SMS Reminder Program to Improve Drug Adherence of Multi-drug
Resistant Tubeculosis (MDR-TB) Patients in Medan
, E Mutiara
and SN Lubis
Department of Health Education and Behavioral Science, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Medan, 20155, Indonesia
Department of Population and Biostatistics Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, 20155,
Department of Epidemiology Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, 20155, Indonesia
Keywords: SMS Reminder, MDR-TB, Drug Adherence.
Abstract: SMS is a way to communicate through cellphone to send or receive short messages by all phone users. This
media can be alternative in health promotion to improve MDR – TB patients’ compliance in case of therapy.
This research aims to design reminder SMS to improve patients’ treatment compliance. This qualitatively-
designed research to create SMS content and design program with System Development Life Cycle
(SDLC). The informants are MDR TB patients who are undergoing treatment and recovered patients.
Collected data to design reminder SMS, so the patients are complied to undergo treatment, analyzed by
content analysis. Results show the long format-designed SMS reminder, containing 27 messages delivered
everyday. Contents : the patients are complied to take medicine and injection until completion as prescribed
recommendation says, prevent transmission to family and surrounding environment and accept themselves
as MDR – TB patients. After implementation to the patients then qualitatively and generally the patients are
relieved, capable to encourage them to take medicines without psychological obstacle, nevertheless a small
part considers it normal but they still want to be reminded through the next messages. It is recommended
that SMS are delivered regularly, messages’ acceptance level is monitored and compliance level for therapy
is analyzed qualitatively.
The average number of drug adherence of patients
with chronic disease with long-term therapy in
developed countries is only 50%, meanwhile in
developing countries the number is even lower
(WHO, 2003). Patient’s compliance is needed to
achieve a successful therapy, including MDR TB
patients that needed long-term treatment. Patient’s
compliance requires a health promotion strategy.
Thus far, the emphasis of health promotion is done
through health education via newspaper, radio,
television, leaflet, newsletter, magazine, poster,
brochure, etc (Emilia, 2008). However, these media
are still limited and are not reachable for the MDR
TB patient. Nowadays, the increase of MDR TB
cases and the inadequate number of health worker
who can provide Komunikasi Informasi Edukasi
(KIE) to the patient needs an alternative strategy as a
promotion media through the utilization mobile
The opportunity of mobile phone utilization as
health promotion strategy is expected to improve the
degree of public health. This technology is able to
facilitate the delivery of information more closely,
and reach out to sick as well as healthy people who
have irregular contact with health services.
According to the data gathered by Asosiasi
Telekomunikasi Seluler Indonesia (ATSI), up until
the end of 2011 the number of penetration of mobile
phone utilization in Indonesia is around 250 million
or 110% from the total population of Indonesia
(Nugraha F, 2012). The optimalization of the
program becomes essential if being referred to the
data from Balitbang SDM Kemkominfo which is, the
proportion of population who own cell phones is
increasing from 14.79% in 2004 to 82.41% in 2009.
High flexibility and accessibility act as supporting
factor in the importance of mobile phone utilization
Syarifah, ., Mutiara, E. and Lubis, S.
SMS Reminder Program to Improve Drug Adherence of Multi-drug Resistant Tubeculosis (MDR-TB) Patients in Medan.
DOI: 10.5220/0010082714791485
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in increasing public health. SMS is a way of
communicating via a cell phone to send or receive
short messages by all mobile users (Saputra, 2013).
Indonesia ranked eighth with the most cases of
TB-RO in the world (Kemenkes RI, 2011). This case
is basically a man-made phenomenon, as a result of
inadequate TB treatment, which impacted on the
long-term treatment, the side effect of drugs is more
severe and with quite expensive cost. Medan is an
area with the highest number of TB-RO patients in
Sumatera Utara, until March 2018 there are 255
people are confirmed TB-RO, from that number
only 197 (77%) have been receiving the treatment,
the remaining have not yet received treatment, and
this number has been growing (Syarifah, Mutiara
and Novita, 2018). Out of those who have been
receiving treatment, there are only 99 patients
(50.2%) stay in treatment, the remaining are no
longer in treatment, such as 31 patients default
(15.72%), 11 patients failed (5.58%), and 25 patients
cured (12.69%) (e-TB Manager, 2018). The number
of default is higher than the tolerable number (5%).
Therefore, it is necessary to design the SMS for the
MDR – TB patient in Medan, the content of the
SMS is being mustered from the cured MDR TB
patients and in-treatment MDR TB patients, these
SMS are being delivered to improve patient’s
compliance in undergoing a therapy program.
The research design is using qualitative approach to
design the content of the SMS and design program
with the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
method. This design is divided into three main
activities, which are: analysis, design, and
implementation (Ladjamudin, 2005).
The informants for the qualitative research are
MDR TB patients who are undergoing a treatment
along with MDR TB patients who have been
cured. The reason to interview the cured patients is
because they have generally experienced difficult
phases in the treatment process due to limited health
facility, health worker, drug, as well as various
matters regarding personal experience and the
surrounding environment which has little knowledge
on the disease so that often cause discrimination in
the society. The qualitative data is gathered to design
the drug adherence model of MDR – TB patient
through SMS Reminder, to remind the patient to
take the medicine regularly. An interview guideline
is developed, which included questions such as: for
the patient to take the medicine regularly and getting
the injection according to the recommendation, for
the patient to prevent transmission to the family and
the surrounding environment as well as accepting
themselves as MDR TB patients. The qualitative
data gathering is transformed into a transcript which
covers overall data without making a conclusion,
and then content analysis is performed.
3.1 Qualitative Research Result
3.1.1 The Content of SMS for Patient to
Take Medicine Regularly
The qualitative research result includes the content
of SMS for drug adherence for 18-24 months and
getting injection for 6-8 months five days per week.
Cured informants showed the most important thing
to emphasize to the patient are the belief in medical
drug, such as the following informant’s statement:
“If the medicine is taken regularly then TB can
be cured. Disbelief in the medicine can lead to
failure” (Informant 1 PP).
This message needs to be emphasized because
there are a lot of patients who don’t take their
medicine regularly due to disbelief in the medicine,
especially if the amount of the medicine is quite a
lot and the treatment takes a long period of time.
Therefore to convince the patient, it is should be
emphasized that TB can be cured with the medicine
from the hospital. Next, as disclosed by the
informant, if the symptoms of coughing last more
than 2 weeks, then it is recommendable to seek
health care. The statement of the informant is as
“Do not hesitate if you have been infected with
TB, immediately seek a treatment” (Informant 1
Many people are trying to seek a traditional
medicine, initially it creates a good feeling for the
body, but the condition of lungs will worsen. Herbal
and traditional medicine have a temporary curative
effect, there are times when the patient’s body is
gaining weight thus they feel healthier, however the
TB germs within the body cannot be vanished with
traditional medicine, the germs are still within the
body in accordance to informant 2.
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
“TB germs are only dormant within the body, if
the condition of the body decreases then the germs
will act up hence the disease will only get worse”
In accordance to the informant, the delay of the
treatment will worsen the disease, if the patients
only seek for treatment when their health condition
is severe, they would not be cured thoroughly.
Therefore even though the disease has been cured
the lungs had been damaged, hence the body will be
vulnerable and prompt to fatigue.
The content of the message is as follows:
1. Take medicine regularly, TB can be cured.
2. Disbelief in the medicine can cause failure.
3. Be courageous to take the medicine to be cured,
a belief to be cured should be established, and
believe that TB can be cured.
4. To convince the patient that TB can be cured by
the medicine from the hospital.
5. Do not postpone seeking treatment from the
hospital if the symptoms of MDR-TB have been
**The research result with the informants who
are undergoing treatment shows that the factor that
influence drug adherence is internal factor of family.
Currently the father of the informant was suffering
from light stroke and the informant is the only
daughter in the family. She is young and if she gets
sick, her mother will be in despair. Hence to be
cured she kept taking her medicine despite the side
effects. Other than that, self-motivation to be healed
is what causes her to not feel the side effects.
Although with external factor such as SMS will also
help to increase the drug adherence, thus she
revealed the context of SMS for the patient to take
medicine regularly as follows:
“The future is still long, not to mention you are
young. Take your medicine regularly, if you do not
take the medicine just for a day it will deteriorate
your condition”
The result shows that word revealed by the
informant such as “telaten (persevering) is not the
local language of Medan, even though the informant
is from North Sumatera she has lived in Yogyakarta
and has finished her study there. She has suffered
from coughing, and encouraged by her parents to
come home. After several tests, it was found that she
is infected with TB-RO whereas she never suffered
from TB before. The informant was very
disappointed with her condition but has to be strong
and move forward by adhering to her treatment.
Related to 2 years period of treatment, there are a
lot of important things to be instilled in the patient in
order to avoid default, and considering the side
effects of the medicine is varying. It starts from
nausea, dizziness, vomiting, up to medium and
heavy side effects such as heavy feels in the ears,
numbness in the legs, and memory disorder as well
as hallucination. According to the informant the
thing that needed to be instilled in the mind is TB
can be cured by taking medication. So for the
patients who are still undergoing treatment they
usually are accompanied by Non-Governmental
Organization (Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat)
Pejuang Sehat Bermanfaat (Pesat), it is a Non-
Governmental Organization of MDR TB
companion originating from the cured MDR TB
patients. This Non-Governmental Organization
receive many funds from Global Fun to accompany,
persuade, and supervise the patient to take their
medication regularly, regular visit depends on the
monthly condition and said that:
“The patient is increasing every day, and most of
them come from Medan.”
The data revealed that each member (Pesat) has a
considerable amount of companions meanwhile the
member of Pesat is insufficient, therefore an
alternative method is needed to enforce the drug
adherence to the patient. One of the stategies is
sending SMS Reminder which content is gathered
from the previous patient so the words will be more
patient-oriented. Previous research result indicated
sending SMS through cellphone is increasing the
level of Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) on limited
sources (Lester, 2010). (Rodrigues, 2012) postulated
the sending of reminder text message via cellphone
will increase the drug adherence of HIV, the effect
will even last for six months after the intervention
has stopped. Sending a reminder text message via
cellphone is increasing the attendance in the health
center with lower cost than phone call (Car, 2012).
Moreover, sending a text message via cellphone is
proved to increase the drug adherence of Anti
Retroviral (ARV) on group with low income (Free.,
2013). This is certainly related to the problem of
MDR – TB patient, which generally come from low-
income family. SMS is proved to be useful to
convey health information and build the awareness
of the mother to do regular pregnancy check
(antenatal care) (Herlina, 2015).
To overcome the boredom then a strategy is
needed. As for the strategy perfomed by the
informant is as stated below:
“We used to share our story with other TB-RO
patients. Especially when it was time to take the
SMS Reminder Program to Improve Drug Adherence of Multi-drug Resistant Tubeculosis (MDR-TB) Patients in Medan
medicine, we made a phone call to remind each
other (Informant 3, cured patient).”
Another activity than sharing is:
“We had a gathering so we do not feel alone.
Every week we usually went to some place together
so we do not feel lonely (Informant 3, cured
3.1.2 The Content of SMS in Coping with
the Side Effect
The side effect of MDR TB drug differs for every
individual starting from light, medium, to heavy side
effect. Therefore, it is required to nurture the
patient’s mind not to feel burdened by the amount of
the medication and the long period of treatment
which is 2 years or more. Consequently, this new
paradigm must be imprinted in the mindset of all the
patients as well as a behavior to prevent
For that reason the words that needed to be
conveyed through SMS are:
1. If experience any severe side effects you should
immediately refer to the hospital.
2. All drugs have side effects.
3. If any side effects occur please consult to the
health center (Informant, Cured patient 1, 2)
Another informant revealed if any side effects
occur, then it is suggested to divert attention through
activities such as:
“Listening to music or watching TV, or calling a
friend before taking the medicine. Because the
patient needs to adapt to the medicine and accepts
their condition (Informant 3).”
3.1.3 The Content of SMS for the Patient to
Getting Injection Regularly
Injection for 6-8 months is an activity that needs to
be passed by a MDR TB patient and it happens 5
days per week. This is a painful activity for the
patient, especially on early stage of the treatment. If
it can be imagined how painful when both thighs are
getting 5 injections in a week for 6-8 months until
there is no place available for the injection. From the
statement of cured informant it is found the words
that made them getting the injection regularly:
“Please follow the rules from the hospital. The
injection only hurts in the beginning, gradually it
feels better than taking medicine. Like the motto in
taking medicine, Be courageous to take the medicine
to be cured, a belief to be cured should be
established, and believe that TB can be cured
(Informant 1,4).”
Similarly a cured informant also stated:
“Do not think about the pain, think about being
cured. The pain is only temporary and all disease
can be cured. Follow the rules of treatment from the
hospital, because it is one package of oral
medication and injection. Since the sickness is not
permanent and this is can be cured, so why not just
abide the process.”
To overcome the pain, do some activities, such
“Sharing some personal experience to motivate
TB patient, pain is only temporary, all disease can be
cured, just go with the flow.”
From the statement of an informant who is still
undergoing treatment, it is revealed the way to get
over the pain causes by the injection:
“It is scary at first, gradually we will get used to
So the core in overcoming the injection pain is
the will, if the patient has a strong will then it will be
less painful. Other than that, the informant is
overcoming the pain by:
“After getting an injection, I compress it with
warm water or balsam (usually I use Baljitot
balsam). If I do not compress, it the spot will harden
and cannot be injected next time.”
3.1.4 The Content of SMS in Preventing
Prevention is important in controlling MDR TB,
this is due to TB-RO patient can transmit MDR
TB to other people, especially to the closest person
or the people they live with as well as their
surrounding environment, if a precaution is not
taken. The prevention of transmission can be
executed by using a mask, the ethics of coughing
and nutrition consumption. The content of SMS for
using the mask is as follows:
“Wear a mask actively, to prevent the
transmission and not getting exposed to the germs in
the surrounding environment. The mask is to prevent
yourself from other germs (Informant 2, Cured).”
“Wear a mask to protect yourself and other
people, all this time people believe wearing a mask
is to prevent transmission to other people, even
though mask is also to take care of yourself.
Especially if we are already infected with TB then
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
our body is vulnerable. So we have to wear a mask
(Informant 1, 4, Cured).
An essential preventive measure to be performed
by the patient is related with the ethics of coughing
by giving education through SMS as disclosed by
the informant:
“Cover your mouth with your sleeve, tissue, or a
handkerchief. If the sleeve is being exposed to the
sunlight the germs will die immediately. If you are
using a tissue throw it out afterwards (Informant 3,
Next another informant revealed thing regarding
the place to dispose sputum:
“Sputum is to be disposed in a container of water
Lysol/Biclyne, the germs will then die , then dispose
it to a drain or a ditch (Informant 2, 3, Cured).”
3.1.5 The Content of SMS in to Mantain
Physical Fitness
For the patient to stay fit there are several things to
such as maintaining a good diet, taking plenty of
rest, and practicing clean and healthy behavior
pattern. As for the message to be conveyed is:
“Eat nutritious food, refrain from eating spicy and
greasy food, do not eat instant noodles, and drink
milk. There is no food prohibition for MDR TB
patient, except for patient with diabetes mellitus
(DM). The point is live healthy, take plenty of rest,
sunbathe for 30 minutes every morning, exercise
lightly such as walking, no smoking and drinking
alcohol, and do not overwork as well as having a
positive mind, and patient in dealing with the health
worker (Informant 1, 2, 3, Cured).
From the results of the research above, the SMS
format that was developed was long messages,
containing as many as 27 messages every day
delivered the same message to all patients. The
message is delivered in the morning around 9:00
a.m. The SMS format used in several countries that
have used SMS reminder is different, in Kenya the
format used is long SMS and short SMS (Pop-
Eleches, 2011).
The contents of the message sent via text are 1)
Are you Mr / Mrs / Friends all taking medicine
today Remember the future is still long, take
medication regularly so that we can gather with the
family to see children and grandchildren married? 2)
Immediately seek treatment if MDR TB is known,
do not be postponed before it's too late !! Love your
lungs before the lungs get damaged !! Lung damage
can cause coughing up blood. 3) Must Be Sure,
never get tired of taking medication as
recommended, Regular medication for a disease can
be cured. 4) The duration of taking MDR – TB
medication 2 years, and 8 months of injection. if you
are not diligently treated, the disease gets worse, it
can become TB XDR. 5) Just one day not taking
medication will make things worse. Bring medicine
wherever you go. 6) How not to get bored and bored
taking medication ??? Sharing experiences and
complaints with friends Calling each other at meal
time Remind each other for mutual healing. 7)
Injections are very painful but rest assured we can
recover. Come to health services to get a 5-day
injection in 1 week. Follow the recommendation of a
Doctor / Health Officer because of one package
injection and medication. 8) Don't think about the
pain, but think about getting well, getting sick only
temporarily and everything has a cure, just live it. 9)
How to reduce side effects Nausea and vomiting Do
not eat large portions. Eat small portions but more
often Eat and drink slowly. Avoid foods that are too
sweet, greasy or fatty. Take a break after eating don't
lie down. 10) How can we get well?
Medication packages from doctors are the only
drugs that can cure MDR TB. Beyond the doctor's
medicine, makes the body feel good for a moment,
but the disease in the body cannot heal. 11) Non-
medical treatment is just tired and a waste of time.
Finally the disease gets worse. 12) Don't feel alone,
there are still many people who care about us Don't
be lazy to take medicine, so that you can get
healthier, so you can play again ... Pain is a sin, the
sign is that God still loves us. 13) Remember !!
check his health in the laboratory as recommended
by the doctor Remember !! do not forget to check
MDR TB to the laboratory at the designated
hospital, routinely according to the doctor's
recommendation until it is declared cured. 14)
Communication with health workers If you
experience complaints or side effects, immediately
contact and discuss with a health worker / doctor.
Adhere to the advice of health workers on
medication and other examination schedules. 15)
Wear a mask to protect your health and that of
others. If you have TB TB, your body is susceptible
to illness, so you must use a mask. 16) Cover the
mouth with a tissue when coughing. Bring tissue
when traveling. Cover your mouth when coughing
with tissue and throw it in the trash that is exposed
to sunlight and then burnt. 17) Dispose of phlegm in
a place filled with Lysol / byclean Do not throw
sputum carelessly. Dispose of phlegm in a container
containing Lysol or byclean, then dispose of water
SMS Reminder Program to Improve Drug Adherence of Multi-drug Resistant Tubeculosis (MDR-TB) Patients in Medan
drainage. 18) Eat nutritious foods Eat lots of fish,
drink juice every day, eat fruit, and drink milk. If
you do not eat, try to keep eating a little but
repeatedly. 19) Avoid drinks and foods that contain
milk, fat, soda or supplements (additional drinks)
with drugs.
So the drinks above should be less than 2 hours
before or after taking medication. 20) Accept
yourself as a MDR TB patient (not ashamed, do
not be alone) Do not be shy if you have MDR TB
disease and seek treatment immediately at the health
services provided (H Adam Malik Hospital, Haji
Hospital, Pirngadi Hospital) Do not assume that
MDR TB disease is not can be healed, the spirit to
continue treatment until healed. 21) Keep in touch
with friends and family. Don't be alone, join your
family. Establishing good relationships with people
nearby can help speed up your health recovery. 22)
Rest. Get enough rest so that the body is always in
shape. Sleep at the same hour every night, and try to
wake up at the same time every day. 23) Don't take
sleeping pills except those prescribed by a doctor.
During sleep, avoid sounds that can disturb your
sleep comfort. 24) Try to sunbathe every morning
from 09.00 around 15 minutes. If you need a nap,
keep it not too long for 30-45 minutes. 25) Perform
light physical activities and avoid activities that can
aggravate the situation. Do exercise regularly, do not
exercise before bed time. Exercise at least three
hours before going to bed. 26) Don't smoke and
drink alcoholic beverages. 27) Pray regularly, the
sickness is a sin, it is a sign that God loves us,
because until now we are still given the opportunity
to do activities. So take medication regularly so that
you can continue to carry out daily activities.
3.1.6 SMS Program
The messages that have been compiled are sent via
SMS design using the SDLC program starting from
the input, process and output stages of Debi (2015).
The design of input on the SMS reminder service in
compliance with taking medicine for MDR TB
patients in Medan city includes the identity of the
patient, the identity of the admin / admin, the
patient's medication schedule.
It is recommended that this sms be delivered to
the patient accurately and regularly every day, then
monitored how the patient receives the reminder
SMS messages and analyzes the SMS recipient
compliance in medical treatment after health
promotion is done through the SMS reminder that
has been designed.
Results show the long format-designed SMS
reminder, containing 27 messages delivered
everyday. Contents : the patients are complied to
take medicine and injection until completion as
prescribed recommendation says, prevent
transmission to family and surrounding environment
and accept themselves as MDR TB patients. After
implementation to the patients then qualitatively and
generally the patients are relieved, capable to
encourage them to take medicines without
psychological obstacle, nevertheless a small part
considers it normal but they still want to be
reminded through the next messages.
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Research Empowerment and Development, The
Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher
Education as the source of research fund, DRPM
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SMS Reminder Program to Improve Drug Adherence of Multi-drug Resistant Tubeculosis (MDR-TB) Patients in Medan