Utilization of Flour Leaf Flour and Green Bean Flour Being Biscuit
for Food Interlude Breastfeeding Mother in Binjai City
Ernawati Nasution
, Etti Sudaryati
, Evi Naria
and Eka Lestari Mahyuni
Departement of Public Health Nutrition, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan
Keywords: Biscuits, katuk leaves, Green bean flour.
Abstract: Katuk leaf contains nutrients such as protein, fat, calcium, iron, vitamins A, B, C, and polyphenols. While
green beans contain high protein and fiber. However, processed leaf-based foods such as katuk and green
beans are still lacking. So in this devotion introduced another way to the utilization of these two foods by
processing them into biscuits leaf biscuits and green bean flour. The methods used in this training are
counseling and practice that includes the giving of materials with lectures in the form of face-to-face, dialogue
and frequently asked questions and discussions. The training has provided understanding and skill to the
community in Binjai City, in the utilization of katuk leaves and green beans which are processed into flour as
a biscuit making material. The response of the participants at the time of giving the material was quite positive.
Participants are very enthusiastic during the training, known from the many participants who asked. It is
expected that the participants' active role to disseminate information on the utilization of leaf katuk and green
beans can be processed into flour as an ingredient in the manufacture of biscuits to nursing mothers around
Breastfeeding is the best food for babies because it
contains all the nutrients in the ideal amount and
composition needed by infants to grow and develop
optimally, especially at the age of 0 to 6 months
(Sartono & Utaminingrum, 2012). Breastfeeding
proved beneficial for the optimization of infant
immunity, growth, and development and embody the
emotional bond between mother and baby (Agrasada
et al., 2011). However, not all mothers can produce
enough milk. This has been realized by the
community, as evidenced by the existence of many
products in the market in the form of medicinal herbs,
pelus pelus ASI, or milk pelus milk. In fact, there are
several types of foods that are known to facilitate
breast milk such as leaf katuk and green beans but this
food is not utilized.
Leaf katuk is one type of plant that grows in many
parts of Indonesia but the utilization of katuk leaves
until now still not optimal. Santoso (2014) revealed
that, katuk leaf has good health benefits as the basic
ingredients of breastmilk drug (ASI), anti-dope drugs,
anti-fatty drugs, as a cake dye and others. The leaves
of katuk are effective for controlling blood pressure
and gynecologic problems, hyperlipidemia,
urolithiasis, gallstones and constipation.
According to Zuhra (2008) in Pradikta (2013),
judging from its nutritional content, katuk leaves have
protein, fat, calcium, phosphate, iron, vitamin A, B,
C, steroids, flavonoids, and polyphenols. According
to Azis et al. (2006) stated that the content of katuk
food per 100 grams is calories 59 cal, protein 6.4 g,
fat 1 g, hydrate of charcoal 9.9 g, fiber 1.5 g, ash 1.7
g, calcium 233 mg, phosphor 98 mg, iron 3,5 mg,
carotene 10.020 μg, vitamin B and C 164 mg, and
water 81 g. Katuk is a nutritious vegetable with
protein content of about 33.68% per 100 grams of dry
Green beans contain high protein, as much as
24%. In the daily diet, nuts are an excellent alternative
source of vegetable protein. Traditionally, pregnant
women are often advised to consume green beans so
that babies who are born have thick hair. Growth of
body cells including hair cells requires good nutrition
especially protein, and since green beans are rich in
protein then the desire to have a thick-haired baby
will be realized (Wuwiwa, 2007).
Nasution, E., Sudarwati, E., Naria, E. and Wahyuni, E.
Utilization of Flour Leaf Flour and Green Bean Flour Being Biscuit for Food Interlude Breastfeeding Mother in Binjai City.
DOI: 10.5220/0010099018791882
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Green beans contain a high protein of 17 g / 100
g. Green beans have a high fiber content of about 7.6
g / 100 g. This fiber content suffices your daily fiber
requirement by 30%. (Suryanetzone, 2009).
One of the efforts to diversify this food is to make
it processed cookies (cookies). The development of
cookie products with the addition of katuk and green
bean leaves is chosen because cookies are one of the
preferred snack foods and the average consumption
of cookies in Indonesia is 0.40 kg / capita / tahun
(Suarni 2009). The same is also expressed Nurdjanah
(2014) that dry cake is one type of dry food that
people love.
This product is a dry product that has low water
content. Cakes are often consumed as a side meal in
addition to staple food. As a food interlude, is
expected to contribute energy and as a substitute for
energy that has been issued. In general, cookies are
rich in energy, mainly from carbohydrate and fat
sources, fat added to pastries that serve to soften or
make crispy, to make it more delicious (Astawan,
2008). Proteins can also be used as fuel if the body's
energy requirements are not met by carbohydrates
and fats (Winarno, 2004). The high level of
consumption of cookies in Indonesia makes this
product to be an option in meeting nutritional intake,
especially in breastfeeding mothers. Cookies are one
type of biscuit made from soft dough, high fat
content, relatively crispy when broken and cross
section of textured solid (SNI 1992).
Based on the above description it is necessary to
introduce to the community through the devotion of
this modification of pastries made from katuk leaves
and green beans as a complete nutritious food and
make cakes as an alternative to the consumption of
leaves of katuk and green beans in order to improve
nutrition to maintain health, Breast milk and people's
tastes. Through this devotion is expected to change
habits and diversify the diet of the community. In
addition, this pastry can be used as one additional
business for the community to increase revenue. In
the manufacture of cookies needed science and
technology in order to be processed so nutritious food
and can be sold.
This community service activity is an intervention
in the field of nutrition through training of baking
cake made from katuk leaf and green beans to the
community in South Binjai Subdistrict and working
area of Family Planning and Family Planning (PPKB)
Binjai City to utilize leaf katuk and green beans as
functional food ingredients and consumed by the
public at large.
Community service activities are conducted in the
form of training biscuit making made from leaf
powder katuk and green bean flour. The training is
expected to provide understanding and skills to the
community in Binjai City precisely in South Binjai
District and working area of PPKB Office of Binjai
City, in the utilization of katuk leaf and green beans
as functional food, so that family food can be
overcome with food processing into biscuits and
increase people's income. Activities undertaken in
this training are as follows:
1. Giving an understanding of the superiority of leaf
katuk and green beans from nutritional aspect, and
its role as improvement of nutritional status and
public health status.
2. Giving understanding of the process of making
functional foods such as pastries from katuk
leaves and green beans.
3. Practice or practice of making katuk leaves and
green beans into biscuits.
4. Providing training and mentoring of product
marketing and financial management.
Devotion to this community has been held on
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at the Office of Urban Village
Bhakti Karya District Binjai Kota which is the work
area Binaji Kota District and the Office of PPKB.
This devotion was attended by housewives from 20 -
55 years old and as many as 50 people.
The training begins with an introduction to the
mothers who attended the event. Furthermore, given
a lecture on leaves katukdan green bean covering the
nutritional and utilization and the way of processing.
The material is delivered by lecture and discussion
methods, participants are given the freedom to ask
questions and share experiences related to the
material presented. Then proceed with the practice of
making biscuit leaf biscuits and green bean flour. This
training was followed by each participant with
enthusiasm and full attention. And there were
participants who admitted that they had never known
that cotton flour and green bean flour could be made
into biscuits with the same results and flavors as other
biscuits made from wheat flour. Because during this
leaf katuk people who know only a vegetable that is
processed as a dish that is consumed for breastfeeding
mothers. It turns out that with this devotion people get
a new information in processing katuk leaf. Likewise
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
with the green beans known to the public can only be
processed into a pulp, it can be processed into flour
used as a manufacture of biscuits. The use of cotton
flour and green beans in a biscuit maker gives its own
flavor and aroma to the resulting biscuits. The
trainees say they love the biscuit. The resulting
biscuits have a sweet and savory taste and crispy like
most other biscuits.
Training on the manufacture of cotton flour and
red bean flour and the practice of making biscuits
done on the same day. While the marketing training
of products produced in this case is biscuits also given
to the community groups that exist in the work area
of Binjai Kota District and the Office of PPKB Kota
Binjaiini in addition to knowledge insight if the
product will be marketed later. Product marketing
management training is given daily in the group.
The result that has been achieved in this service is
introducing simple technology in making of katuk
leaf powder and green bean flour which then can be
processed as a food nutritious food. After completion
of devotion in the field, hereinafter is prepare
documentation in the form of youtubeproses
manufacture of dau katuk and nuts green and biscuit
At the end of this training the facilitator also tells
the participants what participants and participants
have done in this activity to convey the information
they get to friends, or the families of the participants.
So this information can be obtained by all people not
only in the environment where the training is
conducted. This activity is expected not only for
training but also followed by the application form in
daily consumption, so that it can increase food
security at household level which in turn can increase
household food security at sub-district and district
From the training activities that have been done, it can
be concluded that the community of Bhakti Karya
Village which is the work area of Binjai Kota District
and working area of PPKB Office can understand the
utilization of katuk leaf and green beans as food
which can also be processed into biscuits with
nutrient content more complete when compared with
biscuits made from wheat flour only. The resulting
biscuits can also improve family food security by
utilizing locally sourced food that can be obtained
easily in the local area.
The writer would like to say thanks for Research
Institution of University of Sumatera Utara that has
gave donation untill this reseach could be finished,
and also to the Dean Faculty of Public Health,
University of Sumatera Utara that has gave
permission to the writer to do the research. Besides
that, the writer also would like to say thanks to all the
students that has work together and to the community
in Binjai City.
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches