Usability Heuristics for Mobile Applications
A Systematic Review
Marcos Antonio Dur
aes Dourado
and Edna Dias Canedo
Faculty of Gama (FGA), University of Bras
ılia (UnB), Bras
ılia-DF, Box 8114, CEP 72.444-240, Brazil
Department of Computer Science, Building CIC/EST, University of Bras
ılia (UnB),
ılia-DF, P.O. Box 4466, CEP 70910-900, Brazil
Usability, Usability Heuristics, Heuristic Evaluation, Mobile, Smartphone, Systematic Review, HumanCom-
puter Interaction.
Usability is one of the factors that most affects a software quality. The increasing adoption of mobile devices
brings new usability challenges, as well as a need for specific standards for this type of product. This paper
aims to conduct a systematic review of the literature, complemented by a manual and snowballing search to
obtain usability heuristics and heuristic evaluations for mobile applications. The result of the study was a set
of thirteen usability heuristics, specific to smartphones, related to the ten Nielsen’s heuristics. In addition,
five possible ways of evaluating the usability of mobile applications are described. The specification of the
heuristics found shows that they can be used both for the evaluation of already developed applications and for
the prototyping of new applications, which helps developers achieve their goals regarding product quality. The
main contributions of this work is the compilation of desktop usability heuristics in a new, more specific set of
heuristics adapted to the mobile paradigm.
The use of smartphones has been growing substan-
tially in the market, together with the development
and use of applications for these devices (Biel et al.,
2010). With the progress in the use of mobile devi-
ces and their applications, new challenges appear and
some peculiarities need to be studied and developed,
such as usability (de Lima Salgado and Freire, 2014).
Usability is defined as the ”capacity to be used”,
that is, the capacity that the device has to be used
nones and Rusu, 2017). In practice, usability de-
pends on what the user wants to do and their goals
in the context in which the user is acting (Inostroza
et al., 2016).
Usability can be developed in the product and eva-
luated by usability inspections or usability testing.
The form that is constantly used to evaluate this re-
quirement is the heuristic evaluation (Qui
nones and
Rusu, 2017).
Some researchers have been developing different
usability heuristics for specific contexts. The purpose
of this study is to verify the usability heuristics spe-
cific to mobile applications, and also to verify how to
evaluate the usability of these applications.
In this paper we used a systematic literature re-
view, suggested by Kitchenham (Kitchenham, 2004),
to specify usability heuristics and heuristic evaluati-
ons focused on mobile applications. In addition, a
manual search and snowballing practice, proposed by
(Wohlin and Prikladniki, 2013), were implemented in
this work. The goal was to list approaches that help
develop applications with a usability that meets the
needs of the end user.
This paper is organized in 7 Sections. The Section
2 shows the theoretical basis of this work. Section
3 presents the systematic review planning. Section 4
describes the conduct of the procedures for selecting
a study. The results of the research are described in
Section 5, answering the research questions. A case
study is described in the Section 6. Finally, Section 7
concludes the results obtained by this work.
This Section presents the concepts of usability, heu-
ristic evaluation, and usability heuristics.
Durães Dourado, M. and Dias Canedo, E.
Usability Heuristics for Mobile Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0006781404830494
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 483-494
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Usability
The usability principals have been applied to variety
of contexts, such as mobile device, computer devi-
ces, mobile apps, website on mobile device, website
on computer device, interface, software, PDA, tablets,
and so forth.
In the mobile context, the correlation between usa-
bility perception and information is greater when the
correlations between usability perception and other
factors potentially affecting it. In the mobile context,
the correlation between usability perception and ap-
plication design is greater when the correlations be-
tween usability perception and other factors potenti-
ally affecting it, except information.
In the computer website context, the correlation
between usability perception and information is grea-
ter when the correlations between usability perception
and other factors potentially affecting it. In the com-
puter website context, the correlation between usabi-
lity perception and application design is greater when
the correlations between usability perception and ot-
her factors potentially affecting it, except information.
Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how
easy user interfaces are to use. The word ”usability”
also refers to methods for improving ease-of-use du-
ring the design process. Usability is defined by 5 qua-
lity components (Nielsen, 2003):
Learnability. How easy it is to learn the main
system functionality and gain proficiency to com-
plete the job. We usually assess this by measuring
the time a user spends working with the system
before that user can complete certain tasks in the
time it would take an expert to complete the same
tasks. This attribute is very important for novice
Efficiency. The number of tasks per unit of time
that the user can perform using the system. We
look for the maximum speed of user task perfor-
mance. The higher system usability is, the faster
the user can perform the task and complete the
Memorability. When users return to the design
after a period of not using it, how easily can they
reestablish proficiency? It is critical for intermit-
tent users to be able to use the system without ha-
ving to climb the learning curve again. This at-
tribute reflects how well the user remembers how
the system works after a period of non-usage.
Errors. This attribute contributes negatively to
usability. It does not refer to system errors. On the
contrary, it addresses the number of errors the user
makes while performing a task. Good usability
implies a low error rate. Errors reduce efficiency
and user satisfaction, and they can be seen as a
failure to communicate to the user the right way
of doing things.
Satisfaction. How pleasant is it to use the design?
One problem concerning usability is that these at-
tributes sometimes conflict. For example, learnabi-
lity and efficiency usually influence each other nega-
tively. A system must be carefully designed if it re-
quires both high learnability and high efficiency for
example, using accelerators (a combination of keys to
perform a frequent task) usually solves this conflict.
The point is that a systems usability is not merely the
sum of these attributes values; it is defined as reaching
a certain level for each attribute (Ferr
e et al., 2001).
There are many other important quality attribu-
tes. A key one is utility, which refers to the design’s
functionality: Does it do what users need?
Usability and utility are equally important and to-
gether determine whether something is useful: It mat-
ters little that something is easy if it’s not what you
want. It’s also no good if the system can hypotheti-
cally do what you want, but you can’t make it happen
because the user interface is too difficult. To study
a design’s utility, you can use the same user research
methods that improve usability (Nielsen, 2003).
ISO / IEC 9126-1 (for Standardization and Com-
mission, 2001), related to Software Engineering and
product quality, describes usability as the ability of
the software product to be understood, its operation
learned, to be operated and to be attractive to the user.
In addition, it describes six categories related to appli-
cation quality that are relevant to being implemented
during application development.
ISO / IEC 25000 (Suryn et al., 2003) has been de-
veloped to replace and extend ISO / IEC 9126 and
ISO / IEC 14598. This ISO / IEC 25000 standard, also
known as SQUARE (Software Product Quality Re-
quirements and Evaluation), aims to organize, Con-
cepts related to two main processes: software qua-
lity requirements specification and software quality
assessment, supported by software quality measure-
ment process.
It is observed that there is a lack of a clear and ge-
nerally accepted definition that defines usability (In-
ostroza et al., 2016). The measure of usability is com-
plex because usability is not a specific property of
a person or product. One can not measure usability
with a simple usability thermometer (Lewis, 2014).
In view of the human and product factors that inter-
fere with usability the difficulty in measuring it is re-
markable. There are several papers that address this
difficulty (Qui
nones and Rusu, 2017).
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2.2 Heuristic Evaluation
The heuristic evaluation, proposed by Nielsen and
Molich (Nielsen, 1990), which aims to evaluate the
product based on the principles, or heuristics of usa-
bility, imposes that between three or five specialists
should inspect the application, pointing out what is
correct or incorrect (Scholtz, 2004).
In order to evaluate the usability of touchscreen
devices, specific aspects of these devices should be
taken into account (Inostroza et al., 2012a). The de-
sign of smartphones are influenced, mainly, by three
aspects (Inostroza et al., 2013):
1. Smartphones are mainly used in the hands of the
2. They are operated wirelessly.
3. Support the addition of new applications and In-
ternet connection.
Elements such as light, sound and shape of itera-
tion are not as well defined as in traditional applica-
tions. Another challenge is the context of using tou-
chscreen mobile devices. In traditional applications
the context of use is well defined in terms of light,
sound and form of interaction (mouse and keyboard)
(Suryn et al., 2003). However, the ability to use the
device in various places, such as queues, hospitals,
banks, among others, make smartphone portability an
There are several other methods to evaluate the
usability of an application (Qui
nones and Rusu,
2017). As one can observe the evaluation heuris-
tics for mobile devices is not something simple. This
study aims to obtain more specific and efficient heu-
ristics for smartphones.
2.3 Usability Heuristics
Usability heuristics have this name, since they are
usability guidelines (Qui
nones and Rusu, 2017). In
1982, Malone (Malone and W., 1982) proposed the
first heuristics to design a user-friendly application. It
is revised, that these heuristics were limited, and only
applicable for high-level issues in games.
Widely known heuristics are the ten Nielsen heu-
ristics (Jackob Nielsen, 1995). These principles were
written by the same authors who idealized the eva-
luation heuristics to inspect the product aiming the
quality of this one. The application building guide
contains ten principles (Jackob Nielsen, 1995):
1. Visibility of System Status The system should
always keep users informed about what is going
on, through appropriate feedback within reasona-
ble time.
2. Correspondence between the System and the
Real World The system should speak the users’
language, with words, phrases and concepts fami-
liar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms.
Follow real-world conventions, making informa-
tion appear in a natural and logical order.
3. User Control and Freedom – Users often choose
system functions by mistake and will need a cle-
arly marked ”emergency exit” to leave the unwan-
ted state without having to go through an extended
dialogue. Support undo and redo.
4. Consistency and Standards Users should not
have to wonder whether different words, situati-
ons, or actions mean the same thing. Follow plat-
form conventions.
5. Prevention of Errors Even better than good
error messages is a careful design which pre-
vents a problem from occurring in the first place.
Either eliminate error-prone conditions or check
for them and present users with a confirmation op-
tion before they commit to the action.
6. Recognition and not Remembering – Minimize
the user’s memory load by making objects, acti-
ons, and options visible. The user should not have
to remember information from one part of the di-
alogue to another. Instructions for use of the sy-
stem should be visible or easily retrievable whe-
never appropriate.
7. Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Accelerators
unseen by the novice user may often speed
up the interaction for the expert user such that the
system can cater to both inexperienced and expe-
rienced users. Allow users to tailor frequent acti-
8. Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Dialogues
should not contain information which is irrelevant
or rarely needed. Every extra unit of information
in a dialogue competes with the relevant units of
information and diminishes their relative visibi-
9. Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover
Errors Error messages should be expressed in
plain language (no codes), precisely indicate the
problem, and constructively suggest a solution.
10. Help and Documentation Even though it is bet-
ter if the system can be used without documen-
tation, it may be necessary to provide help and
documentation. Any such information should be
easy to search, focused on the user’s task, list con-
crete steps to be carried out, and not be too large.
Although these heuristics are widely used, it is
necessary to use specific heuristics for each type of
Usability Heuristics for Mobile Applications
application (Qui
nones and Rusu, 2017). With this
in view, new heuristics have been created so that in-
spections and results can be more efficient (Inostroza
et al., 2016).
The systematic review uses the approach suggested by
Kitchenham (Kitchenham, 2004). A systematic lite-
rature review is a means of identifying, evaluating and
interpreting all available research relevant to a parti-
cular research question, or topic area, or phenomenon
of interest. Individual studies contributing to a syste-
matic review are called primary studies; a systematic
review is a form a secondary study.
The systematic review involves three steps:
1. Review Planning: define the need for a systema-
tic review; Raise research questions; And define a
review protocol: data sources, strategy and search
terms, study selection criteria, study quality, data
extraction, and data synthesis.
2. Realization of the Review: select and analyze
the studies; Answering research questions; And
present the results, discussions and conclusions.
3. Reporting the Review: to write the review re-
sults and format the final document.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined for
the selection of papers, which should deal with heu-
ristics, or guides, of usability only for mobile appli-
cations, therefore, papers that were specific to ap-
plications or desktop sites were excluded. After the
search, ambiguous and / or irrelevant papers for the
study were also excluded. Each of these steps will be
described in detail the following.
In addition to the systematic purist review propo-
sed by Kitchenham (Kitchenham, 2004), other rese-
arch techniques were also performed: the manual se-
arch and snowballing. As can be seen in Section 3.6.
The manual search, described in Section 3.6.1, and
snowballing, described in Section 3.6.2.
3.1 Research Questions
The systematic review will seek to answer through the
selected primary studies the research questions shown
in the Table 1.
3.2 Databases
In the systematic review (Qui
nones and Rusu, 2017),
it is pointed out as later works the use of the IEEE and
Table 1: Research Questions.
ID Research Question
RQ1 What heuristics are used to evaluate pro-
duct quality in mobile applications?
RQ2 What metrics are used to evaluate usability
heuristics for mobile applications?
ACM bases, besides the ScienceDirect that was used
by the researchers. Therefore, the 3 bases will be used
in this systematic review.
3.3 Search String
The search string that has been used expects at le-
ast one of the terms ”usability heuristic” or ”usability
heuristics” to refer to at least one of the terms ”mo-
bile” or ”smartphone”, so that only mobile-related
usability heuristics are selected. The terms ”evalua-
tion” and ”Human-Computer Interaction” were also
inserted with the intention of refining the research.
After planning what terms should be inserted, the
result was:
((”usability heuristic” OR ”usability heuristics”)
AND (mobile OR smartphone)) AND (evaluation)
AND (”Human-Computer Interaction”) AND (”user
3.4 Study Selection Criteria
A number of different criteria were used to select stu-
dies that fit the needs of this research. For this, criteria
for inclusion and exclusion of studies were developed.
To be selected the studies should follow the following
1. Research papers that contain propositions for usa-
bility heuristics for mobile applications;
2. Studies that propose an approach, process or met-
hodology to establish usability heuristics;
3. Studies published between 2007 and 2017 and
written in English or Portuguese.
4. papers written in English or Portuguese.
The following types of papers were excluded:
1. Studies that contain proposed heuristics for ot-
her aspects (eg aesthetics, automation, hyper-
2. Studies that do not explain how usability heuris-
tics were developed;
3. Theses (eg master’s theses) or monographs;
4. papers not focused primarily on the definition of
usability heuristics, such as reports on usability
case studies or usability tests;
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
5. Studies related to the infrastructure of mobile
communication, mobile hardware or robotics;
6. papers focused on desktop, web or game applica-
7. Studies outside the field of computer or software
8. Incomplete studies, such as only abstracts and ex-
panded abstracts;
9. Studies with less than four pages, published as
10. Studies that present only opinions without any
empirical evidence of support.
After using the search string in the previously se-
lected databases, an initial set of 43 papers were
obtained. From these studies the qualitative analysis
was performed, in which, if an paper did not have re-
levant information to extract, could be excluded from
the analysis. Taking into account the purpose of the
review of this study, a set of four criteria was establis-
1. The paper contains specific heuristics for mobile
2. The paper describes in detail the proposed usabi-
lity heuristics, with sufficient information to un-
derstand them;
3. The set of usability heuristics is an original propo-
sal or the adaptation of another set of heuristics;
4. The paper presents, in detail, a way to evaluate the
usability of the application.
3.5 Data Extraction
The data extraction strategy was mainly defined by
the design of the data extraction forms that would
precisely register the information obtained from the
selected studies.
After including the study in the systematic review,
the following information was identified and extrac-
1. The authors and the year of a study;
2. The usability heuristics used;
3. The heuristic evaluation used to validate the usa-
bility of the application.
3.6 Procedures for Selecting a Study
With the technique of Systematic Review it is pos-
sible, from the research questions and the defined
string, besides the inclusion and exclusion criteria, to
identify papers in the selected databases. However,
in this work, with the reading of the papers it was
possible to implement the Manual Search in periodi-
cals previously known as of the area, and the use of
the technique snowballing (Wohlin and Prikladniki,
2013), that allows the search of papers from the re-
ferences of the papers selected by the Systematic Re-
The research procedures of this work in which the
Systematic Review is used in Automatic Search, fol-
lowed by Manual Search and Snowballing. This way
of researching is similar to the one used in (Selleri
Silva et al., 2015). The steps of this research are des-
cribed on the Figure 1. All the steps are also better
described bellow:
Step 1: Perform automatic search, manual and
snowballing in order to identify a preliminary list
of studies. Duplicate studies were discarded.
Step 2: Identification of potentially relevant stu-
dies, based on title and abstract analysis, discar-
ding studies that are clearly irrelevant to the rese-
arch. If there was any doubt about a study regar-
ding its inclusion or exclusion, the next step was
to check whether the study was relevant or not.
Step 3: Selected studies in previous steps were re-
viewed by reading the introduction, methodology
section and conclusion and applying the inclusion
and exclusion criteria. If reading the above items
was not enough to make a firm decision, the study
was read in its entirety.
Step 4: thus, a list of primary studies was obtai-
ned and subsequently subjected to critical exami-
nation using the criteria established.
3.6.1 Manual Search
The manual search was performed by analyzing the
titles and abstracts (if necessary) of studies published
in Journals that deal with Human-Computer Iteration.
In addition, the Search String, has been applied in
Google Scholar. Those considered potentially rele-
vant were added to the set of papers selected.
3.6.2 Snowballing
Database searches are challenging for a variety of re-
asons, including selecting databases to use, different
interfaces to databases, different ways of constructing
search strings, different search limitations in databa-
ses, and identifying databases and synonyms of terms
used[6]. This reasoning leads to two conclusions:
1. Choosing the first step in the search strategy often
becomes the only step, that is, search databases;
Usability Heuristics for Mobile Applications
Figure 1: Procedure for Selecting a Study.
2. Given the challenges with the databases, impor-
tant studies can be lost.
Based on the snowballing instructions proposed by
Wohlin and Prikladniki (Wohlin and Prikladniki,
2013), in this study the steps used to perform this
technique were:
1. Use the papers selected in automatic and manual
searches as the initial set of selected studies;
2. Based on the selected studies, check references
by looking at works of authors already included,
since they obviously carry out relevant research in
relation to their objectives;
3. Based on the set of documents found, check stu-
dies that cite the selected studies (forward snow-
balling). It is recommended to use Google Scho-
lar as it captures more than individual databases.
This Section presents how the studies were selected
doing the procedures described on the Section 3.6.
4.1 Conduct of Systematic Review
Using the search string in the previously chosen data-
bases, a total of 38 papers were pre-selected, finis-
hing Step 1 of the job search procedure. described in
Section 3.6.
By performing Step 2, the titles and abstracts of
the selected studies were read and, if necessary, the
reading of the introduction, methodology and conclu-
sion was carried out, thus performing Step 3. At the
end of these procedures a total of 5 papers were cho-
4.2 Conduct of Manual Search
The Manual Search was carried out in parallel with
the Systematic Review. The bases chosen to search
for new studies were:
Google Scholar -;
Springer -;
MobileHCI -
A total of 4 papers were pre-selected, submitted
to the steps described in 3.6. At the end of the Manual
Search search, 2 papers were inserted into the primary
set of studies.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.3 Conduct of Snowballing
After obtaining the 7 papers selected via Manual Se-
arch and Systematic Review, Snowballing was perfor-
med. Where 10 papers were pre-selected and submit-
ted to the same selection criteria of the other papers.
One of these papers was selected, since the others had
already been selected by the other search methods, or
were useful only for specific fields, such as games or
This section summarizes the results obtained after the
systematic review. The results analysis focuses on the
presentation of Table 2 which shows the studies found
using Manual Search, Systematic Review and Snow-
balling. In addition, Research Question (RQ) 1 and
2 presented in the Table 1 are also answered in this
A total of 50 papers were analyzed during the
conduction of the searches specified in sections 4, 5
and 6. From this total of studies 8 were selected for
Data Extraction, as Section 3.5 presents.
Table 2 shows the selected studies. Based on the
results obtained, the following subsections summa-
rize the analysis of each research question.
Table 3 shows the amount of studies selected re-
lated to their database.
5.1 RQ1 What Heuristics are Used to
Evaluate Product Quality in Mobile
Since its appearance, Nielsen’s set of usability heu-
ristics (Jackob Nielsen, 1995) has been widely used
in many research papers. However, nowadays there is
more effort to develop and provide new sets of heu-
ristics (Jimenez et al., 2016). Currently, Nielsen heu-
ristics are used as a basis for developing or adapting
new sets of usability heuristics.
Through this study, one can detect the use and de-
velopment of different sets of usability heuristics spe-
cific to mobile applications. These heuristics are lis-
ted below:
ID - Name: MHU1 - Visibility of System Status
Definition: The device must keep the user infor-
med about all processes and state changes through
comments and within a reasonable time frame.
Explanation: Through interaction with the de-
vice, the user must be able to perform different
tasks. These actions can lead to a system state
change, which must be communicated to the user
in some way. In addition, there are other events
that are not triggered by user interaction, but re-
quire further response, ie: phone calls, video calls,
and more.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
2012b), (Y
nez G
omez et al., 2014), (Motlagh
Tehrani et al., 2014), (Chuan et al., 2014), (In-
ostroza et al., 2013), (Inostroza et al., 2016) and
nones and Rusu, 2017).
ID - Name: MHU2 - Correspondence between the
Application and the Real World
Definition: The device must speak the language
of the users and not technical terms of the system.
The device must follow the conventions of the real
world and display the information in a logical and
natural order.
Explanation: Today, touch-screen-based mobile
devices have particular features that allow the user
to interact with them in innovative ways, such as:
touchscreen, proximity sensor, and GPS. Through
these new modes of interaction, the user can per-
form tasks more intuitively, imitating real-world
interaction rules. As an example, by scrolling
down a long list, if the user ”slides” with a cer-
tain speed, the list will continue to move, mi-
micking the effect of inertia. Each interaction is
expected to show a response similar to that ex-
pected in the real world. In addition, the language
(text or icons) must be related to real world and
recognizable concepts.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
2012b), (Y
nez G
omez et al., 2014), (Motlagh
Tehrani et al., 2014), (Chuan et al., 2014), (In-
ostroza et al., 2013), (Inostroza et al., 2016) and
nones and Rusu, 2017).
ID - Name: MHU3 - User Control and Freedom
Definition: The device must allow the user to
undo and redo their actions and provide ”emer-
gency exits” clearly pointed out of leaving un-
wanted states. These options should preferably be
available through a physical button or equivalent.
Explanation: When the user makes a mistake
when entering text, modifying configuration op-
tions or just reaching an unwanted state, the sy-
stem must provide appropriate ”emergency ex-
its”. These outputs should easily allow the user
to move from an unwanted state to a desired one.
In addition, the user should be able to undo and
redo their actions in a simple and intuitive way.
On the other hand, the user must also be able to
easily manage the applications that are running on
Usability Heuristics for Mobile Applications
Table 2: Selected Studies for Data Extraction.
Search Type Research
Systematic review
1. (Motlagh Tehrani et al., 2014);
2. (Chuan et al., 2014);
3. (Inostroza et al., 2013);
4. (Inostroza et al., 2016);
5. (Qui
nones and Rusu, 2017).
Manual Search
1. (Y
nez G
omez et al., 2014);
2. (Al-nuiam, 2015).
1. (Inostroza et al., 2012b).
Table 3: Selected Studies Related to their Database.
Database Amount
ScienceDirect 2
International Journal of Human Computer Interaction 1
Table 4: Selected Studies for Data Extraction.
MHU S 1 S 2 S 3 Average Number Standard Deviation
MH1 1.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50
MH2 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
MH3 2.00 0.00 2.50 1.50 1.32
MH4 3.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
MH5 4.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.73
MH6 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.58
MH7 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.67 0.58
MH8 3.00 0.00 0.50 1.17 1.61
MH9 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 1.15
MH10 4.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00
MH11 1.50 3.00 3.00 2.50 0.87
MH12 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
MH13 3.00 3.00 0.00 2.00 1.73
the device and the features in use. When using the
data network, the user must be able to control the
amount of data being transmitted and the associa-
ted time.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
2012b), (Y
nez G
omez et al., 2014), (Motlagh
Tehrani et al., 2014), (Inostroza et al., 2013), (In-
ostroza et al., 2016) and (Qui
nones and Rusu,
ID - Name: MHU4 - Consistency and Standards
Definition: The device must follow the establis-
hed conventions, allowing the user to do things in
a familiar, standardized and consistent way.
Explanation: Often, different parts of the system
that are related and must be similar have different
design or logic. In general, all concepts presented
in contrast to the conception of the user concept
produce confusion to some degree. This confu-
sion can lead to decreased use efficiency or poor
satisfaction, among other side effects. All in all, it
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
is expected that the system will follow standards
and conventions to achieve an intuitive and easy
to use interface.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
2012b), (Y
nez G
omez et al., 2014), (Motlagh
Tehrani et al., 2014), (Chuan et al., 2014), (In-
ostroza et al., 2013), (Inostroza et al., 2016) and
nones and Rusu, 2017).
ID - Name: MHU5 - Error Prevention
Definition: Your device must hide or disable una-
vailable feature.
Warn users about critical actions, and provide
access to additional information.
Explanation: The device should attempt to be
explicit with respect to each option and feature.
Considering a small screen size, this can be a
big challenge. In this way, the icons play a
very important role. Unfortunately, sometimes a
small image is not enough to describe in detail a
function or similar, and to correct this, the system
must provide additional information on the user’s
demand. The information should be clearly dis-
played, trying to avoid long dialogue sequences.
In addition, the user should be warned, especially
when some actions may have unwanted effects.
Potentially dangerous options should be placed at
deeper menu levels (so it is not recommended to
assign a physical button to one of these options).
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
2012b), (Y
nez G
omez et al., 2014), (Motlagh
Tehrani et al., 2014), (Inostroza et al., 2013), (In-
ostroza et al., 2016) and (Qui
nones and Rusu,
ID - Name: MHU6 - Minimize User Memory
Definition: The device must provide visible ob-
jects, actions, and options to prevent users from
having to memorize information from one part of
the dialog box to another.
Explanation: Short-term human memory is limi-
ted, so the user should not be forced to remember
information from one part of the system to anot-
her. Instructions on how to use the system should
be visible or easy to obtain. When talking about
mobile devices, the limited display size puts de-
signers in a difficult position as to which interface
elements should be hidden or minimized. In this
way, it is important that confidential information
be placed in a visible position. Users should not
write text from one part of the system to another,
on these devices it is better to select and copy than
to write.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
2012b), (Y
nez G
omez et al., 2014), (Motlagh
Tehrani et al., 2014), (Inostroza et al., 2013), (In-
ostroza et al., 2016) and (Qui
nones and Rusu,
ID - Name: MHU7 - Customization and Shortcuts
Definition: The device must provide basic and
advanced settings for setting and customizing
shortcuts for frequent actions.
Explanation: Each user has their own needs and
trying to satisfy them all with a standard menu
or interface can be challenging. In this way, al-
low users to create their own shortcuts and custo-
mize most parts of the system can help. Through
access to advanced configuration options, savvy
users can improve their usability and new users
can have a deeper sense of ownership.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
2012b), (Y
nez G
omez et al., 2014), (Motlagh
Tehrani et al., 2014), (Chuan et al., 2014) and (In-
ostroza et al., 2016).
ID - Name: MHU8 - Efficiency of Use and Per-
Definition: The device must be able to load and
display information in a reasonable amount of
time and minimize the steps required to perform
a task. Animations and transitions should be dis-
played seamlessly.
Explanation: The combination of hardware fea-
tures and software needs is not always the best.
The basic software is expected to be compatible
with hardware, especially with processing capabi-
lities, to avoid black screens and long standby ti-
mes. In addition, animations, effects, and transiti-
ons should be displayed seamlessly without inter-
ruption. Another critical point is the length of the
sequence of steps to perform a task. Complex, po-
tentially dangerous, or infrequent tasks may con-
tain several steps to enhance security. Simple or
frequent tasks should be short. If the user wants to
set an alarm at 4 A.M, he does not expect a 4-step
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
2012b), (Y
nez G
omez et al., 2014), (Inostroza
et al., 2016) and (Qui
nones and Rusu, 2017).
ID - Name: MHU9 - Aesthetic and Minimalist
Definition: The device should avoid displaying
unwanted information by overloading the screen.
Explanation: For devices with an old release
date, each unit of information displayed on a
Usability Heuristics for Mobile Applications
small screen involves less performance. Desig-
ners should be careful when displaying informa-
tion across the screen. In addition, overloaded in-
terfaces can cause stress to the user.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
2012b), (Y
nez G
omez et al., 2014), (Motlagh
Tehrani et al., 2014), (Inostroza et al., 2013), (In-
ostroza et al., 2016) and (Qui
nones and Rusu,
ID - Name: MHU10 - Helping Users Recognize,
Diagnose and Recover from Errors.
Definition: The device should display error mes-
sages in a familiar language to the user, accura-
tely indicating the problem and suggesting a con-
structive solution.
Explanation: When an error occurs, the user does
not need technical details or cryptographic alert
messages. The user needs clear feedback messa-
ges in a recognized language with instructions on
how to recover from the error.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
2012b), (Y
nez G
omez et al., 2014), (Motlagh
Tehrani et al., 2014), (Chuan et al., 2014), (In-
ostroza et al., 2013), (Inostroza et al., 2016) and
nones and Rusu, 2017).
ID - Name: MHU11 - Help and Documentation
Definition: The device should provide documen-
tation that is easy to find and help, focusing on the
user’s current task and indicating concrete steps to
Explanation: The device must provide access to
detailed information about the available features
in a clear and simple way, from any part or state
of the system where the user is located. It is re-
commended that this information be included in
the device. Otherwise, the documentation must
be available on a website or in print.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
2012b), (Y
nez G
omez et al., 2014), (Motlagh
Tehrani et al., 2014), (Chuan et al., 2014), (Inos-
troza et al., 2016) and (Qui
nones and Rusu, 2017).
ID - Name: MHU12 - Pleasant and Respectful
Interaction with the User
Definition: The device must provide a pleasant
iteration with the user so that the user does not
feel uncomfortable while using the application.
Explanation: The system must complete partial
data entry in specific fields, as well as grant the
possibility of saving the data that the user inserted
in screens with many fields. The data entry fields
must match the expected data type.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Y
nez G
et al., 2014), (Chuan et al., 2014) and (Inostroza
et al., 2016).
ID - Name: MHU13 - Privacy
Definition: The device must protect the user’s
confidential data.
Explanation: The system should request the
user’s password for the modification of important
data, as well as provide information about how the
user’s personal data is protected and about copy-
right content.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Y
nez G
et al., 2014).
5.2 RQ2 What Metrics are Used to
Evaluate Usability Heuristics for
Mobile Applications?
After developing an application using the usability
heuristics listed on the Section 5.1 it should be chec-
ked whether the application contains them. The heu-
ristic evaluations used by the studies selected are
shown below:
Explanation: Specialists judge 1 to 4 as the ap-
plication: 1 for heuristic items, 2 for those that
correspond to usability gaps, 3 for heuristic items
that were not evaluable in the real life-cycle phase,
and 4 for non-usability issues to the interface.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Y
nez G
et al., 2014)
Explanation: The evaluation process came about
in the evaluators’ environment. All 6 experts
spent about 30 minutes to 45 minutes examining
the prototype. The steps in the procedure were
to identify the number of specialists, identify suit-
able evaluators, organize a consultation with the
evaluators, distribute the questionnaire to the spe-
cialists, complete the questionnaire by the eva-
luators, obtain comments to improve the design
and redesign the application based on expert com-
ments for better interactive interface.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Motlagh Tehrani
et al., 2014)
Explanation: Given a series of activities for 15
users, it was timed the time each took to complete
them. These activities were performed under dif-
ferent environmental conditions (heat, light, etc.).
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The average user time was compared to the time
a specialist took to complete the activities, if the
average user time and expert time were similar,
then this means that the application has good usa-
bility. In addition, a questionnaire with 47 ques-
tions was applied to all those involved, in which
one should note between 1 and 5 for the parame-
ters: learning ability, memorability, efficiency and
error rate.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Al-nuiam, 2015)
Explanation: Two separate groups of evaluators
inspected the device. Each group consisted of two
or three evaluators. One group used the proposed
heuristics while the other group used Nielsen.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
2013)(Inostroza et al., 2012b)
Explanation: The participants performed a heu-
ristic evaluation of the app. Then, the number of
problems by heuristics/experimental groups, the
average severity and the associated standard devi-
ation. Severity was estimated on a 0 (low) to 4
(high) scale.
Studies that Justify Its Use: (Inostroza et al.,
A total of 03 specialists performed the HE5 on an An-
droid app called Carona Phone.
The app consists in a platform which wishes to
help people who wants to request a ride to go from
a place to another, it is more used by students who
want to go from their house the university. The per-
son who will give the ride have to register his or her
information in the application, such as: name, car and
route. On the other hand, the person who wants to
request the ride have to put his or her information on
the Carona Phone. Finally, the software will show the
user who wants a ride or who can give the ride in the
specific route and time.
The specialists separately tested each one of the
features, and then, rated it. The problems were es-
timated on on a 0 (low) to 4 (high) scale. In this
way they were not influenced by the other judgments.
To do it they used the 13 mobile usability heuristics
found in this paper, this elements were the ones who
received the grade from 0 to 4. In this way they
could say which heuristics were implemented well
and which ones needed to be improved.
The Table 4 shows the severity number related to
the usability heuristics for mobile by each specialist,
the average number and the associated standard devi-
The heuristic with the best average number, clo-
sest to 0, which means few problems, was the
MH1(Visibility of system status) showing that this
heuristic was well developed by the designers of the
application. On the other hand, MH5(Error preven-
tion), MH10 (Helping users recognize, diagnose and
recover from errors) and MH13 (Privacy) evaluated
2.00, and finally, MH11 (Help and documentation)
got the highest value, 2.50, meaning that those aspects
are highly recommended to be redesigned to get a bet-
ter user experience of the application.
The case study show that the heuristic evaluations
and the usability heuristics for mobile that are shown
in this paper can help the designers to find the pro-
blems on the applications that are being developed
and fix them.
In view of the growth in smartphone production, usa-
bility is a key attribute for product quality. Usability
is also a fact that facilitates the use of the software by
the customer, which can help in the user’s loyalty.
In order to reach the final set of usability heuristics
and heuristic evaluations, 4 steps were taken to select
studies. At the end of the study selection process a
set of 13 usability heuristics were found, along with 5
possible ways of evaluating them.
The main contributions of this work is the compi-
lation of desktop usability heuristics in a new, more
specific set of heuristics adapted to the new mobile
paradigm. In addition, the study shows which heu-
ristics are currently used by researchers of usability
heuristics for smartphones. The specification of the
collected items shows that it can be used as a refe-
rence guide to help design more usable interfaces and
not just as a reactive assessment tool for existing pro-
totypes. Future work must consider this to contain
this partial result.
Another case study using these heuristics and one
of the evaluations listed may be a future work. The
proposed 13 heuristics facilitate the detection of usa-
bility errors. However, it is always possible to im-
prove usability heuristics, heuristic evaluations, and
research methodology.
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems