Assessing the Impact of Measurement Tools on Software
Mantainability Evaluation
Lerina Aversano and Maria Tortorella
Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy
Keywords: Software Metrics, Software Quality, Measurement, Evaluation.
Abstract: A relevant aspect of development and maintenance tasks is the evaluation of the software system quality.
Measurement tools facilitate the measurement of software metrics and application of the quality models.
However, differences and commonalities exist among the evaluation results obtained by the adoption of
different measurement tools. This does not allow an objective and unambiguous evaluation of a software
product quality level. In this direction, this paper proposes a preliminary investigation on the impact of
measurement tools on the evaluation of the software maintainability metrics. Specifically, metrics values
have been computed by using different software analysis tools for three software systems of different size.
Measurements show that the considered measurement tools provide different values of metrics evaluated for
the same software system.
The software quality concept has evolved over time,
and includes many important requirements for a
correct product implementation, use and
maintenance. Therefore, the good quality of a
software products is an important requirement for
adopting and/or maintaining it. In this direction, the
availability of a quality models supporting software
engineer during their evaluation activities is very
important, in particular if they permit an objective
evaluation of the quality level of a software product.
In this context, the software analysis tools make
easier the difficult task of software metrics
evaluation and the quality models application. For
this purpose, many software measurement tools have
been developed. They have different characteristics
with reference to the programming languages they
analyze and software metrics they evaluate, and the
evaluator is often confused to identify the tool that
better addresses his/her needs. In addition, an
objective evaluation of some quality attributes is
difficult to obtain, even when a automatic
measurement tool is adopted. Indeed, differences
and commonalities exist among the evaluation
results obtained by the adoption of different
measurement tools. In this direction, this paper
proposes a preliminary investigation of the impact of
a set of measurement tools on the assessment of
software maintainability analysing diversity existing
among the different tools. Specifically, different
software measurement tools have been analysed
with the aim of understanding if their use brings to
an equivalent evaluation of the maintenability
characteristics. In particular, the analysis involved
the assessment of three different size software
systems. Overall, the results shows that the
considered measurement tools provide different
values of the metrics evaluated for the same
software system, bringing different maintenability
evaluations on the basis.
Next section of the paper describes some related
works. Section 3 illustrates the plan of the study
executed. Section 4 discusses the evaluation results,
and final considerations are given in the last section.
In literature many software metrics are defined for
assessing the quality of software systems. Metrics
can be used for addressing different software
management tasks, such as software quality
assessment, software process improvement, and so
on. They can be measured by analyzing software
artefacts, such as source code.
Examples of the most popular metrics are;
number of lines of code (LOC), that is the simplest
Aversano, L. and Tortorella, M.
Assessing the Impact of Measurement Tools on Software Mantainability Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006793003920397
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2018), pages 392-397
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
source code metric; the cyclomatic complexity,
representing an internal complexity of software
modules, and it is a good indicator to assume for
identifying the presence of buggy modules; those
ones of the CK metrics suite (Chindamber and
Kemerer, 1994), which indicate features of object-
oriented systems.
However, many widely used software metrics
have not a complete and/or unique definition. For
example, metric WMC (Weighted Methods for
Class), which is part of the CK metrics suite,
represents the weighted sum of the class methods,
but its definition does not suggest how methods are
weighted. The incompleteness of the definitions of
metrics has involuntarily impact on their evaluation.
Several research papers analyze the behaviour of
software metrics measurement tools. An analysis of
tools evaluating OO metrics has been discussed in
(Lincke, 2007), (Lincke et al., 2008). The authors
analysed the tools supporting the CK metrics and
concluded that the analysed measurement tools
output different values for the same metrics. This
was due to the difference in interpretation of the
metric. A similar study has been proposed in
(Codesido, 2011), where the authors observed that
the metrics supported by the tools complement each
other. In (Rutar et al., 2004) five tools making static
analysis of Java source code have been compared,
concluding that the usability of the results is
difficult. A further comparison has been presented in
(Bakar and Boughton, 2012) where the authors again
observed that different tools provide different metric
values for the same software system. In addition, the
values obtained with the manual calculation were
different from those obtained through the use of
tools, as well. Moreover, in (Tomas, 2013), an
analysis of open source tools analysing the Java and
evaluate the supported metrics is discussed, but the
authors do not provide any empirical validation.
The aim of the comparative study proposed in
this paper is to further investigate the behaviour of a
set of selected software measurement tools and
related features, with the aim of understanding if the
evaluation they perform regarding the metrics
interpret and evaluate the same metrics and by
applying the same strategy. Differently from the
previous papers, the presented study focuses on a
wider set of software metric tools.
The execution of the presented study, required a
planning of the activities to be executed. The main
steps are the following:
Scope Definition. The aim is to investigate the
impact of the software measurement tools on the
evaluation of software quality metrics, with the
goal of verifying if they induce to different
maintenability evaluations. The task required the
selection of the software measurement tools to
analyse. Tools have been compared on the basis of
the metrics they consider and the measurement
they perform. In particular, the paper investigates
on the following question: Do the software
measurement tools impact of the software
maintainability assessment? If yes, what is the
kind of impact they have?
Metrics Selection. The aim of this step is to select
a comprehensive set of metrics useful for the
evaluation of the software maintenability
characteristics. Its execution has required the
analysis both standards and quality models, and
selected tools. The selected metrics have been
analyzed with reference of the chosen tools for
understanding their impact on the maintainability
Selection of the Software Systems. The step
aimed at choosing the set of software systems to be
analyzed for assessing their maintenability by
using the selected measurement tools. Open source
software systems have been considered. Their
selection had to take into account the license kind,
as many tools are just partially open source and
their source code is not always available. In
addition, just Java software systems were
Metric Evaluation. This steps has entailed the
measurement of the chosen metrics by assessing
the considered software analysis tools for
evaluating the selected software systems.
Analysis of the Results. This step has compared
the values of the software maintenability
characteristics evaluated on a software system by
using the different software measurement tools.
The aim was to verify how similarly the evaluation
tools evaluate the metrics concerning a
characteristics and apply the same rules for
evaluating the same metric.
The following subsections describe with a
greater details the process applied for performing the
selection of the considered software measurement
tools and the selected metrics.
Assessing the Impact of Measurement Tools on Software Mantainability Evaluation
3.1 Metric Selection
The study of standards and evaluation models helped
in the identification of metrics, features and sub-
features useful for evaluating by the software
maintenability by using the considered software
analysis tools.
The considered metrics have been selected by
taking into account which metrics the chosen
software measurement tools could evaluate. In
particular, the considered metrics can be grouped as
it follows:
Dimensional Metrics: LOC (Lines of Code),
TLOC (Total Lines of Code), NOP (Number of
Packages), NOM (Number Of Methods), MLOC
(Medium LOC per method), NOA (Number Of
Attributes), etc.
Object Oriented Metrics used are the object
oriented metrics proposed by Chidamber and
Kermerer in 1994 (Chidamber and Kemerer,
1994), called CK Metrics, are considered. Some
examples are: WMC (Weighted Methods for
Class), CBO (Coupling between Objects), RFC
(Response For Class), LCOM (Lack of Cohesion
of Methods), DIT (Depth of Inheritance Tree),
NOC (Number of Children) (Henderson-Sellers,
Table 1: Maintainability metrics.
3.2 Measurement Tools
The software analysis tools to be considered were
chosen among the most used open source systems
used for measuring software metrics. Open source
and freeware analysis tools were considered for
permitting their adoption without spending limits
In addition, the tools were chosen also on the
basis of the programming language they could
analyse and evaluate. In particular, as the results of
the measurements to be performed have to be
compared, all the chosen tools need to analyze the
software systems written by using the same
programming languages.
The considered software systems perform a scan
of the code and identify eventual errors in the code
in an automatic way. They also allow the analysis of
the code and automatic evaluation of a large number
of metrics. The search of a suitable set of software
tools was executed by making a free search on the
internet. More than forty software analysis tools
were identified in the site In order
to compare them, only the tools analysing Java
software code were taken in consideration. Their
recorded characteristics were: Name, home page
link, license type, availability, supported
programming languages, operating supported
system/environment and evaluated metrics. In the
end of this preliminary analysis, nine software
analysis tools were selected and they are:
Eclipse Metrics Plugin 1.3.6 A metrics
calculation and dependency analyzer Eclipse
plugin for (
CCCC A command-line tool. It analyzes C++
and Java files and generates reports on various
metrics. (
Understand A reverse engineering, code
exploration and evaluation metrics tool for
different programming languages. It provides a
collection of metrics. (
JArchitect A static analysis tool for Java
evaluating numerous code metrics, and allowing
for some metric visualization.
Stan4j An Eclipse plug-in that allows for
analysis of the dependencies between classes
and packages, and evaluates code metrics.
CodePro Analytix An Eclipse plug-in, offered
by Google and regarding software quality
improvement and reduction of development
costs. It provides support for code analysis,
dependency analysis and metric measurement.
LocMetrics A freeware simple tool, used to
measure the size of a software program by
counting the number of lines in the source code.
SourceMonitor a tool for code exploration,
including the measurement of a set of metrics
related to the identification of complexity.
CodeAnalyzer A Java application for C, C++,
Java, Assembly, Html. It calculates metrics
across multiple source trees as one project.
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
The metric values evaluated using the measurement
tools have been used to analyze the Maintenance
feature. For such analysis, SimMetrics 1.0 software
has initially been considered. In particular, as it can
be seen from Figures 1 and 2 and Table 2,
LocMetrics and CodeAnalyzer allow the measure of
a lower number of metrics respect the others.
Figure 1: Maintainability of SimMetrics 1.0.
On the other hand there are tools that provide
Maintainability values of not too distant, such as
Metrics, JArchitect, Stan4j and CodePro. The first
pair gives a value around 2, and the other two tools
instead a value around 1.7. As it can be seen from
Figure 2, the values of Metrics and JArchitect are
quite similar.
To further investigate the differences in the
metric values of the various tools of measurement,
the analysis has been focused only on the tools that
provide four or more metrics together, that are
Metrics, Stan4j, JArchitect, CodePro Analityx and
Understand. The results of the for SimMetrics 1.0
are in Table 2.
As Figure 1 indicate, Metrics and Stan4j bring to
a Maintainability value near to 2.0, JArchitect brings
to a value of 2.77 while Understand and CodePro
Analytix provide a value near to 1.60.
In particular, JArchitect supplies the highest
maintainability index because it has a Stability Index
higher than others, this is due to a value of the LOC
metric much lower than others, which positively
influences the evaluation of the characteristic being
Indeed, as already mentioned the LOC metric
obtained with Metrics is equal to 2038 while for
JArchitect it is 1191, therefore this conduct to a
different evaluations of the Analyzability and of the
Figure 2: Overall maintainability metrics for SimMetrics 1.0.
Assessing the Impact of Measurement Tools on Software Mantainability Evaluation
Table 2: metric values of the maintainability metrics.
For Tool Metrics and Stan4j, it can be observed
that they assume a quite similar to Maintainability
value. This is due to the fact that Metrics has assume
Analyzability and Stability values higher than
Stan4j, but it reports a lower Changeability value
respect to Stan4j.
In case, instead of the CodePro and Understand
tools, they assume Maintainability value quite
similar because they have a almost equal values for
the metrics. The difference is due to the two metrics
that are not evaluated by Understand, D and NOA,
and by CodePro which is LCOM. Conversely,
Understand provides a very high value in the case of
LCOM metric that weighs unmatched metrics.
A deeper evaluation has been performed on 20
software systems to understand if emerged
differences related to SimMetrics.
Observing the indexes it is possible to observe that
the Maintainability obtained with Metrics and
Stan4j, report the same differences emerged with
SimMetrics assessment.
Only in the case of JGraph software evaluation the
values of the two tools produce an almost similar
index (Metrics 2.08, Stan4j 2.06).
Instead, comparing the results obtained using
Metrics and JArchitect tools in can be observed in
the first graph of Figure 3 that the evaluated
software do not always have different values, but
going to observe the second graph of Figure 3 it may
be noticed that some software has almost the same
indices as iReport, EasyMock and Judo software
with a value of 2.21.
Have been discussed and reasoned about for years,
but only few metrics have even been experimentally
Nowadays, software engineering managers always
more often needs to deal with quantitative data
regarding the quality of a software system.
Indeed, a number of metrics are generally adopted
and measured during maintenance and evolution
processes to predict effort for maintenance activities
and identify parts of the software system needing
Figure 3: Maintainability of 20 assessed software systems.
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
However, a lot of metrics have been discussed
and reasoned about for years, but only few metrics
have been experimentally validated.
Numerous software metrics tools exist that are
used to evaluate the software metrics, however, in
order to use them in practice, it would be necessary
their validation for knowing how they behave and
their evaluation have to be interpreted. The
evaluation presented in this paper showed that
differences exist among the software metrics tools,
at least among those ones that have been
The evaluation highlighted that the tools
delivered similar results just for certain metrics. In
the large part of the cases, each tool provides a
different value for each common metric, and this
difference is more evident with the increasing of the
size of the analysed software system. This depends
on the fact that each tool interprets differently the
metrics, calculates them by applying different
rules, and very often do not implement the
evaluation by applying the intended definition. the
work also analyzed how the existing differences in
the values of the metrics evaluated with different
tools influences the evaluation of higher level
characteristics, such as the maintainability. In fact,
the obtained results have highlighted the very
different maintenability values obtained by applying
the different measurement tools.
A better definition the evaluation process will be
formalized in the future works, which will also aim
at performing a more extensive evaluation by
applying the assessment process to higher number of
case studies.
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Assessing the Impact of Measurement Tools on Software Mantainability Evaluation