Ney Yibeogo - Hello World: A Voice Service Development Platform
to Bridge the Web’s Digital Divide
André Baart
, Anna Bon
, Victor de Boer
, Wendelien Tuijp
and Hans Akkermans
Amsterdam Business School, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Plantage Muidergracht 12,
1018 TV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Network Institute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Computer Science Department, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1081,
1081 HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Centre for International Cooperation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1081,
1081 HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Network Institute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Digital Divide, Low Literacy, Sub-Saharan Africa, Voice-based Services, Low-resource Hardware, Services
Development Software Kit.
The World Wide Web is a crucial open public space for knowledge sharing, content creation and application
service provisioning for billions on this planet. Although it has a global reach, still more than three billion
people do not have access to the Web, the majority of whom live in the Global South, often in rural regions,
under low-resource conditions and with poor infrastructure. However, the need for knowledge sharing, content
creation and application service provisioning is no less on the other side of this Digital Divide. In this paper
we describe the Kasadaka platform that supports easy creation of local-content and voice-based information
services, targeted at currently ‘unconnected’ populations and matching the associated resource and infrastruc-
tural requirements. The Kasadaka platform and especially its Voice Service Development Kit supports the
formation of an ecosystem of decentralized voice-based information services that serve local populations and
communities. This is, in fact, very much analogous to the services and functionalities offered by the Web, but
in regions where Internet and Web are absent and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.
The World Wide Web is a unique public space for
knowledge sharing, content creation and application
service provisioning for billions on this planet. Al-
though it has a global reach, still more than three bil-
lion people do not have access to the Web: the ‘Digital
Divide’ (Fuchs and Horak, 2008). The majority lives
in the Global South, often in remote rural regions, un-
der low-resource conditions and with poor or even ab-
sent infrastructures.
However, needs for knowledge sharing, locally
relevant content and application service provisioning
are certainly no less beyond the current borders of the
To overcome the Digital Divide, various policies
are promoted to improve global access to Internet,
Web and its vast arsenal of resources. A prominent
one, for which quite large funds have been made
available by donors such as the World Bank, is the
attempt to roll out forms of “affordable Internet” to
currently unconnected regions.
Basically, the un-
derlying idea is a form of relatively straightforward
technology transfer from advanced countries to devel-
oping and emerging regions (USAID, 2017; Schmida
et al., 2017; The World Bank Group, 2016).
Our research focuses on information exchange
and knowledge sharing support for small holder and
family farmers in the African Sahel (including e.g.
Mali, Burkina Faso, northern Ghana). In a country
such as Mali, around 80% of the population depend
for their livelihood on work in small subsistence agri-
culture in remote rural regions where there is no In-
ternet, very limited electricity, and high levels of low-
literacy (around 50% on average, for women even sig-
nificantly higher). Under these conditions it is highly
unlikely that a technology transfer policy of Inter-
Baart, A., Bon, A., Boer, V., Tuijp, W. and Akkermans, H.
Ney Yibeogo - Hello World: A Voice Service Development Platform to Bridge the Web’s Digital Divide.
DOI: 10.5220/0006893600230034
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), pages 23-34
ISBN: 978-989-758-324-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: ICT4D Field research methodology, from (Bon et al., 2016).
net roll-out to bridge the Digital Divide will come to
fruition in some foreseeable future.
This does not imply that nothing can be done. The
contribution of this paper is that one can, and that it is
possible to develop and deliver web-reminescent ser-
vices for information and knowledge exchange, but
not in a one-size-fits-all technology transfer approach.
It requires a thorough investigation in the field of
conditions, requirements and local specificities. This
leads to insights and technical directions that cannot
be derived from advanced but far-away technology
considerations alone.
Accordingly, in this paper we present the
Kasadaka platform intended to support easy cre-
ation of local-content and voice-based information
services, targeted at currently ‘unconnected’ popula-
tions and meeting the harsh conditions at the other
side of the Digital Divide.
The Kasadaka platform and especially its Voice
Service Development Kit aims to facilitate the for-
mation of an ecosystem of many decentralized voice-
based information services that serve local popula-
tions and communities. This is, in fact, very much
analogous to the services and functionalities offered
by the Web, but in regions where Internet and Web
are and will continue to be absent for the foreseeable
The design of a service development platform for
low-tech and low-resource environments as sketched
above, cannot be based on generic technological con-
siderations alone, but requires in-depth study of local
contexts and conditions, in addition to and beyond the
usual ones that hold for ICT development in general.
In our approach, we cater for this situatedness of
information systems and services by carrying out ex-
tensive field research. The underlying iterative
and collaborative field research methodology is de-
picted in Figure 1 in the form of an intention-strategy
map (Rolland, 2007), and is discussed in more detail
in (Bon et al., 2016).
Subsequently, this field research is utilized to de-
rive requirements for the platform (discussed in Sec-
tion 3). Apart from a good understanding of the
‘Digital Divide’ context in which services are to be
deployed, platform requirements originate from the
spectrum of service use cases the platform is sup-
posed to support and execute. These use cases, de-
veloped with end users and stakeholders in the field,
similarly are the result of field research, often in the
form of collaborative workshops.
Thus, the methodology employed to come to the
KasaDaka service platform services for low-tech low-
resource environments is in brief:
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Field-based context analysis: i.e. finding out the
local conditions with respect to technical infras-
tructure, environmental conditions, availability of
technical support etc;
Platform requirements analysis, as also derived
from the service use cases, elicited from local
users during field research;
Technical design and implementation of the plat-
Testing and evaluation, also with local users in the
local context.
Below, Section 3 presents an analysis of the plat-
form requirements, Section 4 describes the architec-
ture and technical implementation issues, and Sec-
tion 5 describes various evaluations of the platform.
Sec. 6 discusses related work and Section 7 summa-
rizes our main conclusions.
Requirements in a technology development project
are derived from the needs that the context of the
project brings to the table. The development of a sys-
tem that is intended for those on the other side of the
Digital Divide has to deal with several combinations
of circumstances and issues that are rarely encoun-
tered in technology development projects in the de-
veloped world.
3.1 Societal Challenges
Voice-based access to information is an essential
requirement for bridging the digital divide, and
reaching the world’s rural poor. In these populations,
literacy rates are low, which disqualifies any service
that is text-based. In several sub-Saharan African
countries (such as Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso)
the literacy rates are below 40%, which makes the
vast amounts of textual information on the Internet
out of reach for a major part of the population in
these regions (UNESCO, 2011). Furthermore, many
indigenous cultures have a strong oral tradition in
communication, so that voice-based services have a
natural fit with the locally already existing means of
Voice services for the world’s rural poor have
to support under-resourced languages, which implies
that they can not use advanced speech technologies.
While many developing countries have a technolog-
ically well-supported official language (often a rem-
nant of colonial times), this language is not necessar-
ily spoken by the entire population. Rather, the lo-
cal population speaks their own indigenous language
which is tied to their local region. Africa for instance
has around 2000 local languages, which each often
have local dialects (Heine and Nurse, 2000). The ma-
jority of these languages are spoken languages, mean-
ing that there exists little to no literature in these lan-
guages. Furthermore, due to the populations speaking
these languages being poor and relatively small, these
populations do not provide a profitable market for the
development of Text To Speech, Automatic Speech
Recognition and Natural Language Processing tech-
nologies in these languages. Most of the recently
developed voice platforms that offer complex infor-
mation services (e.g. Apple’s Siri, Amazon Alexa,
etc.) rely on the use of these technologies. While
these technologies are in widespread use around the
world, they require significant research and a lot of
work (and thus significant financial investment) in or-
der to support a language at a level that is sufficient for
usage in voice services. (Bagshaw et al., 2011; Black
and Lenzo, 2000; Farrugia, 2005; McTear et al., 2016;
Besacier et al., 2014; de Vries et al., 2014) The num-
ber of languages that has well-developed speech tech-
nologies is rising, but these do (almost) not include
any of the indigenous languages found in the devel-
oping world. This situation is not likely to change, as
there is little (financial) incentive to develop technolo-
gies for these languages. Taking into account these
restrictions, these languages are referred to as under-
resourced languages (Berment, 2004).
3.2 Resource and Infrastructure
Information Services for the World’s poor should be
affordable and accessible through locally adopted
technologies, i.e., especially mobile (dumb-)phones.
Developing countries are some of the poorest in the
world, where large parts of the population live on less
than e 2 per day.
In order for a voice service to be
of use to the general population, the cost of accessing
and using it thus have to be very low. This implies
that the users should be able to access the service
without having to purchase a new device or service,
but rather using a device they already own or have
access to. The initial and running costs of a voice
service should also be low enough to be affordable
(and to provide sufficient return on investment) for
Sub-Saharan Africa:
Ney Yibeogo - Hello World: A Voice Service Development Platform to Bridge the Web’s Digital Divide
the rural poor.
The voice-service platform should function with
limited infrastructure. The (digital) infrastructure in
these countries is unreliable and expensive, especially
in the rural areas. While some villages have access to
electricity, it is often unreliable and black-outs often
happen multiple times per day (also in cities). The
majority of the population does not have (direct) ac-
cess to electricity
. The hardware that hosts access to
Internet is slowly becoming more common (Poushter,
2016), but is very expensive and unreliable
, due to a
lack of local hosting and limited international (back-
bone) connections. While Internet adoption is low,
mobile phones have become a successful means of
communication in much of the developed world, hav-
ing become the main means of telecommunication in
sub-Saharan Africa (GSMA, 2016). The coverage of
mobile telephony networks is often quite good, cov-
ering a large part of the population (also rural areas).
3.3 Financial Sustainability of Services
The platform should be able to provide financially
sustainable voice services. This is achieved by re-
ducing the cost of voice services which consist of
hardware costs, development costs and maintenance
costs as far as possible. This has consequences
for all elements in the architecture of the platform,
which have to be chosen and designed in such a way
that costs are minimized. Financial sustainability as-
sures that the services are targeted at the needs of lo-
cal communities and thus provide sufficient value to
offset their cost.
The platform should facilitate development by
local developers with limited programming skills.
The development process of voice services should
thus be simple, flexible, not require advanced pro-
gramming skills and should take place in a graphical
interface. A very small amount of the population
owns (or has access to) a computer, let alone a
connection to the Internet. Also, there are few local
software developers and technicians available for the
development and maintenance of local infrastructure,
systems and applications. From this small pool the
amount of software developers that have experience
with voice services will thus likely be extremely low.
Hiring foreign developers is not an option, as the
cost of foreign labor is extremely high, conflicting
with the above requirement of financial sustainability.
Ensuring local development is thus essential for the
formation of a voice service ecosystem targeted at
the unconnected. In order to increase the size of the
potential pool of voice service developers, the process
of development should be accessible to users that
do not have programming skills. This simplification
should allow for people with a basic understanding of
using computers to be trained in the development of
voice services. Besides the financial aspect of local
voice service development, an additional benefit is
that local developers have a smaller distance to the
end-user of the voice service, not only in a spatial
sense but also in social and cultural sense. This
improves the local relevancy of the services as well
as the understanding of the end-user’s needs. The
platform should facilitate the formation of small
businesses and entrepreneurs that are specialized
in developing and hosting voice services, enabling
them to make a living from selling customized voice
services to local companies and communities.
The platform should run on low-resource hard-
ware and be based on Free/Libre and Open Source
software. In order to keep the costs of running voice
services as low as possible and thus contribute
to the financial sustainability the hardware used
in the platform should be cheap, robust, and con-
sume little energy. Another aspect that influences
the cost of the platform is the cost of software li-
censes. The prices of commercial telephony products
and other software are at a level that is acceptable in
the Global North, which is not affordable in the de-
veloping world. Furthermore the liberating nature of
open-source software allows for the practice of brico-
lage: tinkering with existing technologies in new and
innovative ways which allows for the formation of
successful innovations (Ali and Bailur, 2007). Ac-
cepting that the usage of technology cannot be tightly
controlled and that successful innovations often come
from unexpected directions, can be a determining fac-
tor of success. By explicitly granting the general pop-
ulation the freedom to use the technology in any way
they see fit, practicing bricolage is facilitated and the
available technology is more likely to be (eventually)
applied in a way that is most relevant and innovative
to the local context.
3.4 Example Use Cases of Voice Services
Below we outline two examples of the types of voice
services that the platform should facilitate. These use
cases have been elicited and analyzed during our var-
ious field visits to Mali and Burkina Faso.
Foroba Blon, a system for village reporting. We
briefly describe here the case of Radio Sikidolo, a
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
small radio station in Konobougou, a village in the
south of Mali several hours from the Malian capital
Bamako. It reaches up to 80,000 listeners in the re-
gion. According to its director, Adama Tessougué,
this radio works with free-lance village reporters who
collect news and announcements in the surrounding
villages for broadcasting. Example topics are wed-
ding announcements, funerals, lost animals, inter-
views and interesting stories. In the absence of Inter-
net in these remote areas, village reporters use simple
GSM mobile phones to send news to the radio. For
this, the program maker at the radio station had to be
available in person on the phone, and then write down
the incoming information on paper for broadcasting.
Evidently, this task is time consuming and inefficient.
Foroba Blon is a voice-based system allowing village
reporters to phone in and to submit spoken news items
that are off line stored in the system (Gyan et al.,
2013). Messages can then be accessed and managed
by the radio journalist through a web interface on his
laptop, without the need for Internet. The radio sta-
tion uses the messages for interactive programming,
or receives (financial) compensation for the spreading
of advertisements and announcements. The Bambara
name Foroba Blon refers to the Malian village square
where everyone is allowed to speak out, though re-
The Foroba Blon use case has been used during
the evaluation of the platform, which is covered in
Section 5.2
Weather information crowd-sourcing. Many farm-
ers and families in Burkina Faso depend on rain-fed
agriculture. The rainy season is short (three months)
and so pertinent information on actual and forecast
rainfall is extremely important, for example, to better
plan cropping calendars and improve harvests. Dur-
ing recent collaborative use-case and requirements
workshops in Gourcy, Burkina Faso, organized by
local NGO Réseau MARP, regional radio stations,
the association of innovative farmers in the Yatenga
province, and the W4RA team of authors, it became
abundantly clear that important weather information
never reaches local farmers in Burkina Faso. Global
weather information is in principle available through
the Web, but it is not accessible to farmers that face
the familiar issues of lack of electricity, of digital
infrastructures, and issues of language and literacy.
Furthermore this information is often inaccurate, due
to a lack of measurement infrastructure and accurate
weather models. The Burkina Faso weather voice ser-
vice allows farmers to receive data on the amount of
rainfall, as measured by fellow farmers that have a
measurement bucket on their land. These farmers call
in their measurements periodically. Besides providing
other farmers with essential information, the informa-
tion is also used to accurately track historical rainfall
in the region.
The platform that we propose is called Kasadaka
(talking box in a number of northern Ghanaian lan-
guages). The platform consists of a combination of
hardware and accompanying software. Figure 2 is a
visual representation of the architecture of the system
and highlights the interactions between the compo-
4.1 Hardware
The hardware forming the foundation of the
KasaDaka platform is the Raspberry Pi, which is a
low-resource computer based on an ARM processor
(like found in many smart phones). The main advan-
tages of the Raspberry Pi are it’s low power consump-
tion (and subsequently no need for cooling), good on-
board connectivity and the low price
(and thus also
a low replacement cost). As the Raspberry Pi does
not include a Real Time Clock (RTC), it cannot ac-
curately keep time when the power is lost. To solve
this problem, a small and cheap battery powered RTC
is connected to the Pi’s general connector. The Rasp-
berry Pi is a very popular product for experimentation
and many projects, and is thus widely available, mak-
ing it easy to replace should hardware problems arise.
To provide the Raspberry Pi with connectivity to
the local mobile phone network, a USB 3G modem is
used. The exact make and model of this modem can
differ, as long as it is on the supported hardware list
of the chan_dongle Asterisk extension.
4.2 Software
On top of the Raspbian Operating System several ap-
plications run that work together to provide the voice-
service functionality. Almost all applications used are
open-source and thus free to use and adapt.
Telephone exchange software: Asterisk. Aster-
isk is a very popular open-source Private Branch
Exchange (PBX) telephony application. It is used
A Raspberry Pi 3 (including case, power supply and SD
card) costs around e 60 at the time of writing.
Ney Yibeogo - Hello World: A Voice Service Development Platform to Bridge the Web’s Digital Divide
Figure 2: Overview of the Kasadaka system architecture.
for the routing of incoming calls to its destination
using Voice-over-IP technologies. In the use cases
of the KasaDaka platform, Asterisk provides the
connection between the phone network (3G dongle)
and the VoiceXML interpreter. To enable Asterisk
to interface with the 3G dongle an extension is
required. Kasadaka uses chan_dongle
, which is
an open-source Asterisk extension that provides con-
nectivity between GSM/3G modems and Asterisk. It
enables Asterisk to receive and place calls using the
connected modem, as well as send and receive SMS
Voice application document standard: VoiceXML.
is a document standard for voice applica-
tions, based on XML. It is a standard designed by the
World Wide Web Consortium and is used for creating
documents that describe voice-based interactions.
It supports interactive voice dialogues between the
computer and the user and usually contains text (in
written form) that is later processed by a TTS engine.
Responses by the user can happen through pressing
a number on the phones keypad of by speaking
(for this ASR needs to be available). As the voice
applications that use the Kasadaka framework mainly
focus on under-resourced languages, TTS and ASR
are not used (nor available). Fortunately VoiceXML
also supports the playback of audio files, much alike
embedding images in an HTML page. This allows
the use of pre-recorded fragments to build up the
voice services, but restricts the way of interaction to
using the phone’s keypad. A VoiceXML document is
‘rendered’ for the user in a way that is comparable to
the rendering of a HTML file in a web-browser, but
in this case is done by a voice browser.
VoiceXML interpreter: VXI. The software com-
ponent that is used for ‘rendering’ VoiceXML files is
, a closed-source VoiceXML interpreter built by
the company I6NET
. VXI connects with Asterisk
as an end-point for incoming calls. When a call is
redirected to VoiceXML a pre-configured URL is
passed on to VXI, which it loads and ‘displays’ to
the user as initial voice interaction. Normally this is
the principal document belonging to a voice service.
VXI currently is the only closed-source component
used in the KasaDaka platform. While the goal is to
use only open-source software, there is no currently
maintained open-source alternative.
HTTP server: Apache. VXI loads the VoiceXML
files it interprets over a HTTP connection, just like
loading a HTML page on the web, but locally. In
order to serve these files (and the audio files that are
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
referenced in the VoiceXML files), a web server is
required. There are many open-source web-servers,
one of the most used is Apache 2.
VSDK development framework: Django (Python).
In order to make the VSDK easy to extend by
developers, Python is a programming language of
choice as it is a popular language that is well sup-
ported and has several popular web-frameworks. As
VoiceXML documents are comparable to HTML doc-
uments, most web-frameworks can also be used to
generate VoiceXML files. Django
was chosen as
the Python web-framework, as it has very good and
extensive documentation, is well-supported and fol-
lows a Model-View-Controller (MVC) methodology
(Krasner et al., 1988). Django is open-source and
has a rich collection of projects and libraries that can
be used to extend it’s functionality. Django has a
good implementation of internationalization function-
alities, which enable the interface of the administrator
interface to be translated to different languages.
4.3 Voice Service Development Kit
The main goal of the Voice Service Development
(VSDK) is to support the development of voice-
services in the context of the developing world. As the
voice services are hosted on a Raspberry Pi and Inter-
net connectivity is not to be expected, the develop-
ment of voice services happens off line. Using a web-
based interface is preferable to running a development
environment on a computer because it solves prob-
lems with compatibility (different devices, operating
systems) and reduces complexity (does not require in-
stallation of software). Another advantage of this ap-
proach is that the development and hosting of voice
services are integrated, allowing for instantaneous re-
sults (and testing) of changes made to the application.
The VSDK is hosted on the Raspberry Pi, which also
hosts a local wireless network, through which it is ac-
cessible. Local entrepreneurs can use the VSDK to
develop voice applications on the Kasadaka platform,
without requiring them to have programming skills.
The structure of the voice-application is stored
in the database, using Django’s model functionality.
When an element in the voice-application is requested
by the user in a phone call, the VoiceXML interpreter
(VXI) requests the element through an HTTP call.
Django then retrieves the information about this el-
ement from the database, and uses a view to ‘render’
the element in VoiceXML. The VoiceXML interpreter
The VSDK’s code can be found on GitHub. See:
then interprets this VoiceXML file and ‘displays’ it to
the user.
While the interactions in voice services are always
different, most of them can be generalized to a small
set of interaction types, such as making a choice, play-
ing back an audio message, or recording (voice) in-
put of the user. The VSDK provides a set of these
building-blocks, which consist of a VoiceXML tem-
plate, view and an administrator interface to use and
customize them. The current set (which will be ex-
panded in the future) consists of a menu-based inter-
action, recording of user voice input and the playback
of messages. While this set is limited, it offers suffi-
cient functionality for many voice services and serves
as a demonstration of the method of voice service de-
Voice-services in the developing context have to
support under-resourced languages, for which there
are no speech technologies available. The VSDK sup-
ports different languages in voice services by utilizing
pre-recorded audio fragments that are relevant for the
use-case domain. During the development of the ser-
vice, all the necessary voice-fragments are recorded
in the different languages in which the service has to
be accessible. These voice-fragments are stored in the
file system and referenced in a “voice label” element
that is stored in the database. This voice label refers
to voice-fragments that represent a fragment of text,
spoken in different languages(de Boer et al., 2015).
The hardware configuration of the Kasadaka platform
has already been tested previously in several pilot de-
ployments. These deployments have shown that the
hardware runs well in the conditions of sub-Saharan
Africa and allows voice services to be hosted indepen-
dently on all encountered mobile telephony networks.
The evaluation of the VSDK is structured in two
steps: the first was an evaluation in the Netherlands
with inexperienced users, the second validation was a
case study in Mali with a user from the intended user
group of the VSDK.
5.1 Evaluation by Development of
Several Use Case Prototype Services
The VSDK was evaluated with 10 student groups dur-
ing the ICT for Development (ICT4D) course at the
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The groups each de-
veloped a voice service for several distinct use cases,
which were co-created with rural communities and
relevant in the context of the developing world. The
Ney Yibeogo - Hello World: A Voice Service Development Platform to Bridge the Web’s Digital Divide
Figure 3: An example screen shot of the voice-service development interface of the VSDK. Shown is an example of a choice
interaction element. A voice service developer uses this GUI to develop voice-based applications on the Kasadaka platform.
Figure 4: Adama Tessougué of Radio Sikidolo shows the
Kasadaka on which the Foroba Blon voice service now runs
with its Bambara language interface.
choice to evaluate with students was made because of
the ease of communication with the students, which is
significantly less complex and expensive than travel-
ing to a developing country. While the level of com-
puter literacy of the students is higher than that of
the intended voice service developers in developing
countries and the evaluation took place in the Nether-
lands, feedback of the students is still very relevant
Figure 5: André Baart and Adama Tessougué evaluating the
VSDK running on the Kasadaka platform, at Radio Sikidolo
in Mali.
for verifying the concept of the VSDK. The VSDK
proved to be successful providing the required func-
tionality for the creation of basic voice-service ser-
vices that can be used for rapid-prototyping purposes.
Using a graphical interface, voice-services consisting
of simple choices with associated options and mes-
sages can be designed without having to write any
code. These prototypes can be made in a quickly
and without extensive knowledge of the underlying
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
technologies, which is useful for rapid prototype de-
velopment and evaluation; After set-up, a simple ser-
vice can be developed and tested in under 30 minutes,
however the development of complex use-cases takes
more time. During the course, 80% of the student
groups had successfully built a working voice service
using the VSDK. These 8 applications were devel-
oped for 5 distinct use cases. The included interac-
tion templates allowed the students to quickly build
demonstration prototypes of their voice services. In
order to provide more complex functionality in their
voice services, 78% of the student groups had ex-
tended the functionality of the VSDK with data mod-
els specific to their use case and 67% of the groups
extended the VSDK with additional interaction tem-
At the end of the course the students were asked
to fill in a short survey on their experience with creat-
ing a voice service and using the VSDK. The goal of
this survey is to learn about the process that the stu-
dents went through as they developed their first voice
service. The survey consisted of statements about the
usefulness of the VSDK, which had to be answered
in a Likert scale. There were also qualitative ques-
tions about VSDK features, improvements and sug-
gestions, as well as questions about their perceptions
during the development process.
This evaluation has shown that the methodology
of building-blocks that is used in the VSDK allows
for the development of simple voice services by inex-
perienced users, which was the goal. It also provided
insight in the limitations and problems of the VSDK.
The main limitation lies in the are of user generated
data management. The VSDK does not yet allow the
creation of custom data models from the development
interface. Other limitations were the limited set of
user interactions provided and the impossibility of the
integration of external data sources. These limitations
prevent the VSDK of being suitable for more complex
voice-services, as ‘traditional’ voice-service develop-
ment skills are still required. In the case of a custom
extension to the VSDK, the functionality of this ex-
tension can be reused throughout the application and
shared with the rest of the development community
(through GitHub). Furthermore the administrator in-
terface can easily utilized by these custom extensions,
which allow voice-service maintainers (without pro-
gramming knowledge) to change settings and other
elements of the extension’s functionality. Thus af-
ter the development of the extension is completed,
maintenance can still be performed by others with-
out knowledge of it’s inner workings, maintaining the
advantage of ease of use offered by the VSDK.
5.2 Case Study: Radio Sikidolo
The results and knowledge of the first evaluation
have been used in the second iteration of the VSDK,
which has been evaluated in collaboration with
Adama Tessougué, the director of Radio Sikidolo in
Konobougou, Mali. For more information see Sec-
tion 3.4 While the evaluation with the students was
sufficient for a general validation of the methodology
of the VSDK, it did not evaluate the VSDK while run-
ning on the hardware of the Kasadaka platform, and
was not in the intended context of a developing coun-
try. This evaluation addresses these limitations: it
evaluates the VSDK and the Kasadaka hardware and
software as a whole, in the intended developing world
context. This validation session was done at Radio
Sikidolo, which has electricity and a relatively sta-
ble Internet connection, the latter of which is however
not used in the Foroba Blon use case. While Adama
is comfortable in the usage of a computer, he does
not have any advanced technical skills, such as pro-
gramming. However as he runs the radio station, he
is familiar with processing audio fragments (using the
open-source application Audacity).
The second iteration of the VSDK (which was
used in this evaluation) included various bug-fixes,
and added several features such as service elements
that record user voice input, automatic configuration
of Asterisk and audio file conversion. This evaluation
has shown that it is possible for a local agent to de-
velop and change elements in a voice service on the
Kasadaka platform, achieving the goal of enabling lo-
cally owned and developed voice services.
During the session Adama has been instructed by
the authors in the usage of the VSDK’s development
interface. Together we walked through the process of
changing properties in the interface, adding new ele-
ments (such as new languages), recording and adding
new voice fragments to the system and various other
aspects. After this short training of about an hour,
we asked Adama to go through the process again
by himself, in order to verify that he was able to
now use the VSDK on his own to change the proper-
ties of the voice service. This went successfully and
Adama found the methodology and functionality of
the VSDK to be well set up, and was satisfied with
the way in which he was able to develop and maintain
voice services through the development interface.
During the evaluation, Adama has successfully
used the VSDK to apply and adapt the included voice
service interaction templates to the Foroba Blon use
case. Support for the Malian language Bambara (for
which no TTS and ASR exists) was added to the sys-
tem by recording voice fragments and adding them
Ney Yibeogo - Hello World: A Voice Service Development Platform to Bridge the Web’s Digital Divide
through the development interface. The resulting ser-
vice was tested using the local phone network and
will be evaluated further during the programs of Ra-
dio Sikidolo. The radio will use the service in their in-
teractive radio programming, in which the local pop-
ulation (which is has a low literacy rate) can partic-
ipate by calling to the radio station (with their sim-
ple mobile phones) to ask questions or to state their
opinions. The combination of the Kasadaka’s hard-
ware and the VSDK allow for the off line develop-
ment and maintenance of voice services by Adama,
who falls in the intended user group for the VSDK
and the Kasadaka platform and thus does not have
any programming knowledge or advanced computer
skills (see Figure 4). During this case study the com-
bination of hardware and software in the Kasadaka
platform was successful in enabling the hosting and
development of voice based information services in
the context of the developing world. While it is still
a case study and the outcomes are not guaranteed to
be generalize-able, the outcomes show significant po-
tential in bringing the advantages of the Internet to the
world’s disconnected populations. At the time of writ-
ing the Kasadaka platform is being refined iteratively
and is regularly tested by Adama, who describes his
experiences with the platform through phone calls
with the authors.
Adama’s level of computer literacy is around that
of the targeted user group for the development of
voice services on the Kasadaka platform. These voice
service developers do not need to have programming
skills, but some knowledge of using computers is re-
quired such as being able to use more complex web-
based interfaces (such as a web-based e-mail client).
In the future these users could then be trained (over
several days) in the process of designing and develop-
ing voice services for local use cases.
This section covers existing efforts in the develop-
ment of Web-extensions in the developing context, as
well as tools and applications that facilitate the devel-
opment of information services in low-resource envi-
Large-scale Voice Services. Voice based informa-
tion systems that use the local (2G) mobile telephony
network have already proven to be effective in reach-
ing the rural population of the developing world. To
support development of voice-based, mobile micro-
services Orange Labs developed the Emerginov
platform in 2012, targeting users in low resource envi-
ronments such as e.g. rural Africa. It includes support
for generation of voice-content in local languages,
such as Wolof, a local language spoken in Senegal.
Emerginov is normally hosted in the cloud, i.e. in
a data center, connected to the Internet and the local
phone network. Its hardware allows for 32 concur-
rent (in- or outbound) calls. Emerginov was techni-
cally promising, but the service has been discontinued
by the operator after a successful pilot. (Gyan et al.,
The company Viamo
runs several voice-based
information services in many African countries. Vi-
amo develops voice services for companies and
NGOs. The company has contracts with several
African telecommunication companies, allowing the
local population to call these services without cost,
using a toll-free number. The services Viamo de-
velops are mainly aimed at large populations, with a
very large number of concurrent calls. Although these
services are able to reach a large amount of people,
the large scale of the organization and the infrastruc-
ture that is required to run these large scale services,
causes services services targeted at the rural poor to
be financially unsustainable.
Twilio Studio
is a web-based application that
allows graphical voice-service development by drag-
ging and dropping interaction elements into a call
flow, which are the components in a voice service.
However the deployment of voice-services created in
Twilio Studio is limited to the Twilio platform, which
does not offer local phone numbers in many of the
developing countries where voice-services could be
relevant. This severely restricts the availability of the
voice services on the Twilio platform. Twilio Studio
seems to not be usable without an Internet connection,
which can not be assumed to be available. Further-
more, just like the previous examples Twilio makes
intensive usage of TTS and ASR technologies, which
are not available in the languages spoken by the local
SMS-based Data Gathering Tools. In contexts
where a connection to the Internet is not available,
SMS can be used as a medium to exchange informa-
tion with an automated system.
is a tool set that allows for the de-
velopment of SMS-based services for data collec-
tion and other work flows. RapidSMS is devel-
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
oped by UNICEF and has been used for various use
cases, including remote health diagnostics and nutri-
tion surveillance. RapidSMS is open-source and very
scale able to suit large deployments, but can also run
on a low-end server with a GSM modem. (Ngabo
et al., 2012)
is a data collection platform that is
developed by Human Network International
DataWinners enables the development of SMS and
smart phone based data surveys. These surveys are
primarily aimed at the context of NGOs that need to
retrieve data from their extension workers. By using
SMS data can be collected without a need for an Inter-
net connection, while the data can be still be entered
through a user-friendly graphical interface on a smart
phone. In the DataWinners web-based environment,
new data surveys can be developed in a graphical in-
Discussion. There exist several platforms for the
development and hosting of large-scale voice ser-
vices. These platforms allow for services that handle
many concurrent calls and are thus well suited to ser-
vices that aim to reach the general population. The
drawback is that the infrastructure and development
processes required for these services, are very expen-
sive and thus out of reach of the local population.
While SMS-based services provide data exchange
in contexts with limited Internet connectivity, it is
only usable by the literate that have knowledge about
the usage of SMS. Large populations in the develop-
ing world are illiterate or do not know how to use
SMS. Thus while SMS-based services work well for
data exchange without the Internet, these services are
not accessible for the general population in the devel-
oping world.
In conclusion, the existing solutions for the host-
ing and development of voice services and SMS based
information services are not capable of providing ben-
efits that are comparable to those of the Internet, at a
cost that allows for financially sustainable voice ser-
vices in the developing context. Besides the issue of
cost, other problems for the application of these so-
lutions in the context described in this article lie in
the area of support of under-resourced languages, the
centralized nature of these solutions, and the require-
ment of a reliable connection to the Internet.
The wider aim of the presented Kasadaka platform
and its Voice Service Development Kit is to allow the
populations on the other side of the Digital Divide
to share knowledge and create content, analogous to
the advantages that the Web provides. The platform
is lightweight and is tailored to the harsh circum-
stances that are found in the Global South and takes
into account the information needs of the local popu-
lation. By enabling local voice service development
and making custom voice services affordable for the
world’s rural poor, Kasadaka enables the formation of
a network of decentralized voice services. Such a net-
work has the potential to provide the benefits of the
Internet to the rural poor, reducing the gap of the Dig-
ital Divide and helping to improve the quality of life
and well-being in the developing world.
Future work on the platform will focus on further
expanding the voice service development functional-
ity as well as more sophisticated data management,
to allow for the development of more complex voice
services. The VSDK is currently still too limited for
applications that enable complex data exchange, and
currently still requires writing code in order to support
these more demanding use cases. Furthermore, the
hardware of the platform is to be made more robust
to better withstand the conditions in the developing
context. Other ideas on further expansion include the
implementation of a TTS system that is suitable for
under-resourced languages, solving the dependency
on the closed source VoiceXML browser and allow-
ing for the inclusion of external data sources that are
available on the Internet.
Although there is still a long way to go, we believe
we have made plausible that for Web-like information
and knowledge exchange, alternatives to simple tech-
nology transfer are possible that do much more justice
to the local realities and needs at the other side of the
Digital Divide.
The authors would like to thank Adama Tessougué,
Amadou Tangara, Francis Dittoh, Gossa Lô, Julien
Ouedraogo, Matthieu Ouedraogo, Tjitske de Groot
and Gamariel Mboya for their contributions.
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