Improving Students’ Performace Through Gamification:
A User Study
Natalia Nehring, Nilufar Baghaei and Simon Dacey
Department of Computer Science, Unitec Institute of Technology, Private Bag 92025, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Keywords: Gamification, PeerWise, Performance, Motivation, Tertiary Education, Active Learning.
Abstract: Lack of motivation is an issue for some learners. If they do not find the course materials engaging, they do
not spend enough time to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. The term gamification is used to
denote the application of game mechanisms in non-gaming environments with the objective of enhancing the
process. Gamification has been shown to be an effective and motivating technique for enhancing students
learning outcome. In this paper, we evaluate the effectiveness of a web-based gamified tool (PeerWise) in
enhancing tertiary students’ performance doing a Computer Science degree at Unitec Institute of Technology.
PeerWise allows students to actively participate in a subject by authoring their own questions and answering,
commenting on and rating other students questions. Results of an evaluation study conducted over 11 weeks
(n = 180) showed that using the tool (both voluntary and compulsory) improved students’ performance and
they found it valuable for their learning.
The term gamification is used to denote the
application of game mechanisms in non-gaming
environments with the objective of enhancing the
process enacted (Deterding et al., 2011a and Nacke,
2011). Gamification is related to pre-existing
concepts such as serious games, playful interaction
and game-based technologies (Deterding et al., 2011b
O'Hara, and Dixon, 2011). Gamification, in an
educational context, can be applied at elementary
education, lifelong education, and higher education
Some learners drop out of study and/or achieve
poor results due to lack of motivation (Fan and
Wolters, 2014) and the low engagement with the
content (Yang, 2013). Gamification has been shown
to increase learners’ engagement with course
materials and improve their motivation, learning
participation and collaboration (Angelova, 2015;
Dicheva et al., 2015). Gamification has potential, but
a lot of effort is required in the design and
implementation of the experience for it to be fully
motivating for participants (Domínguez et al., 2013).
(Denny et al., 2008b 2008a, 2008b) is a freely
available gamified badge-base achievement tool. It
allows students to author multiple-choice questions
based on their understanding of the subject, and
answer, comment on and rate other students’
questions, thus supporting active learning (Bonwell,
1991), curiosity, creativity, problem solving and
collaboration. Students get more points and badges by
creating and explaining their understanding of course
related assessment questions, and by answering and
discussing questions created by their peers. PeerWise
provides students with a reputation score, which is an
approximate measure of the value of student’s
contributions to others and it gradually increases over
time. The individual components of the one’s score
are based on the questions they have posted, their
answers to questions and their evaluations. A user’s
reputation score will only increase when other
students agree with, or endorse his/her contributions.
PeerWise has been reported to stimulate a profound
learning and to improve students’ performance
(Denny et al., 2008a and Luxton-Reilly, 2010; Danny,
In this paper, we investigate the effect of
compulsory vs voluntary use of a web-based gamified
tool on students’ learning outcome in a computer
science course. The research questions we are
investigating are: 1) Will using a gamified tool in a
CS course improve the learning outcome of our
students? 2) Is there any correlation between using
Nehring, N., Baghaei, N. and Dacey, S.
Improving Students’ Performace Through Gamification: A User Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0006687402130218
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 213-218
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
PeerWise throughout the semester and the course
formal assessments results? 3) Is there any difference
in learning outcome, if course marks are allocated to
PeerWise contribution? 4) What is the students’
perception of having a gamified tool embedded in
their study? The rest of the paper is organised as
follows. Section 2 gives an overview of recent
literature. Section 3 presents the methodology and
Section 4 reports our initial findings. Section 5
concludes the paper and highlights future research
Currently students are digital natives and they have a
different profile. They grew up with digital
technologies and have different learning styles, new
attitude to the learning process and higher
requirements for teaching and learning (Kiryakova et
al., 2014).
Some reviews of the literature available have
already been carried out: Gamification in education:
A Systematic Mapping Study (Dicheva et al., 2015
and Angelova, 2015), A systematic mapping on
gamification applied to education (de Sousa Borges
et al., 2014 and Isotani, 2014) and Gamification and
education (Caponetto et al., 2014 2014). Research
objectives in gamification articles can be categorised
into behavioural change, challenging the students,
engagement, improving learning, mastering skills,
producing guidelines and encouraging socialisation
(de Sousa Borges et al., 2014).
Gamification, in an educational context, can be
applied at elementary education, lifelong education,
and higher education levels. In a practitioner’s guide
to gamification of education (Huang and Soman,
2013) outline a five step process 1) understanding the
target audience and the context, 2) defining the
learning objectives, 3) studying the experience, 4)
identifying the resources, and 5) applying
gamification elements. When considering
gamification some key criteria to be considered are
the duration of the learning program, the location of
the learning (for example: classroom, home, or
office), the nature of the learning programme (for
example one-on-one or group), and size of class (or
size of groups) (Huang and Soman, 2013).
It is also important to define what the lecturer
wants the student to accomplish by completing the
learning program. Specific learning goals can include
the students understanding a concept, being able to
perform a specific task, or being able to complete the
learning programme (Huang and Soman, 2013).
Olsson et al. (2015) pointed that in virtual learning
environment users usually feel lonely and puzzled in
their learning journey, therefore visualization and
gamification may be applied as solutions, but the
former worked better than the latter. It is suggested
that the effects of gamification are worth studying
more deeply and widely on various learning styles.
Urh et al. (2015) analysed the use of gamification in
e-Learning process, including its advantages and
disadvantages, and argued that there were
possibilities of practice gamification in higher
education. They stated that the application of
gamification was designed to meet project objectives,
thus different types of education would affect the
system development as well as different learning
styles and personalities of learners. De-Marcos et al.
(2014) conducted a test on the effects of using both
social networking and gamification into an
undergraduate e-Learning course. The results show
that they work well for practical learning but not for
gaining knowledge. Although learners’ attitude
towards study has been improved, their participation
and achievement are still low, which is not in line
with the assumption that gamification will boost the
learning effects. The reasons lying under are worth
Swacha and Baszuro (2013) proposed an open-
source e-Learning platform for computer
programming education with gamification concepts
and methods. The system takes into account both
personal engagement and team collaboration,
however, its operability and effectiveness are still to
be tested in a real learning environment. Bitonto et al.
(2014) presented UBICARE system integrated with
gamification mechanism for training and learning
purposes, playing the role of improving engagement
and interaction. The long-term effects require
ongoing research. Osipov et al. (2015), after
investigating the effects of gamification, find out that
the people with shy personalities don’t benefit much
since they don’t like to collaborate with others. Gene
et al. (2014) describe a gamification framework
integrated with Massive Online Open Course
(MOOC), the purpose of which was to decrease
learners’ drop-off rate through motivation and
collaboration inspiration. The competition from
ranking rating, team work from voluntary activity,
and the social networking from publishing the
number of “Likes” together with course progress and
certification gamification elements towards the
higher achievement rate of MOOC course. It has
proved to be able to play a very good role in
promoting learners’ motivation and cooperation;
however, they pointed out the real effects of
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
gamification on the quality of learning should be
investigated through comparing it with traditional
learning process.
One difference between game-based learning
(GBL) and gamification is that in GBL learners are
playing to learn while gamification is to incentivize
learners to learn, which makes game-based learning
appear more interesting and engaging (Baghaei et al.,
2016; Plass et al., 2015). An analysis of game-based
learning and gamification applications in university
environment (Cózar-Gutiérrez and Sáez-López,
2016) describes that game-based learning is
perceived to improve learners’ engagements and
active participation while gamification works better
for interaction and collaboration. In our earlier work,
we investigated whether introducing weekly quizzes
improved final mark for the students (Nehring et al.,
2017). In this study, we are investigating another type
of active learning components, i.e. students
participating in writing questions on weekly topic by
using a gamified web tool and the effect on enhancing
their learning.
An evaluation study was conducted over 11 weeks
period with 180 tertiary students aged 19-29 at Unitec
Institute of Technology. The participants were
studying a second-year course on Web Design and
Development. They were randomly allocated to three
groups. The control group (n = 64) did not have
access to PeerWise. First experimental group (n = 55)
had voluntary participation (VP) and second
experimental group (n = 61) had compulsory
participation (CP), meaning 2.5% of total grade had
been allocated to their PeerWise contribution.
Figure 1: PeerWise statistics on our experimental groups:
voluntary participation (VP) at the top and compulsory
participation with (2.5%) mark allocated (CP).
The PeerWise dashboard for our course is shown
in Figure 1. It contains information about number of
participants, number of questions created, number of
answers, number of comments and a date of last
answer. PeerWise activity was introduced in week
one. Each student was asked to contribute minimum
of one question per week.
A subjective evaluation was also conducted to
find out what students think about PeerWise.
Questions about the user experience were developed
and are listed below:
1. Do you believe that participation in PeerWise
affect your study habits?
2. Did the participation in PeerWise affect your
understanding of how much you knew or how
much you had learned about the IWD course?
3. Did you find it stressful to do the PeerWise
4. Were your study habits affected by the existence
of the PeerWise or your results on them?
5. Do you consider the PeerWise score is a way to
encourage better study?
6. Do you think that the spending time on PeerWise
was an efficient use of your time?
In voluntary participation group (VP) 37 students out
55 decided to participate. As shown in Figure 1, The
VP group created 96 questions compared with 199
questions created by the CP group. The CP group
submitted 3657 answers compared with 1085
submitted by the VP group and the number of
comments was 5 times more compared with the VP
Our hypothesis was that there is a correlation
between PeerWise contribution and the formal
assessment’s marks and that it would help predict
student’s results. The initial results show that there is
no correlation and the score on PeerWise activity can
only predict results for 50% of students. We believe
one reason for this is because the marks allocated to
PeerWise activity is small and some students ignore
it all together.
The semester is currently in progress and we only
obtained results for the first formal assessment and
compared the groups, as shown in Table 1. The results
for the PeerWise participants’ marks show that the
average scores are higher than the non-participants’
marks. The average mark on first formal assessment
is 72.2 for the control group, compared with 77.8 for
the VP group and 78.5 for the CP group.
Improving Students’ Performace Through Gamification: A User Study
Figure 2: Correlation between PeerWise score and formal
assessment marks.
We also looked at the course assessment marks for
students actively contributing to PeerWise and
students not participating. Their mark is 84.4 in
average for the first formal assessment compared with
73.7, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Average marks on formal assessments for different
Conrol group
access (n=64)
(VP) (n=55)
with course
mark 2.5%
The subjective evaluation survey was done in
week 10. 31 participants chose to take part in this
exercise. About half of the students believed that
participation in PeerWise on a weekly basis improved
their study habit (see Figure 3). The average answer
is 5.5 out of 10.
Figure 3. Response to “Do you believe that participation in
PeerWise affect your study habit?”.
In response to question 1 (“Did the participation
in PeerWise affect your understanding of how much
you knew or how much you had learned about IWD
course”), the results show that 29% said they know
less, and 19% found that they know more. (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Response to “Did the participation in PeerWise
affect your understanding of how much you knew or how
much you had learned about IWD course?”.
Figure 5: Response to “Do you consider the PeerWise score
is a way to encourage to better study?”.
Figure 6: Response to “Do you think that the PeerWise were
an efficient use of your time?.
In this paper, we investigated the effect of
compulsory vs voluntary use of a web-based gamified
tool on students’ learning outcome in a second-year
computer science (web design and development)
course. We uncovered several interesting
observations. The preliminary results show that the
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25
Comparison Project 1
Marks and Participation in
Project 1 Participation
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
individual reputation scores on PeerWise was not
correlated with the average formal assessment results.
There was improved performance for both
experimental groups (VP and CP) who contributed to
PeerWise, with more noticeable improvement for the
students who actively participated. The CP group
who had 2.5 course marks allocated to PeerWise
contribution authored, commented on and responded
to significantly more questions than the VP group and
did slightly better in the formal assessment.
Subjective evaluation showed that half of the
participants liked contributing to PeerWise and found
it valuable for their learning.
More studies are needed to examine the
effectiveness of gamification on students’
performance and enjoyment throughout the entire
semester. We plan to analyse the difficulty level of
students’ questions and its correlation with students’
achievement level. We will look at further analysing
the user interaction data logged on PeerWise, which
would allow us to gauge the extent to which the
gamification process successfully embeds enjoyable
experiences and meaningful learning outcomes.
Analysis of the interaction data as well as conducting
a series of interviews with participants will also allow
us to think in terms of what motivates a student to
interact with a web-based gamified tool and how that
motivation can be sustained over time. We plan to
study the effectiveness of different gamification
features on long-term behavioural changes,
motivation level and increased knowledge of
participants and propose a set of design guidelines.
We believe our research paves the way for the
systematic design and development of full-fledged
gamified tools in the context of education.
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CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education