Exploring Big Data Clustering Algorithms for Internet of Things
Hind Bangui
, Mouzhi Ge
and Barbora Buhnova
Institute of Computer Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
FSTG, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco
Keywords: Big Data, Internet of Things, Clustering Algorithm, Machine Learning, Mobile Networks.
Abstract: With the rapid development of the Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data technologies have emerged
as a key data analytics tool in IoT, in which, data clustering algorithms are considered as an essential
component for data analysis. However, there has been limited research that addresses the challenges across
Big Data and IoT and thus proposing a research agenda is important to clarify the research challenges for
clustering Big Data in the context of IoT. By tackling this specific aspect - clustering algorithm in Big Data,
this paper examines on Big Data technologies, related data clustering algorithms and possible usages in IoT.
Based on our review, this paper identifies a set of research challenges that can be used as a research agenda
for the Big Data clustering research. This research agenda aims at identifying and bridging the research gaps
between Big Data clustering algorithms and IoT.
Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most promising
technologies in the current epoch. IoT is
characterized by using smart and self-configuring
objects that can interact with each other via global
network infrastructure. Therefore, these interactions
between large amounts of heterogeneous objects
represent IoT as a disruptive technology that enables
ubiquitous and pervasive computing applications
(Van Kranenburg 2008). Accordingly, a wide range
of industrial IoT applications (Da et al., 2014) have
been developed and deployed in different domains
such as transportation systems, agriculture, food
processing industry, health monitoring systems,
environmental monitoring, and security surveillance.
Since IoT connects the sensors and other devices
to the Internet, it plays an important role to support
the development of smart services. In other words, the
dynamic things collect different kinds of information
from the real-world environment. Thus, the extracted
relevant information from IoT data can be used to
improve and enrich our daily life with context-aware
applications, which can for example display contents
related to the current situation of users (Dey, 2001).
It can thus identify the data relevant to an object based
on the object’s contextual information. IoT is an
important source of contextual data with a large
vomue and fast velocity that is considered as typical
characristics of Big Data.
Big Data is definded according to three
fundamental elements, which are volume (size of
data), variety (different types of data from several
sources) and velocity (data collected in real time).
Moreover, other research work introduced additional
characteristics to the 3V’s model such as (Manogaran
et al., 2017) that presented further aspects: value
(benefits to various industrial and academic fields),
veracity (uncertainty of data), validity (correct
processing of the data), variability (context of data),
viscosity (latency data transmission between the
source and destination), virality (speed of the data
send and receives from various sources) and
visualization (interpretation of data is more
concerned and identification of the most relevant
information for the users). Despite the existence of
additional characteristics of Big Data, the 3V’s model
sets the basis of the Big Data concept (Kitchin, 2017).
The fusion of Big Data and IoT technologies has
created opportunities for the development of services
for smart environments like smart cities. There have
been thus several Big Data technologies available to
support the processing of large volume of IoT data
Bangui, H., Ge, M. and Buhnova, B.
Exploring Big Data Clustering Algorithms for Internet of Things Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0006773402690276
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2018), pages 269-276
ISBN: 978-989-758-296-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
such as Big Data analytics (Chen et al., 2016), which
have emerged as a need to process the data collected
from different sources in the smart environment.
However, the advancement of IoT is increasingly
producing vast amount and different types of data,
especially after the appearance of the emerging 5G
(Mavromoustakis et al., 2016). At the same time, Big
Data and its technologies have opened new
oppotunities for industries and academics to develop
new IoT solutions. Therefore , the fusion of Big Data
and IoT, as well as the highly dynamic evolution of
the two domains, creates new research challenges,
which have so far not been recognized and addressed
by the research community.
This paper tackles a specific and important aspect
of the Big Data, clustering algorithms in Big Data, as
clustering is a critical operation for Big Data
processing and analytics. We have reviewed the
advantages and disadvantages of clustering
algorithms, which indicate that clustering is one of the
key factors to supply the fusion of Big Data, cloud
computing, mobile environment and IoT
technologies. The contributions of the paper are two-
fold: we have reviewed the clustering algorithms in
Big Data and illustrated how clustering algorithms in
Big Data can be used in IoT. Based on the review, we
have proposed a set of research challenges to clarify
the research gaps between Big Data and IoT.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 carries out a literature review on
clustering algorithms in Big Data, which includes
algorithm characteristics and classification. Based on
the review, Section 3 presents the major challenges
and opportunities related to the fusion of IoT, cloud
computing, mobile environment and Big Data
technologies in the 5G networks. Finally, section 4
concludes the work and outlines future research.
Clustering algorithms have emerged as a pre-
processing tool to learn and analyze the Big Data
(Fahad et al., 2014). The goal of clustering algorithms
is to group the data in the same cluster based on
certain similarity metrics. There already exists a
number of clustering algorithms, as well as studies
that discuss their advantages and drawbacks
(Shirkhorshidi et al., 2014). As (Fahad et al., 2014)
indicated, clustering algorithms are currently
evolving to meet different Big Data challenges. This
section therefore reviews different clustering
algorithms for Big Data, which can possibly be used
in IoT. Although some studies also proposed
promising flexible parallel programming models that
can support parallel clustering algorithms for
handling Big Data (Mohebi et al., 2016), reviewing
the parallel clustering algorithms based on
MapReduce is not in the scope of this paper.
Clustering is an essential data mining used as a
Big Data analytics method. The principle of this
technique is to create groups or subsets that contain
the objects with similar characteristic features
(Havens et al., 2013). Consequently, the cluster
analysis makes data manipulation simple by finding
structure in data and classifying each object according
to its nature. Besides, it is divided into two categories:
single machine clustering techniques, which use
resources of just one single machine, and multiple
machine clustering techniques, which run in several
machines and have access to more resources. In this
section we try to categorize the majority of available
clustering algorithms according to their applicability
in Big Data as follows:
Hierarchical algorithm: The goal of hierarchical
clustering is to build a hierarchical tree to show the
relation of clusters in two different manners, which
are agglomerative method and divisive method
(Pandove and Goel, 2015). Agglomerative method
starts with one-point (singleton) clusters and
recursively adds two or more appropriate clusters
until it achieves a K number of clusters. On the other
hand, divisive method divides the data to a single
cluster, which contains all data objects, into smaller
appropriate clusters until a stopping criterion is
Partitional algorithm: Unlike the hierarchical
clustering algorithms that impose a hierarchical
structure, the partitional algorithms find all the
clusters simultaneously as an initial partition of the
data. Then the objects are assigned to the similar
cluster center based on specific criteria (Nguyen et al.
2013, Lin et al. 2011, Al-Madi et al. 2014).
Density-based algorithm: The main of using these
techniques is to discover clusters of different shapes
and sizes from large datasets, where each cluster is
represented by a maximal set of density-connected
objects, which are split based on the region of density,
connectivity and boundary (Amini et al. 2014, Guo et
al. 2015). Due to high computational complexity, this
kind of methods is able to improve further the
communication cost.
Centroid-based clustering algorithm: The general
idea of this technique is that each cluster is
represented by an object (medoid), which is the most
centrally located in a cluster (Srirama et al. 2012, Ng
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
and Han 2002). Moreover, the centroid-based
algorithms reduce all comparisons between objects
and clusters into simple comparisons between objects
and the medoids of the clusters.
Single-linkage hierarchical algorithm: In general,
a single-linkage algorithm is one of several methods
of hierarchical clustering, it aims to reduce
computational complexity by combining two
different cluster based on the distance between the
closest two objects (Goyal et al. 2016, Rafailidis and
Manolopoulos 2017). However, it can produce
chaining effect if the clusters are much farther from
each other than to objects of other.
Grid-based algorithm: The data space is
partitioned into a finite number of grids and a cluster
is represented by a region that has a maximal set of
density points (Wang et al., 1997). The number of
grids is smaller than the number of instances.
Consequently, in the partitioning stage of this kind of
methods, the grids could produce good results in
terms of clustering time.
Similarity-based clustering algorithm: The main
idea of this practical technique is to measure the
similarity of two objects and determine if they are
similar or dissimilar (Fahad et al. 2014, Shirkhorshidi
et al. 2014). Based on the degree of similarity, similar
objects are stored in the same cluster and dissimilar
objects are in different clusters. However, this
algorithm is incapable of dealing with massive data
Co-clustering algorithm: Unlike to the traditional
clustering algorithms that contain a similar subset of
the rows across all columns, co-clustering algorithm
correlates the subsets of rows with only a subset of its
columns (Liu et al. 2014). However, it is not practical
to apply on large data set.
Within the state of the art, works exist that survey
clustering algorithms to determine the best
performing for Big Data (Fahad et al., 2014, Berkhin
2006). K-means is one of the most used clustering
algorithms in Big Data (Nguyen et al., 2013). It is a
partitioned clustering algorithm that takes K as initial
cluster centers (input parameter). Next, it partitions a
set of n objects into K clusters. Then it determines
cluster similarity or cluster center according to the
mean value of the objects in the cluster. Based on the
distance between the object and the cluster center, it
assigns each object to the cluster to which it is the
most similar. Finally, it calculates the new mean for
each cluster. Cop-k-means (Lin et al., 2011) is a
modified version of k-means, where two pairwise of
constraints, namely, Must-link (ML) and Cannot-link
(CL), are added to avoid computational dependencies
between Mappers. Consequently, the assignment of
objects to clusters is order-sensitive. PSO (Al-Madi et
al. 2014) solves the sensitivity problem of k-means on
initial cluster center by executing three MapReduce
jobs, where the first job generates new particle
centroids, the second job uses the fitness function to
evaluate the new particle centroids, which are
generated in the first module. Finally, the third job
merges the fitness values that are the outputs of the
first and second modules.
PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) is another
clustering approach that belongs to centroid-based
clustering (Srirama et al., 2012). It chooses k random
objects as the initial medoids. Then it calculates the
distance between each object (non-medoid) and k
medoids in order to assign each object to the cluster
with the closest medoid. In contrast to PAM, CLARA
(Clustering Large Application) (Ng and Han 2002,
Srirama et al. 2012), which is an improvement of
PAM algorithm, focuses to cluster small random
subsets of the dataset. So, the whole iteration is
reduced into two MapReduce jobs: The first job
calculates random subsets and the second measures
the quality. As a result, it achieves minimal job
latency because the input data is only loaded twice.
Thanks to the similarity that measures the coherence
of the objects and selects automatically the similar
subsets, co-clustering algorithm based on
MapReduce has proved its efficiency and reliability
in many domains such as the improvement of cancer
subtype identification (Liu et al., 2014). Many works
focus on running DBSCAN (density-based spatial
clustering of applications with noise) algorithm in
MapReduce such as (Amini et al., 2014). The general
idea of DBSCAN is to overcome the effect of noise
and discover clusters of arbitrary shape. To do that,
the objects are split based on the region of density,
connectivity and boundary. Next, a cluster is formed
by a maximal set of density-connected objects that are
maximal density reachable. Then the algorithm uses
a pioneer density based clustering algorithm to detect
arbitrarily shaped clusters. However, a lot of I/O
overhead is produced due to the need to detect each
object to determine whether it is the core object.
Besides, it performs poorly if the clusters having
different densities. SCAN (Structural Clustering
Algorithm for Networks) (Guo et al., 2015) is an
extension of DBSCAN approach for large networks.
The advantage of this algorithm is to identify the
activated vertices as new members of the cluster to
handle big networks with millions of vertices.
STING (Statistical Information Grid-based
method) (Wang et al., 1997) is one of the
representative clustering algorithms based on grid,
which clusters spatial data. Similar to the clustering
Exploring Big Data Clustering Algorithms for Internet of Things Applications
properties of index structures, the spatial area is
divided independently into rectangular grid cells at
different levels and each cell at level is partitioned
into k number of cells at the next level, which forms
a hierarchical structure that processes the statistics
information stored in grid units. To achieve more
preference in distributed environment, STING
algorithm is implemented using MapReduce and
Hadoop (Li et al., 2017). However, the clustering
algorithms based on grid are greatly sensitive to the
high granularity of grid, which can decrease the
quality of clustering as well as the clustering
accuracy. Due to the advantages of grid paradigm, the
popular single linkage hierarchical clustering
algorithm (SLINK) is combined with the grid to
produce GridSLINK (Goyal et al., 2016) that aims to
reduce the number of distance calculations required
Unlike the traditional methods that consider the
similarity values from instances to k centers, spectral
algorithm (Rafailidis and Manolopoulos, 2017) is
able to detect complex nonlinear structures, and select
clusters based on pairwise similarities of data
instances. However, it requires considerable memory
and computational time when the size of a data
instances is large.
Another clustering algorithm is called CURE
(Clustering Using REpresentative) (Pandove and
Goel, 2015), which is a hierarchical clustering
algorithm. The general idea around this algorithm is
to present each cluster by fixed number of well
scattered data points in order to determine general
shapes. Moreover, it aims at reducing the dimension
of the input data matrix by transforming it into a lower
dimensional space. As a result, the effect of outliers
and noise in this reduced space are reduced. To
improve further its efficiency for Big Data, the
algorithm is implemented over distributed
environment using MapReduce and Hadoop.
Despite the advantages of the clustering
algorithms mentioned above, the extraction of useful
information out of massive amount of data and
process them in less time has become a crucial
operation for the existing clustering algorithms,
which use non-iterative parallel programming models
that require re-clustering each time new object is
generated. Yet, we need to face the challenges
associated with map and reducer programming
paradigm notably MapReduce, which is considered as
the most programing model adapted from clustering
algorithms (Table I) and used generally in Big Data
Clustering algorithm is one of the important Big
Data analytics methods that are used to extract useful
information from data (Sreenivasulu et al., 2017).
Moreover, the extraction of data is the most crucial
process in Big Data. The main goal of Big Data is to
produce efficient knowledge for real-world
applications, which use extracted information to learn
more from the previous experiences. As a result, the
smart technologies, like IoT devices, have the
opportunity to know or predict the real users’ needs.
However, we need to understand more the integration
of Big Data with other promising technologies, such
as IoT applications, smart cities, and so on.
Table 1: Clustering algorithms based on mapreduce.
Paper Clustering
(Nguyen et al., 2013) K-means
(Lin et al., 2011) Cop-k-means
(Al-Madi et al., 2014) PSO
(Srirama et al., 2012) PAM
(Ng and Han, 2002) CLARA
(Amini et al., 2014) DBSCAN
(Guo et al., 2015) SCAN
(Goyal et al., 2016) GridSLINK
(Rafailidis and
Manolopoulos, 2017)
(Liu et al., 2014) Co-clustering Co-clustering
(Pandove and Goel,
CURE Hierarchical
(Wang et al., 1997) STING Grid-based
Based on the review of Big Data technologies and
related clustering algorithms, we found that there is a
set of research challenges that are worth to further
investigate when linking Big Data clustering and IoT.
It is hence valuable to develop a research agenda that
contains possible research topics and questions to be
addressed in the future. In order to connect IoT and
clustering algorihtms in Big Data, we have initated
the investigation from the direction of IoT data
features. IoT data have certain specifics indicating
that certain clustering algorithms can be expected to
yield higher analytical effectiveness and efficiency.
The key common characteristics of IoT data are as
Homogeneity in heterogeneity: Although there
is an enormously large number of data sources
in a typical IoT network (sensor devices) with
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
different types of IoT devices, there are many
instances of each type (for instance many
unified temperature sensors, smart utility
Size of the data records: The data records
produced by IoT devices are typically very
small and well structured.
Time series format: The data records are
typically produced in fixed time intervals and
delivered in time series, which is a
characteristic that can ease the analysis.
Low data quality given by device reliability:
There is often low pressure on the reliability of
the devices, because the number of them is very
high (it is beneficial to have many cheap
sensors instead of a few expensive sensors), but
with high pressure on elaborated techniques to
combine the data from different devices that in
a way substitute each other (e.g. missing
information is deduced from neighbouring
High security risks: Each device might become
a security vulnerability, hence all analytical
methods should be robust against injected data
by attackers (suspicious data should be
continuously evaluated and not be considered
in the analysis).
Dynamism: It is a common characteristic of IoT
networks that IoT devices dynamically join and
leave the network.
The critical research question in this respect is how to
optimize data clustering and analysis to take
advantage of the characteristics of IoT data.
Furthermore, IoT technologies have been
incorporated into various important domains in our
life. Thus, IoT domains refer to the IoT techniques
that are applied in certain context such healthcare IoT
or transportation IoT. Dierent IoT domains share a
set of common features but the the same time possess
domain-specific variations. For example, most of the
IoT domains emphasize the data collection,
monitoring, sharing, automation, control and
collaboration. Also, their datasets usually consist of
relatively homogeneous data records e.g. from
sensors and other IoT devices, which are often in a
time series. However, healthcare or military IoT may
acquire more precision or security and tranpotation or
smart city IoT may have a relatively loose quality
standard to the data.
3.1 Clustering Algorithms in Big IoT
Most of the IoT applications are based on the vision
of connecting different objects to each other and
analyze the generated IoT data in real-time. In this
dynamic IoT context, the clustering algorithms are
used to ensure the reliability of the IoT distributed
applications. For example, in (Fredj et al., 2013), a
hierarchical agglomerative clustering technique has
been descripted to provisione a scalable search for
constructing routing tables which perform request
matching and forwarding.
The data from IoT devices are possibly generated
from different sources such as sensors or mobile
devices (Hossain et al., 2017). These data, termed as
Big IoT Data in this paper, are with large volume,
fast-moving and usually unstructured e.g. image data
or stream data. The Big Data analytics mainly aims to
firstly classify the Big Data, then mine the patterns
and finally produce predictions. For example, in a
city, there can be real-time traffic image data from
various IoT devices such as road surveillance,
satellite photos and traffic sensors etc. In order to
analyze the real-time density of the cars, the traffic
image data from different sources need to be firstly
clustered and then processed for further analysis.
However, for data clustering, the road surveillance
images data and stream traffic sensor data are
considered as one IoT data input but with different
data structures. Maybe the combination of the
clustering with other methods, like fuzzy, could
improve further the functionality of clustering
methods (D’Urso et al., 2017). However, the
treatment of multi-structured data is still a big lack of
clustering algorithms that based on an unsupervised
process of classification of data into clusters.
Due to the large volume, complexity, variety, and
rapid generation of IoT data that create an important
opportunity in our daily life, new tremendous
challenges have been raised for researchers to design
new scalable and efficient clustering methods that are
able to supervise or semi-supervise input data,
classify multi-structured data, detect noisy data, and
extract valuable information from different IoT data
sources. We therefore tackle this critical problem by
firstly reviewing the clustering algorithms in Big
Data. Given the nature of the Big IoT Data, we have
proposed the following research questions.
How to effectively select the clustering
algorithms for Big IoT Data?
Exploring Big Data Clustering Algorithms for Internet of Things Applications
How to dynamically select the most suitable
algorithm to cluster the Big IoT Data in a
timely manner?
How to cluster the different types of Big IoT
Data that represent the same or similar
How to choose the proper Big Data
technologies such as MapReduce frameworks
to perform the clustering algorithm for Big IoT
3.2 Dynamics of IoT Systems
There is high dynamics in IoT systems, especially for
the mobile IoT system, where the mobile devices can
be considered as a highly dynamic IoT end point. For
example the IoT devices may spontanously join or
leave the networks due to the mobility. In fact,
mobile devices are sensors devices that are able to
sense, process and generate large amount of real
world data. Then the collected contextual information
is analyzed, interpreted and utilized to make decision
in different areas i.e. business intelligence [46].
Nowadays, most persons are surrounded by multiple
mobile devices that can provide several services to
the end-user at any time and place. Due to the
increasing impact of mobile devices on people’s
habitudes, mobile devices have therefore become a
major part of the IoT paradigm (Ahmed and Rehmani,
Furthermore, the characteristics of mobile
devices, notably mobility, enhance further the
integration of mobile devices in IoT by offering a
wide range of promising innovations, which will
dramatically make the data more valuable for several
domains in the forthcoming years, such as education,
healthcare, smart homes, smart cities, and so on.
However, the mobile Big Data require dynamic
analysis techniques for ensuring the usability of data.
Yet, the clustering algorithms could be thought of as
a key to solve this challenge, such as the application
of K-Medoids clustering in (Dash et al., 2012), where
the algorithm has been used as a way of facilitating
privacy for organized data in mobile cloud
Our review found that there is an essential need
for new techniques related to different aspects of
testing and quality evaluation of mobile Big Data.
Accordingly, the success of mobile Big Data leads to
these relevant research questions.
How to use context-aware, location-aware and
users’ experience to test and evaluate the
compatibility and adaptability of data?
How could mobile structured and unstructured
data be used effectively?
What are the issues facing organizations trying
to take the benefits of mobile Big Data?
What are the limitations of the existing
analytical methods, especially clustering
models, to process mobile Big Data? And what
are the new methods in response to these
What are the best practices and strategies that
the organization need to adopt for Big Data
3.3 The Role of Networking in IoT
The increasing number of IoT devices, including
mobile devices, has increased the amount of data
exponentially. As a result, the 5th generation mobile
network (5G), which is expected to be operational by
2020, has become a key success factor to support
various types of emerging IoT applications with
strengthened quality of service (Jiang and Liu, 2017).
To achieve more efficient communication between
IoT sensors in 5G. The clustering techniques have
been used (Xu et al., 2017). However, the 5G must be
more smart and flexible to guarantee the quality of
their services for the end users as well as for the smart
environments. In other words, the 5G has to learn
from known and unknown data in order to achieve
their goals, which are share data everywhere, every
time, by everyone and everything for the benefits of
several domains such as healthcare, business, and so
on. Yet, the advancement of 5G networks conducts to
these relevant research questions.
How could the 5G and other modern networks
handle the real-time and online mobile-data
What are the most important factors that need
to be taken into consideration when designing
and evaluating solutions for Big Data and IoT
technologies in 5G and other modern mobile
communication systems?
What is the impact of machine learning in 5G
mobile information systems? And how could
data mining supply the advancement of 5G
mobile information systems?
3.4 Machine Learning Applications to
Support IoT
Since machine learning techniques, such as
supervised and unsupervised learning, tend to classify
and cluster the data, thus, different machine learning
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
models may bring insightful results for IoT data
analytics. In general, machine learning is an
interdisciplinary approach in building mathematical
methodologies that are ideally suited to the task of
extracting knowledge from Big Data and make data-
driven predictions and decisions. It can be defined as:
“a field of study that gives computers the ability to
learn without being explicitly programmed” (El Naqa
and Murphy 2015). In other words, the goal of
machine learning is to develop algorithms that can be
self-programmed to solve new problems by using
previous known data rather than directly
programming new solutions. In the IoT context, the
machine learning techniques have been linked to
clustering algorithms for deep learning because the
clustering concept is an unsupervised process of
classification of data into groups. For example, in
(Akbar et al., 2015), the machine learning methods
have been used to analyze automatically the IoT data
based on real-time rules. Meanwhile, the integration
between Big Data and mobile Internet can produce
positive impacts in the machine learning field by
providing more real world examples to forecast the
future activities and investments.
We found that it is valueable to develop new
technologies, methods and algorithms for this
explosive increase of big masses of mobile IoT data
that need more real-time analysis which challenges
the existing traditional analytic tools as well as the
existing machine learning algorithms. Therefore,
we identified the following research questions
associated with the machine learning applications
with support of mobility patterns.
How could machine learning applications
improve the existing clustering models for self-
mobile-IoT applications?
How could machine learning optimize mobile
Big Data as a service and analytics as a service
for the IoT?
What are the best strategies to process the
mobile Big Data and extract the most useful
In this paper, we have conducted a survey on Big Data
technologies and clustering algorithms, in which we
have specified the pros and cons of each algorithm in
the Big Data context. We have further related our
review to the research of IoT and discussed the
relations between Big Data, clustering algorithms and
IoT. Based on the review, we have proposed a set of
research challenges that address the emerging
research topics and research questions on the data
clustering in IoT, dynamics of Big Data application in
IoT, the role of networking in IoT, as well as the
machine learning applications.
The research challenges can be considered as a
research agenda to guide the future research across
Big Data and IoT communities. Specifically, this
paper has emphasized the importance of clustering
algorithms in Big IoT Data and brings attention and
possible applications of the Big Data clustering
algorithms for IoT. As future work, we plan to further
investigate the relations between the communities of
Big Data and IoT. We will analyze which Big Data
technologies can be effectively used in which IoT
context. Also, we plan to investigate data features
from IoT and connect them with features in Big Data,
which can facilitate Big Data applications in IoT.
The work was supported from European Regional
Development Fund Project "CERIT Scientific Cloud"
(No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001802).
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IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security