Profile of Clinical Chemistry and Hematology of Long-tailed
Macaques (Macacafascicularis) During Adaptation after
Administration of Methanol Extract of Bitter Melon Seed
(Momordicacharantia) and DMPA
Syafruddin Ilyas
, Masitta Tanjung
and Deri Edianto
Department of Biology,Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. Indonesia.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. Indonesia
Keywords: Macacafascicularis, Hematology, Momordica Charantia, DMPA.
Abstract: For the use of non-human primate animals (Macacafascicularis) as an advanced test of a drug substance, it is
necessary to measure the clinical chemistry content [blood sugar levels, SGOT (Serum Glutamic
Oxaloacetic Transaminase)/ SGP (Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase), and creatinine] and
hematology, especially white blood cells such as; Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eusinophils and
Basophils. Giving of bitter melon seed extract for six days and injection of DMPA (Depot
medroxyprogesterone acetate) at the beginning of the study gives a profile of daily blood sugar level,
SGOT/SGPT, creatinine, and Neutrophil, Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Eusinophil and Basophil did not show any
significant difference (p>0.05). It was concluded that pare seed extract can be continued in the next
experiment to increase the day of extracting methanol extract of pare seed and DMPA on long-tailed macaque.
Indonesia is a part of Southeast Asia which has a large
variety of primate animals, for example, long-tailed
monkeys (Macacafascicularis). As a resident
monkey native to southeast Asia, it has now spread to
almost all of the Asian continent. The superiority of
this monkey is known for its good adaptability to its
new environment and its great ability to keep up with
changes in human civilization. Monkeys are often
kept and used as performance animals, and for the
development of knowledge based on drug trials that
will be applied to humans (Jatna, 2000)
Long-tailed monkeys belong to Kingdom:
Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia,
Order: Primates, Family: Cercopithecidae, Genus:
Macaca and Species: M. fascicularis. As the name
implies, the long-tailed monkey is a type of monkey
with a long tail almost equal to the length of the body,
when measured from head to tip of the body. Male
body length is longer than female. Young male body
weight ranges from 0.5-3 kg. His body color varies,
ranging from gray to brown, with white ventral parts.
Newborn child with black hair. Pregnancy ranges
from 153-179 days and generally gives birth to only
one child. Long-tailed monkeys are most commonly
used in biomedical experiments. In the body
antibodies are often found for certain types of viruses.
Living in primary and secondary forests ranging from
the lowlands to the highlands about 1,000 meters
above sea level. In the highlands, these types of
monkeys are usually found in secondary growth areas
or in the plantation areas of the population. Often also
found in mangroves to the forest near the village
(Jatna, 2000).
Long-tailed monkeys are also called long-tailed
macaque, monkey-eating crabs, and cinomoligus
monkey. Macacafacicularis is one of the primate
animals that use the front and back legs in various
variations for walking and running (quandra-
pedalism), having a tail that is longer than the length
of the head and body. The long-tailed monkey also
has a sitting cushion (ischialsallocity) attached to the
sitting bone (ischial) and has a food sac on the cheek
(Sinaga, 2010).
Long-tailed monkeys according to Suwarno
(2014) are non-human primates which have high
adaptation success so that they are spread in various
habitat types. Long-tailed monkeys are a type of
Ilyas, S., Tanjung, M. and Edianto, D.
Profile of Clinical Chemistry and Hematology of Long-tailed Macaques (Macacafascicularis) During Adaptation after Administration of Methanol Extract of Bitter Melon Seed
(Momordicacharantia) and DMPA.
DOI: 10.5220/0010091307990803
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
primate that lives in groups so that they cannot be
separated from social interaction with other
individuals in the group. The social interaction
carried out by the long-tailed monkey gives rise to a
variety of different activities between individuals in a
These monkeys eat all types of food (omnivores),
but the composition contains more fruits (60%), the
rest are flowers, young leaves, seeds, tubers.
Monkeys that live in swamps sometimes descend to
the ground at low tide and walk along the river
looking for insects. Monkeys that live in mangrove or
coastal areas, often found eating crabs or other types
of mollusks. So often this monkey is called "Crabs
eating macaque" (Jatna, 2010). The results of (Sari,
2015) showed that the activity of long-tailed
macaques (Macacafascicularis) was observed
namely sleep, inactivity, grooming, mating, moving,
eating, parenting, playing, excretion, voicing, and
agonistic (fighting) . The average percentage of
activity of long-tailed monkeys observed was sleep
(2.27%), inactive (20.76%), grooming (16.78%),
mating (1.99%), moving (32.85%), eating (13.37%),
parenting ( 4.97%), play (5.26%), excretion (0.71%),
voice (0.42%), and agonistic (0.56%).
In order to be used as a experimental animal
treated in a study, the long tailed monkey must be
analyzed for its adaptability to the tried material,
namely methanol extract of bitter melon seeds and
DMPA. Likewise, an analysis of the clinical chemical
profile and white blood content of long-tailed
2.1 Experimental Animal
Five male monkeys, aged around 1 year, weighed 1.2
kg, maintained in the Biology Laboratory, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences under guarding
and extra observation in the animal cage within a
month. The monkeys are fed fresh fruit throughout
the trial period. The three animals were fed by bitter
melon seed extract. The dose of bitter melon seed
extract: 92 kg / kg BW (every day for 8 weeks) and
DMPA 4.01 mg / kg BW (only once at the beginning
of treatment) (Ilyas, 2018), while two monkeys again
as control. Histopathological observation using H &
E staining and thickness of 5 μm Chowdhury, 2014).
The handling of monkeys is in accordance with the
animal code of ethics (Ethical clearance from
theAnimal Research Ethics Committee –Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas
Sumatera Utara, Medan).
2.2 Chemistry of Blood
2.2.1 Blood Sugar Levels
Measuring blood sugar levels using the Autochek
automatic tool. Enter the battery and turn on the
engine. Set the time, date and year on the machine.
Take the yellow chip into the machine to check the
machine. If the screen appears "error" means the
machine is damaged. If the screen appears "OK"
means the machine is ready for use. On the existing
strip bottles for blood sugar. To check sugar, put
sugar chips and sugar strips first. On the screen the
corresponding numbers / codes appear on the bottle
strip. After that a picture of blood drops and blinking
will appear. Put the needle in the lancing / firing tool
in a pen shape and adjust the needle depth. Use
alcohol wipes to clean up blood sources in animals.
Shoot the needle on the finger and press it so that the
blood comes out. Blood is touched on the strip and
not drops on the strip. Touch on the line with an
arrow. Blood will immediately absorb to the end of
the strip and the sound of beeps. Wait a moment, the
results will appear a few seconds on the screen.
Unplug the needle from the lancing strip as well and
remove it. The sugar chip is stored in a bottle again.
Close the bottle strip tightly when not in use. Pay
attention to the expiration period on each strip
(Kusuma, 2018).
2.2.2 SGOT
Measurement of SGOT levels with the minetic
method - IFCC (without pyridoxal-5-phosphate).
Work principle; Aminotransferation (AST) catalyzes
transamination of L aspartate and α-kataglutarate
forms L-glutamate and oxaloacetate. Oxaloacetate is
reduced to malate by enzyme malate by enzyme
malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and niconamide
adenine dinucleotide (NADH) oxidized to NAD. The
amount of NADH is oxidized, directly proportional to
AST activity and measured photometrically with a
spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 340 nm
(Sadeq, 2014).
2.2.3 SGPT
Measurement of SGPT levels using kinetic
methods - IFCC (without pyridoxal-5-phosphate).
The principle of Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
catalyzes the transimination of L - alanine and a -
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
kataglutarate forms l - glutamate and pyruvate, the
pyruvate formed is reduced to lactate by lactate
dehydrogenase (LDH) and nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide (NADH) enzymes oxidized to NAD.
The amount of oxidized NADH resulting from the
reduction in absobance is directly proportional to
ALT activity and measured photometrically with a
wavelength of 340 nm (Sadeq, 2014).
2.2.4 Creatinine
Test parameters method: colorimetric, kinetic,
"mod."jaffe, increasing reaction wavelength : hg 510
nm (500 nm - 520 nm) temperature : 37°c sample :
serum, heparinized plasma, urine linearity : up to 20
mg/dl. Test principle, creatinine reacts with picric
acid in alkaline environment to form a color complex.
Developing of this red color may be follow
photometrically at 500- 520 nm. The association on
surfactant and sodium tetraborate keeps interferences
at minimum(Sadeq, 2014).
2.3 Analysis of the Content of
Leucocyte Types
Determination of the types of blood leukocytes is
done automatically with the equipment
HematologyAnalyzer, Mindray BC-2800. The
content of Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes,
Eusinophils and Basophils was recorded
automatically after being put into a
hematologyanalyzer (Briggs, 2014).
2.4 Blood Sugar Levels
The results of measurements of long tail monkey
blood sugar levels can be seen in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Blood sugar content of long-tailed monkeys
(Macaca fascicularis) on the first day to the sixth day after
the administration of Momordica charantia and DMPA
methanol extracts.
2.5 Blood Chemistry (SGOT, SGOT
and Creatinine)
Equations should be placed on a separate line,
numbered andcentered. An extra line space should be
added above and below the equation.The numbers
accorded to equations must appear in consecutive
order inside each section or within the contribution,
with number enclosed in brackets and set on the right
margin, starting with the number 1.
Figure 2. The content of SGPT/SGOT (mean ± SD) long-
tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) in the first and sixth
day after the administration of seed methanol extract of
bitter melon (Momordica charantia) and DMPA.
Figure 3. The content of creatinine (mean ± SD) long-tailed
macaque (Macaca fascicularis) in the first and sixth day
after the administration of seed methanol extract of bitter
melon (Momordica charantia) and DMPA.
2.6 Content of Leucocyte Types
The contents of various types of leukocytes such as
Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eusinophils
and Basophils were calculated from the blood of
long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) in the first
and sixth weeks.
Profile of Clinical Chemistry and Hematology of Long-tailed Macaques (Macacafascicularis) During Adaptation after Administration of
Methanol Extract of Bitter Melon Seed (Momordicacharantia) and DMPA
Figure 4. Content of white blood species of long-tailed
monkeys (Macacafasciculatus) on days I and VI after
giving methanol extract of bitter melon
(Momordicacharantia) and DMPA.
In Figure 1, it can be seen that the blood sugar content
of long tailed monkeys (Macacafascicularis) on the
first day to the sixth day after giving the methanol
extract of Momordicacharantia and DMPA
increased, especially on day III towards day IV. On
the fourth day until the fourth day, blood sugar levels
stabilized. This shows the effort of physiological
adaptation of monkeys to the condition of the cage
and the new atmosphere. The initial state shows a
physiological state that is still unstable and changes
in days show physiological stability seen from blood
sugar levels. This shows that the current adaptation is
starting to appear.
A cross-sectional study has found out the
blood glucose levels of long-tailed monkeys
(Macacafascicularis) obesity at LuhurUluwatu
Temple, Badung, Bali ranged from 44-208 mg/dL
with an average of 120.58 ± 46.94 mg / dL. Long-
tailed monkeys with the highest BMI (61.51 kg/m2)
had blood glucose levels of 124 mg/dL while the
highest glucose level was 208 mg/dL owned by long-
tailed monkeys with a BMI of 52.00 kg /m2. It can be
concluded that not all obese long-tailed monkeys at
LuhurUluwatu Temple have high blood glucose
levels (Aryana, 2016)
SGPT and SGOT content (mean ± SD) of long-
tailed monkeys (Macacafascicularis) on days I and
VI after giving methanol extract of bitter melon seeds
(Momordicacharantia) and DMPA (Figure 2)
showed normal conditions and no indication of liver
disorders.According to (Yoshime, 2016), the content
of good quality bitter melon is α-eleostearate which is
high in acid and phytosterol with the potential of
health benefits making it an attractive plant by-
The content of white blood types of long-tailed
monkeys (Macacafascicularis) at the time of giving
methanol extract of bitter seeds
(Momordicacharantia) and DMPA did not provide a
real determination (p>0.05). According to
Takemoto(Takemoto, 1982), there was no effect of
coarse bitter seed extract on white blood cells such as
Administration of bitter melon seed extract for six
days and injection of DMPA (Depot
medroxyprogesterone acetate) at the beginning of the
study gives a profile of daily blood sugar levels,
SGOT/SGPT, creatinine, and Neutrophil,
Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Eusinophil and Basophil did
not show any significant difference (p>0.05).
Methanol extracts from bitter melon seed and DMPA
can be continued in the next day on long-tailed
macaque Macacafascicularis.
We are grateful for the financial support from the
Directorate of Research and Community Service
(DRPM) of the Ministry of Research, Technology
and Higher Education, a Competency-Based
Research Scheme for 2018 Fiscal Year Number: 3/
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Profile of Clinical Chemistry and Hematology of Long-tailed Macaques (Macacafascicularis) During Adaptation after Administration of
Methanol Extract of Bitter Melon Seed (Momordicacharantia) and DMPA