Relationship of Knowledge and Father Support
with Exclusive Breastfeeding in Puskesmas
Pekan Labuhan Medan
Fitri Ardiani
and Ernawati Nasution
Department of Public Health Nutrition, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Keywords : Knowledge, Father Support, Exclusive Breastfeeding
Abstract : Exclusive breastfeeding aims to fulfill the infant's nutritional needs for optimal growth and development. The
purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge and support of father in exclusive
breastfeeding. This research was conducted in Puskesmas Pekan Labuhan working area. The research design
is cross-sectional study. The sample of this study as many as 50 respondents is father who has infants aged 6-
11 months obtained by using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used was a questionnaire
consisting of father's knowledge questionnaire, father support and exclusive breastfeeding. The results showed
that there was a significant relationship between knowledge of the father and exclusive breast feeding (p
<0.05), and there was no significant relationship between father support and exclusive breastfeeding. Most
fathers (54%) had sufficient knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding and knowledge had a significant
association with exclusive breastfeeding (p <0.05). Likewise, good father support is expected to contribute to
exclusive breastfeeding.
Golden period can be realized if in infancy given
appropriate nutrition for optimal growth and
development. The WHO recommendation is to
provide exclusive breastfeeding until the infant is 6
months old. Exclusive breastfeeding can provide
nutrients with the best quality and quantity for babies.
Breastfeeding also improves baby's health, baby's
intelligence and improves the connection of mother's
attachment with the baby (UNICEF, 2013).
Exclusive breastfeeding can also prevent infant
deaths caused by various diseases such as diarrhea
and respiratory infections that are the leading cause
of infant death in Indonesia (Roesli, 2008). Exclusive
breastfeeding is also included in the specific
intervention in activities or actions to succeed the first
1,000 days of life, which prioritizes the improvement
of the nutrition of Indonesian society (Kemenkes RI,
2009) (Kemenkes RI, 2013).
Based on data from the Health Profile of the
Republic of Indonesia for 3 consecutive years namely
the year 2012, 2013 and 2014 that the achievement of
Exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia has increased
and decreased. Exclusive breastfeeding performance
in Indonesia in 2012 was at 48.62%, then increased in
2013 (54.3%). While in 2014, exclusive
breastfeeding in Indonesia decreased to 52,3%
(Kemenkes RI, 2013) (Kemenkes RI, 2015).
There are many factors related to the increase and
decrease of breastfeeding in Indonesia, including
socio-cultural change, psychological factors (in
determining decisions or attitudes of mothers
influenced by knowledge, family support and health
personnel. The role of the family, especially the father
in the success of breastfeeding is very large, because
with the direct participation of the father in
breastfeeding can provide a comfortable feeling of
mother and baby. Mother feel themselves supported,
loved, and cared for, generates positive energy that
will affect the production of oxytocin hormone to
increase milk production (Sunardi, 2008).
Decision to give exclusive breastfeeding is not
only determined by the mother. Most pregnant
women and nursing mothers who have been informed
about breastfeeding do not practice the knowledge
they get because they are not the primary decision
makers in the family. So, it still takes the husband's
decision in exclusive breastfeeding (Widodo, 2001).
Father's support is the most meaningful support
for mother. The father's active role in the success of
exclusive breastfeeding will contribute of milk let
Ardiani, F. and Nasution, E.
Relationship of Knowledge and Father Support with Exclusive Breastfeeding in Puskesmas Pekan Labuhan Medan.
DOI: 10.5220/0010091508040808
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
down reflex which is greatly influenced by emotional
support and practical help (Roesli, 2000).
Based on
(Wulandari's, 2009) study, the role of father has a
significant relationship to adherence in exclusive
breastfeeding as well as support of health personnel
and social support around the mother. Other studies
have also shown that the role of fathers influences
maternal factors in the selection of feeding types such
as exclusively breastfeeding or exclusive
breastfeeding (Nickerson, 2010). A form of support
that can be provided include attention, opportunity,
creation of an atmosphere that supports
breastfeeding, optimal nutrition for pregnant and
lactating women.
Achievement of Exclusive Breastfeeding
Program in Medan City in 2015 amounted to 40.1%
while the national target of 80%. While the
achievement of Exclusive ASI at Puskesmas Pekan
Labuhan Medan City equal to 41,1% (Profile of
Health Office of Medan City, 2016), it is seen that of
141 babies born there are 58 infants (41.1%) who get
Exclusive Breastfeeding. Based on the preliminary
survey, it was found that there were 5 mothers (50%)
who gave exclusive breastfeeding for infants aged 0-
6 months from 10 breastfeeding mothers and also
received support from their husbands in taking care
of their babies. Also, mother and father who have a
baby know that breast milk is the best food baby until
the age of 6 months. The association between father's
knowledge and support in exclusive breastfeeding
needs to be examined an attempt to increase the
achievement of Exclusive Breastfeeding coverage.
This research design is descriptive research with cross
sectional approach that is research to study
correlation / correlation between independent
variable of research that is knowledge and support of
father with dependent variable of research that is
exclusive breast feeding at one time. The population
in this study were husbands / fathers who had infants
aged 6-11 months, considering population still
remembering Exclusive breastfeeding to giving to
their babies, which amounted to 50 people. The
sample in this study is the total population of 50
Primary data were obtained through interviews
that included father's knowledge and support in
exclusive breastfeeding, as well as father
characteristics that included age, education,
occupation, income. While secondary data include
data of families who have infants aged 6-11 months.
Bivariate analysis was used to see the relationship
between independent and dependent variables by
using Chi-square test.
3.1 Characteristics of Father
Based on the result of research known fathers’
characteristics data consist of age, education, income,
and occupation. Most fathers are 20-30 years,
educated high school, and as a laborer. Data of
father's characteristics can be seen in the following
Table 1. Distribution of Frequency of Fathers by
Characteristics (Age, Education, Income, and Occupation)
Characteristics n = 50 %
20-30 years 25 50,0
31-40 years 21 42,0
41-50 years 4 8,0
SD 4 8,0
SMP 9 18,0
SMA 35 70,0
Perguruan Tinggi 2 4,0
Rp. 500.000-
10 20,0
Rp. >1.500.000-
27 54,0
Relationship of Knowledge and Father Support with Exclusive Breastfeeding in Puskesmas Pekan Labuhan Medan
Table 1. Distribution of Frequency of Fathers by
Characteristics (Age, Education, Income, and
Characteristics n = 50 %
Rp. >2.000.000 13 26,0
1 2,0
Private employees 3 6,0
Laborers 16 32,0
Fishermen 12 24,0
Entrepeneur 14 28,0
Others 4 8,0
3.2 Exclusive Breastfeeding
Based on the results of research known that there are
70% of respondents who give exclusive breastfeeding
to the infant. This is known through the question
about food / drink is given shortly after the baby is
born and at what age the baby is given
complementary feeding.
3.3 Father's Knowledge
Based on the results of the study, knowledge of
father's knowledge about breastfeeding has a
sufficient level of knowledge of breast milk. Father's
education reflects that more educated fathers will be
more intensively seeking information on health-
related and knowledge-related benefits of
breastfeeding that are known to affect exclusive
breastfeeding practices. Father's work also related to
the father's working hours is indicated as a barrier to
involvement in prenatal consultations resulting in low
opportunities to learn and increase their knowledge of
breastfeeding (Destriatania, 2010; Kepmenkes RI,
Table 2. Distribution of Frequency of Father
Knowledge in Exclusive Breastfeeding
Knowledge n=50 %
Good 22 44,0
Sufficient 27 54,0
Less 1 2,0
A father who has knowledge of breast milk and
breastfeeding management before having a baby is a
step toward exclusive breastfeeding success. The
higher the education level of the father it will be
highly correlated with the level of knowledge of the
father (Juherman, 2008).
Additionally, there are fathers who have less
knowledge about breastfeeding. This is allegedly
because there are still fathers who have never heard
or read breastfeeding information and have limited
access to breastfeeding information. One of the
obstacles in increasing exclusive breastfeeding is the
lack of knowledge about breastfeeding in the family.
Table 3. Relationship of Knowledge of Fathers with
Exclusive Breastfeeding
No Yes p
f % f % Σ %
19 38,
22 44,
Statistically obtained that p value 0,036 (p <0,05)
which mean there is a significant relationship
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
between father's knowledge with exclusive
breastfeeding. The higher level of knowledge of
mother and father about breastfeeding will improve
the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Fathers and
mothers who learn breastfeeding and breastfeeding
management are one step towards achieving success
in exclusive breastfeeding (Roesli, 2000).
The results showed that many fathers know that
breast milk is the best food for babies. In addition, the
father also knows that colostrum should be given to
the baby, because in colostrum contains immune
substances for babies. This shows that the father
already has a good knowledge of colostrum.
Colostrum is also called "golden liquid" that is breast
milk that comes from the first day until day 4 or 7,
rich in anti-infective and high protein. Colostrum
contains living cells that resemble white blood cells
that can kill germs, so it should be given to the baby
(Roesli, 2000).
The distribution of father's knowledge of
exclusive breastfeeding can be seen in the following
3.4 Father's Support
Father`s support is an emotional and psychological
activity given to nursing mothers. This is related to
thoughts, feelings, and senses that can facilitate the
production of breast milk. Fathers can play an active
role in exclusive breastfeeding success by providing
emotional support and practical help.
Table 4. Distribution of Frequency of Father Support in
Exclusive Breastfeeding
Support n = 50 %
Good 5 10,0
Sufficient 34 68,0
Less 11 22,0
Based on the results of the study is known most
of the father has sufficient support in breastfeeding.
However, there are 22% less supportive fathers in
breastfeeding. Of all the support for nursing mothers,
father support is most meaningful to mom. Father has
a very decisive role in the success of breastfeeding
because father helped determine the smoothness of
the reflex of milk let down reflex which is strongly
influenced by emotions or mother's feelings
Studies in Jakarta show that the father will
provide support to the mother to breastfeed if the
father has a good knowledge about breastfeeding and
has a good relationship with the mother-baby
(Februhartanty, 2008). Efforts that fathers can make
during breastfeeding are burping the baby after
feeding, changing diapers, massaging babies, bathing
babies, rocking babies, singing or telling stories for
babies, and playing with babies. Playing is usually the
first thing a mother asks for a father to do. Often
babies quickly recognize the father as a playmate and
mother as a caregiver because the father spends a lot
of time playing (Riordan, 2005).
Table 5. Relationships Father`s Support with Exclusive
Support No Yes p
f % f % To
Good 0 0 5 10 5 10
Statistically obtained that p value 0,268 (p <0,05)
meaning there is no significant relation between
father support with Exclusive breastfeeding. This is
not in line with research at Lalang Village Health
Center that there is a significant relationship between
husband support with Exclusive Breastfeeding at
Lalang Village Community Health Center in Medan
(Sitopu, 2015). In addition, in other studies also
obtained the result that there is a husband support
relationship with the mother's willingness to provide
Exclusive Breast Milk (p = 0.001 <0.05) (Abidjulu et
al, 2014)
Relationship of Knowledge and Father Support with Exclusive Breastfeeding in Puskesmas Pekan Labuhan Medan
Different results in this study are possible
because the father works for 4-10 hours outside the
home, so when at home the father does not have the
opportunity to accompany the mother in exclusive
breastfeeding. Today there are still many fathers who
argue that breastfeeding is a matter of mother and
baby. Father thinks enough to be a passive observer.
This can be seen in the results of research that there
are 22% of fathers think that the father only works
and take care of the baby is the mother's job (Roesli,
The results of research indicate that the practice
of exclusive breastfeeding is not significantly related
to the role of the father in breastfeeding (p = 0.235
and r = 0.156). This indicates whether or not the role
of the father in breastfeeding is not related to success
in exclusive breastfeeding (Juherman, 2008). Other
research in Bogor City is known to be the most
discussed before the decision of exclusive
breastfeeding, but in reality, when decision making
father played very small and many done by mother.
Decision making dominated by mothers is suspected
because there is still a stereotype that breastfeeding is
a mother's business, so Mother is a major party in
decision making breastfeeding (Abdullah, 2002).
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded
Most fathers (54%) had sufficient knowledge about
exclusive breastfeeding and knowledge had a
significant association with exclusive breastfeeding
(p <0.05). Likewise, father support is expected to
contribute to exclusive breastfeeding.
The writer would like to say thanks for Research
Institution of University of Sumatera Utara that has
gave donation until this research could be finished,
and also to the Dean Faculty of Public Health,
University of Sumatera Utara that has gave
permission to the writer to do the research. Besides
that, the writer also would like to say thanks to all the
parents that has work together and volunteering as
the object for this research.
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches