Smart MOOC
Social Computing for Learning and Knowledge Sharing
Ahmed Shams, Raad Bin Tareaf, Jan Renz and Christoph Meinel
Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Potsdam University, Potsdam, Germany
MOOC, E-Learning, Social Computing, Mobile Devices, Ubiquitous Learning, Emerging Adults.
Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCs) make use of educational technologies to deliver learning materials,
supposedly open for everyone, usually with a capacity to serve a substantial number of learners regardless
of their geographical locations. A recent advancement in mobile technologies and wireless communications
in Africa has produced a conducive digital environment enough to support mobile learning. However, only
a handful of an audience in Africa participates in online learning correlated to their massive engagement in
social networking. Internet-based social media programs make most of the connections with the audience for
social purposes and yet far less with educational intentions. Participation in mobile learning is still unnoticeable.
Awareness about MOOCs remains very low in comparison to that in social media in the region. Therefore it
remains unclear though, in which ways, social media may help to boost mobile learning through its utilization
of programs towards audience in Africa. This paper argues the best possible approaches aiming to enhance
MOOC activities in Africa through the involvement of social networks.
Africa is known for its increasing pace in embracing
mobile devices and wireless communications as the
active mode of communication in recent years. An
enormous number of smartphones, tablet computers,
and other similar mobile devices is being reported in
many African regions. Many mobile devices connect
to the internet at more frequent intervals than ever be-
fore. An average online time per device has increased
well above one hour per day in the last five years,
leading to high rate of growth of internet users. Mo-
bile devices have rapidly penetrated in many countries,
nearly becoming ubiquitous in Africa in contrast to
the sluggish ownership of PC and laptops (ITU, 2016).
Smartphones and tablet computers in particular, are
becoming a primary tool for informing various aspects
of life to students, professionals, customers, and all
groups of people in general, notably changing the way
students get access to information, communicate with
one another and inform others.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are con-
sidered being successful in Asia, Europe and the Amer-
icas compared to Africa regarding audience awareness,
learner participation and overall achievement in on-
line education. MOOCs often offer university courses
openly to anyone, anywhere with an internet connec-
tion as a primary requirement. Despite the potential
opportunities of free access to distance learning, only
a tiny number of students in Africa registers in Cours-
era, edX, openHPI and other similar primary MOOC
providers since their inception in 2012 (Renz et al.,
For example, openHPI has registered hundreds of
thousands of learners making it virtually a large univer-
sity through its interactive web-based platform as well
as native apps (Meinel and Willems, 2013). However,
there are relatively low MOOC activities observed in
Africa despite the reported high prevalence of social
media in the region opposite to our expectations of
finding some significant e-learning footprints due to
their high ownership of mobile devices. One of the
reasons for minimum MOOCs activities in Africa is
low recognition of e-learning platforms and other web-
based educational portals compared to those of social
Social media’s high popularity in Africa is boosted
with their known ability to provide functions that en-
able users to create, comment, express opinions and
even share the content with other users in their web-
based platforms or native apps. The digital environ-
ment for supporting populous social media is matching
with the pace of mobile devices penetration as well as
the prevalence of wireless communications in Africa.
Shams, A., Bin Tareaf, R., Renz, J. and Meinel, C.
Smart MOOC.
DOI: 10.5220/0006809703910396
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 391-396
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
A similar conducive digital environment is also avail-
able for online learning. Learning practices where
mobile technologies are used is called mobile-learning
which crosses multiple contexts, through social and
content interactions, using personal electronic devices
with emphasize on time convenience of the learner.
This paper presents social-based approaches aim-
ing to promote online participation in MOOCs via so-
cial media in particular with settings that reflect Africa.
Social networking sites consume a large part of inter-
net activities as well as online time among students
while are somewhat far less intended for education pur-
poses but rather inter-personal and self-representation
(Pfeiffer and Ahorlu, 2014). We try to set the non-
formal and perhaps incidental context on Facebook,
YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp and other similar social
media to bring new impulses to e-learning.
A literature review reveals an increasing ownership of
mobile devices among students as well as the growth of
internet usage in Africa. The impact of mobile devices
together with availability of internet connection sig-
nificantly change the way of acquiring information in
Africa. In recent years, some researchers have studied
the influence of social media in facilitating education
A study titled Exploitation of Online Social Net-
works among University Students: A Case Study of the
University of Dodoma conducted surveys and collected
data regarding the nature of content in social network-
ing sites that students engage while in the campus. A
questionnaire survey administered to a sample of uni-
versity students yielded responses that show Facebook,
Twitter, Google+, Blogs, and Wikis are popular in the
university’s premises. Students intensively use Face-
book to communicate, Wikis for references and Blogs
for information retrieval about course work activities
while Twitter for connecting to the lecturers. (Shao
and Seif, 2014).
An exploratory research investigated how students
use social media in Africa. The researcher collected
data relating to educational activities in Facebook plat-
form in Facebook as a learning tool? A case study on
the appropriation of social network sites from mobile
phones in developing countries. The research shows
how users, particular students, appropriate social net-
working sites from their mobile devices as the educa-
tional tool in an informal learning context (Pimmer
et al., 2012).
A different study regarding the influence of social
media conducted in Asia which reports that importance
of social communication in learning. Data analysis
shows positives of social media in education outweigh
the negatives. A similar study bargains that social me-
dia could promote learning practices where available
information and skills can easily be shared from a lo-
cal community to a global scale (Subrahmanyam et al.,
2008)(Cheung et al., 2011).
Furthermore, a study in Online social networks:
Why do students use Facebook? shows the effect of so-
cial media in academic performance by revealing that
majority of the students who took survey responded
by acknowledging the positive impact of social net-
working sites in their learning. However, they also
pinpointed the negatives of Facebook solely stating it
as a non-educational tool (Cheung et al., 2011).
Based on the literature review on the related work sec-
tion, we decided to first present statistics involving the
status of ownership of mobile devices, usage of inter-
net and engagement of social media in Africa as well
as the current pace of online learning in MOOCs. We
also conducted two experiments; 1. To determine the
popularity of online learning practices in social media
against non-educational topics. The popularity test is
set up using a web crawler instructed to browse the
entire Twitter website searching for specific tweets to
determine their frequency. 2. To create new accounts
on social networking sites that contextually loaded
with learning materials borrowed from MOOCs aim-
ing to study user perception based on the incorporation
of MOOC content into social media.
The literature review gathered data that were sta-
tistically analyzed using descriptive statistics like fre-
quencies, percentages and graphs to provide an insight
of MOOCs in relation to social media in Tanzania,
the most populous country in East Africa. The results
of the data analysis are presented in findings section
followed by discussion section which outlines various
approaches based on the findings.
This section presents statistics on penetration of mo-
bile phones, usage of the internet, popularity of social
media and status of e-learning in Tanzania. Talks and
online discussions on Twitter website focusing on on-
line learning worldwide are also presented in the last
part of the section.
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
4.1 Penetration of Mobile Phones
The provision of fixed wired communications in Tan-
zania homes and schools is currently in stagnation
mode, consequently many students hardly access the
internet via cable or WiFi. Limitation of high-speed
internet connection hinders online learning, particular
in the dissemination process of educational content
and other learning materials. Interestingly, wireless
communications have recorded extensive coverage of
over 80% among 55 million people in the country as
demonstrated in Table: 1. Data from TCRA, a com-
munications agency shows an increasing number of
mobile phones with ownership of 7 in 10 people. Most
subscribers have multiple SIM cards, and over 50,000
of new mobile subscriptions are registered monthly
since 2011 (TCRA, 2017).
Table 1: Summary of communication statistics describing
mobile subscription and tele-density in Tanzania.
Year 2012 2014 2016
Fixed 161,063 142,950 129,597
25,827,518 34,108,851 40,044,156
61% 71% 80%
Internet penetration rate at the end of 2017 is 40%,
covering 18 million people who mostly use smart-
phones, tablet computers and other similar mobile de-
vices as demonstrated by Table: 2 to access internet. It
is highly practical for a student to own a mobile device
rather than a PC, furthermore the access to the internet
is via a cell tower rather than copper cables or WiFi,
thus making a smartphone apparently a potent tool in
communication. Regarding internet traffic, students
and young adults contribute about 15% of the total
online activities (Renz et al., 2017). Access to social
networking sites, news channels, and entertainment
portals are taking a huge portion of personal time of
most students, with social media alone being the most
frequent online activity (ITU, 2016) (Act, 2014).
Table 2: Summary of internet services by estimated number
of users by technology type in Tanzania.
Type of Service
2012 2014 2016
Fixed Wireless 777,481
1,913,082 1,218,693
6,031,323 11,320,031 18,014,358
Fixed Wired 712,095 984,198 629,474
Penetration 17% 29% 40%
4.2 Popularity of Social Media
Social media refer to chatting, text posting, Au-
dio/Videocasting and other activities on social net-
working sites such as Facebook, Twitter and What-
sApp have been served in the country by mobile op-
erators on much-reduced data prices due to lack of
internet neutrality law in Tanzania. The costs incurred
by users for accessing populous Facebook, YouTube
and WhatsApp for instance in the past five years is
small compared to other websites. As a result, more
students and even professional manage to afford so-
cial networking while only a few retain an opportunity
to reach online educational portals (Marsden, 2012).
This practice has partly contributed frequent searches,
massive installations of native apps and intense use
of social media to smartphone owners as portrayed in
Figure. 1 (Shao and Seif, 2014).
Figure 1: Frequency use of social media among respondents.
Source: Shao and Seif, 2014.
In a survey involving a sample of 60 students from
both rural and urban regions, findings are that over 90%
of online activities are not related to education context.
Nevertheless, over 80% of those events are happening
in social networking sites (Pfeiffer and Ahorlu, 2014).
Statistics show less than 05% were topics related to
education. Most of the students, however, hinted about
the usefulness of social media for personal use in help-
ing their educational processes. For example, refer-
ence searches, Q&A sessions, sharing of course works,
storage of learning materials and other educational
activities are on rise through social media.
Results from the web crawler in Twitter showed
less than 1,000 tweets related to online learning as well
as MOOC related hashtags were tweeted worldwide in
one hour run as compared to 1,345 tweets discussing
Game of Thrones - an entertainment television drama
series. We also obtained 7,739 tweets for Democ-
racy, 6,051 for Technology and 117,759 for News to
cover different categories of tweets in non-educational
context. The analyzed data is visually presented in
Figure. 2 that shows Twitter users rarely mention on-
line learning (selected hashtags on the right side of the
figure) in general even when correlated to just a single
TV show program. Furthermore, none of the tweets
were recorded from Tanzania while 221 users were
discussing the non-educational topics such as politics
and sports news. A complete set of crawling results is
Smart MOOC
provided in the Github repository
Figure 2: Share of tweets discussing online education cor-
responding to non-educational content such as TV drama
In summary, social media is becoming a ubiquitous
technological stage for discussing various aspect of
life, and have managed to find an active user in almost
every mobile device that connects to the internet. On-
line reported events related to entertainment, politics
and interpersonal communications are taking a toll on
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other popular social
networking sites while online educational activities are
far left behind.
4.3 Status of e-Learning and MOOC
MOOCs are still underused, with low recognition
among internet users in Africa, despite its relatively
huge young population. Our popularity test has demon-
strated only a handful of online talks on e-learning and
MOOCs as shown in Figure. 2 above. It is hard to
determine the exact provision of MOOC in Tanzania
due to lack of immediate statistical data, we therefore
decided to compile data from MOOC providers based
on geographical locations of enrolled learners as pub-
lished by Coursera - the most popular MOOC. Learn-
ing analytic shows minimum interests in MOOCs in
many African countries as compared to that of Asia,
Europe and North America. A similar pattern is also
observed in the openHPI dashboard as shown in Figure.
3 (Renz et al., 2017) (Oyo and Kalema, 2014).
These findings support the argument that e-learning
tools such as MOOC need to utilize social media to
enhance user’s experience in online education. Social
media intervention is critical because with the right
approach every user of social media can participate in
MOOCs at least through mobile technologies.
Figure 3: Distribution of MOOC learners in Coursera plat-
The findings immediately point out the technological
development of mobile communications and high im-
provement in internet connections in many African
regions that used to be far behind a decade ago. With
Massive Open Online Courses - MOOC becoming a
preferable e-learning tool, there are vivid potentials
for high education in Africa. Nevertheless, we have
observed only a few footprints of e-learning, in par-
ticular tiny usage of MOOCs in the region. One of
the drawbacks detected in many MOOCs platforms is
their low support for mobile devices as compared to
computers. We put forward our notion that expected
success of online learning in Africa is subjective to
use of mobile devices, i.e mobile learning is currently
a more convincing approach rather than web-based
The increasing pace of mobile devices and wireless
communications create a conducive digital environ-
ment enough to boost mobile learning which brings
academic instructions and learning materials much
closer to the learners through mobile devices rather
than computers and other digital media. It is also much
easier to share the educational content with other learn-
ers in social media. Mobile learning is also expected
to emphasizes the on-time convenience of the learner,
i.e., provides additional flexibility and perhaps higher
frequency in accessing learning materials.
Social media are credited for their ability to dis-
seminate their content at a much higher speed and in
an efficient way compared to other websites among
internet users. The social media usually provide shar-
ing functions at hand that enables users to forward
interesting content to their friends or public in gen-
eral. In this context, the applications, therefore, may
help as well to distribute MOOCs materials. Educators
and researchers are continually experimenting with
social media technologies hoping to stimulate critical
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
thinking skills, collaboration, and knowledge construc-
tion through social computing (Griesemer, 2012),(Al-
Zoube and El-Seoud, 2009).
Due to a large number of students involved in so-
cial media, we see chances for improving recognition
of MOOCs by integration with social networking sites.
This approach is intended to increase the awareness of
MOOCs among students, however, may fail to engage
them directly within MOOC platforms. A different ap-
proach in social computing refers to means of posting
excerpts of MOOCs directly into social media aiming
to simulate learning with social media and perhaps
draw the attention of students toward MOOC.
The rate of searching, downloading and sharing
MOOCs mobile apps is also small in contrast to that
of social media apps installed in smartphones of stu-
dents. While using social media apps, students fre-
quently seem to browse and engage themselves with
pre-presented content to their mobile screens - most
of the content we see in our profiles in social media
are based on our browsing experiences and might be
difference from one user to another. This process usu-
ally delivers custom-made and personalized content to
the user which exposes the user to a vast pool of infor-
mation that was never requested at first place. Further
involvement in a specific topic is possible once the
user responds by pressing a button or clicking a link to
the next page. By infusing learning materials in social
media, MOOCs become a part of social media content
and thus might grab the attention of students who take
further actions in MOOC platforms.
The findings suggest that students are eager to par-
ticipate in online education on their mobile devices,
even though are currently inclined to social media.
However, the experiments based on the infusion or
introduction of MOOC learning materials directly into
social media brought significant interests in coinciden-
tal learning. Coincidental learning is a type of learning
that occurs in settings without prior arrangements or
plans by the system user. For example, a social media
user might start learning merely of the interest of the
information presented at first sight.
The awareness and penetration of MOOC into so-
cial media in Africa might solve the persistent chal-
lenges facing education systems such as limited edu-
cational resources and high costs. The scarce of edu-
cational resources yields a large number of excluded
students from universities and institutes. Figure. 4
shows an expectation of MOOCs in accommodating
excluded students who missed out the opportunity to
pursue higher education either in the state-sponsored
or private sector
Social computing illustrates the concern with the
intersection of social behavior and computational sys-
Figure 4: Expectation of MOOCs by mobile learning.
tems. Social computing is based on creating or sharing
social contexts not limited alone to the use of smart-
phones and educational technologies in particular. Rel-
evant interest in the realm of social computing lies in
the involvement of social media and mobile devices
in the context of education delivery in Africa. So-
cial computing is our foremost approach to combine
e-learning together with smartphones to yield mobile
As the last point, we urge the use of existing in-
ternet technologies as well as the present digital at-
mosphere to improve access to web-based e-learning
in Africa, merely because the current pace of mobile
devices can make improvements in education as it has
already achieved success in online social networking.
This paper explores the increasing pace of social net-
working among internet users with mobile technolo-
gies. Smartphones and tablet computers prove to be
the most popular modern digital devices in Africa.
Currently, mobile devices find use in executing daily
online activities such as access to social media rather
than conventional computers. Our research reveals that
little information about MOOCs is known to internet
users in Africa apparently due to low awareness, in par-
ticular when compared to social media. The internet
usage in the region is only overwhelmed with social
networking activities, mostly being in non-educational
Online learning and closely related MOOC vocab-
ularies are rarely mentioned or discussed in social
media in comparison to politics, entertainments, and
other forms of non-educational topics. We, however
observed that users of social media tend to be open
and fair enough to respond to information presented
to them, once perceived as useful in their own inter-
ests. Many students frequently bring and share non-
educational content, however some bring topics related
Smart MOOC
to their education practices into social networking sites
expecting to get clarification and feedback from other
students and even professors in Africa. Furthermore,
we have observed that social media are becoming ac-
tive communication platform in Africa.
Provision of academic instructions and learning
materials through infusion into social media platforms
seems to boost the awareness as well as improve the
participation of non-existing learners to MOOC plat-
forms. We have stimulated coincidental learning that
introduces excerpts from MOOC into social media pro-
files and detected learning activities among users. In
this setup, we have helped the discovery of online uni-
versity courses to users previously unaware of MOOCs.
This paper tries to bring the best possible approaches
in associating MOOC with social media, particularly
to African context. The delivery of a smart MOOC
is subjective to the integration of social computing
together with knowledge sharing among learners and
The intervention of social media, mobile devices to-
gether with MOOCs potentially position mobile learn-
ing as a leading contender for overcoming technologi-
cal challenges faced by MOOCs in Africa. However,
caution is advised toward approaches discussed so far,
in fact, users of social media may lack interests in
MOOCs. Mobile learning is also unlikely to handle
cumbersome information. Moreover, methods like
infusion of learning materials into social networking
sites may not be effective because users see social me-
dia as for inter-personal and self-representation, not
precisely designed for serious learning.
In the future, we plan to build a prototype model sup-
posed to use social media to enhance user’s learning
experiences. The model incorporates academic in-
structions extracted from MOOC directly into social
media profile to provide users with learning experi-
ences through mobile devices such as smartphones
and tablet computers. The researchers shall in practice
be able to record user’s experience based on the co-
incidental learning simulated by e-learning materials.
Recording of user activities such as likes, comments,
and sharing is critical to determine the level of interest
in learning as well as gaining insight into the effective-
ness of MOOC in social media settings. To evaluate
our system, we plan to conduct a series of user survey
focusing on testing the awareness of MOOCs to so-
cial media users. Feedback will guide us to refine our
approaches and improve the prototype.
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CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education