The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Anemia among Primary School
Children in North Sumatera, Indonesia
Sri Lestari
*, Isti Ilmiati Fujiati
, Putri Chairany Eyanoer
, Dina Keumala Sari
, Milahayati Daulay
and Nur Hidayah Nasution
Departement of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. dr. Mansur No. 5 Kampus USU,
Medan 20155, Indonesia
Departement of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. dr. Mansur No. 5 Kampus USU, Medan
20155, Indonesia
Departement of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Dr. Mansur No 5 Kampus USU, Medan
20155, Indonesia
Master Student in Departement of Administration and health policy, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera
Utara, Jl. Universitas No. 21 Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia
Keywords: Anemia status, risk factors, primary school children.
Abstract: Primary school children are the groups at risk for nutritional problems. The most commonly nutrition
problems suffered among primary school children in Indonesia is anemia and stunting. This research aimed
to determine the prevalence of anemia and the risk factors associated with anemia among primary school
children, North Sumatera Province. This research is a analytic study with cross-sectional approach. Total
sample 400 primary school children between 8-13 years old were include in the study from the Medan City
and Langkat district, In July - September 2017. Data collected by using questionnaire, anthropometric
assessment and hemoglobinometer tool. Chi-square analysis and logistic regression were used to asses the
association between risk factors and anemia. The prevalence of anemia among primary school children
were 45,57%. The factors associated with anemia primary school children were mother’s education
(OR=3,06), income(OR= 2,93), breakfast (OR=2,10) dietary intake of heme sources(OR=3,38). The
dominant factors that influence anemia in primary school children was dietary intake of heme sources. The
conclusion of this study is prevalence of anemia in primary school children in North Sumatera higher than
the national prevalence. interventions nutritional in school children are recommended.
Primary school-age children are the nation's youth
that will be the next generation in the future. School
age is the transition from child to adult where
mental, physical, and emotional growth is fast
enough which requires sufficient and appropriate
nutritional needs. The future quality of human
resources in the future is reflected in the nutritional
status of children today, amongst others in primary
school children. Primary school children are one of
the most vulnerable groups. The nutritional and
health problems often experienced by elementary
school children are anemia and stunting.
Anemia is one of the global public health
problems in both developed and developing
countries. World Helath Organization data in 2008
in Worldwide Prevalence of anaemia shows that the
total world population with anemia is 1.62 billion
people with a school-child prevalence of 25.4% and
an estimated 305 million school children worldwide
suffering from anemia. The prevalence of anemia
among children in Asia reached 58.4% (Arisman,
2010). The Basic Health Research Report of 2013
shows that iron nutritional anemia in children aged
5-12 years is 26%. (Ministry of Health Republic of
Indonesia, 2013)
The impact of anemia on primary school children
is that it can cause physical growth disorders, low
resistance to disease, less intelligence, and low
learning / work achievement (Bobonis, 2004). In
addition, anemia in primary school children will
have an impact on the decreased ability and
concentration of learning, disrupting the growth of
both body cells and brain cells resulting in symtoms
Lestari, S., Fujiati, I., Eyanoer, P., Sari, D., Daulay, M. and Nasution, N.
The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Anemia among Primary School Children in North Sumatera, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010083006570662
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
like pale, tired, lethargic so that it can decrease
fitness and learning achievement (Nirmala, 2012)
There are various risk factors for anemia in
primary school children. Research conducted by
(Gutema, 2014) shows that risk factors for anemia in
primary school children in Ethiopia are family
socioeconomic statuses where low incomes increase
the risk of anemia to 9-fold, very poor and poor
childhood nutritional status and presence parasitic
infections (especially worms) in school-aged
children. While similar studies (Ngesa and Mwambi,
2014) in Kenya found the risk factors for anemia
varied, from the age of the child, the sex of the child
(men more than women), low maternal education,
parasitic infections (especially malaria), and
socioeconomic status. some of the causes of anemia,
the most common cause of anemia in developing
countries, is the lack of iron intake, which is the
growing period of iron school children's need
increases but iron intake is low (World Health
Organization, 2001)
Base on these previous research anemia on SD
Juara Medan. We check anemia for primary school
children and found an anemia prevalence of 60%.
The aim of the study to find the prevalence of
anemia and risk factors associated with anemia in
primary school children in North Sumatera.
This type of research is an analytic survey with
cross-sectional study design. Total samples of 400
elementary school children aged 8-13 years coming
from 4 primary schools: SDN 064026, SDN 067246
from Medan City, and SDIT Al Anshar, SDIT
Azdkia from Langkat Regency of North Sumatra
Province. Data is taken in July-October 2017.
Types of data collected in this study were
primary data, using questionnaires and
anthropometry measurements and hemoglobin
examinations. Interviews with structured
questionnaires to find socio-demographic data, diet
and risk factors for anemia. While anthropometric
measurements include height, weight and weight
gain z score and Body Mass Index (BMI). The level
of hemoglobin (Hb) was measured using the
HemoCue blood photometer (Kisworini and Triasih ,
2005 and Akhtar, 2005). The classification of
anemia was divided into four for the two age
categories. For children 5 to 11 years; 11.5 g / dl
normal, 11.0-11.4 g / dl mild anemia, 8.0-10.9 g / dl
moderate anemia, and <8.0 g / dl severe anemia. For
children 12 to 14 years; 12 g / dl normal, 11.0-11.9 g
/ dl mild anemia, 8.0-10.9 moderate anemia, and
<8.0 g / dl severe anemia. (World Health
Organization, 2001)
Data analysis includes univariate, bivariate and
multivariate. Univariate analysis is used to describe
the incidence of anemia in primary school children,
gender and age range of school children. The
bivariate analysis used was a chi-square test to see
the association of anemia with diet and socio-
demography. Multiple logistic regression analysis
was used to determine the dominant factors that
influenced the incidence of anemia in primary
school children. Data were analyzed using SPSS
Total respondents in this study are 400 primary
school children from Medan City and Langkat
Regency of North Sumatra Province. Most
respondents is aged 10-11 years of 67.3%. Female
was 49.0% of respondents, while 51.0% were male.
Viewed from the father's education category, it is
seen that most of the education level of SMA-DIII /
PT level education is 81.3%, while maternal
education is dominated by most SMA-PT level
which is 60.5%. In terms of number of family
members, 52.8% had less than 4 family members,
while 47.3% had more than 4 family members (table
Table 1: Distribution of socio-demographic characteristics
of primary school children (n = 400)
ry n %
Gender Male
204 51,0
196 49,0
Age (year) 8-9
119 29,8
269 67,3
12 3,0
Education of
75 18,8
325 81,3
Education of
158 39,5
242 60,5
211 52,8
189 47,3
Total 400 100,0
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
The results of the study in Figure 1 show that from
400 primary school children found 25.5% primary
school children suffer from mild anemia, 19.3%
moderate anemia and 0.8% severe anemia.
Figure: 1 Prevalence of anemia in primary school children
As many as 54.5% of primary school children do not
suffer from anemia. The prevalence of anemia is
more experienced by girls that is 50,5%, anemia
most often experienced by children with age range
10-11 year that is 62,6% and anemia more suffered
by primary school children in rural that is 55,5%
(table 2).
Table 2 : Cross-distribution between sex, age and location
with anemia (n=400)
Yes(%) No(%)
Male 49,5 52,3
Female 50,5 47,7
Age (year)
9-Aug 33,0 27,1
11-Oct 62,6 71,1
13-Dec 4,4 1,8
Research area
Urban 44,5 54,6
Rural 55,5 45,4
Total 100 100
The result of statistical analysis with chi-square test
showed anemia in primary school children had a
close relationship with morning habits P <0,001) and
result of phi test showed that breakfast variable
contributed 40,2% to the incidence of anemia. Dad's
education and father's work are not related to the
incidence of anemia (P> 0.05). While family income
and mother education have close relation with
anemia incidence (p <0,001), with contribution of
each variable is 40,4% and 50,4%. The consumption
pattern of food source of heme and non heme
significantly influence the occurrence of anemia (p
<0,001) with contribution of each variable 49,1%
and 23,3%. Similarly, the consumption of iron-
inhibiting foods significantly affected the incidence
of anemia (P <0.001) with the test value of phi =
15.5%, which means the contribution value was
weak (table 3).
Table : 3 Bivariate analysis of factors related of anemia in
primary school children
Variable Category Anemia
P Phi
% % value
Breakfast Sometimes 71,9 28,1 0,001
Every day 30,3 69,7
Low 48,0 52,0 0,63
High 44,9 55,1
Income Low 68,2 31,8 0,0001
High 27,7 72,3
Low 76,6 23,4 0,001
High 25,2 74,8
of heme
Sometimes 72,4 27,6 0,0001
Every day 23,3 76,7
Sometimes 28,2 71,8 0,0001
Every day 53,3 46,7
Sometimes 55,4 44,6 0,0001
Every day 37,8 62,2
Drink tea
Sometimes 36,6 63,4
Every day
The result of multivariate analysis by using multiple
logistic regression test showed that there were 5
variables that significantly influence (p <0,005) to
school anemia incidence of anemia, breakfast habit,
parent income, heme food consumption, and
inhibiting food consumption Fe. Among the 5
variables in table 4, it was found that consumption
of heme source variable was the dominant factor that
had an effect on the incidence of anemia in
elementary school children (OR = 3,388).
The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Anemia among Primary School Children in North Sumatera, Indonesia
Table 4: Multivariate analysis of multiple logistic
regression variables that affect of anemia in primary
school children
CI 95%
3,065 1,495 6,283
2,107 1,021 4,351
2,931 1,442 5,958
sources of
heme (x4)
3,388 1,686 6,809
0,483 0,231 1,007
The results of this study found anemia prevalence is
45.5%. Primary school children who suffer from
anemia in rural areas are more than those living in
urban areas. The prevalence of anemia is higher
when compared with the national rate of Riskesdas
2013 which is 26%. This suggests that anemia is a
public health problem in North Sumatera, where
nearly half of school children are anemic.
(Sudhagandhi, 2011) study at 900 school children
aged 8-16 at Kattangulathur, Tamil Nadu, India
shows a higher prevalence of anemia that is 52.88%.
Another study conducted by (Iannotti, 2015) which
found anemia prevalence in primary school children
in Haiti was 70.6% . Studi (Gad, 2013) in 1117
primary school children aged 5-12 years in Riyad
Saudi found an anemia prevalence of 22 , 3% (22.4
in boys and 22.2% girls). This reinforces the fact
that anemia in primary school children is still a
public health problem in many developing and
developing countries.
The results of this study showed breakfast habits
have a significant relationship with the incidence of
anemia in primary school children. The results of
this study are in line with a study conducted by
(Sirajuddin and Masni, 2015) in primary school
children in Makassar who found a relationship
between breakfast habits with anemia status. Rare
elementary school children (2-3 times / week) have
anemia 2.95 times more than children who frequent
breakfast. (Murphy, 2007) studies revealed that
children who skip breakfast tend to have symptoms
of anemia such as pale, lethargic and lackluster. The
discovery of (Tandirerung, 2013) also found a
significant association between morning breakfast
habits with anemia status in primary school children
in Manado. The results of the (Latifah and Oboudi ,
2010) study in 120 elementary school students in
Saudi Arabia showed that breakfast had an effect on
hemoglobin levels, found that schoolboys who had
breakfast routine did not suffer from anemia while
school boys who rarely ate breakfast had lower
hemoglobin and anemia. Skipping breakfast results
in a decrease in learning concentration characterized
by a sense of laziness, weakness, lethargy, dizziness,
and drowsiness to a decline in child learning
achievement as well as an impact on low blood
pressure and anemia (Sartika, 2012)
The results of this study indicate that the
educational level of the father is not significantly
associated with anemia in primary school children.
There is an anemic tendency more experienced by
school children with low-educated fathers (SD-
SLTP). This finding is in line with (Hioui, 2008)
study which revealed no significant association
between father education and the incidence of
anemia in schoolchildren in Marocco. Another study
showed different results performed by (Alelign,
2015) in Ethiopia found no significant association
between father work and anemia in primary school
Father’s work has no significant relationship
with the incidence of anemia in school children. The
results of this study are in line with a study
conducted by (Al Zabedi, 2014) who found no
association between father's work with anemia.
However, another study conducted by (Gutema,
2014) showed a significant association between
father work and the incidence of anemia in primary
school children. While the income of parents have a
significant relationship with the incidence of anemia
in primary school children. The results of this study
are supported by the findings of (Gutema, 2014) and
(Al Zabedi, 2014) which revealed a significant
association between parental income and the
incidence of anemia in primary school children.
Children of low-income parents were more likely to
suffer from anemia than children of high-income
parents. Family income is an important variable in
determining the amount and type of food consumed
by the family. Families with high incomes are more
free to choose and prepare nutritious food for their
children so that no shortage of iron intake.
The results of this study indicate a relationship
between maternal education with the incidence of
anemia in primary school children. This study is in
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
line with a study conducted by (Ngesa and Mwambi,
2014) which reveals that the mother's educational
platform provides protection against the incidence of
anemia in children. Mothers with secondary and
higher education tend to have children with normal
hemoglobin levels. Other studies supporting the
results of this study were conducted by (Kahigwa,
2002) and (Leite, 2013) found that maternal
education had a significant effect on the incidence of
anemia in children. Mothers with low education are
likely to have anemic children 4.9 times compared
with higher educated mothers. The higher the
mother's education the easier it is to absorb various
information including nutrition information so as to
influence the selection and preparation of food
variation for the child.
The results study of (Briawan, 2012). showed
that the consumption of food sources of heme and
non-heme is closely related to the incidence of
anemia in primary school children. Iron absorption
is influenced by two factors, namely the absorption
of heme iron and nonheme which indicate the
existence of two different types of iron in the food.
The sources of heme in human food are meat, fish,
and poultry, whereas nonheme sources are cereals,
nuts, vegetables and fruits. (Sirajuddin and Masni,
2015) study in Makassar also found an influence of
food consumption of heme sources with the
incidence of anemia. Another study conducted by
(Mesfin, 2015) also shows elementary school
children who rarely consume food sources of heme
have anemia risk of 5 times compared with children
who frequently consume food sources of heme.
(Zuffo, 2016) study in Brazil found a strong
influence between the consumption of dietary
sources of heme (meat) and anemia in
schoolchildren (p <0.005). The results of this study
indicate that the most frequent food sources of heme
(5-7 times / week) are fish and chicken. While the
food sources of nonheme are often consumed is tofu
and tempeh.
The results of this study also found an
association between dietary intake of iron absorption
inhibitors and the occurrence of anemia, but showed
a weak contribution (value of ph = 15%) (Briawan,
2012). The type of food constraint that is often
consumed by school children is a good drink made
at home and in the cup sold at school with a
relatively affordable price of children. Studies
supporting the results of this study were conducted
by (Ferreira, 2016) in primary school children in
Brazil, finding an prevalence of anemia is more
prevalent in school children who consume iron-
inhibiting foods, ie drinking more than 1 serving per
The results of this study indicate that the
prevalence of anemia in primary school children in
North Sumatera is still high (45.5%). Risk factors
for anemia incidence in schoolchildren (p <0.05)
were maternal education (OR = 3.06), parent income
(OR = 2,93), breakfast habits (OR = 2,10),
consumption of heme sources OR = 3.38). The
dominant factor affecting the incidence of anemia in
primary school children is the consumption of food
sources of heme (OR = 3.38). So it is necessary to
immediately do nutritional intervention in primary
school children to reduce the incidence of anemia
and improve the quality of life of children in the
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Ministry of Research and
Technology and Higher Education Republic of
Indonesia. The support is under the research grant
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches