The Tradition of Gondang Sabangunan and Custom Ceremony of the
Toba Batak People in Samosir District: Challenge, Hope and
Mauly Purba
Muhammad Takari
and Fadlin
Lecturer of MagisterArts Creative and Studies Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciencies, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jln.
Universitas No. 19, Kampus USU Medan 20155
Lecturer of Ethnomusicology Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciencies, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jln. Universitas No.
19, Kampus USU Medan 20155
Keywords Gondang Sabangunan, Batak Toba, Samosir
Abstract: This research is entitled "The Tradition of Gondang Sabangunan and Adat Ceremony of the Toba Batak
People in Samosir District: Challenge, Hope and Opportunity." This research uses qualitative method,
involving techniques of interviewing, an in-depth observation, direct field research, recordings of the gondang
music performances and ulaon adat (adat ceremony) of the Toba Batak. In the discussion it applies the theory
of acculturation and traditional ceremony. The results of the research show that nowadays the gondang
sabangunan musicians in Samosir region become less in quantity. This is caused by the changing era of the
more functional 'keyboard music' in the culture of the society nowadays. On the other hand, there is a desire
among artists and members of the Batak Toba community to maintain gondang sabangunan in various social
functions, due to the expectation from the perspective of cultural identity. The opportunitiy for that is
enormous, should it be accompanied by the awareness of the importance of continuing the cultural heritage
in the space and time gone through.
The tradition of the Gondang Sabangunan
(ceremonial music), tortor (ceremonial dance) and
ulaon adat (traditional ceremony) are parts of the
strong identity of Toba Batak culture. The three
aspects have important values in the context of the
continuity and change of the Toba Batak culture.
Gondang Sabangunan is seen as a symbol of the
community's traditional strength. Gondang
Sabangunan is also perceived fully of ritual values
that maintain the cosmological relationships of men
both as individual and as groups with God and the
universe. Even after the introduction of the Protestant
and Catholic teachings, the Toba Batak people
continuosly put effort of inculturating their adat
practices, including the practice of the gondang
sabangunan and tortor, with their new religions. The
gondang sabangunan and tortor tradition is also
identical with the traditional ceremony in Toba
culture holistically, habatahon.(Purba 2000: 25-29).
The aim of this study is to explore the continuity
and change of Gondang Sabangunan and tortor
tradition including the practice of adat ceremony
(ulaon adat). There are various models of continuity
in the context of the gondang sabangunan and tortor
tradition. (1) Firstly, it is a purely continuity model
with an ensemble format that has already been present
prior to the entry of external influences-such as
Protestant and Catholic Christian religion and
education. All instruments in gondang tradition are
used with no other instruments used. (2) Secondly,
there is also a modified model that combines several
musical instruments (such as taganing and gonrang
and ogung) with other instruments-for example,
gondang hasapi instrument and / or instruments that
are popular in Western popular music, and usually
with electronic instruments. Thirdly, the model of
change and continuity of Gondang tradition and
traditional ceremony that occurred in Toba Batak
society in Samosir Regency is happening
continuosly, exposed to various activities of
traditional ceremony and social media in society such
as internet, mobile phone, newsletter, magazine, and
television broadcast.
Along with the development of time, then
various aspects related to tradition of gondang
sabangunan and traditional ceremonies are also
Purba, M., Takari, M. and Fadlin, .
The Tradition of Gondang Sabangunan and Custom Ceremony of the Toba Batak People in Samosir District: Challenge, Hope and Opportunity.
DOI: 10.5220/0010081614371443
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
influenced by various changes, both in aspects of
social function and in the technical aspects of the
performances, including the rules applied in the
community in relation to how the tradition is used.
[Purba 2000: 25-26; 2014: 258-275]. In general there
is also degradation of the number of pargonsi (music
players) who are originally involved in gondang
sabangunan. On the other hand there is an increasing
number of keyboardists. This research also targets
data that describes the distribution of local musicians
in gondang sabangunan nowadays.
From the existence of godang in the Toba Batak
society, it is important to look at the social aspect,
namely: challenges, hopes and opportunities. The
challenge is the shift of musical taste of Toba society
from gondang sabangunan to the form of keyboard
music. In addition, there is also a distortion of musical
culture, from taganing as early as mixed musical
instruments, as well as among the religions that come
into the culture of the Batak Toba community has a
variety of sosioreligious resistance to the presence of
this goddess of warning, so it must get adaptation as
way out. The hope that happens is that the Batak Toba
people still have perceptions about the importance of
gondang sabangunan and traditional ceremonies as an
amplifier of cultural identity.Gondang sabangunan is
also identical with the Batak culture that reflects their
existence traversing the history of civilization. On the
other hand the opportunity for continuity of the
gondang sabangunan remained in the midst of a
changing society. Opportunities are important to find,
especially the functional ways in culture, and the way
of putting gondang sabangunan
back in both the context of the traditions and
contemporary cultural context of the Toba Batak
society, with various cultural and social
considerations. This can be seen from the previous
study by Simon (1984), Schreiner (1994) and Liberty
Manik (1970) that depicted of how the gondang
sabangunan tradition related to various aspect of the
toba batak sosial and religious life, including numbers
of ritual ceremonies, such as exhumation of bones
ceremonies (mangongkal holi), funeral ceremonies
(saur matua), and healing ceremonies (gondang
saem). Other studies also explained that the gondang
sabangunan tradition maintain the people identity
(Purba: 2000, 2014). Throught gondang sabangunan
tradition the Toba batak people expressed their
batakness and that make them feel toba batak people.
These social factors, can not be ignored in viewing
the course of gondang sabangunan as a main power
of Toba Batak music. For this reason this study is
To examine the challenge, hope and opportunity for
gondang sabangunan and traditional ceremony in the
culture of Batak Toba community in Samosir District,
the researchers used the theory of cultural contact. In
the cultural contact, the main thing is how further the
certain individual has bound themselves in the
process of acculturation. Several indicatos are the
level of formal education, participation in the paid
work, the extent of urbanization, the usage of mass
media, political participation, religious change,
language change, daily life practices and social
relations. A number of variables may be related to
each other. So, herein, we find in the literature of
efforts and attempts to develop the scale or the index
of contact and participation that unite various of
The forms of cultural contact that lead to the
acculturation process include: (1) Contact can occur
between the whole society or several parts only. It can
also occur between the individuals from two groups.
(2) Contacts can also be classified between friendly
groups and even hostile groups. (3) Contacts can also
arise between a controlling society and politically or
economically controlled society. (4) cultural contact
can occur between people who: (a)just as great (b)
just as different, (5) cultural contact can occur
between material and non-material aspects between
simple cultures, between simple and complex culture
and also between complex cultures.
In the cultural contact, there will be quality
known as the process and also quality known as
outcome which is generated from that cultural
contact. Furthermore, Kartomi (1981: 275-297)
explains that there are three process of cultural
contact, which are : transculturation, musical
synthesis and musical syncretisim.
In these three terminologies stored an
understanding of a fusion process that needs time; and
there are six type of results/outcomes generated from
this cultural contact, which are : (i) virtual rejection
of an impinging music, (ii) transfer of discrete
musical traits, (iii) pluralistic coexistence of music,
(iv) nativistic musical revival, (v) musical
abandonment, (vi) musical impoverishment
Therefore, it is necessary to understand the
theory of tradition that developed in the Toba Batak
society in general. Based on emic approach, all
people in this world have various kinds of ceremony,
which serve as the fulfillment of cultural needs, both
for individual and groups. In Toba Batak culture,
when tribal religion is still the main model in the Toba
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
Batak society, tradition is understood as a series or
order of social and religious norms.The tradition
regulates social life, human beings with their
ancestors, vertical relations to the Creator, and the
execution of religious ritual ceremonies. Tradition
can not be changed, but it must be obeyed.
The method used in this study is a qualitative
method, which relies on the data of the gondang
sabangunan performances and traditional
ceremonies, information provided by key informants
and the base in the framework of exploring the form
of ideas behind the gondang sabangunan
performances and traditional ceremonies. The data is
recorded audiovisually. The techniques used are
interviews, recording of research events, participated-
observation, and analysis through the humanities and
social sciences.
The result of this research is discussed into 5 sub-
sections, which are : existency and challenge in the
present day, challenge, hope and opportunity of
gondangs sabangunan and traditional cermenoies of
the Toba Batak culture in the Samosir District.
3.1 Existence and Challenge in the
Present Day
One of the logic consequence of the social change and
local culture that has not yet been anticipated
maximally in the Samosir District, is not only the
degrading of the knowledge of the local society about
their own culture, but also the lesser contribution of
energy by them [attention, usage and documentaries
in the society].
The further effect is that in the present day,
based on the field research, every area in Samosir that
has been seen as the Batak center of civilization, there
has only been one to six music players (pargonsi)
specifically the taganing player (partaganing) and the
sarune player (parsarune), even in one of the cultural
region, there has not been found any music player,
which is in Sitio. More of it can be seen in this table
Table 1: Distribution of Pargonsi (Players) of Gondang
Sabangunan in Samosir District
No Re
ion Partaganing Parsarune
1 Pangu
1. Naibaho (50) 1. Sinurat
2. Jaliton
3. Barton
olan - -
3 Onan
1. Sitinjak
2. Sitinjak
4 Palipi 1. Marudut
Sinaga (58)
2. Jagossi
Sinaga (58)
3. Robinson
Sinaga (54)
1. Sahat
Sinaga (60)
2. Kamel
3. Saladin
5 Ronggurni
1. Baja Silalahi
1. Binsar
2. S.S.
6 Harian Boho - -
7 Sianjur
1. Aliman
Limbong (55)
8 Simanindo 1. Mian Turnip
2. Laspear
Turnip (53)
3. Jo Simarmata
4. Jonri
Sidauruk (52)
1. Titer
2. Jonder
Sitio (43)
9 Sitio - -
Beside that fact, there isn’t any growth in the
numbers of musicians of gondang sabangunan in this
Samosir District. Several factors that make the
growth of the numbers of musicians of gondang
sabangunan [parsarune and partaganing] are very
little in quantity among others are due to these socio-
musical things below :
(a) There has become fewer artists / pargonsi
who have knowledge of the tradition of
gondang sabangunan and a few indeed who
have succeeded in passing it down their
future generation.
(b) There has been no maximum effort either by
the community or the government in
overcoming the problem lacking of experts
The Tradition of Gondang Sabangunan and Custom Ceremony of the Toba Batak People in Samosir District: Challenge, Hope and
who master the philosophical meaning of the
tradition of gondang, tortor and traditional
ceremony in the Toba Batak society in
(c) Many age-old musicians die without passing
down their knowledge to the younger
(d) Revitalization has only been done so far in
the context of developing the art galleries
financed by Local Government (District).
1. Revitalization has not touched on
how the tradition of gondang
sabangunan can be passed down to
the young generation both as
institutional and as non-formal
2. Local knowledge about the tradition
of gondang sabangunan, tortor and
traditional ceremony (ulaon adata) is
disappearing along with the death of
the artists / pargonsi because of their
old age and not passing down their
knowledge to the young people.
3. Moreover, many young people are
not trying to learn about how to play
the gondang sabangunan, they even
learn more about how to play
keyboard instead.
The phenomenon of this socio-cultural of
gondang sabangunan brought opinions from some of
the pargonsi that the existence of keyboard music in
the traditional ceremony in the society of Toba Batak
has been considered as an element that “shut off” the
tradition of gondang sabangunan. In this situation,
strong friction occurs between the gondang
sabangunan and the keyboard.
There is an opinion saying that many pargonsi
actually switch to keyboard music due to three main
factors, namely: (i) economy (greater honorarium);
(ii) more offers (demand) received to perform, and
(iii) indeed the wishes of community members. Thus,
the direction of the existence of gondang sabangunan
in the tradition of Batak Toba should inevitably deal
with the existing social phenomenon. The financial
factor (wage for the music players / pargonsi) and the
incompatibility of ancestral traditions with religious
ethics adopted by most members of the Toba Batak
community in Samosir District [including artists of
gondang sabangunan] is another reason that makes
people prefer keyboard music rather than the original
gondang sabangunan. This is the main reason besides
the supply and demand factors.
For some people, the essence of the tradition of
gondang / tortor / ulaon is not as equally same as in
pre-Christian time era because the existing one has
undergone a change, as a consequence of the change
of mindset of the society. This is closely related to the
invasion of advances in technology, information,
economics, education and socio-cultural society in
the society worldwide. The effect of this progress has
not only entered into the social life of people in the
city and in the remote areas, but also into the order of
their spiritual life. As a result, matters relating to the
implementation of rituals / customs and religions
must receive / undergo various changes through
various existing agents of change, such as mass
media, schools / education and various subjects of
other agents of change.
The tradition of gondang sabangunan (in practice
not in its instrumentation) has also experienced many
changes, especially related to the mindset of its user
community, and especially the people doing the
tradition. Many things, including the process and
rules related to the presentation of the tradition of
gondang sabangunan tailored to the needs and social
conditions that exist. This effort is made to gain
legitimacy from religious institutions as well as
conformity with the religious teachings of each
individual (user) community of users of that tradition.
There are also members of the community who
want different music instruments; some instruments
of the gondang sabangunan built and used with other
instruments like keyboard, trumpet, trombone, guitar,
sulim, hasapi, tamtam. In addition there are also
musicians of gondang sabangunan who switch from
the gondang sabangunan ensemble to a different kind
of ensemble that use instruments from the gondang
Although the tradition of gondang sabangunan
still exist but its presence in the community is
threatened with the occurence of the ensemble of
music gondang / keyboard that has been used often as
a replacement of the original gondang sabangunan in
the traditional ceremony. This condition (the use of
keyboard music) may be caused by several issues:
economic / financial in terms of usage charges;
customs and tradition which is complicated if
involving pargonsi; the tradition that is inconsistent
with one's beliefs / community; the tradition that still
adheres to pargonism; the prohibition by religious
institutions and the difficulty of finding Pargonsi.
It has also been a fact that there has been different
perception/concept in how to behave (how one
should have a certain attitude towards the tradition of
gondang sabangunan and on how it is presented in a
traditional ceremony/ ulaon adat, especially among
other different denominates believers [among
Protestants, Catholics and Pentecostal].
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
Overall, the whole community of Toba Batak,
either the pargonsi (gondang sabangunan and
gondang hasapi), parmusik (keyboard), brass band
players, and etc, should understandthe importance of
continuity in the gondang sabangunan that is loaded
with many values and identity of Toba Batak. For that
reason, culturally and socially, there are hope and
opportunity widely open for gondang sabangunan.
3.2 Hope
The hope for the existence and development of the
tradition of gondang sabangun and ulaon adat is very
widely open if the people are aware of the importance
of cultural values rooted in the tradition inherited
from the ancestors of the Toba Batak community.The
tradition of gondang sabangunan is a heritage
inherited by the ancestors of Toba Batak
people/sijolo-jolo tube (people who were born prior).
The concept of local elders, especially the gondang
musicians (pargonsi) about the tradition of gondang
sabangunan is that the instruments used in the
ceremony, the rules on presenting, for some of it, still
considered the same with the tradition of gondang
sabangunan during the pre-Christian era : that the
conducts expressed during the ceremony of gondang
sabangunan is mainly worship.
In other words, the essence of the tradition of
gondang and traditional ceremony also contains a
belief that is loaded with the spiritual values,
togetherness, cooperation, kinship and sustainability
of the genealogy and kinship system itself.
In the practice of the tradition of gondang
sabangunan and the traditional ceremony (ulaon adat)
inherited to the members of Toba Batak community
in Samosir, there is also contained social science or
social education. Ulaon adat (traditional ceremonies)
is performed as the basis of laying the lineage or
kinship. People coming to traditional ceremonies are
not limited to eating and drinking onlyy, but further
to maintain the stability of brotherly relationships
among fellow descendants of a clan. Kinship must be
nurtured (constructed) so that it will last. Loss of
kinship (lack of understanding of family position in
the genealogy) results in the loss of one's status.
What is done in a traditional ceremony (ulaon
adat) is to maintain the continuity of kinship,
receiving and giving their obligations traditionally to
their fellow relatives.
The reason why gondang sabangunan has always
been present in a traditional ceremony (ulaon adat) is
due to the conducts expressed through music and
tortor in it is believed to be the way that the prayers
and requests of people can be forwarded to The
Almighty. The tradition of gondang sabangunan (in
this case the players, especially partaganing (taganing
player)and the panarune (the sarune players) are the
ones who are perceived as spiritually capable
individuals to reach God Almighty (Mulajadi Na
In addition, there are rules that must be appreciated
and followed in every traditional ceremony of
gondang sabangunan. The rules vary greatly;
depending on the user, the educational background,
religion /belief, economy, and others.
In the perspective of the cultural artists and
musicians of Toba Batak, when asked if the
traditional ceremony (ulaon adat) could be held
without the gondang sabangunan and their answer
was yes, it could, depending on the rules and what
tradition one takes as their beliefs, but usually people
would use the gondang sabangunan. Thus, the hope
that gondang sabangunan would remain in its
existence still be maintained according to their
perception of this.
Other expectations are also revealed when asked
whether the tortors should be presented only if they
are performed along with the gondang sabangunan,
and their answer was yes. Gondang sabangunan is
only in accordance with the tortor dance. There are no
other body movements, except the so-called tortors
that are suitable to be presented with the gondang
sabangunan. In addition there is a rule in manortor
(doing the tortor dance) the context of traiditional
ceremony (ulaon adat), because every movement in
the tortor dance has a philosopical meaning. Through
the tortor dance on the presentation of gondang
sabangunan the performers express their desire or
feelings towrad what/who they worship.
The tradition of gondang sabangunan and the
traditional ceremony are heritage of the ancestors, of
which the usage in the social life (traditional
party/rituals) would generate many beneficial things
including the more socialization of the importance
education, as a medium of preservation of social
norms (partuturon), as one of the tools to enhance
tolerance and respects to each other (marhula-hula,
marboru (in the aspect of dalih annatolu) and in terms
of increasing the recongnition in the values of the
bataknese practice, including language, tortor dance,
umpasa/umpama, also the local culinary that still
exist and have a central role and considered important
in a traditional ceremony (paradaton). This
knowledge was stressed by pargonsi (gondang
sabangunan msuicians) and local adat expert during
field research conducted in different villages in
The Tradition of Gondang Sabangunan and Custom Ceremony of the Toba Batak People in Samosir District: Challenge, Hope and
3.3 Opportunity
The existence of traditional ceremony (ulaon adat)
(especially ulaon saur matua and mangongkal holi) is
a routine activity in the community that gives access
to the tradition of gondang sabangunan to survive in
society, although in certain conditions many
community members who want keyboard music
combined with some instruments from the tradition
gondang sabangunan and by using popular songs that
have nothing to do with the melodies of the tradition
of gondang music.
Another opportunity to continue to exist and
maintaining the development of gondang sabangunan
and traditional ceremony (ulaon adat) is that there is
a striking difference between a traditional ceremony
(ulaon adat) that is accompanied by gondang
sabangunan and by keyboard music. In a ceremony
that accompanied by the keyboard music,it is always
not clear anymore about the rules in the manortor as
well as in the maminta gondang's manner. Similarly,
the partuturon (kinship relationship) that occurs often
does not indicate the "harmony" of the performers,
because many things happen that have ignored the
proper relationships-that is, according to customary
norms . This [kinship and aesthetic values according
to customary norms] is what is missing if a
ceremonial / ulaon adat is accompanied by a keyboard
From the above discussion it can be concluded that
things related to challenges, hopes and opportunities
have a close relationship with each other. The
challenge on the sustainability of the tradition of
gondang sabangunan, tortor and traditional ceremony
illustrates the level of need of the community for the
tradition of gondang sabangunan, tortor and
traditional ceremony in the social life of Toba Batak
community in Samosir District.
Similarly, expectations and opportunities are also
a projection of the need and availability of such
practices in society. The lesser need of the practice of
the tradition, the smaller opportunity there would be
for the continuity of the tradition itself. This situation
indeed affects the continuity of cultural values
(wisdom) that is contained in it.
The change in the concept of the traditional
meaning of the tradition itself is a cognitive area that
can be replaced at any time depending on the
educational background and the background of the
belief or religion of the performers of the tradition.
The existence of different religious believers in
society is also the substance that determines the
fundamental understanding of the tradition of
gondang sabangunan, tortor and traditional
The diversity that exists in relation to the meaning
or essence of the tradition of gondang sabangunan,
tortor and traditional ceremonies is a inevitability.
The situation must be received by the Toba Batak
community with different religion/beliefs in Samosir
District as a cultural richness and not vice versa.
Furthermore, observing the condition of
traditional gondang sabangunan, tortor and traditional
ceremony that took place in Toba Batak society in
Samosir district today, it is necessary to have a
planned and measurable revitalization activities and
also to involve cooperation in society including
government, private parties, artists and the
community itself as the actual user and actors.
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Ministry of Research and
Technology and Higher Education Republic of
Indonesia. The support is under the research grant
TALENTA USU of Year 2018 Contract Number:
2590/UN5.1.R/PPM/2018 at 16
March 2018.
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The Tradition of Gondang Sabangunan and Custom Ceremony of the Toba Batak People in Samosir District: Challenge, Hope and