Role and Authority of Notaries as Officials in Making Authentic
Deeds for Transfer of Rights or Imposition of Guarantees on
Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia
Jelly Leviza
, T. Keizerina Devi A.
and Puspa Melati
International Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Economic Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Keywords: Intellectual Property Rights.
Abstract: Notary is an official who has the authority to make an authentic deed as stipulated in Act Number 2 of 2014
concerning Amendment to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Position.The authority of the Notary
in making the authentic deed also has relevance to the issue of intellectual property rights in the form of
making an authentic deed for the transfer of intellectual property rights. In addition, the notary also has the
authority to make authentic deeds in the imposition of collateral for intellectual property rights. Legal
arrangements for intellectual property rights in Indonesia are spread in various laws. Therefore, it is
necessary to conduct a normative study to identify how the regulations concerning the role and authority of
a notary public in transferring rights and imposing guarantees on intellectual property. The study is
important to know whether or not the problem has been accommodated properly in the legislation. Based on
the results of the discussion it appears that there is a need for regulations in the form of implementing
regulations for the imposition of fiduciary guarantees on intellectual property rights.
Notary is an official who has the authority to make
an authentic deed as stipulated in Act Number 2 of
2014 concerning Amendment to Law Number 30 of
2004 concerning Notary Position. Authentic deeds
are needed as a basis for proof when disputes occur.
According to Sudikno Mertokusumo, the deed is a
letter that is given a signature, which contains events
that are the basis of a right or engagement, which
were made from the beginning intentionally for the
purpose of proof (Mertokusumo, 2010). With regard
to the authority to make authentic deeds, the Notary
must truly understand the provisions regulated by
law so that justice and legal certainty for the
community is maintained properly (Andasasmita,
In the context of intellectual property rights,
Notary has the authority to make authentic deeds
regarding the transfer of intellectual property rights
and the authority to make authentic deeds regarding
the imposition of guarantees in the form of
intellectual property.
The transfer of intellectual property rights can
occur due to inheritance, grants, wills, written
agreements or other reasons justified by legislation
(Sujatmiko, 2010). The transfer of intellectual
property rights is carried out by making a license
agreement. The license agreement is contained in the
form of a deed signed by the grantor and the
recipient of the license and is carried out before a
notary as an authorized official (Murniati, 2015). For
example, the transfer of rights to a trademark
requires the role of a notary for the making of the
transfer deed(Fatmawati, 2015).
According to its material status, intellectual
property rights include movable objects that are
intangible (Article 499 of the Civil Code).
Intellectual property rights can be used as collateral
for debt because they are material rights that have
economic value. Conceptually, intellectual property
rights contain two types of rights, namely moral
rights and economic rights. Moral rights are
fundamental and cannot be taken by others. Moral
rights are inherent in the creator(Schere, 2018).
According to Article 16 paragraph 2 of Law No. 28
of 2014 concerning Copyright that can be transferred
Leviza, J., A., T. and Melati, P.
Role and Authority of Notaries as Officials in Making Authentic Deeds for Transfer of Rights or Imposition of Guarantees on Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010097717411744
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
only in the form of economic rights, while moral
rights remain attached to the Creator. Copyright
Transition must be done clearly and in writing either
with or without a notarial deed.
Debt collateral in the form of intellectual
property rights can occur as a result of technological
progress and development. Intellectual property
rights can be in the form of scientific, literary and
technological works that are born from human
creativity so as to make the work have economic
value. The most appropriate form of guarantee in
this context is fiduciary guarantee. The fiduciary
guarantee deed is made by a notary public to provide
legal certainty and legal protection for the parties
(Mulyani, 2012).
Regarding the issue of intellectual property
rights, it is important for Indonesia as a member of
the WTO. Indonesia has ratified the agreement on
establishing the WTO through Law No. 7 of 1994.
The legal consequence of ratification is that the
Government of Indonesia is bound to all WTO
agreements including the The Agreement on Trade-
Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPS). The WTO consensus on intellectual
property rights contained in TRIPs has become the
basis for the regulation of intellectual property rights
in the Indonesian national legal order up to now
(Sutiarnoto, 2014).
Based on the description above, it can be seen how
important the role and authority of the notary in the
field of intellectual property rights, especially
regarding the transfer of rights and the imposition of
collateral. This paper will conduct a normative
analysis of the role and authority of the Notary in
making authentic deeds related to intellectual
property rights in the legislation in force in
This paper uses the normative juridical method.
Normative legal research method or literature law
research method is a method used in legal research
conducted by examining the library materials in the
form of applicable legal norms contained in the
legislation or judgment decisions (Soekanto, 1986).
The normative juridical method is used in this paper
to analyze whether the legal instruments concerning
intellectual property rights have sufficiently
regulated the role and authority of the notary public
in the transfer of intellectual property rights and the
imposition of collateral in the form of intellectual
In general, intellectual property rights can be
classified into two parts: copyright and industrial
property rights (Patents, Brands, Industrial Designs,
Integrated Circuits, Trade Secret, Geographical
Indication, and Plant Variety Protection) [10].
considering the wide variety of intellectual property
rights as mentioned above, the following discussion
is limited to copyright and patents.
3.1 Role and Authority of Notary in
Making Deed for Transfer of
Intellectual Property Rights
The Copyright can be transferred, either in whole or
in part because of inheritance, grants, endowments,
wills, written agreements or other justified reasons
in accordance with the provisions of the prevailing
laws and regulations.
The transfer of economic rights to copyright is
regulated in Article 16 of Law No. 28 of 2014
concerning Copyright.The explanation section of the
above provisions states that the transfer is only for
economic rights, while the moral right remains
attached to the Creator. The role and authority of a
notary can be found in this context where the
transfer of copyright must be carried out clearly and
written in a notarial deed. Unfortunately this article
still confirms the transfer of copyright without a
notarial deed. Actually the transfer of copyright with
a notary deed will provide more certainty and legal
protection for the parties.
The transfer of patent rights is regulated in
Article 74 of Law No. 13 of 2016 concerning
Patents. As with copyright, transfer of rights to
patents occurs because of inheritance, grants, wills,
endowments, written agreements or other justifiable
reasons based on the provisions of the
legislation.The transfer of the patent does not
remove the inventor's right to keep his name and
identity included in the patent, because the right is
an inherent moral right (Djumhana, 2014).
In addition, in fact according to the prevailing
legislation the Notary has the role and authority to
make authentic deeds regarding the transfer of
intellectual property rights not to register for
intellectual property rights, but in fact many parties
authorize the notary to register the right to property
intellectual. The institution that has the role and duty
to register intellectual property rights is the
Consultant Institute for Intellectual Property Rights.
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
3.2 Role and Authority of Notaries for
Debt Guarantees in the Form of
Intellectual Property Rights
Act No. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright has
regulated that Copyright can be used as an object of
Fiduciary Guarantee. According to Sudjana, the
guarantee institution that is most likely to be charged
to Copyright as an object of collateral for debt is a
fiduciary guarantee institution (Sudjana, 2012).
The imposition of fiduciary guarantees is
regulated in Article 4 through Article 10 of Law
Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary
Guarantees. The nature of a fiduciary guarantee is a
follow-up agreement (accesoir) of a principal
agreement which creates an obligation for the parties
to fulfill an achievement. The imposition of a
fiduciary guarantee is carried out in the following
ways: (a) Made by notarial deed in Indonesian, (b)
Debt whose repayment is guaranteed by a fiduciary
guarantee (Salim, 2014).
With regard to copyright which is used as an
object of fiduciary guarantee, in this case the notary
has the authority to make his fiduciary collateral
deed. Because of 2 (two) rules, namely the Fiduciary
Guarantee Law and the Copyright Act, there is no
reason for the notary to refuse to make a fiduciary
deed on copyright.
Fiduciary guarantee is a special guarantee that
arises because of a special agreement between the
debtor and the creditor. Fiduciary guarantees can be
executed without going through a court decision
(execution parate) because the head of the Fiduciary
Guarantee Act has written the executorial title in the
form of the sentence "For Justice Based on the One
God Almighty".The regulation on fiduciary
guarantee in Indonesia is contained in Law Number
42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantees.
secondly the related laws and regulations, normative
Copyright can be used as an object of fiduciary
However, in practice, Article 6 of Law Number
42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantees
stipulates that the Fiduciary Guarantee deed made by
a Notary must include the guarantee value and the
value of the object used as the object of fiduciary
guarantee, this makes a new question, where is the
value of the object obtained? (Setianingrum, 2016).
The challenge for notaries in the future when
faced with this problem is in the case of making a
fiduciary loading deed, it is necessary for the Notary
to explain in detail in the fiduciary guarantee deed
even more so in relation to the description of the
object that is the object of collateral, guarantee value
and the value of the object that becomes object of
fiduciary guarantee.
This is because the collateral for copyright is not
something that is tangible in nature but that is
submitted for collateral is a "right" which is
intangible. Regarding the description concerning the
object guaranteed in the deed, the notary can request
the Creator as the Fiduciary Giver to submit the
work that is owned along with documents that prove
ownership of the work (Sary, 2016).Although the
protection of Copyright adheres to the declarative
system (does not require registration), but in order to
protect the Economic Right of the creation, the
creators must register the Copyright to the
Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights,
Ministry of Law and Human Rights, so that there is
one certainty the law of who is entitled to guarantee
a Copyright.
Based on the results of the above discussion, it can
be seen that the transfer of rights or the imposition
of collateral for intellectual property rights requires
the role and authority of the notary public. This is
based on the fact that an authentic deed made by a
notary will be a strong proof that can provide legal
certainty and protection for the parties.When
compared, the Copyright Act more explicitly
regulates the role and authority of the Notary rather
than the Patent Law because it mentions it explicitly.
But unfortunately the Copyright Act still justifies the
transfer of rights to the work without involving a
notary.Regarding the imposition of a debt guarantee
on intellectual property rights, there is a need for
implementing regulations considering that the
existing laws do not have detailed arrangements.
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches