Cloud Computing
Design of a Management Model for Service Migration using ITIL as Knowledge
Henry F. López G., Oscar G. Paredes C. and Freddy M. Tapia L.
Graduate Investigation Center's, Armed Forces University - ESPE, w/n General Rumiñahui Ave., Sangolquí, Ecuador
Keywords: Internet Applications, Systems Architecture, Cloud Computing, IT Infrastructure, Legal Regulations, System
Integration, ITIL V3, ISO Norms, Cloud Services.
Abstract: Nowadays, the IT departments face numerous problems which considerably affect their performance. Several
factors such as technological obsolescence that shortens the useful life of equipment, amount of data that
demands storage (Anaya, Díaz, y Bárcenas, 2017), the high equipment costs, skilled labour as well as the
timely update of the IT infrastructure, endangers the information. (Vega, 2012). To solve the problems,
mentioned before Cloud Services were developed due to the boom in terms of use and ease of access to the
technology they promote, as well as flexibility in storage capacity, ample deployment of resources and
security in case of recovery in the event of loss of continuity of service. All this based on an optimization or
reduction of costs for companies, thus allowing a great competitive advantage at a technological level. (Ávila,
2011). The present study, through the analysis of security standards with several subprocesses of the ITIL V3
reference framework and an analysis of infrastructure costs "On-Premisses versus IaaS”, allowed the
development of a Methodological Proposal to migrate Services to the Cloud, based on the use of good
practices, optimizing resources according to the needs of each organization.
Today, the offered services and applications
published on the web have made the average speed of
Internet connection at the end of 2016 grow to 7 Mbps
worldwide, which represents 26% more than 2015
(Belson, 2016). Given this, Cloud Computing
Services currently appear, which provide a very
complete and customized technological
infrastructure, adjusting to the constant change of
companies, as well as a planned scalability (Ávila,
The constant development of ICT makes the
technology investment progressively grow, so today
the top management of several organizations expect
to make their investments profitable to achieve a
more efficient position in relation to the competition
(Marulanda, López, y Cuesta, 2009), where the cost-
benefit analysis defines the way to follow (On-
Premises Versus The Cloud) taking into account
factors such as: technological obsolescence,
preventive and corrective maintenance of
infrastructure, support and specialized skilled labor,
constant and uninterrupted continuity of services.
The present study is aimed at developing a
Methodological Proposal to Migrate Services to the
Cloud as a managerial technical level tool that helps
in making decisions efficiently in all affairs raised
within a migration project.
2.1 Cloud Computing
According to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), is a model for enabling
ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to
a shared pool of configurable computing resources
like networks, servers, storage, applications, and
services (Mell y Grance, 2011).
The providers of Cloud Computing basically
offer three service models: Infrastructure as a Service
López G., H., Paredes C., O. and Tapia L., F.
Cloud Computing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006788906480656
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 648-656
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as
a Service (SaaS)
2.2 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
The IaaS services provide the client with storage
space, memory, network connectivity, and direct
administration of the operating systems so that the
user can deploy applications. It also allows to modify
the resources according to the client’s needs (Mell y
Grance, 2011).
2.3 Platform as a Service (PaaS)
The PaaS model enables the client use applications in
the Cloud as well as tools, services, and development
environments which are created by the provider and
deployed in his infrastructure. The client cannot
manage these resources including network resources,
servers, operating systems, etc. However, he does
have the possibility to deploy data, manage
applications and settings obtained in the cloud. (Mell
y Grance, 2011).
2.4 Software as a Service (SaaS)
This service is defined as a software that is owned,
delivered and managed remotely by one or more
providers. Software-as-a-Service is typically
accessed through clients as a web browser, or a
smartphone. The infrastructure is administered by the
provider who is completely responsible for
availability and quality assurance. (Hernández y
Florez-Fuentes, 2014).
2.5 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud
Service Providers
The Gartner Magic Quadrant is a research method
designed to monitor and evaluate the progress and
positions of companies in a specific, technology-
based market which is analyzed in a certain moment.
That is why Gartner, as a consulting and research
company of Information and Communication
Technologies, is dedicated to the continuous analysis
of aspects that will define or evidence the market
leaders. This information can be used as a reference
source for decisions makings when choosing the best
alternatives, in August 2016, Gartner published the
last analysis about cloud services (Leong, Petri, y
Dorosh, 2016). regarding the market leader providers
as it is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Gartner Magic Quadrant.
ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure
Library), is a set of concepts and best practices
regarding the management of IT services, and
describes in detail an extensive set of functions and
processes designed to help organizations achieve
quality and efficiency in IT operations (León, 2014).
The latest version of ITIL, is structured in the
following 5 processes with the objective of
consolidating the “service lifecycle” model: i)
Service Strategy, ii) Service Design, iii) Service
Transition, iv) Service Operation and v) Continuous
Service Improvement as shown in Fig 2.
Figure 2: ITIL Service Lifecycle.
Next, the most relevant subprocesses of ITIL are
presented, which allow to guarantee the entire
transition to contract services in the Cloud, beginning
Cloud Computing
from its hiring, to then validate an optimal
implementation, ending with an adequate operation.
3.1 Service Portfolio Management
Sub process that belongs to the service strategy
process, which will help the company to know what
services and systems are currently available within
the organization's platform (Ríos, 2017). Once you
have the detail of IT systems and services, you can
verify the migration of one or more of these aspects
to the cloud.
3.2 Availability Management
It is part of the Service Design Process. ITIL
availability management is used to guarantee
application systems stay available. This usually
means making sure everything is up for use under the
conditions of service level agreements (SLAs)
(ITeratum, 2011). The fulfilment of the supplier's
availability management serves as support in the
resolution cycle of incidents associated with the
availability that allows the identification, diagnosis
and resolution of incidents, in addition to supporting
the prevention of future measures (ITeratum, 2011).
3.3 Service Validation and Testing
The IT client and provider should follow the process
of validation and tests performing the verification of
the items to be tested, constructing the test scenario,
performing the tests themselves, validating the data
obtained by conducting the tests and transmitting the
results before the deployment of cloud services to the
production environment (ITeratum, 2011).
3.4 Knowledge Management
It is highly recommended for both, the client and the
provider to do the knowledge management during the
migration process helping you and your team make
decisions throughout the service process by
controlling and managing the flow of information.
Improving the quality of information prepares
employees to make effective decisions, and the end
result is a more efficient team (ITeratum, 2011).
3.5 Service Desk
The management of incidents through the Service
Desk of the service provider, works first in the
generation of a case assigning a priority of attention.
As a first contact with the user, the person who
generates the case tries to solve the incident if
possible, in addition, the individual can escalate the
incidents or requests to other areas within the
provider and once the case is resolved, it is closed.
Finally, he conducts surveys to determine the degree
of user satisfaction (ITeratum, 2011).
3.6 Access Management
Access Management aims to grant authorized users
the right to use a service in the cloud. The
administration roles of the platform should be
delivered to the client, who will appoint a platform
administrator. This person should create roles for the
services that are obtained in the cloud as well as
issuing these credentials to the users of the IT services
(ITeratum, 2011).
In the context of Cloud Services, Ecuador was
considered to verify security and contracting issues,
which are regulated by state agencies. Therefore, we
have the following rules:
4.1 ISO/IEC 27017
It is used with the ISO 27001 norms and gives the
providers and clients the controls of the cloud
services. As opposed to other related norms, these
allow to clarify functions and responsibilities
between both parts so that the Cloud Services keep
safe as well as the data of a certified information
management system (Fernández y Recio, 2015).
4.2 ISO/IEC 27018
The ISO norms define a practice code which can be
used as a standard for the privacy acting as processors
of personally identifiable information. Additionally,
it establishes commonly accepted control objectives,
controls and guidelines for implementing measures to
protect Personally Identifiable Information where the
client can manage the published data in the cloud,
however, the provider is the one who keeps the data
according to the client’s guideline (Fernández y
Recio, 2015).
4.3 Executive Order 1515
In 2013, the president of Ecuador decrees to issue
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
contracting provisions for the acquisition and lease of
goods and the rendering of services, that meets the
principle of technological validity.
The Executive Order 1515 in its Art 1,
establishes the scope of action for compliance with
the Technological Validity for the entities dependent
on the Central Government of Ecuador and the
agencies dependent on the Executive Function, as
well as the goods that will benefit from this validity:
computer equipment, printing equipment, vehicles
and medical equipment. For the acquisition of these
equipment in the field of public procurement in
Ecuador, preventive maintenance, corrective,
technical guarantees and replacement of purchased
goods must be ensured (Sercop, 2013).
4.4 Código Ingenios (Ingenios Code)
The Article 146, Data Localization, norm to the
entities of the public sector when contracting services
that involve the location of data, where it is specified
that it must be done with suppliers that guarantee that
“The data must be found in computing centers that
meet international standards in protection and
security” (ASLE, 2016).
Total Cost Owner, is a financial estimate intended to
help buyers and owners determine the direct and
indirect costs of a product or system (Ellram, 1995).
The use of this method in the present analysis allows
the clients to compare the Cloud Services and On-
Premises, identifying the costs that can be optimized
in phases of implementation operation, support,
maintenance and training of the staff required,
focused for any type of IT service. Nevertheless,
other factors may be considered as necessary for each
type of business or company.
Next, the calculation of TCO is presented,
focused on two providers that lead the Cloud Services
according to Gartner: Amazon and Microsoft (Leong,
Petri, y Dorosh, 2016). (See Fig.1). Furthermore, they
have TCO calculators, taking as a reference a period
of 3 years, two servers to host an Application and a
Database with the following characteristics shown in
Table 1:
When entering the data in the Amazon
calculator, according to the requirements, the
following results are obtained (See Fig. 3).
Table 1: Server Specifications.
erative system LINUX
RAM Memor
32 GB
Hard disk s
ace 400 GB
erative system LINUX
RAM Memor
Hard disk s
ace 1000 GB
Figure 3: TCO Amazon.
Now, entering the same specifications of the two
servers to the Microsoft calculator we get the values
detailed in Fig. 4 below:
Cloud Computing
Figure 4: TCO Microsoft.
In the two scenarios, the On-Premises is analyzed by
comparing IaaS with a 3-years projection based on
the following parameters: i) Server Cost; ii)
Accommodation in the Data Center; iii) Connectivity;
iv) Storage; v) Technical Staff. Comparing the costs,
the values detailed in Table 2 are obtained:
Table 2: Server Specifications.
Production Environment - 3
Amazon Microsoft
On-Premises IaaS On-Premises IaaS
$211,729.00 $35,921.00 $132,843.00 $25,824.00
Difference $175,808.00 Difference $107,019.00
83.03% Savin
Therefore, it can be observed that more than 80% is
saved by migrating the Services to the Cloud, when
compared with buying and managing On-Premises.
Additionally, support costs, preventive or corrective
maintenance and updates must be considered as well
as having trained staff during the technological period
that is proposed for 3 years.
By graphically representing the costs provided by
Amazon and Microsoft with the On-Premises
Scenario and the Cloud Service, we can see what is
shown in Fig. 5 below:
Figure 5: On-Premises versus IaaS.
Based on the analysis of the Total Cost of Ownership
- TCO, the Current Legal Regulation, Security
Certifications by providers and other benefits that the
Cloud can present to improve processes in a
company, it is important to have minimum points to
make the decision about a provider which can add
value, in the improvement of the business (ITeratum,
The factors analyzed are synthesized in detail in
Table 3 that describes the aspects to be evaluated
when selecting a provider.
Considering the main aspects of ITIL, we can
determine models that allow to improve the
Management of Cloud Services, as well as improving
the hiring phase, execution and administration to
guarantee high-quality services. Next, the phases that
have been proposed for the present study are
presented (ITeratum, 2011).
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: Aspects to Evaluate in a Provider.
Business and Experience
It is important to request the
administrative structure, clear
guidelines in case of risk, and the road
map with a general overview of what
processes are carried out to provide
the requested products or services
Fleitman, 2008
Reliability It is important to get a provider with
experience in similar projects, as it
will give confidence to the company
that hires the services. This is
achieved by verifying the supplier's
background with other customers
(Fleitman, 2008).
Knowledge The provider must have the necessary
technical staff and aligned with the
requirements of the company in order
to obtain clear objectives and goals to
e met.
Fleitman, 2008
Administrative Support
Current Legal
It is necessary for the company to
identify its scope of action, public or
private and apply the current legal
regulations to which they must
comply in order to know if they can
hire foreign, local suppliers, or if any
restricts them (ASLE, 2016),
Ministerio de Justicia, 2004
Service Level
The provider must be able to
guarantee a minimum level of service
according to the requirements
ITeratum, 2011
There must be the necessary controls
so that the provider and the hiring
company can supervise, or monitor
the services it offers, by means of
early alerts, in order to make timely
decisions (ITeratum, 2011).
Technical Processes
on Processes
It is important to know if the provider
has mechanisms that ensure the
implementation, administration and
update in Software or Applications
that are required (ITeratum, 2011).
It is recommendable to have
documentation, formal processes,
registration, approval and tests to
accept changes if required (Leong,
Dorosh, 2016
Service Desk The provider must have a channel to
report incidents or requirements that
may arise during the render of the
service in order to have a timely
response, and a record of the events
ITeratum, 2011
The provider must have integral
security for the services offered in the
cloud, as well as all levels to
guarantee the information (Leong,
Petri, y Dorosh, 2016)., (Ministerio de
Justicia, 2004).
The changes that are made in any
service or configuration must have the
respective authorization through the
management of roles in the accounts,
prior to an authentication (ITeratum,
Backups and
The provider must implement policies
and procedures that ensure integrity in
the data of each client, as well as
options for backing up and
Table 4: Management Model for Migration.
Activity Description Responsible To Be Hand In
STRATEGY To define
operational and
It is important to get to know both
the processes and the company in
order to have a clear idea of what is
going to be migrated.
Customer Process Diagram
Cloud Computing
Table 4: Management Model for Migration (cont.).
Activity Description Responsible To Be Hand In
STRATEGY Service portfolio
Identify the systems or services to be
migrated, according to their
Customer List of systems
and services
Get the data of the current
infrastructure in which the system or
service reside.
Customer On-Premises
Resources Chart
Review of
current legal
It is important to analyze the
competences and the action scenario
to use the right regulations.
Customer Report of
compliance with
Validation of the capacity required
and calculate a future projection.
Customer Current capacity
study required
and future
DESIGN Management of
continuity and
level of IT
SLA review for the services to be
Customer and
Service Level
Guarantee in the fulfillment of the
level of availability for the contracted
Provider Service Levels
Verification of the required capacity
or on demand that the provider can
rovide in the future.
Provider Documents that
prove the
Revision of certifications that a
provider must have.
Customer and
Budget Estimate
A cost calculation is made based on
the requirements analyzed, it is
recommended to make the Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Customer Total Cost of
Ownership and
price analysis
Make a comparative study about the
potential providers to render the
uired service
Customer Providers’
Make a chronogram and planning in
a documented manner of the changes
to be executed, including
uration files.
Customer and
Change Control
Validation of
service tests
The new management model in the
cloud will involve new procedures
and operational processes in the IT
staff, it is recommended to carry out
tests of the entire process
Customer and
Quality Control
and Testing
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 4: Management Model for Migration (cont.).
Activity Description Responsible To Be Hand In
OPERATION Management of
incidents or
The provider must educate about how
to manage the Service Desk. It is also
important to know what requirements
are a self-service t
Provider Manuals and
Training on the
Define the processes for the creation
of accesses and new role.
Customer Make a
The revision of the Current Legal Regulation in
Ecuador made it possible to identify that there are
more restrictions for contracting Services in the
Cloud for the public sector, because they want to
protect public goods and economic resources and in
most cases, they require the use of services that are
kept locally to protect the information, giving priority
to the state's telecommunications company,
while for the private sector it is optional, and as future
work, regulations of other countries must be
Among the main data that correspond to the
demand and administration of On-Premises, it can be
concluded that everything acquired is never used at
its maximum capacity or performance. Most of the
time there are oversized resources, obtaining high
initial costs. Therefore, by using Cloud Services, you
optimize costs because you only pay for what is
consumed and, what is more, is aimed at big or small
companies, including all types of final customers.
The use of the ITIL V3 reference framework
contributed significantly to the development of the
present methodological proposal, seeking an orderly
migration, improving the analysis, design and
implementation of the entire process to be executed,
thus efficiently evaluating global or local providers
that support effectively with the requirements of the
The use of Cloud Services allows a business
reorganization by automating processes, optimizing
staff time to focused on new projects, thus improving
their productivity.
When hiring service in the Cloud, the data is
outside the corporate network, even outside the
country, which can be contravened by laws and local
regulations for data protection, creating mistrust in
several potential customers.
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems