SEPA Files Transmission: Implementing Security Guarantees in
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
Diogo Gonçalves
and Isabel Seruca
SBX Consulting, Rua Gonçalo Cristovão, 347- MAPFRE Building, room 207, Porto, Portugal
Univ. Portucalense, Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies - REMIT,
Rua Dr. António Bernardino Almeida, 541-619, P 4200-072, Porto, Portugal
ISTTOS, Centro Algoritmi, University of Minho, Portugal
Keywords: SEPA, ERP, Security, Encryption, Hashing.
Abstract: The SEPA regulation has defined a set of technical and business requirements and common standards that
any payment system must respect to be considered compatible with the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)
project. The technical requirements and the mandatory nature set by the EU of joining the SEPA project
require a set of adaptations to be made by companies in their business relationship with Payment Service
Providers (PSPs), with particular emphasis on: adapting their Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPs),
often referred to as "ERP SEPA compliance", and the integration of secure C2B file transmission solutions,
since a XML file is readable and editable. This paper describes a project developed at SBX Consulting
targeting the implementation of security guarantees for the sending of SEPA files between a client company
and the banking entities with which the company works. The security software solution developed addresses
the encryption and hashing of the SEPA files and was integrated into the existing SAP system used by the
As a natural consequence of the creation of the single
currency, the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)
was created in 1999 by the European Commission,
the Eurosystem and the Banking Sector in Europe
with the aim of strengthening the European
integration with the establishment of a single market
for retail payments (EPC, 2017). With SEPA, all
retail payments in Euros are considered "domestic",
thus leaving no differentiation between international
and domestic payments when made within the
Eurozone and acceding countries.
SEPA (EPC, 2017) is a geographic space where
individuals, companies and public administration can
make and receive payments in euros, under the same
conditions, rights and obligations within the Euro
Zone, regardless of their location. Under SEPA,
payment instruments, such as credit transfers, direct
debits and payment cards, are used identically in all
participating banks, whether domestic or cross-border
transactions are considered, with only one bank
The benefits associated with the use of SEPA are
consensually recognized (Barbas, 2009; Lloyds
Bank, 2017; Harsink, 2010; HSBC,2017): (i) All euro
payments made through a bank adhering to SEPA can
be made with the same bank account and costs at
which national payments are made; (ii) Provides
greater protection to users of payment services
(payment services directive 2007/64/EC of 13th
november 2017); (iii) Defines common rules and
standards, contributing to a better efficiency in the
execution of payments; (iv) Centralization of treasury
management, saving time and costs; (v) Payment
management in the SEPA space is facilitated by
centralizing transactions in a single account and using
the same format for all incoming and outgoing
The regulation of the SEPA initiative, through
regulation (EU) No 260/2012 of the European
Parliament and of the European Council of 14 March
(EUR-Lex, 2017), imposed a mandatory obligation to
join the project for companies and payment service
providers (PSPs), setting a deadline (1 February
2014) for the coexistence of national direct transfer
and debit systems and SEPA systems. This legal
Gonçalves, D. and Seruca, I.
SEPA Files Transmission: Implementing Security Guarantees in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006790802050212
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 205-212
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
framework focuses on a set of technical and business
requirements and common standards for credit
transfers and direct debits in euros, covering the
interbank relationship, but also issues of the
relationship between banks and their customers.
One of the technical requirements specified in
Regulation 260/2012 is the mandatory use of (batch)
instructions based on the ISO 20022 XML format,
both in the relationship between Banks and in their
relationship with Business Customers (including
The SEPA Payments and Transfers service is
currently offered by Banks to Business Customers
(companies), through the sending of SEPA C2B
(Customer-to-Bank) files in ISO 20022 XML format.
It is common for companies to use this service by
pooling a set of credit transfers in Euros, for their own
countries and the SEPA space, in a single file in XML
standard format (for example, by loading a batch of
Payment Orders related to the payment of salaries).
The technical requirements and the mandatory
obligation of joining the SEPA project require a set of
adaptations to be made by Companies, with particular
emphasis on:
(i) adaptation of their enterprise resource planning
(ERPs), often referred to as "ERP SEPA compliance"
(ING Belgium SA, 2013; Barbas, 2009), in particular
with regard to the cash management module and in
the ability to generate files in XML format for SEPA
transactions, manipulate mandatory data formats such
as IBAN and BIC and generate SEPA specific
(ii) integrate solutions to send C2B files safely,
since an XML file is readable and manipulable.
The first issue has been addressed by most enterprise
management software vendors by updating and
extending the commercial versions of the major ERPs
(SAP, 2006; MS Dynamics Nav, 2016; SAGE, 2017;
Primavera, 2014, PHC, 2014). The second issue has
been mostly addressed from the point of view of the
communication service offered by banking
institutions with special emphasis on the security
connection. However, in addition to the connection
being secure, it is important to ensure the
confidentiality and the integrity of the data exchanged
between a company and a PSP, particularly in the
case of sensitive information.
The work described in this paper addresses this
last issue and arose from a project developed at SBX
Consulting (SBX, 2017) for the implementation of
security guarantees in the sending of SEPA files
between a client company and the banking entities
with which the company works. It was also requested
to integrate this solution into the existing SAP system
used in the management area of the company.
The project explores the design and development
of a software application integrated into the SAP
platform with two main components: (i) the hashing
component for the implementation of the integrity
security guarantee developed in Advanced Business
Application Programming (ABAP) and (ii) the
encryption component for implementing the
confidentiality security guarantee, implemented
through the GnuPG application.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents the design and rationale for the architecture
of the software solution to be developed. In Section 3
the development of the CryptoSafe application is
described, identifying the main types of processes to
be supported, and presenting the system modeling
and the interface considered. Finally, Section 4
concludes with some considerations on the main
challenges addressed, the current stage of the project
and future steps to be undertaken.
2.1 Envisaging the Solution
As a result of the internal audit performed on the
client company where the project was to be
implemented, and since the SAP system was already
used in the management of the company, it was
decided that the following software would be used in
the implementation of the solution:
the open-source GnuPG (GPG) software
(GnuPG, 2017), which provides tools to
create keys, encrypt and decrypt files;
SAP ABAP functions to perform the hashing.
Figure 1: Integration of the application with SAP and
In order to address the two issues of the problem - (a)
encryption, so as to implement the confidentiality
guarantee and (b) hashing, so as to implement the
integrity guarantee - the operation of the two
programs (GnuPG and SAP) was integrated in the
application (cf. Figure 1), while hashing was
implemented in SAP ABAP.
User SAP GnuPG
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The application was termed “CryptoSafe”, alluding to
the purpose of the software and resulting from the
junction of the English words “Cryptography” and
“Safe” from Safety deposit box.
The use of GPG requires the execution of
commands of the following type:
ABAP is the programming language used to develop
code in SAP. Based on the study performed, the
following method was used for hashing calculation
and employed in the application coding:
2.2 Related Work
In the literature review performed, we tried to identify
tools and applications that could solve part or the
whole process of encryption and hashing, allowing
integration with ERP systems.
Although no products were found that did exactly
the same as the software application to be developed,
other SAP programs/applications that use PGP
encryption were found, with special emphasis on
Advantco's "PGP Solution" for SAP NetWeaver
(Advantco International, 2017). The Advantco
company provides support and implementation of
encryption solutions for SAP NetWeaver. This
software supports several encryption algorithms,
namely RSA, Elgamal and DAS, which CryptoSafe
will also use.
SAP NetWeaver is the technology platform for
the latest SAP products released, including the
application server (ABAP + JAVA stack), while SAP
R3 is the conventional SAP ERP product before being
replaced by SAP ECC (which is based on NetWeaver
The advantage of CryptoSafe is that it can be used
in both SAP products, unlike the solution marketed
by Advantco.
2.3 Target Users
CryptoSafe is intended to be used by any company
that, in the scope of its activity, needs to send SEPA
files, while its use may be generalized to the context
of sending sensitive or confidential information with
the implementation of security guarantees.
The application also targets SAP users who need
to save files in a secure way, while SAP developers
have access to the encryption/hashing tools in the
source code.
3.1 Identification of Types of Processes
Within the context of the CryptoSafe application,
“processes” are pre-written tasks that may run
directly without the need to re-enter all the data. Each
process can be saved and executed only for a given
function type; the possible types of actions and
subsequent actions are:
Create Hash;
Compare Hash:
o Compare normal file with the
file that has the hash;
o Compare normal file with the
string where the hash is
Import Public Key;
Import Private Key;
Export Public Key;
Export Private Key.
3.2 Modelling of the System
Figure 2 shows the Use Case diagram related to the
system. The diagram depicts three types of users that
can interact with the CryptoSafe system:
the developer who can only access the
advanced low level functions (Encryption,
Decryption, Sign Document, Unsign
Document, Import Public/Private Key,
Export Public/Private Key, Create Hash,
Compare Hashes, Manage Keys), being able
to execute these functions separately;
the SAP technician with permission to create
processes of Encryption, Hashing, Signing
(associating the respective algorithms and
keys in the process fields and in the
applicable cases), edition and deletion of
processes, being also able to perform the
functions of the developer and access the low
level functions;
the manager who has access to process
selection and execution functionalities,
besides having permissions to the profiles of
SAP developer and SAP technician.
SEPA Files Transmission: Implementing Security Guarantees in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
Figure 2: Use Case Diagram for CryptoSafe.
The Entity Relationship Diagram for the system is
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: ER Diagram for CryptoSafe.
3.3 Developing the GPG Commands
As already stated, the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG
or GPG) software tool provides several symmetric
and asymmetric encryption features. In order to use
the tool within the context of CryptoSafe
development, a study of its operation and syntax was
performed. When using the tool through the
command console, the syntax is the following:
gpg [options] [file_name]
Before any action may be taken, a key is needed in
the GPG system; this key can be created using the
gpg --gen-key
When executing the command in the console, several
questions are presented to the user with multiple
choice responses on the command line, namely the
type of algorithm used, key size, the name of the key,
etc. The user, by choosing the algorithm to create the
key, will define whether the algorithm will be used
only for signing and unsigning documents, or whether
it will be used for encryption, decryption, signing, and
Choosing the algorithm will also set the
maximum bit size the key may have, ranging from
3072 to 4096 bits. Next, the user will be asked to
define the key’s lifetime; this can last for days, weeks,
months, years or simply have no expiration date. The
user will also be prompted to provide the key ID,
which will be used for identification beyond his
fingerprint. The key ID is composed of:
Key name; Key email; Key comments.
After entering these data, GPG asks for a password
setting for the key, displaying its “strength”. The key
is created and stored in the GPG key list and can be
immediately used.
To browse all the keys contained in GPG, the
following command should be used:
gpg --list-keys
After executing this command, all keys and
corresponding parameters will be displayed,
according to the output shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Keys presented by GPG (test).
Within the scope of this project, there was a concern
to avoid to the maximum the direct contact of the user
with the console of GPG, thus avoiding possible
errors in the system. To this end, the feature of
creating keys from ".txt" files was investigated, that
is, the creation of keys without user interaction
directly in the console, as long as those files respected
certain syntax rules. This process is explained below:
Considering a document named “text.txt” and
with the following contents:
Key-Type: 1
Key-Length: 2048
Subkey-Type: 1
Subkey-Length: 2048
Name-Real: Root Superuser
Name-Comment: Superuser’s key
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Expire-Date: 0
Passphrase: password123
The following gpg command should run to create the
key using the “text.txt” file:
gpg --batch --gen-key text.txt
When running the command and “pointing” to the file
with the parameters specified in the “text.txt”
document, the system automatically creates a key.
This information became extremely relevant as it
allowed the creation of keys without direct interaction
in the console by the user.
The remaining commands for exporting and
importing keys, encryption and decryption of files
and signature and unsignature of files were studied
and tested as well; however, for reasons of space
limitation are not exemplified here.
3.4 CryptoSafe Architecture
According to the Use Case Diagram shown in Figure
2, three entities were considered to interact with the
application, with different accesses to the system
Figure 5: Layers structure of the CryptoSafe application.
Thus, the application was structured in four layers,
illustrated in Figure 5 and described as follows:
GnuPG/SAPCRYPTOLIB - This layer consists
of the GPG program and its encryption features; it
also contains the SAP package named
“SAPCRYPTOLIB which includes the functions
used by SAP to create and compare hashes.
API - The API layer contains the functions of the
program at the low nomenclature level; this layer is
accessed by the developer, who can perform the
advanced functions of the program namely encrypt,
decrypt, etc., being also responsible for key
Business Logic - It is considered the “soul of
business” layer. At this layer, the SAP Technician can
create, edit, and delete processes that are stored on the
system, as well as have access to the developer layer
and the lower layers, if desired.
Interface It is the layer for the use of the
manager; here, the manager can access all the features
available at the lower levels, including those of the
SAP technician and developer, as well as being able
to select and execute processes.
The layers were designed to facilitate the
understanding of the program functioning, making its
manipulation by the user more intuitive and user-
friendly. As the program evolves from the higher
layer (Interface) to the lower layers, its operation
becomes more “low level”, and making more difficult
to a user with less knowledge of how the program or
the concepts of encryption work, to perform any type
of operation, which could easily run from the
3.5 CryptoSafe Interface
According to the purpose of the application, the
various interfaces were developed taking into account
who would access them and the main functions
Figure 6 shows the first screen after running the
program. The only actor who must be able to act at
this point in the execution of the application is the
Figure 6: CryptoSafe application high-level screen.
By selecting one of the existing processes, the process
can run directly or a new input and output path can be
added (Figure 7). If these parameters are filled, the
process will be executed taking into account the new
input and output data for the files, using the methods
(in this case encryption) recorded in the process when
SEPA Files Transmission: Implementing Security Guarantees in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
Figure 7: High-level screen with a process filled.
Figure 8 shows the mid-level interface, which can be
accessed by the SAP technician and the Manager.
This interface presents all the data that constitute
a process.
Figure 8: CryptoSafe application mid-level screen.
Finally, the low-level interface (Figure 9) is
presented, for which the Developer is responsible,
with the role of managing the keys that will be used
in the GPG and the low-level functions. This interface
can be accessed by any user; the execution of any
operation requires the insertion of all requested data.
For the sake of illustration, an example of a
SEPA file is shown in Figure 10 and its corresponding
encrypted contents by using CryptoSafe and AES
256-bit encryption is shown in Figure 11.
Figure 9: CryptoSafe application low-level screen.
Figure 10: Example of a SEPA file.
Figure 11: Encrypted contents of the SEPA file shown in
figure 10.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
As experiences and lessons learned with the
development of this project, the following challenges
related to the implementation are highlighted:
Interaction of the two programs - the
implementation of this project required the
communication between two distinct programs
(ABAP and GnuPG) to address the hashing and the
encryption/decryption of files, which implied the
addressing of several issues, from security, to the
implementation of the functionalities so as to provide
a good experience to the end user.
The management of the executed requests was
made with ABAP, while the answers were given by a
program that is not integrated in ABAP (GnuPG); the
requests had to be fulfilled and responded to
effectively, in order to provide a satisfactory
experience to the end user. To that end, ABAP was
integrated with GnuPG, so that the former could
execute certain GPG commands through the
operating system on which the SAP server runs; in
turn, it was necessary to configure them in the SAP
program itself so that they could be called/executed
using ABAP.
The SAP program has a transaction called
“sm69”, which allows to run external commands at
the level of the operating system in which the
program is located. By executing these commands,
with GPG installed on the server and setting the
correct parameters, GPG program operations may be
executed, without forcing the user to have a direct
interaction with the GPG console. This was the
solution found for the implementation of encryption.
GPG Commands - GnuPG may not be
considered a hard program to use; however, it is only
user-friendly when the console is in front of the user
and the user knows the syntax of the commands and
which commands to use to implement the desired
action. This was what was intended to be avoided in
the implementation of CryptoSafe, that is, commands
were developed, fixed and tested several times, in
order to find out which commands the ABAP
application should execute.
Overwrite and adding suffixes - Another
problem of the program was that, when saving the
files on the server, the file explorer on the server side
did not allow the insertion of a new name and only
assumed the name of files that already existed, that is,
these would be replaced when the process would be
carried out. In order to avoid this situation, a “fail
safe system was developed that allows the addition
of suffixes at the end of the file, preventing accidental
replacement. If the process included saving files on
the client, then when executed more than once
without changing the destination, it also replaced the
file with the suffix; thus, an algorithm was developed
that verifies the existence of the final file with a
suffix; if that happens, it adds a number to the file and
saves it, without replacing the file with the suffix.
Interface / Interactivity - Another issue that had
to be considered was the tuning between the user and
the application. The layout and its behavior were
carefully studied in order to guarantee the user the
most feasible usability. By using prototypes and
screen layouts, the designed interfaces were tested by
potential users, so as to ensure that their development
took the end user to a proper course. In some way, a
graphical user interface has been developed for the
end user, thus avoiding direct interaction with
Finally, although the CryptoSafe application has
already been targeted by a series of tests, it is not yet
in operation in the Client Company, since there are
other add-ons (e.g. human resource management
improvements) and system upgrades that need to be
approved in order to be implemented in conjunction
with CryptoSafe.
At the time of the implementation, the Client
Company and the banks, besides having a VPN
connection between their private networks, will need
to have the CryptoSafe application integrated in their
SAP business models. Therefore, the security of the
connection is reinforced with the implementation of
security guarantees (confidentiality and integrity) of
the SEPA files sent.
It is worth noticing that the commercialization of
the CryptoSafe application is foreseen for other
companies interested in acquiring the software to
improve the security of the organization in the
transmission of data.
This research contribution was supported by SBX
Consulting company and Portucalense University.
We thank, in particular, Luis Fontes from SBX
Consulting ( for his
assistance in the field of encryption and IT Security
along with his comments that greatly improved the
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems