Presence System and Lecture Planning using QR Code with Mobile
Kasmir Tanjung
, Fahmi Fahmi
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Almamater, Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Presence System, QR Code
Abstract: During lectures at the University of Sumatera Utara, student attendance is one of the important indicators for
achievement. Student attendance record in attending a lecture has a minimum limit of 80% of the total
meetings so that the student can take the final semester examination. Currently, the student attendance process
in the University of Sumatera Utara is still carried out with conventional methods. In this study, we developed
a web application for the student attendance system in University of Sumatera Utara using the Quick Response
(QR) Code technology that can process student attendance and permit student absence from lectures in the
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Sumatera Utara.
Lecture activities are one of the main activities of
students that must be attended regularly when taking
a course. During lectures at the University of
Sumatera Utara, student attendance is one of the
important indicators for achievement. Student
attendance record in attending a lecture has a
minimum limit of 80% of the total meetings so that
the student can take the final semester examination.
Currently, the student attendance process in the
University of Sumatera Utara is still carried out with
conventional methods starting from taking attendance
sheets from department employees, carrying
attendance sheets in the ongoing class, giving
attendance signatures by each student, and collecting
the attendance sheets to the employee. In addition,
department employees still need to upload student
attendance data manually into academic information
systems so that they can be processed digitally.
This method has weaknesses such as the range of
student attendance, loss or damage to attendance
sheets, errors in entering attendance data by
employees, and the use of a relatively long time so
that the overall presence process becomes inefficient.
At present, there are several alternatives available for
these problems including the use of fingerprint
attendance tools, presence using RFID (Radio
Frequency Identification) technology, and biometric
presence tools. However, these alternatives are
perceived as impractical and economical, especially
for application on campus due to the high cost
required, the complexity of installation and
maintenance and the need to re-register the identities
of all students.
In this study, we developed a web application for
the student attendance system in University of
Sumatera Utara using the Quick Response (QR) Code
technology that can process student attendance and
permit student absence from lectures in the
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Sumatera Utara.
In general, a system where lecturers and staff of the
Department of the Electrical Engineering University
of Sumatera Utara can provide access to attendance
to students by displaying or printing QR Codes
through web applications so that each student can
perform attendance processes by scanning the QR
Code immediately using the application on mobile
devices. Information obtained from the reading of the
QR Code and the location, and time of students do the
scans will then be sent to the database of student
attendance systems as a sign of student attendance.
Tanjunng, K. and Fahmi, .
Presence System and Lecture Planning using QR Code with Mobile Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0010100703840388
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Current Presence System
The presence means to indicate whether someone is
present in the class or not. Presence system is a
system used to record attendance lists of each
member of the agency. The presence system records
the identity of members of the agency and the time of
entry and exit of its members. Presence systems also
have the ability to provide accurate reports.
In lecturing activities in the Department of
Electrical Engineering, the University of Sumatera
Utara the system must be able to include an
attendance sheet which aims to obtain student
attendance data in each subject. Presence sheet is a
form of a paper containing the name, student number
(NIM), subject, signature date, and column. Presence
data will then be entered or sent manually one by one
to the USU information system database through the
information system website provided. The collected
data will be calculated and will be used as a condition
for whether students can take the semester final
examination with a minimum attendance limit of
2.2 Student Presence System using QR
Computerized presence systems have now been
developed with many different types of software and
methods. The system developed also varies from
web-based, fingerprint, android, and biometrics. In
research conducted by Ermatita et al. (2015),
explained that the presence system using a QR code
reader could improve the efficiency of student
attendance at Sriwijaya University with 56% of
respondents expressing agreement (Ermatita, 2016).
In addition to the presence, this system can also
display lecture schedules for lecturers and students.
By using the BYOD concept (Bring your own
device), this system has a high-efficiency value in the
use of hardware. This is evidenced by each student
being able to attend presence using their Android
mobile phone. Lecturers can enter the system using
NIP data and passwords that have been determined by
the developer. By entering the system, the lecturer
can display the QR Code for student attendance and
see a list of students who have attended attendance at
the lectures brought by the lecturer. While for
department employee users can only see the results of
student attendance recapitulation. Another study
conducted by Adi Purnama (2014), with the title
"Student Attendance System Using Mobile QR Code
(Case Study of Widyatama University)" explains the
presence system with QR Code technology can
shorten student attendance by 10 minutes 59 seconds
with a cost of zero rupiahs (Purnama, 2014). Both of
these studies have proven that there is an increase in
time and cost efficiency by using the QR Code on
student attendance systems, reducing the occurrence
of fraud in the student attendance process, and
alleviating the workload of department employees in
handling student attendance.
However, these two studies still have many
limitations so that they cannot be used in different
conditions, especially to be applied in the USU
Electrical Engineering Department. The limitations
include, among other things, in the authentication
system, it does not provide data security features in
the QR Code so that the range of duplication of the
QR Code can be done by students, as well as
limitations in semester processing and classes in the
student attendance system, so that it will be difficult
to reuse in the next semester with different class
arrangements and different courses.
2.3 Web Application
A web application is an application that is accessed
using a web browser through a network such as the
internet or intranet. Web applications are computer
software applications that are encoded in languages
supported by web browsers (such as ASP, Perl, Java,
JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, etc.) and depend on
the browser to display applications. The ability to
update and maintain web applications without having
to distribute and install software on the possibility of
thousands of client computers is a key reason for its
popularity: Easy information access, Server setup is
easier, Information is easily distributed and free
platform, information can be presented by web
browsers on any operating system.
2.4 Quick Response (QR) Code
Quick Response Code often called QR Code or QR
Code is a kind of two-dimensional symbol developed
by Denso Wave which is a subsidiary of Toyota, a
Japanese company in 1994. The purpose of this QR
Code is to convey information quickly and also get
responses quickly. The QR Code was originally used
for tracking vehicle parts for manufacturing. But now,
it has been used for commercial purposes aimed at
mobile phone users. QR codes are developments from
barcodes or barcodes that are only able to store
information horizontally while the QR Code is able to
store more information, both horizontally and
Presence System and Lecture Planning using QR Code with Mobile Devices
The QR code is usually a small white square with
black geometric shapes (can be seen in Figure 2),
even though now many have been color and used as
product brands. Information encoded in the QR Code
can be a URL, telephone number, SMS message, V-
Card, or any text. The QR code has obtained
international standard ISO / IEC18004 and Japan JIS-
X-0510 [QR Code, 2018; Ariadi, 2011; Muharram,
In general, this system is designed to process
student attendance when attending a lecture.
Lecturers or department employees can create QR
codes as student access to attendance using an
android application which then sends data to the
server using the API. The data obtained will then be
stored in the database that already exists on the
system. Student attendance data can then be seen by
lecturers and department employees using web
applications that have been designed. So that with this
system the student presence process is not done
conventionally anymore and can reduce the level of
errors caused by human error. In general, the presence
system diagram that will be designed can be seen in
Figure 1 and Figure 2 below:
Figure 1: Example of a QR Code
Figure 2: Anatomy of a QR Code
2.5 System Design
At this stage, the web application is designed for
authentication, processing semesters, classes, class
schedules, QR codes, student presences, and student
absentee permissions through a browser that can be
accessed by lecturers and department employees
(Figure 3) (Rama, 2013; Fielding, 2000)
The user interface in a web application is used as an
intermediary for user communication with the
system. This user interface display is designed based
on a previously designed activity diagram. The design
of the user interface during log authentication can be
seen in the following Figure 4.
In the login interface, the user is required to enter
an email and password that has been registered
previously. If the user does not remember the
password they have, can use forget your password
feature which will send a password reset link to the
registered email. When the login process is
successful, then the main system page will appear
which can be seen in Figure 5.
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
Figure 3: Web Application Architecture and API for
Student Presence Systems Using QR Code
Figure 4: The Login Authentication Interface
Figure 5: Display of the Web Application Main Page
For the interface display to create a QR code can be
seen in the following figure 6. In this user interface,
the user can make a QR code and see the total QR
code that has been made previously in a particular
The process of creating a QR code is done by
selecting the class, and the duration of the student's
attendance can be received by the system which is 15
minutes in default. Then the user can press the generic
button so the QR code will appear as shown in the
following figure 7.
The system will display the QR code along with
class information, lecturer and number of lecture
meetings. In addition, there are three buttons provided
including the full-screen button to display the QR
code on the full screen, the print button to change the
QR code into the format .pdf for further printing, and
the attendance list button to see the attendance results
performed by students in the class with the interface
display seen in figure 8.
In the student presence interface, there is a list of
students who attend a lecture and the results of their
attendance at each meeting. The results of student
attendance can be displayed in three colors, namely
red indicates absence, and yellow indicates
permission and green indicates attendance. Besides
being displayed on the screen, student attendance
results can also be displayed in the PDF image by
pressing the print button. Departmental employee
users will see a letter icon indicating that the user has
access to follow-up permits made by students. If
department employees press the icon, the student
permission interface will appear. Where on the
interface, department employees can accept or reject
the permission given by students. If the department
employee receives permission, the student will be
counted in attendance, while if he refuses permission,
the student will be counted absent. The interface to
follow up on the student's permission can be seen in
the following figure 9.
Figure 6: Display Interfaces for Creating QR Codes
Figure 7: Interface Display Result of QR Code Creation
Presence System and Lecture Planning using QR Code with Mobile Devices
Figure 8: Interface Display List of Student Presence
Figure 9: Display of Student Permission Interface
We have successfully developed a web application
for the student attendance system in University of
Sumatera Utara using the Quick Response (QR) Code
technology that can process student attendance and
permit student absence from lectures in the
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Sumatera Utara. The system allowed lecturers to
create QR code, distributed it among the student for
presence confirmation process. All result data then
will be stored in the server for further purpose and
analysis. Additional person locator feature (Fahmi,
2018) can be added to make the system become more
This work was supported by Lembaga Penelitian
Universitas Sumatera Utara and Kemenristekdikti
through USU TALENTA Funding 2018.
Ariadi, 2011. Analisis dan Perancangan Kode Matriks Dua
Dimensi Quick Response (QR) Code. [Skripsi].
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Sistem Absensi Menggunakan QR Code Reader
Berbasis Android (Studi Kasus: Fakultas Ilmu
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shield applied for children protection. International
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Fielding, Roy. T, 2000. Architectural Styles and the Design
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University Of California.
Muharram. W. H, 2009. Perkembangan Enkripsi Fungsi
Hash pada SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm). Bandung:
Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Purnama, A. 2014. Sistem Absensi Mahasiswa
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Rama,Girish. M, Avinash. K, 2013. Software – Practice
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches