Factors That Influenced the Use of Family Planning (KB) in Padang
Hulu District of Tebing Tinggi 2018
Namora Lumongga Lubis
and Hasnida
Department of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jalan Universitas No. 21 Medan,
Department of Psychology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jalan Dr. Mansyur No.7 Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Use of Male Family Planning, Possible Factors, Strengthening Factors.
Abstract: As developing country, Indonesia still has to struggle with various problem. One of the main problems
faced by Indonesia today is the growing number of populations. The purpose of this research is to analyze
the factors that influence the male use of family planning in Padang Hulu sub-district, Tebing Tinggi 2018.
This research is using analytical observational with case control study design. The sample of this study
consisted of 60 cases group and 60 control group. The case group sample was the male family planning
acceptor and the control group sample including the male non family planning. Based on multivariate
results that age and support of wives are predicators of male family planning. It is suggested for health
workers to improve the promotion of vasectomy services, through the provision of education, knowledge
and the use of family planning vasectomy in the form of counseling and family approach concerning the
importance of family planning vasectomy and for men family acceptor is expected to be role model to his
peers so that the other men would participate in family planning, especially vasectomy.
Indonesia is one of the developing countries with
various problems. One of the problems deals with
Indonesia in recent time is the high rate of
population growth. Therefore, the government
continues to strive to reduce the rate of growth with
the family planning program of Badan
Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional
(BKKBN). Although socialization activities have
been conducted to the community, the number of
MKET program participants is still low (BKKBN,
Male participation rates in contraceptive use in
Indonesia Indonesia are still very low at only 2.1%
family planning and they generally use condoms.
The percentage is lower compared to other
countries, such as Iran 12%, Tunisia 16%, Malaysia
9-11%, even the percentage in the United Stated
reached up to 32%. Based on BKKBN 2012 the
participation of male using contraception is only
1.3% consist consist of condom user (0.9%) and
vasectomy (0.4%). Therefore, the socialization of
family planning programs among men should be
improved (Mardiya cited in Ernawati, 2016). Factor
that influence the choice of contraception in male is
the support of wife (Musdalifah, 2013). To increase
the percentage of male participation in family
planning, the socialization should be improved
(Mardiya, 2012). One of the most influencing
factors for male using contraception is wife support
(Musdalifah, 2013). The communication between
spouse will help men to choose the most appropriate
contraception. Furthermore, the information
obtained from health worker can greatly affect male
use of contraception (Musdalifah, 2013).
The ease and availability of service family
planning facilities has a positive impact on the use
of contraception. Men became less motivated to use
contraception due to the low accessibility of
information about family planning (Suprihastuti,
2013). According to (Hasibuan, 2014) the cause of
husband’s less participation in family planning is
the limitation of knowledge about reproductive
health and paradigm associated with patriarchy in
which the role of husband is greater than women.
Based on the research showed that wife support
associated with husband’s involvement in family
Lubis, N. and Hasnida, .
Factors That Influenced the Use of Family Planning (KB) in Padang Hulu District of Tebing Tinggi 2018.
DOI: 10.5220/0010076213861391
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
planning (condom and vasectomy) in Bantul
Regency (Budisantoso, 2009). Male participation in
the practice of modern family planning methods in
Indonesia is influenced by socio-demography that
includes knowledge, wife's age, husband's
education, number of surviving children and
attitudes toward family planning programs (Rustam,
Tebing Tinggi, is one of the cities in North
Sumatera which inhabited by 147,771 people with a
total of 23,550 couples with reproductive age.
Active family planning participants in 2013 reached
up to 17,450 people which consist of 200 males
using vasectomy (1.15%) and 610 males using
condom (3.50%) at the group age of 30-45 years
old. The largest coverage of family planning
acceptors was found in Rambutan sub-district
consist of 52 people (1.23%) from the total 5,578
reproductive couples. In Bajenis sub-district there
were 49 people (1.23%) from the total of 5.081
reproductive couples, Tebing Tinggi Kota 48 people
(1.85%) from the total of 3,539 couples, Padang
Hilir sub-district is 33 people (0,97%) from 4,697
couples, and Padang Hulu sub-district is 18 people
(0,51%) from 4,655 couples (BKKBN, 2013).
Based on its purpose, this study is an analytic
observational study with case control method.
Analytical observational case control study is a
design to determine the relationship between
variables by comparing case group and control
group based on their status (Murthi, 2003). The
sample were consisted of 60 control groups and 60
case groups. Data were analyzed using simplex
logistic regression and multiple logistic regression
3.1 Univariate Analysis
Description of the respondents in the study showed
that the most of respondents in the case group had
entrepreneurial jobs it consists of cases of 38 people
(63.3%). Based on the research, the muslim
respondents in the case group consist of 55
respondents (85%). And there were 58 muslims
(96.77%) in control group. The majority of
respondent were Javanese consist of 28 people
(46.7%) from case group and 35 people (53.8%)
from control group. 47 people (78.3%) from case
group had 1-2 children and in control group there
were 52 respondents (86.7%) had (> 3) more 3
48 respondents (80%) respondents in case group
55 respondents (91,7%) in control group had
income 1-2 million. 27 respondents (61,7%) wives
in the case group were within in control group
above 35 years. 43 respondents (71.7%) in control
group were within the age group above 35 years (>
35). 32 of respondent (53.3%) from the case group
and 40 respondents (66.7%) from control group had
more than 12 years the length of marriage.
3.2 Bivariate Analysis
3.2.1 Simple Logistic Regression Test
The analysis results of simple logistic showed that
there is a significant influence between age to male
KB use. The results of analysis using simple logistic
regression test showed that there is no significant
influence between education on the use of family
palnning in men. The results of analysis using
simple logistic regression test showed that there is
no significant influence between knowledge on the
use of family palnning in men. The results of
analysis using simple logistic regression test showed
that there is no significant influence between the
availability on the use of family palnning in men.
The results of analysis using simple logistic
regression test showed that there is no significant
influence between the support of wife to the use of
family planning. The results of analysis using
simple logistic test showed that there is no
significant influence between culture on male family
Thus, based on bivariate analysis using simple
logistic regression test, age variable and wife
support have p value <0, 25 so it can be including in
multivariate analysis model and conducted by
multiple logistic regression test with “enter”
3.3 Multivariate Analysis Results
Based on the results of multiple logistic regression
test showed that risk factors influencing the use of
contraceptive in men in Padang Hulu sub-district of
Tebing Tinggi after being adjusted with other
variables were p = 0,034, OR = 2,384 95% CI
(1,068-5,320), wife support p = 0,042; OR = 2,428
95% CI (1,033-5,708).
Factors That Influenced the Use of Family Planning (KB) in Padang Hulu District of Tebing Tinggi 2018
Therefore, the most dominant variable affecting
the use of contraceptive in men after multiple
logistic regression test on multivariate analysis is
the wife support variable p = 0,034; OR = 2,428;
95% CI (1,033-5,709) which means that men who
received wife support 2.4 times estimated men
using KB vasectomy compared with men who do
not have the support of the wife.
3.3.1 The Relationship between Age and
Contraceptive Use in Men
The result bivariate analysis shows that there is
significant influence between age with the use of
famili planning in men with p value = 0,014. The
result of multivariate analysis also showed that age
had significant effect on male KB use p = 0,034; OR
= 2,384 95% CI 1,068-5,320. This means that men
> 40 years old are 2.3 times more likely than men to
use vasectomy contraception compared with men
aged 40 years. Age can affect the one’s psychic,
young age often cause tension, confusion, anxiety
and fear that can affect one’s behavior
(Notoatmodjo, 2011). The results of this study is in
line with the previous research that there is a
spesific relationship between age and men’s
paricipant in family planning (Rozi, 2017). The
results are also accordance with the research
conducted by (Butto and Mburu, 2015) showing the
significant relationship between respondent’s age
and their participants in family planning.
3.3.2 The Relationship between Education
with the Contraceptive Use in Men
Based on the results of simple logistic regression,
that there is no influence between education on
contraceptive use in men. This is evidenced from the
calculation of simple logistic regression test can be
seen that the value p = 0.999 which means greater
than α = 0.05, then H
Conforming to (Nurliana and Subiyatun, 2011)
states that there is no relationship between husband
education with the use of contraceptives in the
hamlet Tekik Bangunharjo Bangunkerto Turi
Sleman, which proved the value with the value p =
0.185 (p> 0.05). In contrast to research indicating
that of 291 husbands in Sumber Agung Jetis Bantul,
most husbands were educated at junior high school
150 (51.5%), and the least husband who had high
education was 14 (0.5%). From the results of
analysis, it can be said most of the husband educated
junior high. The results of this study revealed there
is an influence between educational factors on the
use of male contraceptive methods (Setyaningrum
and Melina, 2017).
Less educated people will be more likely to
respond new ideas with emotion. Because the new
things might be shocking the people or change what
they have done in the past. The level of education
not only affects the willingness to use family
planning, but also the selection of a method.
3.3.3 The Relationship between Knowledge with
the Contraceptive Use in Men
Based on the results of simple logistic regression
test, that there is no influence between knowledge
on contraceptive use in men. This is evidenced from
the calculation of simple logistic regression test can
be seen that the value p = 1,000 which means
greater than α = 0.05, then Ho accepted.
Knowledge and attitude associated with
husband’s participation in family planning in
Yogyakarta, husbands’ knowledge about family
planning can be influenced by geography location,
the respondents live closer to the city has the better
knowledge about family planning than that of
respondents who live in the village, because the
geography location close to the city can facilitate
more information about family planning to society
(Tourisia, 2012)
There was a very significant relationship
between knowledge and contraception use in men
(Islam, 2013). Because an educated man will have
the knowledge of modern contraceptive and sexual
transmitted disease.
The statement above is in contrast to the
previous research results, it was found that 32.9%
(94 people) of reproductive age in Surakarta was
using contraceptives while another 67.1% (192
people) did not use contraception (Setiyani and Ayu,
2012). There were still many reproductive couples
who do not use contraception. Based on the results
of this study found, there is no significant
relationship between the level of knowledge of
contraceptive use. The higher the level of husbands'
knowledge of male family planning, the higher the
status of contraceptive use in men.
It is accordance with the situation in the District
of Padang Hulu Tebing Tinggi, it was found that
there is no relationship of knowledge to the use of
contraception in men. Although the study was not
statically significant but in terms of OR values,
knowledge about contraception has a tendency of
1.000 times to affect men in using contraception.
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
3.3.4 The Relationship between Knowledge with
the Contraceptive Use in Men
Based on the results of simple logistic regression
analysis, there is no influence between the
availability of male family planning services to the
use of contraception in men. This is revealed from
the calculation of simple logistic regression test can
be seen that the value p = 0.650 which means greater
than α = 0.05, then Ho accepted.
This is in line with (Butto and Mburu, 2015)
which revealed that there was no relationship
between the availability of family planning services
and the involvement of men in contraceptive use, as
access to family planning services and the
involvement in family planning services by men
may also be affected by the types of health workers
who offer the service.
Availability of service facilities was a positive
impact on the use of contraceptive devices. The
accessibility of men to information on family
planning is low because of the limited information
on the role of men in family planning and KR; and
male accessibility to low contraceptive services
(Muhatiah, 2016).
This result of this study is contradicting with
previous research states, that factors that cause male
family planning participation in various areas tend
to be low are: First, information access is very
limited. Men's knowledge of contraception, such as
type, side effects, effectiveness, mode of use, where
to get contraceptives, benefits and others is still very
low. Second, access to services is still limited
(Sutinah, 2017).
In accordance with the situation in the District of
Padang Hulu Kota Tebing Tinggi, it was found that
there was no relationship between the availability of
male contraceptive services with the use of
contraception in men. Although this study was not
statistically significant but in terms of OR values,
the availability of male family planning services has
a tendency of 1.526 times to affect men in using
3.3.5 The Relationship between Wife Support
with Contraceptive Use in Men
Based on the results of simple logistic regression,
there is a relationship between the wife support with
the use of contraception in men. It is revealed from
the result of simple logistic regression test with the
value p = 0.017 which means smaller than α = 0.05,
then H
is accepted. The result of multivariate
analysis was dominant influential factor which
showed that wife support had significant effect on
contraception use in men p = 0,042; OR = 2,428
95% CI 1.033-5,709 This means that men who get
wife support 2.4 times more the estimate of men
willing to use vasectomy contraception in men than
men who do not have the support of the wife.
This is conforming to previous research stated,
that the support of wife to the contraception use is a
positive attribute of the wife to family planning, if
couples have a positive attitude toward family
planning then they tend to use contraception (BPS
and Macro International, 2007), (Rozi, 2017). Other
research also stated that there is a relationship
between the support of the wife and the participation
of the husband in the family planning program
(Kharisto and Shofiyah 2016).
The support of the family refers to support that
is considered useful. Support of wife is one factor
that is very influential on positive behavior. The role
of family support itself is divided into the formal
role of explicit role, such as the role of husband or
wife and the role of information, such as direct
assistance from the family (Wahyuni, 2013).
Wives support is strongly influenced by
husband's motivation for contraceptive use. Thus, in
taking contraceptive options, there is an approval
between husband and wife have a role as a partner
of reproduction. The more support of wife receives,
the higher motivation husband gets for contraceptive
use, and vice versa (Istiqomah, 2012). This is in
accordance with (Friedman, cited in Sirait & Reni,
2012) that the wife helps the individual (husband) in
building self-esteem and competence. Kind of
support given in the form of awards to the husband,
positive responses and provide feedback on the use
of male contraceptives.
The results showed OR = 2,428 which means
that men whose wives support for the use of
contraception have 2.428 greater possibility than
men whose wives do not support the use of
3.3.6 The Relationship between Culture with
Contraceptive Use in Men
Based on the results of simple logistic regression
test, there is no influence between the culture on the
use of contraception in men. This is revealed from
the simple logistic regression test showed that the
value p = 0.855 which means greater than α = 0.05,
then Ho is accepted.
A study states that, there is no socio-cultural
relation on family planning men’s acceptor with
men's participation in family planning (Ernawati,
2016). In some studies, cultural standards are
identified as barriers to male involvement in
Factors That Influenced the Use of Family Planning (KB) in Padang Hulu District of Tebing Tinggi 2018
participating family planning programs. All
respondents believe that the reasons for involving
men in family planning programs include that men
play a dominant role in family decision-making.
Another reason expressed by the majority of
participants are that men are the head of the family
and give much influence to women's decisions
(Bayray, 2012). Men often assume that family
planning services are designed and provided for
women, so men are embarrassed to join the family
planning program (Cleland, 2011).
In contrast to other research, which states that
respondents who are positive social culture as much
as 86% participate actively in the vasectomy
program (Rizkitama and Imdrawati, 2015).This is
different from the situation in Padang Hulu
Subdistrict, Tebing Tinggi in 2018, found that there
is no connection between culture and contraceptive
use in men. Although this study was not statistically
significant but in terms of OR values, cultures had a
tendency of 0.935 times to influence men in using
Based on the results of research on the use of factors
that affect the use of male Family Planning
(Keluarga Berencana) in Padang Hulu District
Tebing Tinggi in 2018, the conclusions are stated as
a. There is an effect between age on the use of
family planning in men
b. There is no effect between education on the use
of family planning in men
c. There is no effect of knowledge on the use of
family planning in men
d. There is no effect between the availability of
male contraceptive service on male family
planning use
e. There is an effect of wife support on the use of
family planning
f. There is no cultural influence on male birth
g. Based on multivariate test results, the dominant
variable affecting the use of male KB is the
support of the wife
A. For Researcher
It is expected that the reseacher can make the results
of this research as the study material of science
development to increase the information about the
benefit of using Family Planning (KB) in men and
help to apply the form of counseling about the use
of contraception in men so that the increase of
population every year can be controlled in
accordance with the hope of BKKBN program.
B. For Family Planning Field Officer
It is expected that the promotion of vasectomy
services is enhanced, through the provision of
education, knowledge and the benefits of using
vasectomy in the form of counseling and family
approaches regarding to the importance of family
planning in this case vasectomy.
C. For the male KB acceptor
The men are expected to be precendent by
approaching, so that other men would participate in
family planning, especially vasectomy.
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