Using Modelling and Simulation as a Service (MSaaS) for Facilitating
Flexibility-based Optimal Operation of Distribution Grids
Moritz Stüber, Lukas Exel and Georg Frey
Chair of Automation and Energy Systems, Saarland University, Campus A5 1, 66123, Saarbrücken, Germany
Modelling and Simulation as a Service (MSaaS), Simulation as a Service (SIMaaS), Service-oriented
Architecture (SOA), Flexibility, Power-to-Heat.
In this contribution, initial results of a research project on modelling and simulation as a service (MSaaS)
within the context of optimal operation of distribution grids by exploiting flexibility are summarized. Based
on a brief description of service-oriented architecture (SOA), definitions and key aspects of MSaaS as well as
open conceptual and technical challenges are outlined. Some specific aspects and challenges are then related
to a possible application: a service that predicts the flexibility that a power-to-heat system can offer is imple-
mented as an instance of MSaaS. The calculations are based on the current state of the system and a model
defined in the equation-based, object-oriented language Modelica, as well as historical data when available.
Thereby, an accurate and reliable representation of the flexiblity becomes available that facilitates its use for
system balancing, energy market participation and grid operations. This functionality is exposed through a
representational state transfer (REST)-based service interface, designed to allow for the straightforward inte-
gration with existing systems and other virtual resources. The service architecture and initial results of the
implementation are described.
The term “modelling and simulation as a service
(MSaaS)” describes the effort to provide users with
modelling and simulation (M&S) functionality over
the internet by using a service-oriented architecture
(SOA) to structure applications and cloud computing
technology to efficiently host them (Cayirci, 2013b).
Before introducing MSaaS in more detail by elabora-
ting proposed benefits and key aspects in section 2, a
brief introduction to M&S as well as an introduction
to SOA will be given below; an introduction to cloud
computing can be found in Cayirci (2013b, section 2)
and Mckee et al. (2017a, section 3).
From a systems engineering perspective, M&S
can be seen as a way to calculate physical quanti-
ties in technical devices that is particularly suited for
analysing complex, multi-domain systems. In the
context of modelling and simulation using equation-
based, object-oriented languages (EOOLs) such as
, a model generally consists of a system
of implicit differential algebraic equations (DAEs)
which can be numerically approximated by a suitable
solver for a given set of parameters and boundary con-
ditions. Based on the resulting trajectory, a user can
predict the behaviour of the real or imagined system
that the model represents. Compared to experiments
with prototypes, M&S offers faster and safer experi-
mentation as well as access to internal states that can-
not be measured in a real experiment (Cellier, 2013).
Due to the acausal formulation of the models, EOOLs
allow for fast assembly of complex system models by
reusing available component models.
The first step in creating a model is finding an
abstraction of a system that is suitable for the pur-
pose of the model. In-depth domain knowledge is
required in order to understand and describe the re-
levant properties of the system at hand. Second, the
model needs to be implemented in a formal model-
ling language, which requires expertise in the model-
ling formalisms, languages and algorithms used be-
cause attention to the numerical properties of the mo-
del and the use of structuring mechanisms that ensure
the reusability of the model must be paid. M&S en-
vironments such as Dymola
provide support regar-
ding the implementation of the models by checking
Stüber, M., Exel, L. and Frey, G.
Using Modelling and Simulation as a Service (MSaaS) for Facilitating Flexibility-based Optimal Operation of Distribution Grids.
DOI: 10.5220/0006899106230630
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2018) - Volume 2, pages 613-620
ISBN: 978-989-758-321-6
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
for syntactic mistakes, providing access to model li-
braries, offering the possibility to graphically create
models by assembling component models, translating
the models to executable form, triggering their execu-
tion and allowing users to analyse the results. Howe-
ver, it remains the user’s responsibility to make sense
of the calculated trajectories and to ensure that they
are valid. In practice, obtaining accurate parameter
values and measurement data for verification and va-
lidation of developed models represents a major chal-
Applications of M&S include dimensioning of
technical devices, finding control strategies and as-
sessing the quality and feasibility of ideas as well
as control and training applications (hardware-in-the-
loop, human-in-the-loop). For example, M&S could
be used to predict the energy generated by a photo-
voltaic system or to compare different possibilities for
increasing the own use of energy within a household
from a technical and economical perspective. In this
contribution, it is used to determine the flexibility of a
power-to-heat (PtH) system, which is then used as an
input to a larger process.
SOA is “a paradigm for organizing and utilizing
distributed capabilities that may be under the control
of different ownership domains” (OASIS, 2006). The
ISO/IEC standard 18384 (ISO/IEC_18384-1:2016, E)
defines SOA as “an architectural style that supports
service orientation”, where service orientation is de-
fined as an “approach to designing systems in terms of
services and service-based deployment” and a service
is defined as a “logical representation of a set of acti-
vities that has specified outcomes, is self-contained,
may be composed of other services, and is a ‘black-
box’ to consumers of the service”. In other words, a
service describes the capability, the specification and
an offer to perform work for someone and can also
be seen as a mechanism to match the capability of
the service provider with the need of the service con-
sumer. SOA is a way of structuring and offering a
functionality that promotes reuse, growth and intero-
perability by focusing on tasks and business functi-
ons and acknowledging the existence of ownership
boundaries. The OASIS Reference Model for Ser-
vice Oriented Architecture (OASIS, 2006) identifies
six major concepts of SOA and describes their pro-
perties and relations: visibility, service description,
interaction, contracts & policies, real world effect and
execution context.
Provided that a service is visible to the consumer,
interaction with the service results in a retrieval of in-
formation and/or in a change of the shared informa-
tion about affected entities (real world effect). The-
reby, it contributes to the goal of the service consu-
mer, which is generally unknown to the service pro-
vider. The interaction with a service is defined by an
information model and a behaviour model, which are
exposed through the service interface. The service in-
terface is formally described in the service descrip-
tion, which includes applicable contracts and policies.
The infrastructure elements, process entities and po-
licy agreements of a specific service interaction are
called execution context. The execution context may
evolve during an interaction, for example if the ser-
vice participants agree to encrypt the following com-
munication. Visibility, interaction and real world ef-
fect can be seen as the dynamic elements of a service
interaction as they result from the actions of the ser-
vice participants. In contrast, service description, po-
licies and execution context can be seen as supporting
aspects that are mostly defined by the service provi-
According to OASIS (2006, section 2.3), SOA is
well suited for developing complex, yet manageable
software systems that scale well and allow remote
users to choose the services that they need. However,
implementing a SOA in a robust way based on stan-
dards and best practices, fully exploiting the under-
lying concepts, can be challenging(Rodríguez et al.,
2016) . Furthermore, systematic approaches for cre-
ating value by transitioning to a service-oriented ar-
chitecture as well as concepts and algorithms for the
automated composition of services are missing.
2 M&S as a SERVICE
By combining the concepts and tools of SOA and
cloud computing with the functionality of modelling
and simulation, it is hoped to help a wide audience
make informed decisions when confronted with com-
plex questions: the various methods, languages and
tools summarized under the term modelling and simu-
lation allow finding quantitative information about the
behaviour of a system by numerically approximating
the behaviour of a virtual representation of that sy-
stem; SOA and cloud computing allow users to access
this capability over the internet.
Currently, factors that prevent a more widespread
use of modelling and simulation amongst engineers
include a lack of knowledge regarding concepts, mo-
delling languages, algorithms and tools, the cost of
tools and model libraries as well as problems with the
usability of user interfaces and data formats. Also,
current M&S environments are not designed to be
used as part of a larger process. Factors preventing the
general public from using modelling and simulation
include missing awareness of its capabilities, missing
ICINCO 2018 - 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
background knowledge, missing feeling for the steps
required to arrive at a solution and the challenge of
using complex M&S software environments.
MSaaS attempts to address the aforementioned
problems by introducing a new layer of abstraction:
instead of dealing with methods and data in the form
of models, parameters and unprocessed simulation re-
sults, a service consumer interacts with an interface
designed for specific tasks/business functions. Thus,
the needed functionality is separated from the techni-
cal prowess and infrastructure required to implement
it. The service interaction results in the retrieval of
information as defined by Rowley (2007): “[. . .] in-
formation is defined in terms of data, and is seen to be
organized or structured data. This processing lends
the data relevance for a specific purpose or context,
and thereby makes it meaningful, valuable, useful and
MSaaS is defined as a “means of delivering va-
lue to customers to enable or support modelling and
simulation (M&S) user applications and capabilities
as well as to provide associated data on demand wit-
hout the ownership of specific costs and risks” by
the specialist team MSG-131 at NATO (MSG-131,
2015)v. Cayirci (2013b) sees MSaaS as a “model for
provisioning modelling and simulation (M&S) servi-
ces on demand from a cloud service provider (CSP),
which keeps the underlying infrastructure, platform
and software requirements/details hidden from the
users”, which aligns well with the previous definition
but highlights the use of cloud computing technolo-
gies. This aspect is important for distinguishing the
current research activities from earlier attempts, sum-
marized under the term web-based simulation (WBS),
as retraced by Wang and Wainer (2016, section 2).
Consequently, MSaaS is one form of software as a
service (SaaS) (Cayirci, 2013b; Mckee et al., 2017a)
that “inherits” the general benefits and challenges of
cloud computing, but also offers opportunities pecu-
liar to the field of M&S.
The proposed value of MSaaS (Cayirci, 2013b;
MSG-131, 2015, section 2.6) lies in an increase in
usability and functionality on the one hand and a pos-
sible decrease in costs on the other hand. Increased
usability and functionality are expected to stem from
better accessibility of M&S resources, their reuse for
reproducing results and the creation of new functio-
nality through composition of resources:
The accessibility of M&S resources is increa-
sed through broad network access that allows on-
demand self-service while having very light re-
quirements on the client (hardware, operating sy-
stem (OS), software).
Accessible resources that hide their complexity
and implementation from the user (encapsulation)
make the reuse of knowledge possible, for exam-
ple the provision of product models by companies.
Also, providing an interface to an operational si-
mulation environment can enhance the credibility
of a simulation study by ensuring its replayability
and makes sure that a user can always access the
latest version of the software.
Implementing new functionality by composition
of services is facilitated by provisioning M&S re-
sources as a service. Composition can reduce the
time and effort needed for implementation and ex-
tend the scope of M&S resources by using them in
conjunction with functionality that is not normally
available in an M&S environment.
A decrease in costs can be achieved by measu-
ring the service usage, which allows pay-per-use op-
tions, by scaling the infrastructure according to de-
mand and by increasing the degree of capacity uti-
lization through resource pooling. Furthermore, the
service consumer does not need to invest in hardware,
software and personnel, which could increase the wil-
lingness of companies to try to integrate M&S into
their workflow.
Researchers have worked on combining M&S
with web technologies for more than 20 years by
imagineering the possibilities (Fishwick, 1996; Mc-
kee et al., 2017a), proposing architectures for im-
plementation (Cubert and Fishwick, 1997; Al-Zoubi
and Wainer, 2011; Ribault and Wainer, 2012; Shekhar
et al., 2016), pondering risk, trust and accountability
(Cayirci, 2013a) and investigating the composability
of M&S services (Tolk, 2013; Tolk and Mittal, 2014).
Below, we will elaborate what we perceive as the key
aspects of MSaaS.
Service Interface. The service interface defines the
possibilities for interaction with a service. It com-
bines the underlying functionality with the ser-
vice’s execution context. The possibilities and li-
mitations of the latter define the degree to which
the ideas and proposed benefits of SOA and cloud
computing applied to M&S can be realized. This
applies to both the general characteristics of cloud
computing and internet technologies as well as the
specific characteristics of the chosen service ar-
Service Architecture. The service architecture
structures an implementation and comprises
the underlying design concepts, for example
representational state transfer (REST), the use
of standards such as OpenAPI or functional
mockup interface (FMI), the software tools and
Using Modelling and Simulation as a Service (MSaaS) for Facilitating Flexibility-based Optimal Operation of Distribution Grids
middleware, the deployment technology as well
as the available computing power.
Service Composition The full potential of transitio-
ning to using SOA for providing M&S capabilities
cannot be realized when limiting the implementa-
tions to providing existing M&S functionality in
its current form over the internet as a web applica-
tion. An increase in value stems from new use ca-
ses and target audiences for M&S technology and
new functionality for users which can be achie-
ved by service composition. Examples are pre-
sented by Wang and Wainer (2016); Wainer and
Wang (2017); Mckee et al. (2017b). However,
service composition represents a conceptual and
technical challenge because a consistent and via-
ble semantics needs to be guaranteed across ser-
vices in order to achieve user acceptance of the
proposed solutions. Tolk and Mittal (2014), the-
refore, propose that a consistent representation of
truth can be seen as the definition of composabi-
lity and state that it can be achieved by alignment
of data and the orchestration of the individual ser-
Contracts and Policies Providing functionality for a
remote user makes an explicit and comprehensive
consideration of the implications on security, pri-
vacy, intellectual property and accountability ne-
cessary (Cayirci, 2013b, section 4, 5). This me-
ans that an analysis of risk and trust needs to be
performed and adequate countermeasures need to
be implemented. Ideally, the countermeasures are
integrated into the service architecture by design.
From the perspective of a SOA, contracts and po-
licies are the mechanisms for dealing with the afo-
rementioned. In general, contracts are negotiated
between the service participants whereas policies
are enforced by the service provider. They go-
vern the willingness of a service to perform a re-
quest and can be related to infrastructure-oriented
as well as business-oriented matters. Two exam-
ples that represent the need for business-oriented
policies and highlight the importance of conside-
ring the definition of policies and contracts tho-
roughly are privacy and intellectual property.
Significant conceptual and technological challenges
have to be addressed before the full potential of MS-
aaS can be understood and, ultimately, realized. Con-
sequently, cloud-based M&S or MSaaS was identified
as one of the “grand challenges for modelling and si-
mulation” by Taylor et al. (2015, section 4).
Conceptual challenges include questions such as
“what makes sense?”, “which granularity of services
makes sense?”, “how can SOA and cloud computing
be exploited to full capacity?”, “how can trust re-
garding the reliability of results be induced?”, “how
can trust regarding the use of sensitive data be indu-
ced?” and “how can a consistent representation of
truth be guaranteed across services?” as well as “how
to derive viable business models?”. On the technical
side, it is necessary to combine the expertise, tools
and methods from M&S, SOA and cloud computing
in order to find a software architecture that facilitates
the sustainable development of M&S services. Addi-
tionally, solutions for formulating and enforcing con-
tracts and policies and ensuring the security of the ser-
vice as well as its reachability need to be found.
In the next section, an envisioned application of
MSaaS for facilitating the flexibility-based optimal
operation of distribution grids is described.
The increasing share of energy generated by solar and
wind power plants imposes challenges on the electri-
cal power grid. Because of the dependency of these
power plants on the weather, utilities have to find
ways to guarantee the stability of the grid despite the
volatile nature of the energy generation. One possi-
ble way of stabilizing the grid is to use loads flexi-
bly and consume power when it is generated, in ot-
her words using flexibility for optimal operation of
the grid. Flexibility is defined as “the changes in con-
sumption/injection of electrical power from/to the po-
wer system from their current/normal patterns in re-
sponse to certain signals, either voluntarily or manda-
tory” (SG-CG/M490/L, 2014, section 5.1).
3.1 Scenario
As an exemplary application, the energy consump-
tion of a building complex is investigated with respect
to possiblities to adapt the consumption of electrical
energy on demand. In the system under investiga-
tion, two such possibilities exist: first, the warm water
can be generated by using submersion heaters instead
of the normal gas heating system, which represents a
load that can be switched on and off flexibly. The sub-
mersion heaters are mounted inside the storage tank.
Second, there is a solar photovoltaic system which
can be throttled on demand. Consequently, the overall
system represents a buffered flexibility source which
is controllable within bounds.
In order to reliably determine how much energy
ICINCO 2018 - 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
can be consumed by the PtH system and/or not gene-
rated by the solar panels for a given time frame, mo-
delling and simulation of the overall system is neces-
sary due to its complexity: among other factors, the
flexibility that can be offered by the PtH-components
depend on the current state of the system, the maxi-
mum allowed temperature of the water, the tempera-
ture of the fresh water, the warm water consumption,
and the heat losses to the environment; the flexibi-
lity of the photovoltaic system mainly depends on the
weather conditions, but for example also on the im-
plemented operating strategies et cetera.
As a first step, a very simple model of the buil-
ding was implemented using the modeling language
Modelica. It mainly consists of a model for warm wa-
ter generation and -storage and the control logic that
ensures that whenever the PtH-components are active,
the water is not heated by the gas heating system. The
level of the thermal energy storage, defined as the dif-
ference of the current temperature of the water inside
the tank to the minimum temperature divided by the
allowed temperature range, is introduced as a charac-
teristic value. Parameters of the used models were set
to plausible values, but there is no direct relation to
a real building; currently, the purpose of the model is
to provide plausible data as part of a proof-of-concept
implementation. The electric power generated by the
solar power plant as well as warm water consumption,
heating demand and consumption of electrical power
are defined as inputs to the system model.
The flexibility arising from throttling the solar
power plant is calculated by subtracting the electric
energy consumption inside the building from the ge-
nerated power. The flexibility provided by the PtH-
components is calculated as follows: the model of
the building is used as the plant model within a
closed control loop, using the level of the thermal
energy storage as the measured process variable and
100 % as the value of the desired set-point. The PtH-
components are activated and the power they are re-
quired to provide to the system in order to always
keep the level of the thermal energy storage at the
desired set-point is defined as the flexibility they can
3.2 Service Architecture
Providing an answer to the question “how much
energy can be consumed/not generated on demand by
the system in the next 24 h?” represents the capability
that shall be offered as a service in order to enable
the service consumer to offer the calculated flexibi-
lity to potential users. The service shall also integrate
necessary auxiliary steps, such as querying forecasts
for weather and user behaviour, thus hiding the under-
lying complexity of the calculation from the service
Consequently, the service is realized as an in-
stance of service composition from a technical point
of view: while the endpoints of the service that pro-
vides the calculation of the flexibility for a certain sy-
stem are specific to the needs of the service consumer,
different services are called in the background and the
results are combined such that the desired functiona-
lity follows, as shown in Figure 1.
First, the necessary input for the simulation of the
building are collected, namely the forecast for the
electric power generated by the solar power plant,
which in turn requests an up-to-date weather fore-
cast before triggering the simulation of the under-
lying model, as well as forecasts for the behaviour of
the residents (warm water consumption, heating de-
mand, consumption of electric power). Then, the ac-
tual simulation is triggered by sending a request to a
simulation as a service (SIMaaS)-instance.
For each of the developed services, a formal ser-
vice description needs to be found based on the des-
cription of the desired service functionality. The ser-
vice description “represents the information needed in
order to use a service” (OASIS, 2006, section 3.3.1)
and can comprise information on the service’s reacha-
bility, functionality, its interface and applicable poli-
cies. It exposes the set of capabilities offered by the
service provider to a remote audience, but its expres-
sivity and therefore the degree to which these capabi-
lities can be exposed is defined by the service archi-
tecture and the underlying architectural style. Con-
sequently, the development of the service description
and the development of the service architecture go
hand in hand. In the presented case, the service in-
terface adheres to the architectural style REST due to
its advantages over other approaches, following the
argumentation presented by Wang and Wainer (2016,
section 2).
According to Verborgh et al. (2015, section 3.1),
REST is “a style for system architectures, dictating
several architectural constraints, rather than a techno-
logy, or architecture in itself”. Web services adher-
ing to REST are called RESTful web services and
their service interface is also referred to as REST-
API (Rodríguez et al., 2016, section 2). REST ap-
plies to client-server systems, based on the idea that
the resulting separation of concerns facilitates scala-
bility and longevity. The constraints characterizing
REST concern the identification of resources, the ma-
nipulation of resources through representations, the
exchange of self-descriptive messages (stateless inte-
ractions) and the use of hypermedia as the engine of
Using Modelling and Simulation as a Service (MSaaS) for Facilitating Flexibility-based Optimal Operation of Distribution Grids
Figure 1: The functionality of the service that provides the desired information is realized by combining several services.
application state (HATEOAS); they are intended to
result in a uniform interface (Verborgh et al., 2015,
section 3.3).
In the abstract, a REST-API gives access to a set
of resources. Resources are unique conceptual en-
tities of the service interface; the semantics of a re-
source always remains the same. Conceptual entities
of the application domain are mapped to resources
when defining the service functionality. Resources
can be considered as nouns that are uniquely identi-
fied by URIs. Interaction with resources occurs by
applying a set of verbs defined by the hypertext trans-
fer protocol (HTTP) specification to these nouns. Ap-
plying an HTTP-verb to a resource results in a tran-
saction of a resource representation that is defined by
the (hyper)media type agreed upon by the service par-
ticipants. Therefore, the same service can be used to
integrate with a variety of existing systems by imple-
menting the appropriate resource representation.
Defining the resources provided by a given ser-
vice is not sufficient for describing the service inter-
face, which defines the specifics of how to interact
with the service in order to invoke its functionality.
As the exchange of messages represents the “primary
mode of interaction with a service” (OASIS, 2006,
section 3.2.2), the structure and semantics of the data
that needs to be exchanged have to be defined as well,
resulting in the service’s information model. The cor-
responding behaviour model defines the possible in-
teractions with the service as well as their temporal
relationships and properties and also needs to be des-
In order to describe these details in a standardized
way that is readable by both humans and machines,
a web service description language should be used.
Because the software under development is descri-
bed in terms of resources, actions and representations
instead of objects, methods and attributes, a web ser-
vice description language promotes the realization of
SOAs. The resulting document, the service descrip-
tion, serves as documentation for humans and can be
used to automatically derive server stubs, thus signi-
ficantly reducing the amount of code that needs to be
implemented manually. Therefore, the interfaces of
all developed services are described according to the
The performance of a service instance is defined
by the characteristics of the implementation and the
characteristics resulting from deploying it on a certain
hardware using a certain technology. Thus, based on
the answer to the question “which performance cha-
racteristics do I envision for the service?”, an answer
to the question “how do I deploy the service in or-
der to fulfil them?” needs to be found. Aspects to
be considered include the formulation, measurement
and testing of key performance indicators (KPIs) as
well as the scalability of the chosen solution. Since
MSaaS is described as the combination of M&S, SOA
and cloud computing, using infrastructure as a ser-
vice (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and SaaS as
well as associated technologies like Docker in order
to achieve the characteristics associated to “the cloud”
also need to be considered.
Typically, M&S environments and -tools have ex-
tensive dependencies. In order to avoid problems due
to those dependencies and in order to clearly sepa-
rate the different modules of a service, it was deci-
ded to use Docker as a software container platform.
After explicitly defining the dependencies of a soft-
ware once, Docker guarantees that the software runs
no matter where it is deployed and has a number of
additional advantages, such as its suitability for agile
software development processes.
ICINCO 2018 - 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
3.3 Discussion
The predictions delivered by the developed service
are currently not yet applicable in a real practical ap-
plication. However, implementing the functionality
as a service increases both the accessibility of simu-
lation resources and the reuse of knowledge: instead
of using a complex and typically expensive M&S-
environment, which requires manual work and/or
scripting, the service consumer sends a simple HTTP-
request to a web API. This facilitates the reuse of
an analysis, such as the calculation of the flexibility,
within a larger process. Therefore, also the reuse of
knowledge and capabilities is promoted. For exam-
ple, a SIMaaS-instance is used by both the service that
predicts the power generated by a solar power plant as
well as by the service that predicts the flexibility.
The use of service composition for implementing
a certain functionality has two major advantages:
first, it allows defining analyses in the problem dom-
ain without having to take care of how the individual
parts required for the analysis are implemented. For
example, obtaining the latest forecast for the solar po-
wer generation reduces to calling an application pro-
gramming interface (API), the complexity of hand-
ling the underlying model and auxiliary data such as
the weather forecast are hidden from the consumer
of this API. Second, using services makes it easy
to change them; for example, all forecast services
could be replaced by services that provide measure-
ment data, thus allowing to investigate the quality of
the forecast services and allowing to perform parame-
ter fitting et cetera.
Many aspects of using MSaaS for providing in-
formation as part of a larger process have not been
considered yet. Most importantly, these include con-
sidering the interoperability of services both from a
conceptual and a technical point of view, and the sca-
lability of the developed solutions. Moreover, threats
to the security of the solutions as well as possible mi-
tigations need to be considered.
With respect to the service functionality, a process
for evolving model instances based on parameter es-
timation shall be devised and implemented in future
work: in the first iteration, an initial set of parameters
is chosen. In subsequent iterations, the parameters
are optimized by automatically comparing the simu-
lation results to measurement data, which is linked to
the model instance and accessible from within the ser-
MSaaS represents a field of study at the intersection
of M&S, information science and software engineer-
ing with the goal of increasing the accessibility of and
audience for the formalisms to describe knowledge
about a system and the algorithms used to perform
experiments based on the resulting models that were
found in M&S research. Concepts developed in in-
formation sciences, such as service-orientation, pro-
vide the necessary theoretical background to trans-
fer existing solutions to the new problem domain of
M&S and to identify and reason about challenges pe-
culiar to this domain, for example the composabi-
lity of M&S-services. Software engineering methods
and tools, in particular cloud computing, the concept
of representational state transfer (REST), API first-
development and containerization enable the realiza-
tion of solutions that meet the functional and non-
functional requirements resulting from a specific ser-
vice concept.
An exemplary application of MSaaS, namely pro-
viding an accurate and reliable description of the flex-
ibility of a PtH system that can be used to mitigate
unwanted states of the distribution grid in subsequent
processes, was outlined.
This work was supported by the SINTEG-project “De-
signetz” funded by the German Federal Ministry of
Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) under grant
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ICINCO 2018 - 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics