Hospital Occupational Safety and Health Management System based
on Internet of Things (IoT)
A. D. Nasution
and E. L. Mahyuni
Hospital Equipment Departement, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl dr. Mansyur 06, Medan Indonesia
Faculty of Public Health, University Street, 21 Campus Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan Indonesia
Keywords: The Hospital, OSH-MS, Hospital of OSH, Hazard, Risk.
Abstract: The Hospital as the intensive of labor, expert, capital and technology industries have potential hazards and
complexity of risk that could increase work-related accidents or occupational diseases. To solve that, the
hospital has to implement the occupational safety and health which integrated into hospital management
system. The purpose of this research is to develop the implementation of Occupational Safety and Health
Management System (OSH-MS) that integrated to services for reach patient and hospital safety. The output
of this research is the Guidelines of Occupational Safety and Health Procedures based on technology 4.0
(Internet of Things). This study is explanatory research conducted at Hospital University of North Sumatra
Medan from January 2018 to November 2018. The populations are Occupational Safety and Health teams
and the management board of the hospital and sample selected by purposive technique sampling. Data
collected by observation and interview and will be analyzed by using descriptive statistics based on the
basic principles of OSH Management System and applicable regulatory standards. The result showed that
the base principal case of uncomplete OSH-MS application cause by lack of human resources that
competence in OSH management. For implement the program just doing by one staff and lack of
coordination with each unit at hospital. The impact of that, all program couldn’t be realize by schedule. The
one of difficulties of OSH-MS implementation is over tasking in duty and low of OSH socialization for
overall unit of hospital. Recommended to H-OSH management system implementation could be planned
programmatically and executed by applying computer-based information system of the computer.
In globalization period, the demand for management
of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) programs
increased, especially Hospitals Occupational Safety
and Health (H-OSH). It caused of the medical
provider, paramedics, and others, visitors, patients
and communities around the hospital should be
protected from occupational Regulation of the
Minister of Health Republic of Indonesia Number 66
of 2016, requires hospitals to implement OSH that
integrated into hospital management system. health
problems and accidents, either as the impact of
health service delivery activities or due to the
condition of facilities and infrastructure in hospitals
that have not met the standards. Based on the Decree
of the Minister of Health Number 1087 / MENKES /
SK / VIII / 2010 which was renewed to hospitals in
the intensive of labor, expert, capital and technology
industries have potential hazards and complexity of
risk that could increase work-related accidents or
occupational diseases. In addition to
Paper will be part of the conference proceedings
therefore we ask that authors follow the guidelines
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file, in order to achieve the highest quality possible
(Smith, 1998). being required to provide quality
services and treatment, the hospital has to be a
hospital safety to protect patients, visitors, workers
and communities around the hospital from various
potential hazards in the hospital. For that, the
purpose of H-OSH program must be implemented
and developed in an integrated and comprehensive.
Implementation of health services and
management systems in the hospital strived to
follow the development of technology by the
development of industrial revolution 4.0. The
industrial revolution 4.0 is characterized by a cyber-
physical system which every industry uses a virtual
Nasution, A. and Mahyuni, E.
Hospital Occupational Safety and Health Management System based on Internet of Things (IoT).
DOI: 10.5220/0010076004950499
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
world, in the form of human connectivity, machines,
and data otherwise known as the Internet of Things
(IoT). The implementation of IoT could improve the
quality of life and make the hospital able to compete
with the other hospital services.
Hospital University of Sumatera Utara is a
hospital that provides health care nuanced education
and global to the community, especially the people
who are in Medan. Based on the preliminary survey
conducted, the hospital has H-OSH team in hospital
management structure. Fulfillment of OSH signs for
building safety is quite well done, including signs of
building safety and fire safety with the APAR and
evacuation routes. However, H-OSH
implementation is still not optimized to implement
the program into services or guarantee activities of
health provider. This condition caused by the
absence of H-OSH Management System which is
fully integrated into the hospital environment.
The purpose of this study is to develop the
implementation of Occupational Safety and Health
Management System (OSH-MS) integrated into
hospital service process to reach patient and hospital
safety. The development adapted to the industrial
Materials in this study are documents and activities
of health workers in the hospital environment related
to the implementation of OSH in hospitals. This is
an explanatory research using the qualitative
approach. This study was conducted in the period
from January 2018 to June 2018. The populations
were the H-OSH team and the management board of
the hospital. The sample reach by purposive
technique sampling.
The method of data collection is done by
observation and in-depth interview about H-OSH
implementation and conformity of OSH-MS.
Secondary data is collected by conducting the re-
evaluation of supporting documents including
policies, Standard Operating Procedure, technical
guidelines as well as matters relating to H-OSH
implementation. The result will be analyzed by
using phenomenology analysis with themes as an
analytical unit based on the basic principles of OSH-
MS and applicable regulatory standards
The Occupational Safety and Health Management
System (OSH-MS) is a reference for hospital
management to create a safe, healthy and productive
work environment for hospital staff, patients,
visitors, communities and the environment of the
hospital that create the hospital services process in
the running well and smoothly. Implementation of
OSH-MS refers to the Regulation of the Minister of
Health Republic Indonesia Number 66 of 2016 on
Hospital Occupational Safety and Health. The
implementation of OSH-MS cycle includes H-OSH
Policy, H-OSH Planning, Implementation of H-OSH
Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation of H-OSH
Performance and Review and Improvement of H-
OSH Performance. Implementation of OSH-MS is
responsible by Hospital-OSH Unit that divide in
little structure of organization with two persons as
the staff. Based on the interview and discussion with
staff of H-OSH Unit and develop by observation to
identify the OSH-MS implementation, it found some
problems divided into five basic principal of OSH-
3.1 Establishment of H-OSH Policy
The determinate of H-OSH policy has been well
implemented. This is indicated by the positive
appreciation and commitment from the management.
Initially, the existing H-OSH consisted of only one
person with multiple roles and within the structure
of the H-OSH Team which included the section on
the Patient Quality and Safety Committee. Given the
widely and comprehensive scope of H-OSH
implementation, the H-OSH team's research turned
into the H-OSH Unit consisting of three people with
one H-OSH expert and more structured
Establishment of H-OSH Unit is by the
provisions outlined in Labour Regulation No. Per-
04/ Men /1987. However, in the implementation, the
H-OSH Unit should be integrated with the
representation of each competency by the
complexity of positions in the hospital resulting
from the complexity of the services provided. The
hospital demands the presence of doctors, nurses,
midwives, dentists, labors, analysts, pharmacists,
paramedics and other competencies. The complexity
of these competencies surely provides different roles
and hazards in the service delivery process at the
hospital. Therefore, the cooperation between these
competencies must be incorporated within the scope
of OSH to create a safe and healthy work
environment as a form of achievement of good OSH
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
performance. Based on some previous research
states that competence has a significant effect on
employee performance.
3.2 H-OSH Planning
Based on the results of research, the OSH team said
that the Hospital had the H-OSH planning as stated
in OSH Program. The work program is prepared to
refer to the applicable regulations. The planning is
arranged in one period of 2016-2017. However, the
program has not yet covered decomposed in the
Decree of the Minister of Health Number 1087 /
MENKES / SK / VIII / 2010. OSH planning also has
not been contained in technical guidelines or the
existence of written forms and procedures. This can
affect how the next implementation in work
programs that have been prepared.
Therefore, OSH planning should also be
contained in hospital strategic plan and can be
disseminated through computer-based hospital
information system. Hospital Information System
should be developed to overcome the shortcomings
and inconsistencies between work units. For
example, the incongruence begins with the
complexity of the types in actions and services that
must be provided to each unit in unified
3.3 Implementation of H-OSH Plan
The schedule of the programs has prepared in well-
timed. But the program has not been implemented
maximally. Based on interview, it causes by the lack
of OSH executive staff in hospitals and the
implementation still not integrated also cultivation
of safe and healthy work in the hospital
environment. Occupational Safety and Health
culture is a combination of attitude, beliefs, norms,
and perceptions of certain organizations related to
OSH climate and safe and healthy practice. The
most important issue in establishing a safety culture
is based on the working climate of a supportive
workplace to promote safety and health behaviour at
all times during work. Implementation OSH plan
also indicated by the absence of implementation
guidance H-OSH socialized to all units in the
hospital. Therefore, the pattern of health care work
in given the patient priorities and not paying
attention to safety and the risk that could be
experienced by the health provider. This situation is
supported by the knowledge of health care workers
who prioritize the target achievement of the work
than to maintain the safety and health. According to
WHO, a person can behave certain regarding
applying OSH due to four main reasons namely
knowledge, perception, attitude and trust. These four
things must support each other. By the results of
research which states that the implementation of
OSH in hospitals can be quite good as much as 68%
associated with knowledge of OSH enough, good
individual attitude and information of OSH that
reach by health workers.
Implementation of H-OSH can also be hampered
by the lack of facilities used in the services
provided. For example one of the units studied in
this research is the hemodialysis section. From
observation, it found that the sake of safety, the user
is required to have differentiation in sterilizing the
tube hemodialysis, but the hospital has only one unit
of sterilization equipment. This situation requires
officers to sterilize infectious patients manually to
avoid transmission of the disease to other non-
infectious patients. This manual work pattern may
increase the risk of workplace accidents or illnesses
because the possibility of direct contact may occur
concerning biological factors derived from
pathogenic germs from patients.
Also, hospitals waste management hampered due
to the minimum housekeeping officers to collect
medical and nonmedical waste. In collected the
medical or non-medical waste from each room,
officers still combine the medical and nonmedical
waste in a trolley/garbage train even it has been
classified in different colour plastics from each unit.
Medical waste is very important to be managed
properly and specifically because it can be
categorized as hazardous and toxic waste and
classified as an infectious. Improper management
will pose a risk for disease transmission. Based on
the results of interviews conducted, some of the
phenomena is due to lack of officers’ knowledge
about occupational safety and health. Officers also
adjust the work with existing tasks and facilities to
avoid repeated collection. The work environment of
the hospital should consider the physical aspects that
may affect the work. Based on the results of the
study found many health and safety risks that can
occur in workers at hospital include eye exhaustion
due to poor lighting, the risk of falling, work time
that exceeds standards and workloads are not in
accordance with the capacity so that increasing
fatigue in workers, limited work space, and poor
APAR evaluation.
Hospital Occupational Safety and Health Management System based on Internet of Things (IoT)
3.4 Monitoring and Evaluation of
H-OSH Performance
Monitoring and evaluation of H-OSH performance
has not been done well where the implementation
cycle of risk management not in Plan of Action
periodically. The process of supervision of OSH
implementation also has not run because of the lack
of members in organizing OSH Unit. It also has not
developed with maximum considering the
competence of officers arranged in organizing H-
OSH units still have one person who has the
competence of OSH. Workload to be carried out
exceeds the amount and capacity owned, so that
reasonable program that has been arranged well
couldn’t be done perfectly. The results show that
workload and individual characteristics in
significantly positive effect on burnout and worker
performance. The impact of this maximal
performance can lead to dissatisfaction in working.
Therefore, the factors that trigger this dissatisfaction
must be anticipated for the sake of management's
sustainability in hospital. Based on research the
factors of dissatisfaction related to policy and
reward. The dominant factors of work content that
lead to job satisfaction are the factors of appreciation
and autonomy, the dominant factors of the work
environment are the relationships with colleagues,
relationships with the direct supervisor and
workplace conditions (Subhan, 2018).
3.5 Review and Improvement of
H-OSH Performance
The review and improvement of H-OSH
performance have not been carried out according to
the circumstances of the four cycles described
earlier. This cycle could be done if the hospital can
jointly conduct an internal audit of OSH
implementation as an effort to maintain occupational
safety and health. The results of the audit become
inputs for the continuous improvement of the OSH
programs that have been prepared by the H-OSH
Unit. This is certainly supported by relevant
management inputs from resources, work facilities,
finances, and method. Based on the development of
industrial revolution 4.0, to support socialization and
OSH culture in hospital to be integrated as a whole
can be done by socialization using cyber physics
The communication of safety messages is not only
done manually through safety briefing, posters,
banners or safety signs, but supported by online such
as the socialization of H-OSH implementation
guidelines in every computer window, the video
Tron explaining about the hospital and safety video
in case of accident or even disaster (extraordinary
events), as well as safety messages delivered
through running text in strategic places and can be
known to every user of hospital services.
Based on the results, it concluded that the
implementation of OSH Management System at
USU Hospital has not been in maximum
implemented. The factors that need to be considered
include the lack of human resources, facilities that
need to be improved along with the increase of
hospital service users, the maintenance of the work
environment, job satisfaction and the lack of
socialization of the OSH implementation which is
integrated as a whole in the hospital environment.
Recommended to H-OSH management system
implementation could be planned programmatically
and executed by applying computer-based
information system of the computer. Socialization to
integrate of OSH to all parts in hospital could be
done openly through the service information
contained in cyber physics and known by all users of
the hospital through computers, banners, video Tron,
and running text.
We would like to thank the Hospital of USU and
Unit H-OSH which has been supporting in
conducting this research as an effort to develop
related in hospital in implementation of safety and
health. This research also be done financed by
TALENTA USU in Hospital of USU development
schema of Research on accordance with the contract
of research implementation Number 67 / UN5.2.3.1 /
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