Prompting in Pseudonymised Learning Analytics
Implementing Learner Centric Prompts in Legacy Systems with High Privacy
Daniel Schön
and Dirk Ifenthaler
Chair of Economic and Business Education – Learning, Design and Technology,
University of Mannheim, L4,1, Mannheim, Germany
Curtin University, Bentley, Australia
Keywords: Learning Analytics, Prompting, Learner Privacy, Learner Centric.
Abstract: Learning analytics have become a well-considered aspect of modern e-learning environments. One
opportunity of learning analytics is the use of learning process data enabling lecturers to analyse students’
learning progression as well as to identify obstacles and risks. With this analytics knowledge, lecturers may
want to scaffold students’ learning activities to improve the learning progress and overcome obstacles or risks.
Prompts are known to be a possible solution for such scaffolding mechanics. However, implementing prompts
into existing legacy systems in learning environments with high data privacy concerns is quite a challenge.
This research shows how a prompting application has been implemented into an existing university
environment by adding a plugin to the local e-learning platform which injects user centric prompts to specific
objects within their e-learning environment. The prompts are dynamically loaded from a separate learning
analytics application which also collects the students’ learning trails and progress. The system is evaluated in
two courses in the fall semester 2017 with more than 400 students altogether. The system collects up to two
thousand student events per day. An in-depth empirical investigation on how various prompts influence
students’ learning behaviours and outcomes is currently conducted.
The field of learning analytics (LA) is generating
growing interest in data and computer science as well
as educational science, hence, becoming an important
aspect of modern e-learning environments (Ifenthaler
and Widanapathirana, 2014). LA are often discussed
and linked with regard to self-regulated learning. One
general assumption is that each learning process
demands a certain degree of self-regulation
(Zimmerman, 2002). How effective a learner can
regulate his or her learning depends on cognitive,
motivational, volitional, and metacognitive
dispositions (Bannert, 2009). Accordingly, self-
regulated learning can be seen as a cyclical process
including three major phases: (1) Starting with a
forethought phase including task analysis, goal
setting, planning, and motivational aspects. (2) The
actual learning occurs in the performance phase, i.e.,
focusing, applying task strategies, self-instruction,
and self-monitoring. (3) The last phase contains self-
reflection, as learners evaluate their outcomes versus
their prior set goals. To close the loop, results from
the third phase will influence future learning activities
(Zimmerman, 2002). Current findings show that self-
regulated learning capabilities, especially revision,
coherence, concentration, and goal setting are related
to students expected support of LA systems (Gašević
et. al., 2015). For example, LA facilitate students
through adaptive and personalized recommendations
to better plan their learning towards specific goals
(McLoughlin and Lee, 2010). Other findings show
that many LA systems focus on visualisations and
outline descriptive information, such as time spent
online, the progress towards the completion of a
course, comparisons with other students (Verbert et.
al., 2012). Such LA features help in terms of
monitoring. However, to plan upcoming learning
activities or to adapt current strategies, further
recommendations based on dispositions of students,
previous learning behaviour, self-assessment results,
and learning goals are important (McLoughlin and
Lee, 2010). In sum, students may benefit from LA
Schön, D. and Ifenthaler, D.
Prompting in Pseudonymised Learning Analytics.
DOI: 10.5220/0006780903830389
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 383-389
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
through personalised support of their learning
One of the features with a high impact potential
on this personalized support are prompts. Prompts are
ad hoc messages, which provide or request
individualized information from the students. They
can be used to offer hints to the current learning
material, to trigger students’ self-reflection on their
learning process or to request student-specific
information. At best, prompts are directly injected
into the students’ learning environment. Prompts are
effective means for supporting self-regulated learning
(Bannert, 2009). They are an essential instructional
method for aiding certain aspects which are needed
for self-regulated learning. Prompts support learners
in activating their metacognitive strategies. These
strategies make self-regulation, self-monitoring and
evaluation possible (Ifenthaler, 2012; Veenman,
Davis (2003) investigated when (before, during or
after the actual learning process) a prompt should be
presented to the learner in order to achieve the best
learning outcome. Accordingly, prompting depends
on what the prompt is aiming at. If the aim is to
promote the planning of the learning procedures, a
presentation before the learning task is advisable. By
contrast, prompting during the learning process is
appropriate, when the learner is to be induced to
monitor and evaluate learning procedures (Davis,
However, implementing prompts into existing
legacy systems in learning environments with high
data privacy concerns is quite a challenge. This
research shows how a prompting application has been
implemented into such an existing university
environment by adding a plugin to the local e-
learning platform which injects user centric prompts
to specific objects within students’ e-learning
In this paper, we describe the concept and
implementation of the LeAP (Learning Analytics
Profile) application including flexible prompting and
present preliminary findings of the data we are able
to generate.
2.1 General Concept
The main idea of the LeAP application was to provide
a system which can easily be embedded into the
existing legacy environment of the university and is
easy to maintain and to upgrade in future. Therefore,
it had to fit into the world of legacy systems while
simultaneously generate few dependencies to the
other established applications.
We therefore decided to split the solution into as
many different modules as necessary. These modules
communicate with each other via a RESTful API and
can easily be improved or replaced without affecting
the rest of the solution. LeAP can be divided into
three types of components. The main part is the core
module which holds the largest part of the business
logic and deals with the connection to the database. It
consists of several sub-modules which are quite
independent of each other. Each of these modules
provide a separate API to the other components.
The second type of component are the plugins for
the existing legacy applications. At the beginning,
this is mainly the university’s e-learning platform
ILIAS (Integriertes Lern-, Informations- und
Arbeitskooperations-System). As a further
development, the integration into the campus
management system and further applications like
email or the university library are planned. The first
plugin was embedded into the web appearance of the
e-learning platform. It gathers the system-specific
user data and sends them to the LeAP-core
application. In addition, the plugin checks the
availability of prompts for the current user, injects the
prompt into the web page and deals with the prompt’s
Figure 1: General concept of the LeAP solution.
The third type of component are stand-alone web
applications. At the current stage of the project, this
only includes the administration web interface. It is a
stand-alone web application, written with the
Angular.js library which communicates with the core
application via a separate administration API as
shown in Figure 1.
2.2 Data Privacy Issues
One of our main concerns was the handling of data
privacy issues. As almost every LA feature collects
and processes user data by default, it was inevitable
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
to consider this topic, particularly in regard of the
country’s data privacy act. We decided to work within
the running, productive environment of our university
as soon as possible. Therefore, we were able to collect
real data and were not biased by an experimental
setting. But convincing the university’s IT
department to set up our solution within their running
environment required additional security and privacy
arrangements. Such issues have been documented in
recent publications regarding ethical issues and
dilemmas in LA (Slade and Prinsloo, 2013; Pardo and
Siemens, 2014; Ifenthaler and Schumacher, 2016).
As shown in Figure 2, we decided to use a
pseudonymisation in two steps. Wherever we are in
direct touch with the students’ activities, we use a 32-
bit hash value as an identifier. All tracking events and
prompting requests use this hash value to
communicate with the LeAP core application. The
LeAP core API then takes this hash, enriches it with
a secret phrase (a so-called pepper) and hashes it
again. The doubled hash is then stored within the
core’s database. As a result, we can match new
student generated data to already existing data but are
not able to directly trace back a specific student by a
given date within the database.
Figure 2: Concept of the encryption of student’s identity.
Another benefit of the cooperation with the
university’s administration is that we do not need to
collect demographic student data, as we can catch
hold of them from the university’s administration
afterwards. We are able to receive this data
pseudonymised in the same way, so it can be matched
with the rest of our collected data.
Upon completion of the current project phase, we
will be able to combine the tracking data, the
prompting feedbacks, the students’ grades, and
demographic data for a full-featured analysis without
need to have access to this personal data during the
data collection phase.
2.3 LeAP Core
The LeAP core component is developed in Java and
deployed as a Spring-Boot application. Spring-Boot
applications are Java systems which use the spring-
web-framework and are deployed with an integrated
web application server. Therefore, they can be started
as a separate process without the need of an extra web
application server like Tomat or Glassfish. In fact, a
Tomcat, Undertow or Jetty web server is embedded
directly into the executable java file when building
the application (Spring Boot Project, 2017).
The structure of the core component is built upon
several disjoint modules as shown in Figure 3. These
modules offer a separate API to one of the other
component types outside of the core. This
independence of the modules ensures an easy
maintenance and improvement of individual modules
without interfering with each other.
Figure 3: Technical structure of the LeAP core architecture.
The application’s core part offers a few
functionalities which can be used by all modules. The
core mainly consists of universally available data
objects and database functionality. Beneath the data
objects are students, courses, resources, and events.
In contrast, prompts are not part of the core and are
organised within a separate module.
Prompting in Pseudonymised Learning Analytics
Data stored in the application is categorised into
two types. The first type are resource data like courses
and objects. These are stored with an obvious external
relation to the object within the source system. For
example, reading materials are stored with an external
id, which is similar to the id given to the file within
the e-learning platform.
The second type of data are individual-related.
Beneath these are the students themselves and events
which can be assigned to them. These dates have no
obvious relation to an external object. They are
identified by an individual hash value which is built
upon the student’s university account and additional
secret as described before. This data is not completely
anonymous but it ensures a certain amount of privacy
through this pseudonymity. Thereby, new user
generated data can be connected to a specific hash,
however, the user cannot directly be identified by this
hash. Data like name, gender, or age are not stored
within the LeAP core as they can be gathered from
the university’s administration later on.
For the projects pilot phase, we only use one
instance of the core component which is responsible
for the connection to the database and handles all data
streams which occur in the current learning analytics
environment. But the concept is oriented to duplicate
this core component to spread data load and to
approach a variety of security requirements. We
operate one API at 24/7 which accepts the incoming
tracking events and simultaneously operates an API
for the lecturer’s administration interface which can
easily be taken down for steady improvements.
2.4 Plugin for e-Learning Platform
The student’s first point of contact with the LeAP
system is the learning management system. We
developed a plugin for our local learning management
system ILIAS which coordinates the tracking and
prompting within this system and allows students to
choose their current tracking status.
The plugin is written as an UserInterfaceHook
which adds a new function to the visible layout of
ILIAS. The functionality can be enabled for a specific
course, which allows the students to see a new tab
‘LA-Profile’ for setting their personal tracking status.
These status are ‘active’, ‘inactive’, and
‘anonymous’. While in status ‘inactive’, no data is
tracked. In status ‘active’, the data is allocated to the
described, individual, pseudonymous hash. Whereas
in status ‘anonymous’, the data is tracked, but not
allocated to a personalized id.
As depicted in Figure 5, additional JavaScript
libraries for tracking and prompting, are dynamically
embedded during the rendering phase of the page.
This new code is augmented with tracking and user
information and handles the communication with the
LeAP core application.
Figure 4: LeAP student privacy features.
Thus, the tracking and prompting features almost
completely run within the user’s web browser and do
not interfere with the ILIAS system.
Figure 5: LeAP plugin figure for injection.
As ILIAS is written in PHP, the plugin is also
written in PHP. The tracking and prompting libraries
are asynchronous JavaScript.
2.5 Prompts
Beside the pseudonymous and anonymous tracking of
the students’ activities, prompting is currently the
second main feature of the LeAP project. Tracking
allows us to identify individuals, which should
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
receive personalised prompts. For example, students
who over- or underuse some of the learning features
or materials. But prompts can also be given to a
complete course. Prompts are always person and
location-related. We can put a prompt for every
student at the start location of the course, or position
a prompt for an individual student to a specific
learning material. The prompt is then fired when the
student hits that location. But whereas the location is
identified by an obvious identifier, persons are only
visible in their hash value representation. No personal
data like the name of the persons are available within
the prompting functionality. Students can only be
chosen by their course membership and activities.
When a prompt is fired it is displayed as a small
message window in an overlay above the active page
as shown in Figure 6. The underlying page is greyed
out and cannot be used as long as the prompt is
visible. The prompt can consist of a static information
message, a question with a text input possibility, a
question with a five-point Likert answer possibility, a
checkbox, or a combination of these. In addition, we
can present a link to a research questionnaire which
dynamically adds the student’s personal hash value.
Thereby, we are able to collect data for accompanying
research without collecting the student’s personal
data or forcing them to reuse a given token. The
various questionnaires are all brought together by the
hash, which remains constant.
Figure 6: Prompt example of a five-point Likert question.
Beside student and location, prompts can also be
executed at a given time and for a given duration.
Prompts can therefore be active for a few hours or
several weeks. Multiple, different prompts can be
active at the same time for several students.
3.1 Tracking Data
The system is now running reliably for two months,
since the start of the fall semester. It is activated in
two courses with approximately N = 400 students.
One course is in the field of economic education, the
other in the field of computer sciences. We collected
more than 120,000 events and tracked the usage of
over 200 learning resources. The underlying
technology stack works flawless. The collected data
is reliable and satisfies the requirements for later
3.2 Prompts
During the fall semester, we performed nine prompts
in the productive learning environment. Each prompt
lasted for one week. We prompted between 150 and
250 students and received response rates between
11% and 64%. The handling of the prompting tool is
flawless. The pilot lecturers had no difficulties to
create, manage, and submit their prompts. The
prompts have been widely accepted and we received
no information about noticeable difficulties.
Additional survey data is currently analysed which
investigates the students’ perception toward learning
support of the prompts.
3.3 Data Privacy
The default tracking for students’ data at the
beginning of the semester is set to ‘anonymous’. The
students are free to change this to ‘active’ or
‘inactive’ at every point in time. We informed them
several times about the functionality and options.
Indeed, we informed them, that it is an active research
project and would be happy to have as much
participants as possible. But we also guaranteed, that
we are not able to identify the individuals until the
end of the semester and therefore it could not have an
influence on their grading or future studies.
After three weeks, we had 65 active students, 4
inactive students and 348 anonymous students.
4.1 Data Privacy
As we are seeking to provide a full learner centric
system in the future, our approach starts with the
Prompting in Pseudonymised Learning Analytics
learners’ decision to provide their learning progress
data. The solution with using a MD5 hash value of the
students’ university accounts at the front and a
doubled hashed value in the core application ensures
a satisfying amount of privacy for the projects pilot
phase (Slade and Prinsloo, 2013; Pardo and Siemens,
2014). We are able to compute an anonymous,
complete, coherent dataset at the end of the semester,
without the need to store critical, personal data during
the semester.
But as a MD5 hash is not unique, it exists a
minuscule possibility to dilute our dataset. In theory,
two different university accounts could be hashed to
the same value. The current system would not be able
to separate them. Nonetheless, this probability is quite
low. The hashing and merging of the different data
sources is therefore a topic of current research in our
The students appreciate the option to include or
exclude themselves from the data tracking but mostly
ignore this possibility and stay in status ‘anonym’. To
what extend this is based on an active decision or
passive laziness is a topic of further investigation and
is depended on their individual privacy calculus for
disclosing personal data (Ifenthaler and Schumacher,
4.2 Impact of Prompts on the Learning
As this part of the project started just at the beginning
of the fall semester 2017, we are not yet able to
provide convincing insights regarding the impact on
the students’ learning progresses. We are currently
performing a research study, whose results will be
available at the end of the semester. Beside the
prompts within the productive learning environment,
we set up a dedicated copy of the university’s learning
platform and used this laboratory system to
investigate the impact of different prompting types on
the students learning progress under laboratory
conditions with various sample groups. The first
insights might be presented at the conference.
We implemented a tracking and prompting solution
into the existing e-learning infrastructure of our
university by injecting the respective functionality
through separate JavaScript libraries into the legacy
systems. By tracking the students via a
pseudonymous hash, we are able to collect students’
data throughout various systems without the necessity
to collect further personal data (Pardo and Siemens,
2014). We are further able to merge this data with
other university known data like demographic data
and grades at the end of the semester into a complete,
anonymous dataset for further investigation.
The solution is used to perform various
educational research studies, focussing on effects of
prompting for self-regulated learning (Bannert,
2009). We are further planning to extend the various
LA features. The next step is the extension of the
students’ direct feedback. The students will get a
more transparent feedback on the amount and type of
data which was collected and how this data can be
allocated to their current learning processes.
Furthermore, we will steadily improve the application
and plan to extend the area of research to more
courses in the following semester.
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Prompting in Pseudonymised Learning Analytics