Applying Variability Management in the Development of a Complex
SaaS System: Real Experience and Findings
Leticia González Folgueira, Oscar Pedreira, Ángeles Saavedra Places and Fernando Silva-Coira
Facultade de Informática, Universidade da Coruña, Campus de Elviña s/n, A Coruña, Spain
Keywords: Variability, SaaS, Home Care System.
Abstract: In this work, we present the complex problem of the variability that has a SaaS application for Home Care
System that we have developed. We detail how was the management of this variability that was increasing as
the number of clients grew (currently more than 130 companies use our application of Home Care Service in
different municipalities). Thanks to the fact that the different needs of these companies and municipalities
were managed from the beginning as points of variability, we were able to undertake the development of
variations in the functionalities of the developed software. We also present the variability management tool
that we have developed to give autonomy to the platform's marketing team. Finally, we highlight the lessons
learned and present an approach to evaluating the cost of managing variability.
Delivering software as a service (SaaS) has become a
major trend in the last years. This approach allows the
customers to forget about aspects such as complex
software deployments, maintenance, and managing
and maintaining a hardware and network
infrastructure for their information systems. This
approach has also many advantages for the developer
companies, such as a greater control on the software
and more flexible licensing schemas. However, it also
presents some challenges.
Typically most customers share a large set of
features, but they must be able also to customize the
software in some way, for example, adding or
removing functionalities, or parametrizing the
software so its behavior changes to adapt to the
particular customer needs. This usually results in a
complex parametrization of the software that must be
handled carefully. A promising approach for dealing
with variability analysis and modeling in these
environments is that of feature-oriented analysis
(Apel, 2013; Siegmund, 2017; Galster, 2016). This
approach has already been considered in previous
work, such as (Moens, 2012; Lizhen, 2010; Mietznet,
2009; Weiping, 2009).
In this paper, we present a real experience in using
variability modeling and management to analyze and
model the variability of a complex web system
delivered as a service, more specifically, a system for
managing home care services for dependent people.
In addition to present the system and the result of the
variability modeling, we also present results on the
real use of the system and the different variability
points we have identified and developed.
This project has been developed in Spain, where
all city councils have the obligation to present a home
care service to dependent people. These people are
evaluated according to their medical and economic
situation by the municipal technicians, who finally
assign them a number of weekly hours of attention
and a price to pay for them (which can range from 0€
to a growing percentage of the real cost according to
their economic situation).
However, city councils, in general, do not provide
this service directly, but they subcontract it to
specialized companies. These companies are the ones
that really provide the service and the city council
gives indications and monitors the work of that
service. This subcontracting is done through public
bidding and the subcontracted companies compete in
the hourly price that they will charge for the service.
The management of this service is extremely
complex for both companies and city councils. On the
one hand, the hourly price of the service the
municipality pays to each company depends on the
conditions of the contract and can also specify a price
for different days (weekdays, weekends, holidays,
Folgueira, L., Pedreira, O., Places, Á. and Silva-Coira, F.
Applying Variability Management in the Development of a Complex SaaS System: Real Experience and Findings.
DOI: 10.5220/0007234103910397
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), pages 391-397
ISBN: 978-989-758-324-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
nights, etc). On the other, companies have to pay full
salaries to their assistants (not for the hours they
worked, which makes it critical for them to plan the
service that minimizes the displacement of assistants
between homes). In addition, each user pays the hours
of service actually received each month with a
percentage of their cost. The cost varies from user to
user according to their economic situation.
In addition to charging and billing, the service
organization itself is complex because there are
dependents who should always receive the service
(they depend on it to eat, get out of bed or to have a
minimum hygiene). On the other hand the auxiliaries
have the right to vacations, days off and sick leave,
however, replacing them is complex as it sometimes
requires increasing the number of work hours of other
colleagues, which is only possible within certain legal
limits. Besides, dependents have periods of
hospitalization or travel to their family home which
means interrupting the service (and stop paying) but
the company must continue to pay the salary to their
assistants and always minimize periods without work
or of displacement between users since they do not
charge for them.
Finally, municipalities want to be informed of
everything at any time, especially the hours of arrival
and departure of each assistant to each domicile and
when a dependent changes his assistant, as frequent
changes mean a low quality of service.
In order to solve this complex problem, we
developed an application that is being marketed as
SaaS and is currently in use in more than 130 Spanish
city councils, especially in Galicia. This application
offers a company profile and a city council profile to
access the data of each municipality, so that the
application itself serves as a means of communication
between them. The check-in in each domicile is
achieved by calls from the number of the domicile to
a special phone number of a digital switchboard and
is reflected in the database available to the city
council and company. On the other hand, a
mechanism is offered so that the company can
efficiently plan the organization of the service and the
scheduling of its assistants. The city council can also
access this planning and see which assistant provides
service to each user each day.
Although the mechanics of work are similar in all
companies and municipalities, the reality is that
points of variability began to emerge from the
beginning. This is due to the fact that different
companies and city councils have different protocols
of action and, logically, they wanted the management
application to support their way of working.
Aware that the variability management is in
general a preferable option to the development of
independent versions that are installed independently
to each client, we assumed from the beginning that
each variant in a point of variability should be
implemented in the code as an alternative to the flow
of execution, dependent on a control parameter of that
point of variability. These parameters are inserted in
the database associated to each client. Thanks to
making this design decision from the beginning, we
have been able to undertake the growing development
of new functionalities that have been bringing new
points of variability as described in Section 3.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes some aspects of the Home Help
Service management necessary to understand the
points of variability. Section 3 describes the different
points of variability integrated in our application,
both for the city council and the company. Section 4
presents an empirical analysis of the real deployment
of the system and how the different variability points
are being used. Finally, Section 5 presents the
conclusions of the paper.
A fundamental concept in the management of the
home care service is that of a “bag of hours”, that is,
the number of hours that each assistant works in a
given period. Managing these data for each assistant
allows the company of a home care service to
automatically have up-to-date and detailed
information about the hours hired and worked by their
employees, in addition to other data of interest.
Calculations of the bag of hours are held weekly at
the end of each week. The bag of hours is shown as a
table where its main columns are:
of hired hours: Number of hours assigned
to the employee for his current contract.
of worked hours: Number of hours
actually worked by the employee. For this,
the hours of the services carried out in a
period of time are added. Certain factors are
also taken into account, such as absences or
services canceled at the request of a user.
of complementary hours: Number of
overtime hours worked beyond the time
hired and paid separately.
of permission hours: Number of paid
hours (permission, holidays, public
APMDWE 2018 - 3rd International Special Session on Advanced practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
holidays, sick leave, etc) and unpaid
Balance of hours: Difference between hours
contracted and hours actually worked and
paid permits.
In the generation of these data, in addition to the
information of the services worked by each
employee, a multitude of parameters are involved.
Further, each city council and company calculate the
bag of hours differently, taking into account certain
factors of interest. Therefore, the bag of hours is a
challenge due to its high complexity and variability.
Another complex part of the system is the billing
of services. The company and the city council
generate invoices for the services in a certain period
of time. Therefore, it is necessary to generate both the
invoice that the company charges the city council for
providing the service and the invoice that users must
pay to the city council, although in some cases
companies are allowed to directly bill users.
The points of variability of this system follow a
specific hierarchy. The parameters that allow the
different users to adapt the behavior of the software
to their needs can be grouped in parameters for city
council (those that affect the city council and the
companies), parameters for the company (those that
affect the company and, if it is the case, each auxiliary
of the company) and parameters for each auxiliary
assistant of a company (each auxiliary can have a
different value for these parameters).
Secondly, there are several kind of variability
points according to the possible values that can be
selected. They can be classified into three types:
option Yes/No, option of a list of values and
configurable value.
3.1 Parameters for a City Council
The following parameters can be configured by each
city council:
. Cohabitation Unit: it allows to include if
other members of the cohabitation unit are also
beneficiaries of the Home Care Service. Possible
values are Yes/No.
. Visualize the Planning of the Assistants of
Other Companies Providing the Same City
Council. In certain city councils, they contract
several companies for the home care service. In order
to improve the coordination between them, this
parameter allows a company to visualize the
planification of the assistants of the other companies.
Possible values are Yes/No.
. Report Template: Template to be used in
all communications generated automatically between
the city council and the company and vice versa. In
this case, the application offers a generic template for
all communication or one template for each type.
Communications are an essential part of the home
care service and it is necessary to notify certain events
that occur during the provision of the service by the
. Document Language: Languages of
documents generated in PDF format. Currently, the
supported languages are Spanish, Galician and
Catalan. Being a public service, municipalities
require you to use any of their official languages. For
example, all councils in the region of Galicia must be
able to use Galician and Spanish.
. Companies Invoice Users: Users must pay
part of the service received. Such services are billed
by the city council or directly by the company. It
indicates whether companies will bill the users or it is
a responsibility of the city council. The possible
values are Yes/No.
. Type of Billing to Users: It indicates how
the hours to bill each user are counted. There are
different values that can be selected:
By carried out service.
By maximum of assigned hours.
By assigned hours.
By assigned hours (excess borrowed).
. Computation for the Billing of Public
Holidays to Users: It indicates that public holidays
are billed (if service is available that day). Usually,
services on holidays are charged as special services
and have a different price than one business day.
Options are: “Only public holidays”, “Only Sundays,
Saturdays and Sundays”, Public holidays and
Sundays” and Saturday afternoons, Sundays and
public holidays” (in the last case is necessary to
indicate the start time of the holiday on Saturday
. Rounding of Total Hours Invoiced to
Users: In monthly invoicing, indicate whether
fractions of hours are invoiced or rounded to a integer
number. Possible values are Yes/No.
3.2 Parameters for a Company
The following parameters can be configured by each
Applying Variability Management in the Development of a Complex SaaS System: Real Experience and Findings
. Telephonic Check-in: It allows assistants to
check-in and check-out their service by making a call
to a virtual phone number. With this information the
city council and the company can know the absences
of their assistants, or if an assistant has arrived late (or
has left before) an domicile, for example. It is also
used by the application to generate invoices. Possible
values are Yes/No.
. Calculation for Displacement Time:
Assistants attend several users in the same day, so
they have to move from one domicile to another
during their workday and several times. During the
planning process this time is taken into account when
assigning services to assistants and it is also shown in
the bag of hours. This parameter allows to indicate the
means of transport that is used for the displacement.
This option has two values; driving and walking.
. Computation for Public Holidays for Bag
of Hours: It indicates that public holidays are
computed for generation of the hours bag. Options are
“Only public holidays”, “Only Sundays”, “Saturdays
and Sundays”, “Public holidays and Sundays” or
“Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public holidays”
(in the last option is necessary to indicate the start
time of the public holiday on Saturday afternoon).
. Time to Bill in Each Service: The list of
options are:
Always schedule time: The planned duration
is invoiced for each service.
Carried out time (only if it is lower than
schedule time): The actual duration is
invoiced for each service, in case the
duration is less than the planned duration,
for example, a service of 60 minutes is
finally billed 55 minutes. Otherwise the
planned duration is invoiced, for example if
the 60-minute service was finally completed
in 65 minutes, the 60 planned minutes will
be billed.
Always carried out time: The actual duration
is always billed, regardless of whether it is
lower or greater than the planned time.
. Margin Minutes: In the billing types
"Carried out time (only if it is lower than schedule
time)" and "Always carried out time" a margin is
established from which the time carried out is counted
and not the planned time. For example, if for a 60-
minute scheduled service, 59 minutes are finally
performed, it will probably be interesting to invoice
the 60's as well. However, if 50 minutes are done, it
is already interesting to invoice 50. This margin could
be any positive integer.
. Field to Include in the Schedule Report
for Each Assistant: Assistants receive a report from
the company with their current planning. It shows the
work schedules and the users that must be attended.
Report can included the following fields for each user
who attends, which actually have been modelled as
four different boolean points of variability:
Name and surname (VP
Telephone number (VP
Register number (VP
Total number of kilometers between
services (VP
. Type of Billing to City Council: It
indicates how the hours to bill each city council are
counted. There are different values that can be
By carried out service.
By maximum of assigned hours.
By assigned hours.
By assigned hours (excess borrowed).
. Computation for the Billing of Public
Holidays to City Council: It indicates that public
holidays are billed (if service is available that day).
Options are: “Only public holidays”, “only Sundays,
Saturdays and Sundays”, Public holidays and
Sundays” and Saturday afternoons, Sundays and
public holidays” (in the last case is necessary to
indicate the start time of the holiday on Saturday
. Rounding of Total Hours Invoiced to
City Council: In monthly invoicing, it indicates
whether fractions of hours are invoiced or rounded to
a integer number. Possible values are Yes/No.
. Time Control in the Scheduler: It
indicates whether prevents confirm plans that do not
meet exactly the scheduled time of the intervention
plan. Possible values are Yes/No.
3.3 Parameters for an Assistant
. Calculation of Hours Worked on Public
Holidays: It indicates if the hours worked on holidays
will compute double for that assistant. Possible values
are Yes/No.
. Calculation of Hours in the Last Week of
the Month: It indicates how to reflect in the bag of
weekly hours the division of a week in two months
(end of a month and beginning of the next). There are
two possible values:
Real: Hours worked, permits and others
account for the part of the week in which
they actually take place.
APMDWE 2018 - 3rd International Special Session on Advanced practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
Proportional: A proportional distribution is
made in the two parts of the week in which
the calculation is divided.
. Calculation of Rest Time after 6
Continuous Hours of Work: It indicates whether a
rest time will be counted in the bag of hours as time
worked. Possible values are Yes/No.
. Minutes of Rest Time to Compute: In the
case of computing a rest period in the bag of hours,
this parameter indicates the number of minutes to be
computed. The value is a positive integer value.
In this section we present an analysis of the
deployment of the software for different customers
over a period of two years. In this analysis we will
focus especially in the use of the variability points we
have described in previous sections for the different
user types (councils, companies, and workers).
As we have already explained in the introduction
of the paper, the system has been developed as a
service, so variability analysis and modelling has not
been applied as a way of obtaining (or automatically
generating) different versions of this software, but as
a tool for identifying and modelling all the parameters
that define the variability points required by each user
type. From its deployment, it has been
commercialized to a total of 100 councils and 132
assistance companies, which has resulted in 3554
workers using the platform to reflect the result of their
daily work (see Table 1).
Table 1: Number of users of each user type in the real
deployment over a period of two years.
User type
# of users
City council
Assistance company
Although these data may seem strange at first,
remember that the service provided by this system
can be purchased by city councils, assistance
companies or a combination of both. That is, an
assistance company may use the system to manage
the daily operations even if the city councils for which
it works are not using the platform (or vice versa).
In the analysis of the real deployment we have
especially focused on how the different variability
points we have developed have been used. Table
2 shows for each variability point and for each of its
possible options, the number of users who are
currently using each option. The table structures in
three sections the variability points for the three user
types supported in the software: councils (variation
points from 1 to 8), companies (variation points from
9 to 18), and auxiliary assistance workers (variation
points from 19 to 22).
The description of the variability points provided
in the previous section states the different values for
each of them. Most of them can take just two values
(yes or no), while others can take more values (for
example, VP
can take five different values).
Interesting results can be seen in the data shown
in Table 2. In most variation points one of the values
is used by a large portion of the customers, so that
value acts as a kind of default value. More
interestingly, here is an important difference between,
for example, the variation points VP
and VP
. Both
can be used by city councils but, while 19 users use
the first option for VP
, only one uses that value for
. This triggered an important question for a real
software development company. According to these
data, we concluded that introducing the variation
point VP
in the system was worthwhile, since a 81%
of the customers are using the default option for this
point, while a 19% are using the other option.
However, in the case of VP
only one customer is
using an option different from the default value. Was
it worthy/profitable to introduce this variation point
in the system? It is not so clear in this case. From the
data, it just seems that this variation point does not
respond to a clear need of many options for an
average customer, but for something that may have
been identified as a variation point but that was really
a customized development for the specific need of
one customer.
Without the pretension of establishing a formal
and complete metric to evaluate the usefulness of
introducing a variation point in a system, we have
further analyzed these data by computing for each
variation point the quotient between the smallest and
the largest values between the number of users who
chose each option for the binary variation points.
Figures from 1 to 3 graphically represent the results
we obtained for each user type. As we can see in the
results, some variation points can be considered more
valuable than others from the point of view of the
number of users using each possible option for them.
Although this would require a greater effort, we think
that this may be a basis for establishing a way of
deciding if a given development must be included in
Applying Variability Management in the Development of a Complex SaaS System: Real Experience and Findings
Table 2. Number of users taking each value (Vi) for each variation point (VP
the system as a variation point or if it should be
considered as a customized development for a given
Figure 1. Use of the variation points for councils.
Figure 2. Use of the variation points for companies.
Figure 3. Use of the variation points for auxiliar assistance
In this paper, we have presented a real experience on
using variability management to analyze and model
the variability in a complex real web system delivered
as a service. Applying variability management has
allowed the developers to analyze the variation points
of the system under a solid framework, and in a
systematic and comprehensive way. This approach
has allowed the development team to deal with
variation in an easy and natural way.
In addition to presenting the system and the
variation points we have identified during its
development, we have presented real data on the
APMDWE 2018 - 3rd International Special Session on Advanced practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
deployment of the system and the use of the variation
points introduced in the system by the different user
profiles it supports (councils, companies, and auxiliar
assistants). In this analysis we have found interesting
results regarding the use of the variation points. Some
of them are considered by the company that
developed the system as worthwhile or profitable,
since many customers use of the options and also
many users use the other options for that variation
point. However, the data also reflect that some
variation points have been developed only for the
specific need of one specific customer, so they are
considered by the company that developed the system
as less profitable.
In addition, while dependencies had not been
found during the variability analysis, the data
suggests that some dependencies do really exist
among different features, since the number of
customers using one of its options is the same.
We consider that these results raise interesting
questions for future work, in which we are currently
working. First, some way of introducing the concept
of return on investment in the variability management
framework would be of interest for many companies,
since this would help not only in identifying and
analyzing variation points, but also in making the
decision of whether introducing them in the system is
worth or not. On the other hand, this real project has
helped us to detect that identifying dependencies
between features is not always direct during the
analysis phase. Analyzing the real-world data
collected from real systems to try to automatically
identify such dependencies is also an interesting
problem for future work.
This work has been funded by Xunta de Galicia /
FEDER-UE CSI: ED431G/01 (Centros ingulares de
Galicia), Xunta de Galicia / FEDER-UE CSI:
ED431C 2017/58 (Grupo de Referencia
RDFD3: TIN2015-69951-R.
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Applying Variability Management in the Development of a Complex SaaS System: Real Experience and Findings