Preservation of Lullabies Songs in Forming Character
based on Local Wisdom
Nurhayati Harahap
Irawaty A. Kahar
and Laila Hadri Nasution
Department of Languages and Literature Science, Faculty of Cultural Scince, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan,
Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Cultural Scince, Universitas Sumater Utara, Medan,
Keywords: Preservation, Oral Tradition, Character Based on Local Wisdom.
Abstract: The lullabies song is an oral tradition performed by the mother in ancient times in Indonesia.Text/lirycs in the
songs is loaded with local wisdom. But negative value of globalization has had an impact on the erosion of
local cultural values, and the wonder of lullabies of several ethnics in North Sumatra is almost extinct.
Inventorization, and preservation the traditional media of lullabies from oral to digital and is a way of saving
and sharing the information contained in the lullabies. Aside that it analyzes and identifies local wisdom
values contained in lullabies that can be used in character formation. The method used is qualitative with
content analysis approach based on the theory of hermeneutics. The results of the research are (1) the 14
lullabies while swinging a child of North Sumatra ethnic culture for the preservation of local culture, (2). The
packing of digital of lullaby songs (CD / DVD) is spreaded through social media / website to revive the
tradition of children's swinging songs, (3) Identify the types of local cultural values to be utilized in the
generation of children of the present generation.
Oral tradition of swinging children while singing is
usually done by most ethnic mothers in Indonesia.
Oral tradition is a traditional cultural activity of a
community passed down from generation to
generation with oral media from one generation to
another, both oral (verbal) and oral (non verbal) oral
spoken words, Sibarani (2012) a mother (matrilineal)
is instrumental in delivering the singing (while
swinging) children based on local wisdom to shape
the personality and character of the child as early as
possible (Harahap, 2015). Local wisdom is historical,
and positive, values taken by the ancestors are then
passed on orally to the next generation (Ataupah,
2004). In addition, the values of local wisdom from
the songs while swinging an infant (child) is very
thick with moral messages for children, so that moral
messages can be used as a means to form a character
(Neno, Lestari and Noor Efni Salam, 2016). The most
valuable benefit of local wisdom that contains the
noble values of the nation's ancestors can be used as
capital to build a nation with a good and strong
character (Dina, 2016). It is undeniable that local
wisdom is a culture that belongs to a certain society
that is considered able to survive the current of
globalization (Yunus, 2014). Expected to enrich the
scientific knowledge based on local wisdom that
includes the soft skills of conservation for the future
generations (Sudarmin, 2013). But in today's reality,
the negative effects of globalization have an impact
on the erosion of local cultural values. The oral
tradition of singing is almost extinct and is no longer
known by the present generation. To fight against the
extinction, one way is to re-preserve the media of the
lullaby songs of the orally recorded to digital (in the
form of CD/DVD), to be easily disseminated. The
process of media transfer uses the theory of
conservation. A theory of preservation expants the
concept of digital preservation from one that is
focused on sending the records (metadata) into the
future to one that can also enter the future description
of the environment (Paul, 2007). One expert defines
the digitalization of culture as a concept of utilizing
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
to improve utility in the field of culture, especially in
management (Sitokdana, 2015). In addition
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Harahap, N., Kahar, I. and Nasution, L.
Preservation of Lullabies Songs in Forming Character based on Local Wisdom.
DOI: 10.5220/0010079414131420
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is not only important for the welfare of the
community, but also is more important to establish a
tie between different generations (Mahyuddin K.M,
Tengku Erry Nuradi, and Rahmad Syah). In
connection with that the formation of children's
characters based on local culture on the current and
the coming generations can be done through singing
while swinging children which have been provided by
The research used qualitative method with content
analysis approach based on hermeneutic theory
(meaning comprehension). This approach can be
exploited if it wishes to disclose certain value content
in literary works, which include: (a) moral message,
(b) educational value, (c) philological value, (d)
religious value, (e) welfare value and so forth
(Endraswara, 2008). Each of the elements of meaning
reveals the text, the context, and the context
pertaining to oral or cultural tracer. The theory is to
reveal the meaning, cultural values and local wisdom
as foundation of formation of children. Methods of
data collection through Focus Group Discussion with
community / adat leaders, interviews with informants
(6 people: mother/ grandmother), recording of songs,
and documentation of lyrics of the lullabies songs.
Informants amounted to 6 people (mother/
grandmother) who is currently still doing the tradition
of swinging children while singing. The unit of
analysis is an oral tradition of the singing of an ethnic
Mandailing child. Malay and Karo in North Sumatra
Province. For the preservation of media transfer, the
approach of utilizing Information Technology from
oral to digital form, because digitalization is the
activity of switching media that can be done by using
a variety of tape recorder (Garjito, 2002).
3.1 Inventorization of Lullabies Ethnic
Mandailing, Malay, and Karo
The singing while swinging a child was performed in
four villages: (1) Pagarutan Village (Tapanuli
Selatan), (2) Gunung Tua Village (Mandailingness),
(3) town of Tanjung Balai Asahan (Malayness), and
(4) Perbesi Village Tiga binanga (Karonese). These
three ethnic groups are located in North Sumatra
Province of Indonesia. The perpetrators are the
mother or grandmother. The tradition of singimg
while swinging children is a tradition that can be done
at any time when parents put the child in a swing to
sleep. Swinging the child is accompanied by a song
containing advice, advice and prayer, which is a
parent's habit when a child is crying and wanting to
sleep (Neno, Lestari dan Noor Efni Salam, 2016). The
lyrics of the song lull the child rhythmically, calmly
and repeatedly. Her words are affectionate,
compelled the child to want to close his/her eyes
(Noor, 2014). From the results of the inventory
obtained as many as 14 pieces of children's lullabies
singing, 2 Malay ethnic singing, 9 Mandailing ethnic
lullabes, and 3 Karo ethnic lullabies. Basically the
moral message presented in the entire singing is
almost the same, but the difference lies in the rhythm
of delivery, there is a melodious, seductive, so as to
make the child fall asleep. The results of the content
of Malay, Mandailing, and Karo ethnics and the
values of local wisdom contained, in the songs can be
seen in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3.
Figure 1: Malay ethnics way to swing a child
Figure 2: Mandailings ethnics way to swing a child
Figure 3: Mandailings ethnics way to swing a child Figure 4: Karo ethnics way to swing a child
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
Table 1: Inventorization of Lullabies while Swinging a Child of the Ethnic Malay and the Value of Local Wisdom
Texts of the lyrics of the lullabies in Malay
English Version The Value of Local
Judul: Dodoi si Dodoi
Buah hatiku junjungan jiwa
Buah hatiku junjungan jiwa
Dodoi si dodoi
Janganlah anak suka menangis
Janganlah anak suka menangis
Ayahmu jauh ya anak dirantau
orang ya sayang
Ayahmu jauh ya sayang dirantau
orang ya sayang
Ayahmu jauh ya anak dirantau
orang ya sayang
Ayahmu jauh ya sayang dirantau
orang ya sayang
Dodoi si dodoi
Title: Dodoi si Dodoi
My precious child of my heart
sleep child sleep
Dodoi si dodoi
please don’t cry my dear child
please don’t cry
Your father is far away in
foreingn please dear child
Your father is far away in
foreingn please dear child
Your father is far away in
foreingn please dear child
Your father is far away in
foreign place my dear child
Dodoi si dodoi
The immersun of love
of the mothers for a
Judul: Timang anakku sayang
Timang-timang anakku sayang
buah hati ayahanda seorang
jangan marah dan jangan merajuk
tenanglah, tenang dalam buaian
Betapakah hati takkan riang
bila kau bergurau dan tertawa
mogalah jauh dari mara bahaya
yang gembira sampai akhir masa
Setiap waktuku berdoa
pada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa
Jika kau sudah dewasa
hidupmu bahagia sentausa
Timang-timang anakku sayang
kasih hati permata ayahanda
Tidurlah, tidur pejamkan mata
Esok hari bermain kembali
Title: timang timang anakku
I hugs you, hug you my dear
The dearest of fathers heart
Don’t be angry
Don’t grumble
Stay calm, stay calm in the
How my heart will not be
glowing when you are playful
and laughing
Hopefully far from danger.
And cheerful until the end of
time. Every minutes of day pray
to the almighty god when you
grown up someday you will
have a happy life.
Cuddle cuddle my dearest child
The love and gem of your
fathers heart.
Sleep sleep and close your eyes
my dearest.
Tomorrow we will play again
Prays of parents
hoping the child be
full of happines
Preservation of Lullabies Songs in Forming Character based on Local Wisdom
Table 2: Inventorization of Lullabies while Swinging a Child of Mandailing Ethnic in Pargarutan and Gunung Tua Villages
Texts of the lyrics of the lullabies
in Mandailing language
Indonesian and English Version The Values of
Local Wisdom
Bue-bue da amang bue...
bue-bue da amang bue...
campong ale campong
on dope hami ro mangalap ko
da bujing-bujing
ayun-ayun anak laki-lakiku
ayun… ayun ayun anak laki-lakiku ayun
lampu teplok lampu dinding
baru ini kami datang menjemputmu
wahai anak gadis
Swing swing my dear boy
Swing swing my dear boy
The kerosene lamp on the wall
We just come to fetch you my dear girl
The values of love
and affection
Magodang aek godang dainang
Namarmayuban ambasang
Tibu maho magodang da inang
Anso marbakti tu nusa dohot
bangsa dinang
Air bah sungai, anak perempuanku
Berhanyutan mangga bacang, anak
Cepatlah besar, anak perempuanku
Supaya berbakti pada nusa dan bangsa, anak
The fludded river my little girl, the mango
My little girl
Grow up fast my little girl
To be able to devote your self to the country and
nation my little girl
The values of
serving the
country.and nation
Bue bue dainang bue
Bue bue dainang bue
Jambatan ni aek godang da
Pamolusan ni Sampagul lima da
Anso tarsampehon rukunna lima
Ayun-ayunlah anak perempuanku ayun
Ayun-ayunlah anak perempuanku ayun
Jembatan sebuah sungai lah anak
Perlintasan Bus Sampagul nomor limalah anak
Supaya tersampaikan rukun yang lima anak
Swing swing my little girl
Swing swing my little girl
Be a bridge my little girl
For the bus sampagul five to cross over my little
girl. So that be able to complete the five
commandments of Islam my little girl
The values of
Indu sada hoju na godang do
Pangitean nisi matua dainang
Simbur maho magodang dainang
Anso marbakti tu orang tua
Itu satu kayu yang besar oh anak rempuanku
Titian orangtua anak oh perempuanku
Cepat besarlah oh anak perempuanku
Supaya berbakti pada orangtua 0h anak
There is a big tree my little girl
To be a bridge for the old people my little girl
So that you can serve your parents my little girl
The values of
serving the parents
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
Bue-bue…..modom magodang
maroa-roa….amang modom…
Naso uparmuda sayang on alee
Magodang ma ambasang
Na magodang di roha-roha
Magodang ale amang pamatang
Anso uanko marsipada
Duhai tidurlah anakku sayang
Buah hatiku tersayang tidurrlah
Besar-besar buah embacang
Tumbuh besar di rawa-rawa.
Lekaslah besar badanmu anakku
Agar lekas engkau sekolah.
Oh sleep my dearest child
The love of my heart sleep please
The embacang fruits are so big
Grown big your body my little girl
So you can go to school soon
The values that te
child later go to
Bue, modom amang modom
Mutik ni parpidoanku ale amang
Muda langka diamang tu roha
Manjalai buluh asa parupuk
Mudalangka ho amang marsipada
Manjalai ilmudohot bisuk
Duhai tidurlah anakku tidur
Bunga impian anakku sayang
jika engkau pergi ke belantara
Mencari buluh dan parupuk
Pergilah nak kesekolah.
Mencari ilmu kelak esok.
Sleep oh sleep my little girl
The flower of my dream my dear child
If you go to the wood
Finding bamboo and parupuk
Go to school oh dearst child
To pursue knowledge in the future
The values hoping
the child persue
Campong ale campong
Urat ni galinggang laut on
Haru lomlom pe daboru kon
Tolu kabupaten manyapai on
Campong ale campong
Akar galingging di laut
Biar hitam pun anak perempuanku ini
tiga Kabupaten melamarnya
Campong ale campong
The galingging roots at sea
Even though your skin is dark my little girl
Three regions come to ask for your hand
The values of love
and affection of
parents toward their
Poken amang di Sidimpuan
Torang ari bayBaga-bagaa di
Mangido pe au amang tu Tuhan
Saut tulus da baga-baga
Hari pekan di sidempuan
Besok harinya di Siboga
Aku memohon kepada Tuhan
Tercapa cita-cita yang kau impikan
The market day in Sidempuan
The next day in Sibolga
I pray to the almighty god
Hopefully you obtain all your dreams and
The educational
values to obtain all
wishes of a child in
the future
Preservation of Lullabies Songs in Forming Character based on Local Wisdom
Adong dope ubege na godang
Ulang ko mabiar
Anggo didokon debata
Tola do ho ro to Tuhanmu
Anggo dokon ni debata, inang
Danak ma na lobi sonang
Kutahu banyak tantangan menghadangmu
Kau jangan gentar
Allah berfirman
Silakan kau memohon pada Nya.
Sesuai firman Allah ananda
Agar anak lebih senang.
I know there are many challenges
Do not be afraid
Allah commands
Please pray to Him
According to Allah Commandments my dear
That you will be happy
The religional
Table 3: Inventorization of Lullabies while Swinging a Child of the Karo ethnic and the Values of Local Wisdom in the
Perbesi Tigabinanga Village
Texts of the lyrics of the lullabies
in Karo language
Indonesian and English Version.
The Values of
Local Wisdom
Didong doah anakku……
Lampas mbekin…ula ngindet, ula
Didong…doah anakku…
ula gutul ula melinges
anakkuMaka pagi banci man
temanku arih, inganu metua
Timang-timang anakku
Cepatlah besar, janganlah sakit, janganlah
Tmang-tiimang anakku..sayang.jangan bandel
agar kamu dapat menjadi temanku jangan
Agar kamu dapat menjadi temanku dihari tua.
Cudle..cudle mylitle child
Grow up fast , don’t get sick, don’t crry
Cudle..cudle my be litle child don’t be
stubborn ,so you can be my friend . Don’t be
sissy so that you can be my friend in my old
The values of
serving the parents.
Didong..didong doah ..anakku…
Lampas gedang …nande
berpandu…gelah pergitutus
sekolah anakku..
Bengikendulah ..min ajar nande
berpandu anakku..gelah pagi banci
jadi rudang-rudang kami anakku
Timang-hoolan rajin sekolah
Agar kamu menjadi kebanggaan kami.
Cudle..cudle mylitle child
Grow up fast and be diligent at school
So you can be our pride
The value of
Tunduh anggiku tunduh
Tunduh…lapas kam mbelin
Bapanta Pa laws erdahin
Ula kali kam ngadung …oh agi
Tuduh..tuduh anggiku
Tidur tidurrlah adikku
Tidurlah biar cepat besar
Bapak kita pergi bekerja
Janganlah menangis adikku
Tidur..tidurlah adikku
Sleep-sleep my little sister
Sleep so you can grow faster
Our father is going to work
Don’t cry my little sister
Sleep sleep my little sister
Love and affection
for Sister/brother
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
3.2 The Values of Local Wisdom in the
Singing Texts of Malay,
Mandailing, and Karo Ethnic
Children Lullabies Can Be Used in
Character Formation of Children
To analyze the study of oral tradition and local
wisdom, research method of oral tradition is used.
Each oral tradition has a form and content. The form
is divided into text, co-text and context. Text has
Structure, co-text has elements, and context has
condition (Sibarani, 2015). The contents of oral
tradition in the form of values or norms are
crystallized from meaning, purpose, role and
function. Values and norms can be used to organize a
social life called local wisdom.
The types of local wisdom are divided into two,
namely the first, for peace consisting of compassion,
honesty, social loyalty, harmony, and conflict
resolution. Commitment, positive thinking, and
gratitude. The second type of local wisdom is for the
welfare of hard work, discipline, education, health,
mutual assistance, gender management, cultural
preservation and creativity, and environmental care
(Sibarani, 2015). Based on the meaning and function
of the singing lullabies of the ethnic Malays, three
functions of information are found in the form of
messages containing local cultural values, namely (1)
the value of compassion, (2) honesty and loyalty and
(3) parents' prayers fo a child. In Mandailing ethnic
there are 5 functions of information containing the
values of local wisdom (1) affection, (2) devotion to
country and nation, (3) religious, (4) devotion to
parents, (5) education. In ethnic Karo there are 2
functions of information values of local wisdom that
is (1) devotion to parents and (2) affection. In ethnic
Karo there are 2 functions of information values of
local wisdom that is (1) devotion to parents, and (2)
3.3 Reviving the Tradition of Lullabies
While Swinging a Child of Malay,
Mandailing, and Karo Ethnic
The oral lullabies while swinging a child in North
Sumatra is no longer heard and less desirable for
today's generation. This condition may be due to the
less attractive way of delivery. To overcome those
facts, efforts should be done so that the tradition of
lullabies while swinging a child in the original media
in the past, be revived with different appearances and
versions. One way is through the re-preservation of
the lullabies while swinging a child in the original
media i.e informant. Then record the songs in the
recorder, change the arrangement of the music that
accompany the singer. And finally the creation of the
video clip (in the form of CD/DVD), as to be accepted
by now generation. And then ready to be
disseminated through social media such as youtube,
istagram etc. In order the lullabies while swinging a
child can be accessed more broadly a North Sumatra
ethnics website should be created. The ways in
reviving the traditional lulabies while swinging a
child of Malay, Mandailing and Karo ethnic children
can be seen in Table 4.
Table 4: Reviving the Tradition of Lulabies While swinging a child of Malay, Mandailing, and Karo Ethnic
Activities Instruments Output
1 To record childrens lullabies of Malay,
Mandailing, and Karo ethnics.
Recorder Recording of childrens
lullabies and informants of
each ethnic.
2 Re-arrangement of the music of lullabies
songs while swinging a child.
Music Lullabies songs in the new
3 Choosing the Singer. The singger Reviving songs while
swinging a Child by
professional Singer.
4 Video shooting of the singer.
Camera video CD/DVD of lullabies songs
while swinging a child of
etnics Malay, Mandailing,
and Karo in the places in
North Sumatera Province
Dissemination of the lullabies songs while
singing a child of Malay, Mandailing, and
Karo etnics.
Social Media, i.e. youtube ,
and website.
Reviving the lullabies songs
while swinging a child of
etnics in North Sumatera Ut
Preservation of Lullabies Songs in Forming Character based on Local Wisdom
The results of the analysis from the research data
show that there are 14 songs of Malay, Mandailing
and Karo ethnics lullabies in North Sumatra Province.
North of Indonesia, that can be used to assist the
government in preserving the tradition of lullabies
that almost extinct. There are 12 functions of the
information of local wisdom values contained in the
text of children's lullabies , there are (1) love and
affection, (2) devotion to both parents, the nation and
country, (3) education for the children to study the
future, (4) religion, (5) honesty, (6) prayers and
expectations of parents. The values of local wisdom
can be utilized for the character formation of children
based on local wisdom. Aside that, preservation of
media of children lullabies from oral to digital in the
form of CD/DVD products should be done. It is
expected that they can be widely disseminated and
accessible via social media and website in the aim of
reviving the several ethnic lullabies songs in North
The reseach was financially supported by Universitas
Sumatera Utara in according to TALENTA
Universitas Sumatera Utara Research Contact for the
year 2018 Number 2590/UN5.1.R/PPM/2017 dated
March 16
, 2018.
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