Semantic Interoperability among Industrial Product Data Standards
using an Ontology Network
Alvaro Luis Fraga, Marcela Vegetti and Horacio Pascual Leone
Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño (CONICET-UTN), Avellaneda 3657, Santa Fe, Argentina
Keywords: Interoperability, Ontology, Industrial Data.
Abstract: Globalization impacts on the competitive capacity of industries forcing them to integrate their productive
processes with other facilities geographically distributed. So, information systems supporting such processes
should interoperate. Standards have been seen for many years as a way to reach interoperability. In particular,
the committee 184 subcommittee 4 of the International Standard Organization (ISO) focus on the definition
of industrial product data standards. However, they still suffer from semantic inconsistencies when the
standards are put to work together. In this article, we propose an ontology network as a semantic bridge among
standards for product representation, as a solution to reach interoperability among information system in
manufacturing industries.
Nowadays, the effects of globalization have changed
the scenarios in which manufacturing enterprises
develop their activities. Industrial companies were
reached by this phenomenon and saw as a competitive
advantage to seek partners abroad in distributed
industries to collaborate in their production processes.
Achieving this collaboration means that industrial
information systems can share their knowledge and
data models.
Information systems must be adapted or changed
to remain useful in these new scenarios where they
are likely to interact with other systems in different
areas. The ability of an information system (IS) to
exchange information with others is defined as
interoperability (Ray and Jones, 2006). David Chen
presents in his paper Enterprise Interoperability
Framework (Chen, 2015), part of the INTEROP
Network of Excellence, the following classification:
Technique: it tries to overcome the
incompatibilities between the different
information technologies.
Organizational: focuses on defining
responsibilities, authority, and structure.
Conceptual: concerning the syntactic and
semantic part of the information to be shared.
This position paper focuses on semantic interope-
rability. To achieve this interoperability level it is
necessary to know the formal conceptualization that
exists behind the terms used in each domain and then
integrate them. To reach this required integration is not
an easy task due to the different interpretations that
may exist for terms in the distinct domains involved.
Since many years the defintion of standards have
been accepted to promote interoperability. Among the
standards published to solve the problem of
interoperability between systems supporting product
life-cycle management in manufacturing industries, it
is possible to highlight those presented by the
Technical Committee 184 subcommittee 4 of the
International Standards Organization (ISO
TC184/SC) (Cutting-Decelle et al., 2007).
Although the mentioned committee seeks to solve
interoperability problems, when analyzing the
proposed standards simultaneously, potential
semantic issues in the terminology are detected
(Young et al., 2007). The terms that are defined in the
different standards may present ambiguities in their
conceptualization due to the lack of a solid consensus
among the experts who develop such standards. In
particular, some of the problems encountered
following an analysis of a set of standards from the
ISO TC184/SC are:
Lack of compatibility between the information
models and the vocabulary used by each one.
Fraga, A., Vegetti, M. and Leone, H.
Semantic Interoperability among Industrial Product Data Standards using an Ontology Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0006783303280335
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 328-335
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Lack of formalization in the concepts that
prevents the automatic processing of
Definitions of terms in different standards are
not consistent.
Tables I, II, III illustrate some of the problems
noted above. Table I displays the different definitions
specified for the term “Resource” presented in ISO
15531-1, ISO 18629-1, ISO 10303-239 and ISO
10303-232 standards. This term has multiple
definitions leading to ambiguities in their
interpretation. Also, this problem is getting worse
because the term “Resource” is involved in each
stage of the product life-cycle.
Table 1: Multiple Definitions for the term resource.
Any device, tool and means, except
raw material and final product, at the
disposal of the enterprise to produce
goods or services. ISO 15531-1, ISO
Result of a process. ISO 10303-239.
Recorded facts, concepts, or
instructions about a product. ISO
Table II shows the definitions of “Resource”,
“Process” and “Product” terms. These definitions
point out that both “Resource” and “Product” result
from a “Process”, while the term “Process” is a
particular procedure that can produce a “Product”, a
property or an aspect of it. Which would lead to
formalize that a “Resource” is a property or an aspect
of the product, or that a “Resource” is a “Product”.
Table III reveals, three different terms
(“Resource”, “Product” and “Product Information”)
having the same definition, and may cause actors to
infer that these terms are equivalent.
Therefore, getting heterogeneous information
systems that implement a set of standards belonging
to the ISO TC184/SC4 committee to interoperate,
represents a major challenge (Fortineau, Paviot and
Lamouri, 2013). As a first step to overcome this
challenge, the present paper proposes an ontology
network based on the mentioned standards that acts
as mediator between the heterogeneous systems that
implement different standards, data models, and
Table 2: Definition of the terms: product, process, and
A particular procedure for doing
something involving one or more
steps or operations. The process may
produce a product, a property of a
product, or an aspect of a product.
ISO 10303-49
Resource Result of a process. ISO 10303-239
Thing or substance produced by a
natural or artificial process. ISO
10303-1, ISO 15531-32.
Table 3: Definition of the terms: resource, product, and
product information.
Recorded facts, concepts, or
instructions about a product. ISO
Facts, concepts or instructions. ISO
Facts, concepts, or instructions
about a product. ISO 10303-1.
The work is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the proposed ontology network, specifying
the architecture, its levels, relations and interaction
between its components. Next, Section 3 presents a
proof of concept that shows how the ISO 10303-49
standard is added into the low level of the proposed
network. Finally, in section 4, conclusions and future
work are presented.
This section introduces an ontology network that will
act as a semantic mediator between different
information systems supporting product life-cycle in
manufacturing companies.
The proposal is based on the formalization of a set
of standards published by the ISO TC184/SC4
committee. This approach allows, the re-use of
knowledge immersed in the definitions proposed in
the above-mentioned standards, so the proposal
covers a wide spectrum of action on different
Semantic Interoperability among Industrial Product Data Standards using an Ontology Network
application fields and across the different phases of
the product life-cycle. Likewise, the proposed
network can be extended to incorporate diverse
standards and others documents that implement a
certain data model into industrial information
2.1 General Description
The proposed multilevel ontology network is
depicted in Figure 1. The core level is composed of
an ontology that specifies four key terms: "Process",
"Product", "Resource" and "Enterprise". These terms
are considered by Zhao et al. (1999), Lin and Harding
(2007), Chungoora et al. (2013) and Usman et al.
(2013) as the principal concepts of all manufacturing
information systems.
Figure 1: Proposed ontology network schema.
The refinement level has four modules, each of
which specifies a set of concepts that refine one of the
terms of the higher level. These modules have the
goal of specifying the terms that are strongly related
to the concepts introduced in the first level, thus
extending the definitions of them.
The standards level contains the ontologies that
formalize the standards and/or data models among
which it is necessary to establish semantic
interoperability. Some of them are mentioned in
Tables I, II and III. This level connects with the
refinement level through an alignment layer that
defines, by means of the SWRL (Semantic Web Rule
Language), a set of rules to match the terms defined
at refinement and standards levels.
2.2 Core Level
In Figure 2, the conceptual scheme of the Ontology
Network Core level is shown. This figure depicts the
relationships between the terms "Product", "Process",
"Resource" and "Enterprise". It also shows using
dotted line boxes which are the standards that have a
definition for each term.
It was decided to associate the terms "Product"
and "Process" because of the definition of "Process"
in ISO 10303-49, which states: "A particular
procedure for doing something involving one or more
steps or operations. The process can produce a
product, a property of a product or an aspect of a
The term "Process" is related to "Enterprise" in
ISO 15531 and ISO 18629 standards. Both standards
describe "Process" as: "A set of activities involving
various business entities that are organized for one
purpose". In addition, "Enterprise" is defined in ISO
100303-239 as one or more organizations with a set
of goals and objectives to offer products and/or
Figure 2: Core level conceptual schema.
2.3 Refinement Level
Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6 illustrate the diagrams that
correspond to each of the modules in the architecture
refinement level: “Process”, “Product”, “Resource”
and “Enterprise”.
The “Process” module, which is shown in Figure
3, includes the terms "Natural_Process" and,
"Artificial_Process". These two terms are part of the
definition of "Product" in ISO 8000, ISO 10303, ISO
13584, ISO 15531, ISO 15926, ISO 18629 standards.
Figure 3 shows that the term "Procedure" materializes
the term "Process" as defined in ISO 10303. A
"Process_Activity" is a step or operation that is part
of a "Process" and "Procedure_Activity" is a specific
execution of a "Process_Activity". Using the
associations that are explicitly shown in Fig. 3 linking
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
“Procedure”, “Process”, “Process_Activity” and
“Procedure_Activity” classes it is possible to infer the
relations that links an instance of “Procedure” with
the instances of “Procedure_Activity” that composed
it. A resource required to execute a
"Process_Activity" is called "Process_Material". The
set of processes required to manufacture a product are
linked by means of a "Process_Plan", which is
executed in a "Process_Plant".
Figure 3: Process module terms.
The diagram corresponding to the “Product
module is shown in Figure 4. This figure shows the
terms "Instruction", "Fact", and "Concept" as
specializations of "Product_Information". The term
"Instruction" describes information on how to do or
how to use something, while "Fact" is the atomic
information of the product and "Concept" is the
notion or idea about it.
ISO 10303-1 standard gives two definitions for
the term "Product". As it is illustrated in Table 3 one
of this definition is equivalent to the one of
"Product_Information". The proposal introduces the
concept of "Product_Information" to the “Product”
module and associates it with the concept through the
relationship “definedBy”. Figure 4 also shows that
the terms "Substance" and "Thing" have been
introduced in “Product” module as a specialization of
the term "Product". This decision is based on the fact
that the ISO 8000, ISO 10303, ISO 13584, ISO
15531, ISO 15926 and ISO 18629 standards define
"Product" as “a thing or substance produced by a
natural or artificial process”.
Figure 4: Product module terms.
The module refining the term "Resource" is
introduced in Figure 5. According to ISO 10303-49,
a "Resource" is defined by its behaviours and
capabilities, hence it is associated with the terms
"Behaviour" and "Capability". This module also
includes the terms "Tool", "Equip", and "Device",
which are described as resources by ISO 15531 and
ISO 18629 standards. These standards do not
recognize, neither consider the term "Raw Material"
as a resource type.
Other standards specify other concepts as
different kind of “Resource”, such as
"Material_Procees" and "Product_Material". So, they
have been included in this module. According to ISO
10303-227, the first mentioned term defines material
used or transported by a process activity. The second
one, in accordance with ISO 10303-235, refers to the
physical object that was manufactured to a
specification and from which another product can be
manufactured. A subsumption relationship is defined
between "Material" and the terms
"Product_Material", "Process_Material" and
Figure 6 introduces the Enterprise ontology
module, in which the corresponding term of the core
level is refined using the four-level manufacturing
model present in (Zhao, Cheung and Young, 1999).
This module represents the levels at which a process
or process plan can be executed. A workstation,
"Station", is where a particular job is performed. The
term "Cell" is a group of related operations in the
production flow, while "Shop" is the area where
production is carried out, and "Factory" is the place
where those production areas are located. The
"Factory" group is also a member of "Enterprise".
Semantic Interoperability among Industrial Product Data Standards using an Ontology Network
Figure 5: Resource module terms.
Figure 6: Enterprise module terms.
2.4 Standards Level
The standards level is proposed to group the different
ontologies that formalize the standards or model to be
interoperated. This proposal uses the process that is
introduced in Figure 7 to transform or reuse the
standard documentation, or different academic
contribution to adapt them into an OWL (Ontology
Web Language) ontology to add into the standards
level of the proposed network. It is important to
mention that the process can also be used to
incorporate other type of product data model that
need to interoperate with the standards.
The process begins selecting the standard,
language, vocabulary, or ontology that needs to be
integrated with other systems involved in the
production process supported by the network. Once
this selection is done, the process classifies the
information sources that will be used to develop the
ontology. These information sources can be
ontological or non-ontological. Within the
ontological ones, it is possible to emphasize diverse
works that contribute with ontologies based on
standards or models that interfere in the product life
Figure 7: Standards level ontology network integration
Non-ontological sources are documents that
describe the conceptualizations of terms,
relationships and restrictions between terms. ISO
TC186/SC4 standards are in this category.
Afterwards, sources are selected, the non-
ontological ones are studied to build a new ontology
from them. A semiautomatic process for this ontology
construction has been also proposed by the authors in
(Fraga, Vegetti and Leone, 2017), but its description
is out of the scope of the present article. The ontology
that is obtained as a result of the mentioned process
is, then merge with other ontologies that may
complete and enhance the definitions of the first one.
Once the ontology merging activity is done, the
evaluation of the ontology is executed. Two different
tools are proposed for this activity. The first one is the
OOPS! Scanner (Poveda-Villalón et al., 2014) that
finds common design mistakes and verifies ontology
consistency. The second one consists of using
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
competency questions, which have defined in natural
language at the beginning of the ontology
development and then formalized in SPARQL query
language, to verify the new ontology requirement.
If the ontology passes both tests, it is imported
into the ontology network as part of its standards level
and a set of SWRL rules are written to align the
imported new ontology with the concepts already
defined by the network. Subsequently, the updated
ontology network is tested using competency
questions to ensure its integrity and verify if the
ontology is fully functional to the interoperability
Next section illustrates how the process
previously described is applied to add the ISO 10303-
49 standard to the low level of the proposed ontology
The aim of this section is to illustrate how the ISO
10303 standard, part 49 has been added at the lowest
level of the proposed network using the process that
has been explained in section 2.4.
The specification of ISO 10303-49 is written
using natural language and EXPRESS code. To
generate an OWL ontology from such non-
ontological source the semi-automatic tool proposed
in (Fraga, Vegetti and Leone, 2017) is used. Such tool
handles both kind of content in different way. On one
hand, the content in natural language is interpreted
using a component based on lexicon syntactic rules
written on UIMA rule script language and supported
by the UIMA Ruta framework (Ferrucci and Lally,
2004). On the other hand, the EXPRESS code content
is handled using an implementation of the EXPRESS
to OWL strategies proposed by (Pauwels and Terkaj,
Once the ontology formalizing the standard is
obtained from such tool, it is validated using OOPS!
Scanner, competency questions and experts from the
To add the new ontology to the Standards level of
the proposed network it is necessary to provide
different alignment rules to relate concepts of the new
generated ontology with terms of the ontology
network. Table 4 and Figure 8 illustrate the definition
of some terms belonging to ISO 10303-49 and their
relations. The terms listed in such table are not all the
terms defined by the standard, but are the ones used
to test concepts in this paper.
Table 4: ISO 10303-49 Terms and definitions.
10303-49 terms Definition
Action_resource_requirement Defines the
resources required
for a process
Product_definition_process Represents a product
definition, a product,
or an aspect of it.
Process_product_association Specifies a certain
process to achieve a
characteristic of the
Characterized_product_definition Defines the
characteristics of a
dentifies either an
ction, an action
ethod, an
ship, or an
dentifies an activity
hat has taken place, is
aking place, or is
xpected to take place
n the future.
Figure 8: Extract of ISO 10303-49.
Figure 9 shows a screenshot of the Protegé
ontology editor, which has been used to specify the
mappings rules. At the left part and the bottom right
part of the image, the concepts taxonomy and the
property taxonomy are shown, respectively. At the
right top part of Fig. 9, the mapping rules, which.
describe how individuals in the ISO 10303-49 module
can be inferred as individuals from the refinement
level ontology network terms.
R_Process rule specifies that if X is an individual
in the population of the concept
"product_definition_process", then X is an individual
of the entity "Top_Process" in the core level.
R_Resource rule details that if X is an
"action_resource_requirement" and is related to Y
through the "operation" property, then X is a
Semantic Interoperability among Industrial Product Data Standards using an Ontology Network
Rules Description
Object Property Hierarchy
Class Hierarchy
Rules Names
Figure 9: Protege screenshot.
"Mid_Process_Material", a term present in the
refinement level and "Top_Resource", a term present
in the core level; individual Y from the entity
"characterized_action_definition" becomes a
"Top_Process" individual in the refinement level
related with the X individual through the “usedBy”
property. The R_Process_Activity rule
specifies that if X is a "process_product_association"
and is related to an individual Y from
"product_definition_process" entity by the property
"process_product_association_process", then X is a
"Mid_Process_Activity" individual and Y is the
equivalent of "Top_Process" in the ontology network
associated by the “composedBy” object property.
This paper presents a multilevel network of
ontologies as a solution to the problem of
interoperability of heterogeneous systems
implementing the standards of the 184 subcommittee
4 of the International Standards Organization. This
network can also be extended and used for other
standards, adding the necessary rules for the
alignment of participating ontologies. The division of
the structure into levels was shown. The core level
has four terms that represent key concepts in
manufacturing domain. The refinement level details
the conceptualization of the terms of the higher level
by making use of terms present in various standards
involved in this project. The refinement level through
rules and an inference engine achieves alignment with
the standards level. The standards level contains the
ontologies based on the standards imported to achieve
semantic interoperability between them. This
network promise to be very useful not only for the
specialized industrial systems to which it offers the
possibility of adapting the information models to the
standard that they require for representing their
information, but it can also provide interoperability
between non-specific standard based information
models, as well as, non-specific industrial
information systems and could provide information
models for areas that need only an overview or a
reduced data model with the information from the
upper layers of the network.
The next steps will be to continue with the
implementation of the modules of different parts and
standards, check the integrity of the proposal with
multiple case studies and applications.
This work has been supported by CONICET and
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (
UTI3810TC and
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Semantic Interoperability among Industrial Product Data Standards using an Ontology Network