Liability of Banking Parties in Internet Banking Facilities
Tri Murti Lubis
, Syarifah Lisa Andriati
and Faradila Yulistari Sitepu
Law Department, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Dr. Mansyur Street, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Bank, Internet Banking, Banking Law.
Abstract: The banking institution is the core of the financial system of each country. The Bank is a financial
institution that becomes the place for individual, private business entities, state-owned enterprises, and even
governmental institutions to keep the funds they own. Through lending activities and various services
provided, the bank serves the financing activities as well as launches a payment system mechanism for all
sectors of the economy. Internet banking is a delivery channel in the banking industry, and civic
relationships arising from the internet banking. Every provider of an electronic system is required to
provide a reliable and secure electronic system and is responsible for the proper operation of electronic
systems. The method used in this research is the normative juridical approach. The normative juridical
research method is a method that refers to applicable legal norms. In Indonesian laws, there is no specific
and clear regulation regarding internet banking. However, the discussion about the need for clear rules
governing internet banking issues has been widely reviewed and discussed. In the Act of Electronic
Transaction Information (ITE Act), not even a chapter that regulates internet banking. However, there are
articles on the transactions using the internet media. The arrangement of internet banking cannot be
separated from the Banking Law No. 7 of 1992 and its amendment laws of Law No. 10 of 1998. To
minimize the risks in Internet Banking, the Financial Services Authority, having the supervision authority
over Indonesian banks as well as banks outside Indonesia, should always update the regulation regarding the
implementation of risk management in the banking system and conduct active monitoring on the risk
management implementation conducted by banks in Indonesia.
The banking institution is the core of the financial
system of each country. The Bank is a financial
institution that becomes the place of the
individual,private business entities, state owned
enterprises, and even governmental institutions to
keep the funds they own. Through lending activities
and various services provided, the bank serves the
financing activities as well as launches a payment
system mechanism for all sectors of the economy
(Abdurachman, 1993).
Banking is one of the pillars of Indonesia's
economic development. The milestone of the
Banking law was enacted since the issuance of Law
No. 14 of 1967 on the Banking Principles which has
been amended by Act No. 7 of 1992 regarding
Banking and subsequently amended by Law Number
10 of 1998 on the amendment upon Act Number 7of
1992 concerning Banking (hereinafter referred to as
the Banking Law).
A bank is a business entity that collects and
distributes public funds, so in terms of operation,
Banks require the trust and support from the
community. The relationship between the bank and
the customer is based on the trust principle of the
community. Therefore, without the support of the
community, it will be challenging for the bank to be
able to run its business smoothly. The legal
relationship that exists between these banks and the
customers may result in a legal problem.
The development of the banking world has
evolved significantly. The rapid development of the
banking world is heavily influenced by various
factors, one of which is the technological factor. The
use of technology in the banking world today is a
must. The demands for fast information require
banks to create a technology that can improve the
bank performance. Along with the technological
advances, the banking world creates a system that
implements the Internet as an intermediary media
called Internet Banking or also called E-Banking.
Lubis, T., Andriati, S. and Sitepu, F.
Liability of Banking Parties in Internet Banking Facilities.
DOI: 10.5220/0010090016011605
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Internet Banking is a new strategic tool in the
sector of global banking to attract customers and
increase customer satisfaction in the field of
financial services. Over time and the development
of information technology, telecommunications led
to the emerging of a business application on internet
banking basis. Internet banking is one of the banking
services that allow customers to obtain information,
communicate and conduct banking transactions
through the Internet, and is not a bank that only
provides banking services through the internet The
problem statement of this research is the liability of
the banking party on the loss experienced by the
internet banking users.
The proposed method used in this research is the
normative juridical approach. The normative
juridical research method is the legal research that
states the law as a norm system. Data from this study
are secondary data consisting of; a) the materials of
primary legislation in the form of constitutional law;
b) the materials of the secondary law in the form of
scripts, both in the form of books and articles that
contain commentary or analysis related to the
subject matter; c) the materials of the tertiary law in
the form of dictionary. Data were collected using
literature reviews and document analysis. The data
were analysed using qualitative methods based on t
he logic of deductive reasoning.
3.1 The Basis of Accountability Laws
against Banking Consumers
According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
No 10 of 1998 on Banking, it can be concluded that
the banking business includes three activities, i.e.,
raising funds, channeling funds, and providing other
bank services. The activities of collecting and
channeling funds are the principal activities of a
bank while providing other bank services is
considered as supporting activities. The activity of
collecting the funds is performed by acquiring the
funds from the community in the form of savings
accounts, cheques, and deposits, with the addition of
being given attractive rewards, flowers, and gifts as
a stimulus for the community, while the activity of
channeling funds is in the form of lending money to
the consumers. Meanwhile, other banking services
are provided to support the operations of the main
In conducting its business the bank is obliged to
implement the principle of prudence. It is stipulated
in article 29 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of Law
Number 7 of 1992. Furthermore, in Article
paragraph (4) and paragraph (5), it is stated that the
bank serves to provide credit and other business
activities In this case, banks are required to take
measures that do not harm the bank and the interests
of customers who entrust their funds to the bank, as
well as the bank role as intermediaries in providing
information on possible risks of losses that may
occur as a result of the customer transactions
conducted through the bank.
If in conducting its business, the bank has
neglected the obligation as stipulated in article 29
paragraph (2), (3), (4), and (5) of Law Number 7
Year 1992, and resulting in consumer losses, the
bank is obliged to replace the funds along with the
cost of compensation and interest to the consumer.
3.2 Legal Protection of Internet
Banking User
In order to protect customers in the use of internet
banking services, the Law No. 8 of 1999 on
Consumer Protection can also be associated with the
implementation of internet banking. In this case, the
company in question is the bank, and the intended
consumer is the bank client.
In the implementation, two regulations are
utilized in the internet banking, namely self-
regulation and government regulation. Self-
regulation is a rule that is usually formed by the
parties to anticipate the vacuum of law to protect the
customers and the banks in internet banking service,
while government regulation is a rule formed by the
government to protect both the customers and banks
of the internet banking service.
In general, the Banking operations in Indonesia,
especially in terms of internet banking, implement
the self-regulation, since Indonesia government does
not have regulations that specifically regulate
internet banking to protect the consumer interests,
resulting in the bank to make its regulations that are
deemed fair in protecting interests of both parties.
The rules of self-regulation specifically include
the substantive rules to ensure that the consumer (the
bank client) knows that the company (the bank)
meets the requirements.
Although the self-regulation rules have been
created by many banks that provide internet banking
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
services, it is essential to have the government
regulations that thoroughly organize the activities of
internet banking. Furthermore, the contents of the
self-regulation of the banks will be different since
each bank set its own rules. The articles of law to be
formed should include clear regulations regarding
internet banking, particularly on the customers'
protection in internet banking service. With the
establishment of precise rules and regulations,
specifically managing the internet banking activities,
it is expected to protect the interests of the customers
and the banks in a balanced manner.
In Law No. 11 of 2008 on the ITE Act is a law
established to specifically regulate various human
activities in the field of information and
communication technology, including some criminal
acts that are categorized as cybercrime. The ITE Act
passed on 21 April 2008 is considered sufficient to
manage legal issues of the Internet banking system
as one of the banking services formed by the
technological advances. Obstacles such as the
technological and legal aspects no longer become
the inhibiting factors in the development of Internet
banking in Indonesia. Although the articles of ITE
Act have no specific article which arranges the
activities of Internet banking, there are several
regulations governing the transaction using the
Internet media.
Every provider of electronic systems is required
to provide a secure and reliable electronic system
and is responsible for the system to operate properly.
"Reliable" means the electronic system has the
ability that matches with the needs of its users.
"Secure" means that the electronic system is
physically and non-physically protected. "Properly
operated" means the electronic system has the ability
in accordance with its specifications.
Responsible means there is law regulations that
legally control the implementation of the electronic
system. However, such provision shall not be
applicable in the event of proven circumstances of
force, error, or negligence of the users of electronic
systems. The ITE Act also stipulates that, as long as
a separate law does not determine it, every operator
of an electronic system shall operate an electronic
system that meets the following minimum
1. Able to re-display the electronic information or
electronic documents in full form according to
the retention period specified by the law;
2. Able to protect the availability, integrity,
authenticity, confidentiality, and accessibility
of electronic information in the electronic
3. Able to operate under the procedures or
instructions of the electronic systems;
4. Equipped with procedures or instructions that
are written with language, information or
symbols that can be understood by all parties of
the electronic systems;
5. Have a sustainable mechanism to maintain the
novelty, clarity, and responsibility of the
procedures or products.
In ITE Act, there is no clear Article governing
about internet banking. However, there is an Article
on the transactions using the internet media. In the
general provisions of the ITE Law, Article 1(2)
states that electronic transactions are legal acts
committed using computers, computer networks, or
other electronic media. An article in ITE related to
internet banking is Article 15, which states:
1. Each Operator of the electronic system shall
administer a reliable and secure electronic
system and shall be responsible for the proper
operating electronic system;
2. The operator of the electronic system is
responsible for the management of the
electronic system.
3.3 The Responsibility of Banking
Party on the Internet Banking
The activities of internet banking may contain high
risks. Internet banking is a distribution channel that
provides opportunities for the banks to broaden their
reach, improve the customer experience and reduce
operational costs. Although internet banking
services offer amenity, internet banking also has
numerous risks. In the implementation, internet
banking often neglects the security matters (both
technically and non-technically) resulting in
numerous problems.
The most recent case occurred as quoted in
consumer media, a customer of Indonesia Nation
Bank (BNI), did a transfer transaction using internet
banking facility from BNI on August 5, 2018. At
that time, the transfer was declared successful, and
the consumer kept the proof of the transfer.
However, about a week later the customer was
informed that the funds had not been credited to the
destination account, whereas the customer account
balances have been cut off. On January 15, the
consumer reported this problem to the BNI Call
The impact of these risks can be attributed to a
system that is not efficient at the time of its
Liability of Banking Parties in Internet Banking Facilities
operation. Risks that may arise, either directly or
indirectly, may result in losses for the banks and
communities, especially customers using the internet
banking services.
Essentially, internet banking does not pose new
risks that are different from banking service products
through other media, but it is proven that internet
banking increases the risk. Of all the risks mentioned
above, the internet banking in particular increases
the strategic risk, transactional risk including
security, legal and reputation risks. Therefore, in
addition, to improve the customer experiences of
these internet banking services, the banks should
identify, measure, monitor, and control these risks
with the precautionary principle.
In Article No. 4 of the Regulation of Financial
Services Authority Number 38 /POJK.03/2016 on
the Implementation of Risk Management in the Use
of Information Technology By Commercial Banks
states that the Bank is required to establish clear
authority and responsibilities of the Board of
Directors, Board of Commissioners and officials of
each employment level related to the use of
Information Technology.
If the bank has reported on Incidental reporting as
in Article 31 POJK No. 38 / POJK.03 / 2016, the
Financial Services Authority (OJK) will conduct
legal defense as contained in Article 30 of Act no.
21 of 2011 on the Financial Services Authority
which states as follows:
1. For consumer and community protection,
OJK is authorized to defend the law, which
a. Order or perform certain actions on the
Financial Services Institution to resolve
customer complaints harmed by the
Financial Services Institution;
b. File a lawsuit:
(1) To reclaim the property of the
damaged party from the liable
party, either under the control of
the liable party or the control of a
third party; or
(2) To obtain indemnification from
the liable party to the consumer or
the Financial Services Institution
as a result of the violation of the
laws in the financial services
2. The indemnity referred to in paragraph (1)
point b No. 2 is only used for the
compensation paid to the damaged party.
As the principle in building an internet banking
system, the banking financial institution must
provide a real-time internet banking service facility
and cross-channel view of all customer information.
Thus, the banking financial institution can respond
immediately to any consumer activity or transaction,
improve customer experience, provide opportunities
for cross-selling profits, and also with internet
banking service; the institutions are expected to
enter the next generation of retail banking.
In developing an electronic system, the legal
aspects should also take into account. The security
of this electronic system depends not only on how
far the potential risk can be minimized but also
depending on how far it meets the legal obligations.
At the time the electronic system was launched to
the public, the legal liability aspects should be a
primary concern and under the precautionary
principle. This is per Article 3 of the ITE Law which
states as follows
"Utilization of information technology and
electronic transactions is implemented based on
legal certainty, benefits, prudence, trust, and
technology neutral."
Based on the previous descriptions above
associated with Article 3 of the ITE Law, if there is
an act that violates the principles of the electronic
system, it can be categorized as an offense.
Regarding alternative dispute resolutions, the
OJK shall issue OJK Regulation Number 1 /
POJK.07 / 2014 concerning Alternative Dispute
Settlement Institution in Financial Services Sector.
In the event of a consumer complaint, the complaint
must be settled in advance by financial services
institutions. In case no agreement is reached, the
consumer and the financial service institution may
settle disputes outside the court or through courts
either through mediation, adjudication, and
In the Indonesian legal regulation, there is no
specific and clear regulation regarding internet
banking. However, the discussion about the need for
a thorough law governing internet banking issues
has been widely studied and discussed. In the ITE
Law, there is no definite article about internet
banking. However, there are articles on the
transactions using the internet media. Internet
banking arrangement cannot be separated from the
Banking Act Number 7 of 1992 and its amendment
laws of Act Number 10 of 1998. In order to
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
minimize the risks in Internet Banking, the Financial
Services Authority, having the authority over
Indonesian banks as well as banks outside Indonesia,
should always update the regulation regarding the
implementation of risk management in the banking
system and conduct effective supervision of the
implementation of risk management conducted by
the banks in Indonesia.
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Terhadap Kinerja Perbankan di Indonesia (Studi
Empiris Pada Bank yang Listing di BEI), Jurnal
Akuntansi Bisnis, Vol. XI (22), 238-248.
Liability of Banking Parties in Internet Banking Facilities