for students more creative and more active.
In addition, teachers are also tasked with evaluating
the work of students to be more effective application
for their daily lives. During the learning process the
students deliver results that can be authentically
measured by the teacher. Project work contains
complex tasks based on very challenging questions
and problems, and requires students to design, solve
problems, make decisions, conduct investigative
activities, and provide opportunities for learners to
work independently (Wena, 2010). Project Based
Learning model is also able to train students' thinking
ability, more critical on every problem, and analyze
according to their experience. In accordance with
research (Pratama and Prastyaningrum, 2016; Savery,
that the model of Project Based Learning able
to improve the ability of critical thinking.
Learning Based Learning Model provides new
experiences and knowledge for learners because
it indirectly learns to be a scientist, performs a
scientific action in carrying out a project, starting
from formulating the problem, determining the
procedure, determining the required tools and
materials, conducting the investigation,
designing and create products, present or
communicate products as a result of the
investigation process, and conduct group
Student response to the application of project-
based learning model to life skill showed the positive
result. The projects can train responsibilities, work in
groups, collect information, and design projects
independently to the end. According to
Movahedzadeh, et al., 2012, project-based learning
can provide many opportunities for students to work
together. Wurdinger and Rudolph (2009) that a
project-based approach allows students to learn
essential life skills, instill confidence and desire to
become lifelong learners. Education is not limited to
the theory in the concept in the classroom, but more
important is to apply knowledge owned. Students
must begin to learn about future success and the
challenges they face in entering the workforce.
Teachers play the role of facilitator, mentor, fellow
learner, co-manager who creates a conducive learning
environment. The impact is seen that the students
become more understanding of the concept of
electricity, the proper installation of an electrical grid,
to the use of standard materials. For example, if all
this time the students only know that household
electrical circuits are still using a cable that has not
been standardized, then start applying the use of
standard cable based on PUIL 2000 like HIS or NYM
type. Students understand that with the use of non-
standard cables, the cables will be hot for long. This
heat will cause waste of electric energy and even fire.
Based on the results of research and discussion can be
concluded that the implementation of the model of
Project-Based Learning in Electric Circuits
Directional effect on student life skill. However, it is
recommended that the assigned project still consider
the learners' abilities. If in the case of product creation
is not matched by the ability of learners it can lead to
less optimal learning outcomes.
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The Influence of a Project-Based Learning Model to Life Skill Ability