Anomalies Correlation for Risk-Aware Access Control Enhancement
Pierrette Annie Evina, Faten Labbene Ayachi, Faouzi Jaidi and Adel Bouhoula
Higher School of Communications of Tunis (Sup'com), University of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia
Keywords: Anomalies, Correlation, Access Control Policy, Database, Risk Management.
Abstract: In the context of database management systems (DBMS), the integrity of access control policies (ACP) is a
constantly neglected aspect. However, throughout its evolution, ACP is not valid and free from irregularities
due to users and administrators actions, intentionally or not. So, considering regular ACP updating
activities, we pay a particular attention on anomalies in ACP expression. Taking into account the correlation
that exists between two or more of such anomalies, we present the “correlated threats management system”
(CORMSYS). This system must detect and analyze the correlation between anomalies since we believe that
handling correlations between anomalies can reveal sophisticated intrusion scenarios in DBMS. The
presented system also produces the necessary input for new risk management approach that will consider
and overcome the effects induced by the correlation between anomalies found in the ACP expression.
CORMSYS is composed of four main parts: (i) the Correlation Definition and Analysis subsystem; (ii) the
Users Tracking subsystem; (iii) the Intrusion Scenario Identification subsystem and (iv) the Illegal Behavior
Modeling subsystem.
For access control, the detection and the analysis of
anomalies and intrusions are widely discussed in the
field of information systems (IS) and particularly in
database management systems (Bertino et al., 2010).
Actually, the integrity of ACP is a neglected
aspect in the literature as many authors
spontaneously think about the reliability of the
access control policies expression. Although,
policies that govern access control in IS or DBMS
are also subjected to anomalies that make them
vulnerable at one stage or another in their lifetime.
Focused on anomalies in ACP expression, we
then propose to assess regular ACP updating
activities. This action can inevitably lead to a variety
of anomalies such as those stated in (Jaidi et al.,
2017). These anomalies are sometimes due to a
partial implementation or they are just anomalies of
non conformity, redundancy, inconsistency and
contradiction in the expression of policies. So, in
this context, what is the induced impact of this
correlation when these anomalies are correlated with
each other? Can the assessment of this impact have
positive consequences on the overall risk
management of ACP?
Our intention is to implement a “correlated
threats management system” (CORMSYS). This
system uses identified anomalies found in the ACP
expression, analyzes the correlation existing
between them in order to produce a database of risk
factors related to the effects induced by the
anomalies correlation.
Of course, the study of correlation is nowadays
increasingly used for the risk analysis. But, to the
best of our knowledge, the correlation between
anomalies in ACP has never been discussed and we
think that if this is done, it can enhance the well-
functioning of ACP in DBMS. Our contribution
aims to design a system that detect and report
correlations between anomalies in ACP expression,
for the revelation of sophisticated intrusion scenarios
that constitute a major threat in systems. Our system
will furnish inputs for a new risk management
approach that will precisely consider the effects
induced by the anomalies correlation in ACP
The remainder of the paper comprises the
following sections: section 2 gives the problem
statement; section 3 proposes the basic
representation of the topic related terms; section 4
presents our proposed framework; section 5 gives
the methodology used; section 6 discusses the
related works; section 7 concludes the paper.
Evina, P., Labbene Ayachi, F., Jaidi, F. and Bouhoula, A.
Anomalies Correlation for Risk-Aware Access Control Enhancement.
DOI: 10.5220/0006766802990304
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2018), pages 299-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ACP is a set of access control statements
materializing the association between user, action and
object. In ISS and particularly in DBMS, ACP are
subject to attacks of various types as well as the
access control systems they govern and the impact of
these attacks often has considerable effects. Thus,
ACP is said to be corrupt if an access control state-
ment is illegally added, modified or suppressed in that
ACP. The identification of these statements or anoma-
lies is carried out in a validation phase which consists
in analyzing two consecutive versions of the policy: a
reference version and an active current version.
The syntax analysis of the anomalies makes it
possible to identify the correlations that may exist
between them. A correlation between anomalies
underlies an elaborate scenario of policy corruption
and therefore an elaborate scenario of intrusion. We
presume that the harness of the statistical link
existing between two anomalies or more can
considerably improve the treatment of the risk of
degradation of the information systems, precisely,
that of the DBMS. Moreover, in order to alleviate or
remedy the effects of these anomalies, it is
appropriate to set up a risk management system. We
believe that it is necessary to deeply carry out the
analysis of anomalies in ACP by the establishment
of a learning system for the management of
incidents or attacks and to perform the assessment of
the risks arising from the correlation between these
anomalies of non-conformity.
Taking into account the attacks on AC in DBMS
as well as the discrepancies that may exist between a
concrete ACP and the initial version of the same
policy, we plan to produce a formal approach for the
risk management in the case of policies degradation
in DBMSs. Our approach takes into account the
recommendations of the ISO 31000 standard and
will be able to analyze and evaluate the risk induced
by the correlation of ACP anomalies. A “correlated
threat management system” (CORMSYS) is
designed to enhance the presented risk management
approach by producing the necessary input. Thus
the present paper aim to present the CORMSYS
framework situated upstream on the overall risk
management system proposed for the future.
As ACP (access control policy) defines the
authorized access of users to database objects, an
access control statement can be represented by the
triplet (U
, A
, O
) where U
designates a given
authorized user and (A
, O
) designates the
permission to execute an authorized action A
on a
visible object O
An authorized user is any user identified in the
DBMS by a login and a password and being
authorized to connect the database server.
An authorized action is any action being
specified in the ACP i.e. insert, select, update,
delete, execute, etc.
A visible database object is any object being
specified in the ACP i.e. a table, a view, a procedure,
We introduce in the following the syntax that we
adopt to materialize the possible alterations of an
access control statement.
, Ā
, Ō
Authorized user assigned
not specified permission.
, A
, O
Unauthorized user
assigned authorized
, Ā
, O
Authorized user assigned
unauthorized action on
visible database object.
, Ā
, Ō
Not specified access
control statement.
, Ā
, O
Unauthorized user
assigned unauthorized
action on visible database
Users referenced in (a), and (c) are authorized
users being however corrupted.
Users referenced in (b), (d) and (e) are
definitively intruders.
CORMSYS framework is shown in figure 1 and is
composed by the following four subsystems: (1)
Correlation Analysis subsystem; (2) Users Tracking
subsystem; (3) Intrusion Scenario Identification
subsystem; (4) Illegal Behavior Modeling
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Correlation Analysis Subsystem (CAS)
operates the analysis of anomalies and detects
correlation between them. These anomalies are
irregularities or differences visible when comparing
the ACP at different stages. The anomalies, listed
and located in a specified database, are scrutinized
and some characteristics are determined in order to
establish the statistical links existing between these
anomalies. They are then translated into formal
language allowing inference and deduction. This
subsystem provides two kinds of outputs. (1) The set
of database objects referenced in the anomalies. This
set is relevant for the Risk Management subsystem
for updating risk factors. (2) Set of users to be
revoked and set of users to be closely supervised.
Users Tracking Subsystem (UTS) provides an
investigation phase where log files are scanned to
retrieve accesses made by revoked and/or supervised
users. For each access, this phase extracts the four
following properties: session identifier, user login,
user actions on database objects. Indeed, to access
data in the DBMS, a user needs to have been granted
some authorizations and privileges. So, in this stage,
the granted privileges are examined as well as the
authorization to log into the system
Intrusion Scenario Identification Subsystem
(ISIS) builds the intrusion scenarios for each user
identified in the previous session. A scenario is a
sequence of elementary accesses achieved on the
database during a user session. So a sequence of
events is described to characterize the effects
involved. For example, it will be necessary to
describe the user's intrusion process or the type of
requests commonly used by an alleged user who
wants to make use of unauthorized privilege on a
given object.
Illegal Behavior Modeling Subsystem (IBMS)
provides two main functions. (1) It compares
intrusion scenarios and identifies their similarities.
(2) It classifies scenarios according to a predefined
resemblance function. By classifying the wicked
actions of the DBMS users, this subsystem
determines the actions that are harmful to the
DBMS. At this stage, risk factors are sorted and
constitute the main entries to the further risk
management process. Although risk factors are
constantly changing, we can contemplate a general
view of these factors as there may be a constant
identification of new threats and new vulnerabilities.
The quantity and quality of threats are evaluated, as
well as their frequency. Dangerous users are
determined, listed and ranked in order of danger.
That allows having a precise representation of illegal
Figure 1: the proposed framework.
Anomalies Correlation for Risk-Aware Access Control Enhancement
Risk Management Subsystem (RMS) evaluates
risk. A threshold is established for the regulation of
exposure of DBMS to risk. Critical anomalies are
registered as they are source of high level risk in
Indeed, these anomalies have important impact
over confidentiality, integrity and availability of data
in the system. Also, they have a significant impact
on the integrity of the policy.
Inside the risk management module, there is a
correction phase that intervenes to mitigate or to
eliminate the risk of degradation of the DBMS. It is
associated to a testing and control phases in order to
constantly keep the system safe.
In order to get more information related to our work
plan, the documentary research is performed. An
important number of publications have been
identified and studied in order to precisely identify
our contribution.
We will then formally describe our learning
approach and explore the DBMS's log files in order
to collect information about recurrent attacks, i.e
data that are regularly and improperly exploited, as
well as all the defections occurring in the ACP.
Also, a comparison is done between two states of
the ACP and lead to the establishment of a list of all
the anomalies and their frequency of occurrence.
Then, a formal description of the correlation
definition and evaluation procedure is produced. For
that purpose, a correlated threats management
system (CORMSYS) is designed. CORMSYS
supplies a risk management module and that will
furthermore lead to the analysis and the evaluation
of the risk related to the correlated identified threats.
We will adapt the features of our system to work
with a real database, with real schemes and tables
created. It will then be possible to confirm the
results, qualitatively and quantitatively.
We expect to reach the following results:
1. Listing anomalies related to unauthorized
update of access control policy.
2. Detecting induced faults through analysis of
correlation between detected anomalies with
more specific results:
Definition of the list of the recurrent
targeted and sensitive data.
Detection and establishment of intrusive
user behavior and thus, reinforcement of
the Intrusion Detection Systems.
Production of a global and comprehend-
sive system for risk management in
access control systems.
Several works exist in the literature, leading to the
detection of anomalies in access control systems
including those in databases. Elisa Bertino et al had
done a recap of such works in (Bertino et al., 2007).
From that work, we learn that, Anomalies Detection
Systems (ADS) designed in DBMS are generally
intended to counter attacks related to the use of data
by users.
The ADS allow detecting abnormal activities of
users or applications. It doesn’t take into account
anomalies related to alteration of ACP
specifications. In the present paper, we are
especially concerned with the ACP defections
caused intentionally by authorized users or database
Concerning risk management, several works deal
with risk assessment techniques but generally
concern the risk related to the user-data relationship.
Very few works linger on the rules governing this
relationship, i.e the ACP.
In (Cheng et al., 2007) and in ( Khambhammettu
et al., 2012), authors provide a solution to overcome
the risk related to unauthorized access of users on an
object in an access control system. To address this
risk, the authors evaluate user confidence and the
object sensitivity. Authors in (Diep et al., 2007) plan
to make the access control management more
dynamic and precised. They evaluate the action of
users or processes on the system and take into
account the context parameters. These parameters
are also considered as input in the risk assessment
process. (Colantonio et al., 2010) evaluate the risk
occurred when managing users and permissions
through the Role based access control (RBAC)
during the pre-mining phase (Colantonio et al.,
2010). They consider the constant modification due
to the users or access permissions creation,
modification, or deletion in the access control
system. In (Burnett et al., 2014), the authors provide
a solution to avoid unwanted disclosure information
by corrupted users. They consider the risk occurred
when a user manage his own data. In (Ma et al.,
2010), authors mainly consider the role delegation
issue which is source of risk. Authors in (Baracaldo
et al., 2013) propose an access control framework to
mitigate insider threats with a risk management
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
process which is adaptive. The changes in users
behaviour are osculated.
Regarding risk in ACP, few authors are
concerned. (Celikel et al., 2008) deal with the risk
management in the access control policy, notably the
RBAC in distributed databases. They think that
user's queries are risky especially when there is a
misapplication of the rules established in the access
control policy. Thus, in (Celikel et al., 2008) the
user's queries are the main elements observed and
considered while assessing risk. Some authors also
sort out non-compliance defaults that occur in a role-
based ACP during its lifecycle and evaluate the risk
associated to the identified attacks and alterations
that corrupt the ACP. They intended to ensure a high
surety to that ACP.
In AC as well as in ACP, authors do not worry
about the correlation that can exist between the
anomalies detected. To the best of our knowledge,
none of these works evokes the notion of correlation
in attacks analysis. In addition to the in-depth study
of the threats in ACP, we plan to explore the
correlation between these threats.
Many authors already adopted machine learning
techniques for the automatization of procedures of
detection of anomalies and intrusions in IS and
precisely in DBMS. So, authors in (Costante et al.,
2013) for example, developed a machine-learning-
based system that automatically acquires knowledge
related to the normal behaviour of users during the
database activities. Their system compares the user's
sql queries exchanged with the database server and
also it evaluates the sensitivity of the manipulated
data in order to avoid the data leakage in DBMS. In
(Darwish, 2016) the author proposes to detect
anomalies using the correlation among queries in
DBMS transactions with log-records. We do not use
machine learning for the anomalies detection as
authors in (Grushka-Cohen, 2016) do. But there
exist a difference between our work and theirs.
Indeed, they use detected anomalies and produce a
ranking alerts system that enables to prioritize
anomalies according to their importance. While we
use identified anomalies and study the correlation
existing between these anomalies in order to identify
sophisticated scenarios and be able to adjust the risk
factors when preventing ACP expression from
Over its life cycle, an access control policy faces
some irregularities or anomalies in its expression.
This is source of vulnerabilities for information
systems (IS), especially for database management
systems (DBMS).
In the current paper, we presented the
CORrelated threats Management SYStem
(CORMSYS) that takes into consideration the
critical anomalies that threatens the ACP and
analyses the correlation between these anomalies.
Our contribution aims to enhance the proper
functioning of ACP by considering a wide range of
anomalies for which the correlation is identified and
handle for the purpose. To the best of our
knowledge, the analysis of such correlations has
never been carried out. We are convinced that the
handling of these correlations and that of the
induced effects can (1) reveal some subtle scenarios
during the exploitation of data in DBMS, (2) leads to
the supervision of the illegal behaviour of some
DBMS users and (3) contributes to overcome
anomalies that undermine the integrity of access
control policies in DBMS. In a nearest future, we
intend to develop the CORMSYS by explicitly
formalizing each subsystem in order to produce,
upstream, the necessary inputs for a new risk
management approach.
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ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering