Pictures of You, Pictures of Me
User Acceptance of Camera-technology in Intelligent Transport Systems
Teresa Brell, Ralf Philipsen and Martina Ziefle
Human-Computer Interaction Center, RWTH Aachen University, Campus-Boulevard 57, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Camera-acceptance, Camera Design, User Diversity, Intelligent Transport Systems, Traffic Infrastructure.
Abstract: The integration of connected and smart technology is a key factor of our future traffic system development.
By integrating traffic participants into the technology development circle, possible trade-offs, obstacles and
advances can be identified and further, an understanding of technology acceptance can be evolved. This paper
will show, how camera-based technology in intelligent transport systems is evaluated from a user-centred
perspective. The focus of this work lies on the identification and evaluation of perceived benefits and barriers,
but also conditional and functional aspects are investigated as well as an overall acceptance picture. Results
show, that the need for technology is not denied, but privacy concerns and a feeling of surveillance still re-
strain users.
Today, smart technologies are integrated in many
parts of our life: private, public and societal life as
well as business or working sector. The overarching
aim of integrating smart functions is functional by na-
ture: These processes, objects and functions direct to
optimize technology, increase the effectiveness and
efficiency of processes, and by this, decrease energy
consumption, enhancing safety, and minimizing hu-
man error. Adapted lighting, self-regulating thermo-
stats or virtual medical care are just small examples
of what can be connected to our homes and offices
(Asadullah, 2017). This shows just the surface of the
diverse scope of user-centred technology interaction
in many areas of application. Various technological
enhancements are used to develop seamless integra-
tion of those technical functions into our daily life and
A very prototypical case for minimizing human
error are intelligent transport systems (ITS)
(Figueiredo et al., 2001). ITS or connected cars aim a
sustainable supply for all residents and moreover an
increase of traffic safety and providing maximum
comfort for travellers (Alam et al., 2016, Gora & Rüb,
2016). There are different technological approaches
on how intelligent transportation might work effi-
ciently. One way to support smart transportation tech-
nology could be camera-based traffic participant de-
tection (Datondji et al., 2016).
The idea behind the camera-based detection is
simple: A smart infrastructure, able to detect traffic
participants (type, number, and density of partici-
pants) could customize transportation functions or
traffic-relevant processes: e.g. the traffic light phases
to adapt to intense traffic. However, the technology
behind the idea is not simple: to ensure a complete
coverage, the detection of all street markings (Wang
et al., 2000), in real-time (Aly, 2008), multi-lane per-
ception (Abramov et al., 2016), based on accurate ge-
ometric lane estimation (Kang et al., 2014) is needed,
just to name a few.
Current research in this area focuses mainly on
technical issues, whereas integrating the users in the
technological development process is a key part for
societal acceptance (Rogers, 2003). Most studies in
traffic technology, which integrate the user focus on
usability issues, e.g. data visualization or transfer of
control (Rakotonirainy et al., 2014), but lack to iden-
tify user’ requirements on communication and infor-
mation on data exchange in traffic.
Especially when integrating cameras into public
places and streets, the trade-off between security and
safety on the one and the unwanted feeling of contin-
uous surveillance on the other hand is an intricate is-
sue for user acceptance (van Heek et al., 2016a,
2017). Even though residents value the increase of
public safety and security, the violation of public’s
privacy through recording, storage and processing of
(video) data is a serious barrier of using cameras in
Brell, T., Philipsen, R. and Ziefle, M.
Pictures of You, Pictures of Me.
DOI: 10.5220/0006700603710378
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2018), pages 371-378
ISBN: 978-989-758-293-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
public spaces (Patton, 2000). A steadily growing dis-
trust to share data with a smart infrastructure, general
concerns and drawbacks could be identified in previ-
ous studies (Schmidt et al., 2015b). The identification
of perceptional obstacles in camera-based traffic
technology to understand the acceptance or willing-
ness to actively cooperate by sharing data is insuffi-
ciently explored so far. So, the question remains:
Would people accept a temporal (or permanent) in-
stallment of cameras in traffic?
A user-focused technology design addresses the iden-
tification of influential acceptance factors as a major
process step. Subsequently, the user should be part of
the technology development in an iterative process.
To understand, which (perceived) obstacles and ad-
vantages come with the use of camera-based technol-
ogy in traffic, we followed a two-tiered empirical re-
search approach.
Qualitative (expert-) interviews, in which the pos-
sible usage scenarios were discussed, helped us to
identify benefits and barriers of the technology along-
side questioned functions, conditions and acceptance
patterns of/for the camera-technology.
Further, the results of the qualitative studies were
integrated into the quantitative questionnaire study to
follow the methodological approach of our research
model. The present work focuses on an understanding
of the acceptance of camera-based technology in traf-
Figure 1: Methodological concept of research model.
As can be seen from Fig. 1, the research perspec-
tive is user-centred. The methodological approach
shows three main research branches, which are ad-
dressed by the empirical procedure:
I. the overall perception of benefits and
barriers of the camera-technology,
II. the overall evaluation of functions and
conditions of the camera-technology,
III. a user-diverse look on acceptance pat-
2.1 The Survey: Development of the
Questionnaire Instrument
The used questionnaire survey was divided in several
parts. First, an informational text introduced the topic
of camera-based traffic technology to the participants.
2.1.1 Demographics and Traffic Behaviour
The first thematic section addressed demographic
data and questioned, if the participants own a driver’s
licence. Further, a self-assessment of the driving
skills and driving type was queried along the fre-
quency of vehicle usage. Also, the technical affinity
(Karrer, 2009) and the technical self-efficacy was
measured (Beier, 1999), the individual confidence in
one’s capability to use technical devices.
2.1.2 Camera Technology
In the second section, two sets of eight items (6-point
Likert scale, 6=full agreement) questioned the ad-
vantages (cf. Table 1) and disadvantages (cf. Table 2)
of camera-based technology in traffic environment.
Here, we could fall back on previously identified ar-
guments of qualitative studies, to help the participant
to evaluate the technology.
Table 1: Items of technology advantages.
I see the use of this technology positively, be-
…it increases traffic safety for all participants.
…it increases personal perceived traffic safety.
…it helps to prevent accidents.
…it helps to reduce traffic jams.
…it organizes the traffic more efficiently, so I save
travel time.
…traffic offender can be found more easily.
…the intelligent infrastructure and daily traffic situa-
tions will be optimized.
…exonerates the traffic for all traffic participants.
VEHITS 2018 - 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Reliability analysis revealed high internal consist-
encies for the scales with Cronbach’s = .892 for the
technology advantages and Cronbach’s = .891 for
the technology disadvantages.
Table 2: Items of technology disadvantages.
I see the use of this technology negatively,
…cameras transport a surveillance feeling.
…it bothers me that my data can be collected.
…the use of cameras compromises my privacy.
…I fear to lose my anonymity in traffic.
…I think the cameras do not function properly.
…I don’t want the traffic infrastructure to be digital
and connected.
…there is no need for technology in traffic.
…cameras are a distraction in traffic.
2.1.3 Camera Scenarios
The third section was divided into two possible cam-
era-scenarios. First, a bird-eye view picture of an in-
tersection was shown as location example followed
by in informative text to help the participants envision
the possibilities of camera-based technology usage in
traffic. A visualization of the camera type (internal vs.
external) was shown (see Figure 2) next along an al-
location of characteristics in form of a semantic dif-
ferential (Osgood, 1952, Bradley & Lang 1994) to-
wards the technology (categorized results from the in-
terview studies). The used attributes were derived
from previous (expert-)interviews.
Figure 2: Visualization example of internal camera design
(on the left) and external camera design (on the right) as
used in online survey.
Further, the approval of several camera functions
was questioned (see Table 3).
Table 3: Items of camera functions.
What functions should camera technology
have in your opinion?
The camera should be able to / have
…save pictures (data) up to 24h.
…permanently analyse data material.
…swivel (moving around).
…process the material directly (no data storage).
…a predetermined angle of recording.
(e.g. safety equipment).
…analyse pictures (data) only in a predetermined
time frame
(e.g. between 6 and 9 am).
…only one alignment.
…interact with smartphones.
The last part of this section queried the acceptance
of the technology in terms of consent to the user of
camera technology with eight items (6-point Likert
scale, 6=full agreement).
2.2 Data Acquisition and Analysis
The survey was conceived as an online study. Partic-
ipants were addressed through acquisition in the uni-
versity environment and in online forums focusing on
safety, road transport or mobility in general. Aban-
doners and speeders were excluded from the analysis
during the quality check of the data. Data was ana-
lyzed descriptively and, with respect to the effects of
user diversity, by ANOVA procedures and linear re-
gression. The level of significance was set to α=.05.
Cohen’s d is reported for effect sizes. The remaining
data was analysed with non-parametric procedures
(cross-checked by parametric statistical evaluation
methods for group comparisons). Non-parametric
procedures are reported when minor violations of the
procedural requirements, i.e. deviation from normal
distribution of data, could be expected to result in an
underestimation of the p-values. Spearman correla-
tion coefficients are reported for bivariate relation-
2.3 Participants
In total, N=143 responses were included in the analy-
sis. The age ranged from 18 to 66 years, with an av-
erage of 31.9 years (Standard Deviation=11.7). The
gender distribution was almost equally distributed
Pictures of You, Pictures of Me
with 67 men (46.9%) and 76 women (53.1%). The ed-
ucational level of the sample was rather high, with
60.1% holding a university degree (n=86), followed
by 25.2% with a general higher education entrance
qualification (n=93) and 7.7% have a secondary
school certificate (n=11) plus 7.0% stated another
level of education (n=10). All participants reported a
rather high technically self-confidence with 4.2 / 6
(SD=0.9). Here, men are slightly more technical self-
affine (M=4.6; SD=0.8) than women (M=3.8;
SD=0.9) with t(141)=-5.056, p<.001, d=0.847.
The majority (n=135, 94.4%) holds a driving licence.
The sample evaluated the overall driving style as ra-
ther bold (Mean=3.2 out of 5 points max.) and fast,
but cautious, defensive and comfortable (see Table
Table 4: Self-evaluation of driving style with 0=left attrib-
ute and 5=right attribute (N=143).
Driving type attributes
0 | 5
In the following section the obtained results will be
presented in detail. First, the general findings about
the acceptance of camera technology are presented.
We report the perceived benefits and barriers related
to camera technology use in traffic. First, the partici-
pants were invited to agree or disagree to different pro
and contra camera-technology based statements. The
statements were formulated on the base of the quali-
tative research carried out prior to this questionnaire
study. Further, they had to evaluate several functions
and conditions of the technology.
3.1 General Results
In a first step, we report an overview of the general
questions about the level of information the partici-
pants had about both, camera use in traffic today and
information about the topic connected driving. In to-
tal, 75,5% (n=108) of the participants stated that they
noticed camera use in traffic before. Further, 44,1%
stated that the have heard about the topic connected
driving so 55,9% (n=80) are new to the develop-
3.1.1 Perceived Benefits
All beforehand identified benefits were accepted (cf.
Table 5). In summary, the most anticipated benefit for
the participants was to identify traffic offenders with
an average approval rating of 4.8 (SD=1.0). Follow-
ing accepted benefits address the optimization of traf-
fic flow: optimizing the traffic infrastructure (M=4.4,
SD=1.0) and reducing traffic jams (M=4.2, SD=1.2).
The increase of personal safety (M=3.7, SD=1.2) and
preventing accidents (M=3.7, SD=1.3) had compara-
bly lower ratings.
3.1.2 Perceived Barriers
Regarding the possible barriers to the use of camera-
technology especially statements dealing with pri-
vacy and data protection provoked serious concerns
(high approval ratings). On average, the participants
Table 5: Perceived benefits and barriers of camera-technology (mean agreement and standard deviations, 1 = no agreement,
6 = full agreement).
Camera-technology evaluation
Increase personal traffic safety
Cameras distract in traffic
Prevent accidents
No need for technology
Save travel time
Not wanting digital & connected traffic
Exonerate traffic
Camera not functioning properly
Increase overall traffic safety
Loss of anonymity in traffic
Reduce traffic jams
Compromise of own privacy
Optimize infrastructure
Feeling of data collection
Find traffic offender
Surveillance feeling
VEHITS 2018 - 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
agreed that cameras convey a feeling of surveillance
(M=4.2, SD=1.4) and the possible collection of (my)
data is also perceived negatively (M=4.0, SD=1.5).
The participants did rather not agree on the statement,
that cameras are a distraction in traffic (M=2.6,
When comparing the extent to which benefits, and
barriers were confirmed, it becomes apparent that the
confirmation of the benefits is much more pro-
nounced (with the highest evaluation of 4.8 points and
the lowest evaluation of 3.7 points) in comparison to
the barriers (max: 4.2 points and 2.6 points as lowest
evaluation). This shows that participants tend to tol-
erate the barriers while clearly valuing the benefits of
having cameras on public traffic routes.
3.1.3 Functions and Conditions
The functions and conditions of the questioned cam-
era-technology were taken from a beforehand taken
expert interview.
The most anticipated camera functions are the
data storage time of 24h max. (M=3.9, SD=1.3), pro-
cessing the material directly (no data storage)
(M=3.9, SD=1.1) and the possibility to swivel (move
around) (M=3.7, SD=1.2). The permanent analysis of
data material (M=3.3, SD=1.3) and the possibility to
interact with the camera (M=2.6, SD=1.3) are (rather)
not agreed upon. As for the conditions, almost all of
them were perceived as highly important (see Figure
3). Here, especially the condition to enhance safety in
traffic (M=5.1, SD=1.2), a functioning technology
(M=5.0, SD=1.1) and the condition of data security
(M=5.0, SD=1.2) are perceived most important.
Figure 3: Mean importance of different conditions for cam-
era use (0=min. importance, 6=max. importance).
3.2 User Diversity in the Evaluation of
Camera Technology
Looking at the influence of user factors on the per-
ception of advantages and disadvantages as well as on
the general acceptance of the use of camera technol-
ogy in traffic context, it becomes apparent that some
of the user characteristics considered have a signifi-
cant effect, but can only explain the user evaluations
to a minor degree.
As can be seen in Fig. 4, there is no significant
correlation between age on the one hand and other
user factors and the evaluation of camera use on the
other hand. In contrast, there is a weak, positive cor-
relation between gender and both technical affinity
and self-confidence. Male participants stated higher
values for both attributes. There is a medium positive
correlation between both attributes themselves. In ad-
dition, gender was positively correlated with the driv-
ing style: Men agreed more strongly that they drive
Figure 4: Significant relations (Spearman correlation coefficients) between user characteristics, perceived benefits and barri-
ers as well as general acceptance of camera use.
Pictures of You, Pictures of Me
courageous (r
=.399), faster (r
=.397), offensive
=.280), and risky (r
=.246) than women.
Looking at the evaluation of camera use, it was
obvious and expected that the agreements to benefits
and barriers were negatively correlated. Participants
who agreed to the benefits showed less concerns
about barriers and vice versa. However, the correla-
tion was only weak. Unsurprisingly, there is a con-
nection between the general acceptance of the tech-
nology and the approval to both benefits and barriers
More central for the research question than the
correlations among each other within a factor group
are the correlations between user factors on the one
hand and the camera evaluation on the other. Fig. 4
indicates that age, gender and the individual driving
style have no effect on the perception of the technol-
ogy. Apparently, we see a quite homogeneous attitude
towards camera usage across participants that is not
modulated by individual factors.
As one exception, the technical affinity was posi-
tively correlated with both the agreement to benefits
and the general acceptance. Interestingly, there was
no relationship between the affinity and the percep-
tion of barriers. The technical self-confidence was
even only correlated with the acceptance measure-
ment. However, all correlations between user charac-
teristics and technology evaluation were only of mi-
nor degree (see Fig. 4) and cannot fully explain the
small but existing variance at the participants’ atti-
tudes. A linear regression analysis confirmed the
emerging picture and identified the technical affinity
as most explaining factor. However, with R
=.179 the
explained share of variance was rather low.
3.3 Attributions to Camera Designs
By looking at the attribution of the descriptive adjec-
tives to the two presented camera designs, almost all
pairs of terms with a more positive adjective were
predominantly attributed to both camera designs. The
cameras were attributed as "useful", "safe", "pro-
tected", "controllable", "elegant", and "modern" (see
Fig. 5). The only exception is the "observing prop-
erty" that has been assigned to both designs and the
"unfamiliarity" that was mentioned for the integrated
cameras. However, the participants made a few sig-
nificant distinctions based on the design for a few at-
tributes (where Wilcoxon Tests showed p<=.002).
At first, integrated cameras where perceived as
"cheaper" than external cameras. Looking at the func-
tionality, it became clear that the participants consid
ered integrated cameras as more "protected" than ex-
ternal ones. Most interestingly, the visibility of the
Figure 5: Attribution of descriptive adjectives to different camera designs
VEHITS 2018 - 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
camera led to a stronger attribution of an "observing
characteristics" in comparison to internal cameras,
which are usually hidden from sight.
The biggest differences in the users’ attributions
were found for design and innovation. Internal cam-
eras were perceived as significantly more "modern",
"elegant", "beautiful", and "friendly", whereas exter-
nal cameras were considered as more "familiar".
The current study was directed to the users view on
the possible use of camera-based technology in smart
infrastructure environments with the aim to identify
and integrate users’ requirements and concerns dur-
ing the technology development and roll-out.
It is noticeable that the utilization of camera tech-
nology was rated mainly positively. The participants
both attributed usefulness to the camera systems and
predominantly agreed to the benefits of it. A general
rejection could not be determined. While the installa-
tion of cameras in public places in Germany to pre-
vent crime is generally discussed controversially (cf.
van Heek et al., 2016a, b), the perception of camera
use in traffic and transportations systems seems to be
more homogeneous and positive. It is remarkable,
however, that the cameras’ capability to find traffic
offenders was considered as most important. This lo-
calizes the technology in the traditional context of
surveillance of criminal prosecution, while functions
that include optimization goals (e.g. saving travel
time or exonerating traffic) were perceived as less im-
portant. Also, these two functionalities support intel-
ligent transport systems to optimize specifically en-
ergy-saving and safety. This might indicate that the
participants mental concepts of a camera technology
somehow are still similar to conventional CCTV sys-
tems, and not yet fully adapted to the specificity of
intelligent transportation. Public communication pol-
icy as well as a sensible information strategy will
have to address this by explaining the new intelligent
functionalities to cope with the barriers, which were
perceived despite the majority approval of the tech-
Looking at these possible impediments to public
acceptance of the integration of camera-technology in
traffic infrastructure, especially statements dealing
with privacy and data protection provoked serious
concerns. Here, a clear resemblance towards other
privacy concerns in V2X-technology usage can be
identified (cf. Schmidt et al., 2015a), which directs to
the suggestion that privacy is one of the most promi-
nent acceptance factors for connected traffic-technol-
ogy. At first glance, it appears inconsistent that the
participants named the feeling of being monitored as
the most important drawback, while surveying and
identifying traffic offenders was rated as the most rel-
evant benefit. This “wash me, but don’t make me
wet”- mentality among laypeople clarifies the prob-
lem of finding the optimal balance during technology
development and application: Surveillance as the
most central and powerful skill of the cameras in in-
telligent transport systems is at the same time also the
function that causes the most concern. Future work
should provide a deeper insight into user require-
ments in more specific usage contexts and regarding
technical parameters, i.e., motion and behaviour de-
tection and analysis, and data handling, to be able to
parameterize the technology more fine-grained.
To understand the influence of user factors on the
perception of camera technology in intelligent trans-
portation scenarios, the individual affinity for tech-
nology was identified as an explanatory factor for
general acceptance. In previous studies, this attitude
had been found to significantly influence the ac-
ceptance of novel technology in general (cf. Calero
Valdez et al., 2017), but also in vehicle technology in
particular (cf. Schmidt et al., 2015a,b). However, the
close connection of technical self-confidence with
technology acceptance is on the one hand hardly sur-
prising and on the other, it was found that 80% of the
variance in the user ratings of the technology cannot
yet be explained. Concluding, the perception of bar-
riers appears very homogeneous and independent of
individual user factors in the present study. This con-
tradicts previous results regarding the effects of age
on the evaluation of camera technology in non-traffic
surveillance scenarios (cf. van Heek et al., 2016b) and
indicates (again) that findings about camera ac-
ceptance cannot be generalized by disregarding the
application context.
Consequently, further research is needed for a
better understanding of the explanatory factors and
the reasoning behind the users’ evaluation of camera
technology in transportation. Therefore, additional
individual attitudes and personality traits, e.g., the
need for security, the need for privacy, or the surveil-
lance anxiety, should be considered in future work.
The habit of getting used to cameras and the safety
culture of society might also play a role, which could
not yet be considered in the present study with a sam-
ple limited to Germany. Therefore, cross-cultural
comparisons including countries that are already fo-
cusing more on camera use in the public area are nec-
Pictures of You, Pictures of Me
Finally, the comparison of camera designs re-
vealed that integrated cameras should be preferred
over external ones. The integrated camera design was
perceived as more modern, friendly, beautiful and el-
egant. Even the assumption that internal cameras are
perceived as more observing, because they are hidden
and not obvious, could not be confirmed. The increas-
ing miniaturization and concealment of sensor and
camera systems and related ubiquitous computing
seems to be unproblematic for the acceptance of the
systems, at least in the present study.
The authors thank Emine Deveci, Kevin Wegener and
Florian Groh for their research assistance. This re-
search was supported by the project I2EASE, funded
by the German Federal ministry of Research and Ed-
ucation [under the reference number 16EMO012K].
Special thanks go to project partner OSRAM for tech-
nical know-how and visual material.
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VEHITS 2018 - 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems