Optimizing the Role of Law on Preventing Hidrance to Investment on
Special Economic Zone: A Study on Special Economic Zone
Seimangkei, North Sumatera
Budiman Ginting
, Rosnidar Sembiring
, Mahmul Siregar
, and Afrita Abduh
Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Universitas No. 4, Medan, Indonesia
Keyword: Special Economic Zone, SeiMangkei Special Economic Zone, Investments
Abstract: The role of law on economic development lies on the ability of the law itself to give a certainty, predictability
and stability. Those kinds of law will be able to reduce or abolish a nonproductive cost which businessman
bears. Legal certainty which has yet to be materialized in the Special Economic Zone on Sei Mangkei has a
huge potential of becoming a hindrance towards the investments on Special Economic Zone Sei Mangkei. This
situation occurs owing to the fact that in general, the norms of positive laws on managing the Special Economic
Zone SeiMangkei has yet to be implemented upon. Various weaknesses on implementing law on Special
Economic Zone SeiMangkei causes the competitiveness on business world and Special Economic Zone
SeiMangkei’s attractiveness to be less. A support from all stakeholders’ dan law is needed to make Special
Economic Zone SeiMangkei of having a significant role on the national and regional economics.
The impartiality between the cost needed on chasing
the economic growth and the ability to finance it
independently, encourage countries to involve roles
and funds of national private company and foreign
company on financing the economic development.
The most common way done is to invite the foreign
and domestic investors to conduct a direct
investment. This view causes a competitiveness to
lure domestic funds and foreign funds to conduct a
direct investment. Countries compete to give out ease
off service, fiscal and non-fiscal facility on
investments. Liberalization of the investments
becomes an inevitability on political law on
investments in various countries. Amongst all of the
procedures that countries use, the establishment of a
strategic economic zone is the most frequent
procedure that a country uses. This procedure kept on
developing, and now a days it is known as Special
Economic Zone.
Special Economic Zone has an important role on
improving the economy especially in the industrial
sector, where Special Economic Zone is capable of
creating an improvement of technology,
improvement of national productivity and structural
transformation (Asian Economic Integration Report,
With the existence of Special Economic Zone
it is expected that the community able to utilize that
policy itself to improve the economy (
Coenrad Muller Screepers mentioned that
Special Economic Zone constitutes as one of many
tools that is used by host countries to promote trades,
economic development and to lure investments
(Tambunan, 2001).
In Indonesia, the term Special Economic Zone
was introduced on the 2007 constitution. The term
was used on Chapter XIV, Article 31 on Law Number
25 of 2007 on Investments. Article 31 point (1) of that
constitution mentioned that to fasten the economic
development on certain strategic areas for the national
economic development and to secure the balance of a
region’s development, a Special Economic Zone
could be set and develop. The next two years Law No.
39 of 2009 on Special Economic Zone was made.
Since Law No. 39 of 2009 was made until now,
Indonesia has developed 10 Special Economic Zone
which was spread almost throughout all of the main
islands in Indonesia, such as Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi,
Kalimantan, Maluku, Bangka Belitung dan Papua.
The development of Special Economic Zone directly
caused the spreading of infrastructure development
investments on various areas in Indonesia. The
impartiality of development between Pulau Jawa and
Ginting, B., Sembiring, R., Siregar, M. and Abduh, A.
Optimizing the Role of Law on Preventing Hidrance to Investment on Special Economic Zone: A Study on Special Economic Zone SeiMangkei, North Sumatera.
DOI: 10.5220/0010072613161323
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
outside of Pulau Jawa sooner or later will be
overcome by the development of Special Economic
Zone. According to Darmin Nasution the head of
National Special Economic Zone quoted by
detik.com, stated that with the existence of Special
Economic Zone it is expected the investments flow
will be off the charts. The investment target of Special
Economic Zone was expected to reach Rp. 726
trillion on 2030, with the objective of 632.583 labors.
One of Indonesia’s operating Special Economic
Zone is the Special Economic Zone in Sei Mangkei,
Sumatera Utara. Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone
is regulated under Government Ordinance No. 29 of
2012 and it is the first Special Economic Zone in
Indonesia which was inaugurated by President Joko
Widodo on January 27
2015. The infrastructure
development inside the region and the infrastructure
district supporting the SeiMangkei Economic
Exclusive Zone has encountered a significant
development. However, the law supporting the
development of SeiMangkei Special Economic Zone
development was regarded to be sub-par. Even
though the existence of law is considered one of the
factors that influenced investors to decide upon their
investments would end up.
Budiman Ginting, along with his associates has
identified numerous problems that is regarded to have
the potential of hampering investment activities in
SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone. These
problems are part of the problems that was originated
from our infrastructure readiness and more problems
were originated from the law itself, which is, legal
certainty, synchronizing and harmonizing the law,
and consistency on implementing those norms of law
(Ginting, 2017). Therefore, the role of law on
preventing hindrance to investment on Sei Mangkei
Special Economic Zone must be discussed.
The research method that been used in this reseach is
the sociological legal research and the normative
legal research which approaching and analyze the
economic the law on preventing hidrance n
investment in social economic zone in Sei Mangkei,
the issues and problems that was originated caused by
the role of law that related to the problems itself in
Special Economic Zone in Sei Mangkei.
3.1 The Framework of Law on Special
Economic Zone in Indonesia
According to the World Bank, Special Economic
Zone is made out of, an area that is geographically
restricted with a separated area of customs, under the
supervision of the administrator, and that the benefits
may be felt by those who lived inside the zone itself.
In other words, Special Economic Zone is a zone
where the government was expecting to raise the
economic growth through the increasing of exports
and investments also providing various competitive
advantage for the entity who chose to locate within
the zone (Rizal, 2015).
That definition is relevant to
the regulation under Article 1 point (1) of the Law No.
39 of 2009 defines a Special Economic Zone as a
specially regulated zone that is located within the
jurisdiction of The Republic Of Indonesia which is set
to carry out an economical function and to receive
certain facilities.
The Politics of Law that that underlines the
existence of Special Economic Zone is to attract the
interest of investors to conduct a direct investment
which promises a number of regulatory exclusivities,
the ease of service and fiscal facility inside Special
Economic Zone. Therefore, the enforcement of
investment services in Special Economic Zone was
released from the government bureaucratic networks
that forms their own institution on managing the
Special Economic Zone. According to Law No.
39/2009 this institution consists of: National Council,
District Council, and District Administrator. Through
the structure of One Stop Service (PTSP), District
Administrator plays a very strategic role in operating
stages. This institution received an abundance of
authority from all of the ministry regarding the non-
department government institution, provincial and
regency/city government. With this method, a long
bureaucratic networking will be abolished owing to
the fact that all relating affairs regarding investments
inside the Special Economic Zone falls into the
authority of District Administrator. And of course,
this is expected to be an attracting factor owing to the
fact that this will reduce the transaction cost for the
To support the enforcement of Special Economic
Zone, the Indonesian Government has created a
number of constitutions. No less than 50 constitutions
have been made, from Law up until Government
Ordinance has been created to support the Special
Economic Zone. Furthermore, Regional Regulation
which is a law created by province and regency/city
Optimizing the Role of Law on Preventing Hidrance to Investment on Special Economic Zone: A Study on Special Economic Zone
SeiMangkei, North Sumatera
where the Special Economic Zone was located wasn’t
included amongst the number of constitutions
mentioned above. Those constitutions, mainly
regulates: (a). Special Economic Zone’s Operations,
(b). The Establishment of Special Economic Zone,
(c). Bussinesses within the Special Economic Zone
(d). Fiscal and Non-Fiscal Activities, (e). One Stop
Service, (f). Foreign Labor Usage, (g). Delegation of
Authority to the Regional Administrator (h). Permits.
3.2 Law as a Support to Attract
Investors to Invest in the Special
Economic Zone
Adi Sulistiyono mentioned that one of the important
laws that law plays a part in supporting the economic
development is the law’s ability to decrease of abolish
non-productive cost that society and business world
bears. A good set of law should be able to decrease or
even abolish those non-productive cost, rather than to
create the non-productive cost mentioned. This role
played by law through one of its principle, which is
legal certainty. Legal certainty will drive the law itself
to the existence of predictability in economic affairs
(Sulistiyono, 2007).
The problem is that up until now
the main weakness of law that is mostly encountered
by businessman in Indonesia is the uncertainty of the
law itself. Even though legal certainty is needed as
well to calculate and anticipate risks involved, in fact,
legal certainty in a country is one of the factors that
drives the durability of the economy itself
(Sulistiyono, 2007).
Numerous Laws has been made to support the
existence of Special Economic Zone in Indonesia
with the expectations to attract investors both
domestic and foreign. Various product of law has
been made to create a certain condition to attract
investments in Special Economic Zone, which are:
3.2.1 The Negative Investments List (DNI)
Was Not Enforced Generally within
the Special Economic Zone
DNI is a list of businesses that was closed for
investment affairs in Indonesia. DNI determines the
conditions that has to be met for the investors in order
to conduct investments in Indonesia. Those
conditions regulate: the restrictions of foreign
shareholders, the substitute of certain businesses for
micro businesses, small, medium and cooperation, the
obligation to conduct a partnership with the local
community, and certain conditions according to the
constitutions. Currently, the DNI is regulated under
Government Presidential Decree No. 44 of 2016. The
advantage of Special Economic Zone is that DNI is
not enforced in the Special Economic Zone. In other
words, all businesses are open, (except those that has
been restricted by the constitutions itself) and all of
the conditions that has been set by DNI is not required
for businesses within the Special Economic Zone.
3.2.2 The Ease of Goods Traffic
The inflow of goods to Special Economic Zone has
yet to be regulated its restrictions on imported goods,
whereas for the outflow of goods from Special
Economic Zone to Customs areas, the regulations to
restrict imported goods apply.
3.2.3 The Ease of Labor
In Special Economic Zone, Wage Council and
Tripartite Coorparation Institution. Other ease is that
in Special Economic Zone there is only 1 (one) Labor
Union Forum in every company. Legitimizing and
extending the Plans to Employ Foreign Labor
(RPTKA) is enforced in Special Economic Zone, so
that it will not involve a long and winding
administration process. It also applies to the extension
of Foreign Labor Employment Permit (IMTA) which
is also enforced in Special Economic Zone.
3.2.4 The Ease of Immigration
Visitor’s Visa on 30 days period and it could be
extended 5 (five) times 30 days each. Multiple entry
Visa for foreigners and their families. Special Visa or
residence permit for foreigners are given to foreigners
who owns any property inside the Special Economic
Zone. And, elderly foreigners who lives inside the
Special Economic Zone is also given special visas
and a residence permit
3.2.5 The Ease of Landowning
For Businesses/businessman that receive a Building
Rights (HGB) or Right to Use may extend and renew
their rights up to 80 years after it was declared
producing/operation commercially. In case of
property ownership, the extension and renewing
HakPakai may be given until the next 80 years to
every property that is owned legally.
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
3.2.6 Property Ownership for Foreigners
within Tourism Special Economic
Foreigners/Foreign Businesses may own a property in
Special Economic Zone (Houses or Flats) through the
Right to Use or Ownership Rights on Flats. Property
owners in Special Economic Zone may be given a
residence permit with Special Economic Zone
Administrator as a guarantor. Moreover, taxes (Sales
Tax on Luxury Goods dan Value Added Tax) may be
given free of charge for luxurious goods.
3.2.7 Tourism as the Main Activity
The form of ease such as: Duty Free, PDRI is not
collected on the inflow of goods outside the customs
areas, free of charge for the excise taxes of auxiliary
materials for a non-excise goods. Shops in tourism
Special Economic Zone may participate in tax refund
activities for foreign passport holders (duty free
3.2.8 The Ease of Permissions
Special Economic Zone Administrator is authorized
to issue a principle permissions and business
permissions through one stop service in Special
Economic Zone. The acceleration of issuing the
permission must be conducted 3 hours at the very
least (in case if all conditions met). The process and
the completion of permits non permits of
immigration, labor, and landowning are solely done
by the Special Economic Zone Administrator.
3.3 SeiMangkei Special Economic Zone
Development plans on SeiMangkei Special
Economic Zone started on 2008. During that time,
PTPN III (Persero) intended to build an industrial
district that was mainly for the development of all
PTPN III branches and PTPN III owned strategic
business unit palm oil downstream industry. This plan
was later agreed upon by the Minister of State Owned
Enterprises (BUMN) as the full shareholder of PTPN
III created a Ministerial Decree of State Owned
Enterprises (BUMN) No. S-465/MBU/2008 dated
of May 2008 on Industrial Zone Development
Agreement. During that time, Law No. 39 of 2009 on
Special Economic Zone was yet to be created, so up
until then the terminology used is industrial district.
In the year 2009 Law No. 39 of 2009 on Special
Economic Zone (Special Economic Zone Law) was
created. The advantage of Special Economic Zone
which is more compared to an industrial district
caught the attention of the government to change the
status of Sei Mangkei. Industrial District to
SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone. On the 27
February 2012 the Government regulated
SeiMangkei. Industrial District to Sei Mangkei.
Special Economic Zone on Government Ordinance
No. 29 Of 2012 on Sei Mangkei Industrial Sector. A
year later, PTPN III (Persero) was appointed as Sei
Mangkei Development and Administrator. Special
Economic Zone based on Simalungun’s Regent
Decree No. 188.45/193/Bppd dated 30
To support the operations of SeiMangkei. Special
Economic Zone, PT, Perkebunan Nusantara III
(Persero) as Development and Administrator
Businesses has develop various infrastructures within
the Special Economic Zone. Also, the Central
Government has started building a number of regional
infrastructures outside SeiMangkei. Special
Economic Zone in order to support SeiMangkei.
Special Economic Zone operations such as:
GarduInduk PT PLN kapasitas 60 MW, gas pipes
transmissions network from Belawan – SeiMangkei,
multipurpose harbour Kuala Tanjung, Nasional roads
access SeiMangkei – Kuala Tanjung Harbour /
Belawan, railroads access from SeiMangkei
Pelabuhan Kuala Tanjung / Belawan and Kuala
Namu international airport.
SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone has enough
potential on both national and regional economic
development. It is estimated that the total investments
in SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone will reach the
sum of Rp. 46 trillion from the year 2012 until 2031.
The investment commitments from the investors until
2014 has reach Rp. 6,5 trillion. Whilst the support
from the government itself has reached Rp. 2,9
trillion, to develop a regional infrastructure until
2017, such as railroads, bulk docks, and roads.
SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone is targeted to
absorb up to 979.000 labors up until the year 2031. It
is expected every year to be receiving an income tax
up to Rp. 363 billion. With the total of investments
and the absorption of labors of that magnitude,
therefore it is not an exaggeration if the people of
North Sumatera and especially the people of
Simalungun and its surroundings to expect the
SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone to give a
multiplier effect to the regional economic itself. A
number of businesses will be developing as well in
line with the operations on SeiMangkei. Special
Economic Zone.
Optimizing the Role of Law on Preventing Hidrance to Investment on Special Economic Zone: A Study on Special Economic Zone
SeiMangkei, North Sumatera
3.4 The Role of SeiMangkei Special
Economic Zone on Palm Oil
Downstream Industrial
One of the important roles of SeiMangkei. Special
Economic Zone is to develop the Palm Oil
Downstream Industrial Development in North
Sumatera. The palm oil plantation in North Sumatera
has a massive potential to produce palm oil itself.
However, there has been a weakness that has been
often found, which is; that the palm oil plantation
businesses in North Sumatera still rely way too much
on the premier commodity which is the palm oil. This
causes the value added to profits becomes relatively
small if compared to the processing of derivative
products of palm oil from the downstream industry.
The existence of SeiMangkei. Special Economic
Zone with various infrastructures and investment
facilities guaranteed by the law as well as the
guarantee of more than enough available raw
materials is expected to attract the investors to invest
in the palm oil downstream industrial sector. With
this method, the benefits of Special Economic Zone
to the national and regional economy will be even
better. The reliance upon the local and export sales of
raw palm oil with a relatively small profits may
finally be overcoming.
3.5 The Hindrances of Law on
Investment Affairs on SeiMangkei.
Special Economic Zone
Asian Development Bank stated that the hindrances
on investments that has been felt by the investors in
Indonesia is: (i) the uncertainty of the economic
policy and regulations, also the macro economy
instability; (ii) Corruption, both the central
government officials and regional government
officials; (iii) The labor regulations, which is more of
a problem rather than the quality of the labors itself;
(iv) Financing cost, becomes more of a problem
rather than the access itself; (v) High rate taxes,
becomes more of a problem rather than the tax
administration and customs itself; and (vi) The
availability of infrastructures (Asian Development
Bank, 2005).
This study is mainly focused on the hindrances
suffered by the law itself that existed on the
enforcement of investment activities within
SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone. Several
problems that occurs from the regulating and the
implementing the laws on SeiMangkei. Special
Economic Zone are;
3.5.1 Implementing Law Number 18 of 2008
on Waste Management
According to the Law No. 18 of 2008 on Waste
Management in conjuction with Article 18 Point 1 ,
Government Ordinance No. 81 Of 2012 on Domestic
Waste Management and Similar Domestic Waste
stated that waste collecting is done by: a. settlement
management, commercial district, industrial district,
special district, public facility, social facility, and
other facilities; and b. regency/city government.
Furthermore on point (2) it is stated that settlement
management, commercial district, industrial district,
special district, public facility, social facility, and
other facility in conducting waste management must
provide: a. Place of Waste Management; b. Place of
Waste Management including Reuse, Reduce and
Recycle; and/or c. the device to collect different sets
of trash.
The problem on waste management that is
commonly complained by the investors and managers
in SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone, based on the
interviews conducted, the investors within the
SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone mentioned that
there isn’t any landfill side of the wastes that has been
produced by the industries inside the Special
Economic Zone, this causes many accusations from
non-government institution stating that the businesses
activities within the Special Economic Zone dispose
their wastes on the Bah Bolon River which later
causes pollution. Also, according to an informant
from the Manager of SeiMangkei. Special Economic
Zone the Regency Government must provide a
landfill side for wastes that were produced by the
businesses conducted within the Special Economic
With the SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone
operating and the tenant has invested on the Special
Economic Zone itself, it is a necessity to provide a
landfill side location. According to Article 19 point
(2) Government Ordinance No. 81 Of 2012 stated that
the Regency/City Government on conducting waste
management according to point (1): a. provide tools
to manage wastes including the separated wastes that
did not cause any harm to the environment; and b.
conduct a waste transportation from Place of Waste
Management and/or Place of Waste Management
including Reuse, Reduce and Recycle to Landfill
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
3.5.2 Implementing the Government
Ordinance No. 96 of 2015 on Amenity
and Facilities in Special Economic
This Government Ordinance No. 96/2015 on
Amenity and Facilites in Special Economic Zone has
yet to run as it’s supposed to. The Simalungun
Regency Government has yet to response with the
introduction of any regulations regarding the matter.
Therefore, the region tax and retribution facility is yet
to be enjoyed by the investors and Sei Mangkei
administrator. Special Economic Zone. Also, there
has yet to be introduced instructions (juklak) under
the Government Ordinance Number 96 Of 2015 on
ease and facility in Special Economic Zone,so the
investors that are operating within the Sei Mangkei
Special Economic Zone were complaining that the
Government Ordinance No. 96 Of 2015 benefits
cannot be enjoyed yet by the investors because it has
yet to be enforced, so, this particular predicament
causes different perceptions between the tenant and
Sei Mangkei. Administrator Special Economic Zone.
Sei Mangkei. Administrator Special Economic
Zone complains about the ease of taxes that is actually
regulated on Government Ordinance Amenity and
Facilities in Special Economic Zone, however in
reality, the conversion of the land status on
SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone was firstly a
Right of Tenure (HGU) becoming Right of
Management (HPL) which was written in the Right
of Management Certificate Number 1 Of 2014 this
causes a raise in region taxes, even though the land
that was used for Sei Mangkei. Special Economic
Zone purposes has only been used around 200 acres
from a land that has the size of 2000 acres, also the
land conditions are mostly palm oil plants that is yet
to be an industrial site. The magnitude of the tax
increase with the status of HPL reaches the sum of
Rp. 8 billion, when it was originally when the status
of SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone was a HGU
is at Rp. 2 billion, and after it converted to HPL, the
taxes rise to a sum of Rp. 10 billion. Sei Mangkei.
Administrator.Special Economic Zone feels that there
has to be an incentive from the Regional Government
(such as: decreasing/abolishing PBB and BPHTB) in
a form of constitution to attract investors to invest on
SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone.
3.5.3 Implementing Government Ordinance
No. 101 Of 2014 on Dangerous and
Poisonous Waste (B3) in Sei Mangkei
Special Economic Zone
According to Article 3-point (1) Government
Ordinance No. 101 Of 2014 Dangerous and
Poisonous Waste (B3) in Sei Mangkei Special
Economic Zone stated that everyone who produces
B3 wastes must conduct a management on that very
B3 waste. B3 waste management must be integrated
owing to the fact that it may be a health hazard
towards the humanity, other living things and the
environment itself. A company that produces B3
wastes are responsible since it was produced until it
was annihilated (from cradle to grave) with managing
it internally and rightly as well as assuring that all
parties relating to managing B3 wastes are competent
and met any requirements given. And because of that,
ideally a Special Economic Zone in its site must be
operated with a various B3 waste management
facility to protect the both society and environmental
One of the investor’s expectation is that there will
be an infrastructure solely to manage the B3 wastes
in North Sumatera or its vicinity. Investors who
produces B3 wastes and its management currently
transported and manage by a third party in Cileungsi,
West Java. This predicament causes a relatively high
fee on the company’s operations.
3.5.4 Implementing Presidential Decree No.
97 of 2014 on Enforcement of One Stop
Service SeiMangkei Special Economic
Article 25-point (5) Law No. 25 of 2007 on
Investments stated that the permits on investments
shall be obtained through the One Stop Service
(PTSP). One Stop Service was intended to help
investors on obtaining the the ease of services, fiscal
facility, and information about investments itself.
One Stop Service is done by an institution that are
authorized in the investment field and that institution
was delegated by an institution who authorizes
permits and non-permits on both Province and
regency/city. Furthermore, it is mentioned that the
regulations about the enforcement of One Stop
Service was regulated on Presidential Decree.
Furthermore, article 23 point (2) Special Economic
Zone Law again mentioned that the enforcement of
One Stop Service (PTSP) particularly on the
investment activities within SeiMangkei. Special
Economic Zone. It is also mentioned that the
Optimizing the Role of Law on Preventing Hidrance to Investment on Special Economic Zone: A Study on Special Economic Zone
SeiMangkei, North Sumatera
enforcement of giving away permits within the
Special Economic Zone was done through One Stop
Service. And to materialize this service, Presidential
Decree No. 97 of 2014 on Enforcement of One Stop
Service, was created.
According to a number of informant’s analysis
and interviews, PTSP in SeiMangkei. Special
Economic Zone has yet to work optimally, this causes
several conditions such as permit affairs and non-
permit affairs are hampered, winding, and
bureaucratic. This is because not all of the
authorization on services has been delegated to the
Regional Administrator and other predicament is
regarding the knowledge and the legal culture of the
Regional Administrator officials.
3.6 Optimizing the Role of Law within
SeiMangkei. Special Economic
A good set of law will support the development of the
economy within the Special Economic Zone, and vice
versa, a law may be the cause that hampers the
economic development. The way that it should be is
that the law created predictability and stability on
supporting the economic development. According to
the study conducted on SeiMangkei. Special
Economic Zone there are several things that are still
needed to be looked after, such as the law has yet to
give any optimal support on driving the economic
development forward through the existence of
Special Economic Zone.
A legal certainty is very much needed. Not only in
a form of norms inside the constitutions. Legal
certainty is evident from the implementation of legal
norms that has been formulated formally through the
constitutions. Various constitutions that has formally
supported the economic development within the
Special Economic Zone will not be effective if it
wasn’t implemented in the right way.
According to this study, there still has to be
various legal activities needed to optimize the role of
positive law to drive the Special Economic Zone
forward, especially the SeiMangkei. Special
Economic Zone. This predicament may not be only
suffered by SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone, but
this may also happen to other Special Economic
Zones, therefore, it clear that this predicament has a
potential to be a significant hindrance in the future.
The success of the accelerated government economic
development program through the Special Economic
Zone development is well supported by the law itself.
The failure of law in this case may hampers the
economic development and it will become factor that
creates a transaction cost. This condition may
decrease the attention of the investors this is because
it will fail to create a decent competition for investors
to invest.
The results in SeiMangkei. Special Economic
Zone study showed that there are still a number of
legal problems that needed to be sorted out. At the
very least, there are four legal problems in
SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone that has an
impact on the investment activities within the area,
which is; the constitutions is yet to be implemented
properly, for instance Law Number 18/2008 on Waste
Management, Government Ordinance No. 96/2015
on Amenity And Facilities of Special Economic
Zone, implementation of Government Ordinance No.
101 Of 2014 on Dangerous and Poisonous Waste
(B3) in Special Economic Zone and Presidential
Decree No. 97 Of 2014 on Enforcement of One Stop
Service In Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone.
These problems have the potential to create a
transaction cost for the investors that will later
decrease the business competitiveness and the
attraction of SeiMangkei. Special Economic Zone.
It is advised for any official stake holders, from
central, Province, and Regency to optimize their roles
on supporting the existence of SeiMangkei. Special
Economic Zone. Various enforcing regulations must
be made and implemented. The delegation of
authority to the Special Economic Zone
Administrator must soon be materialized
comprehensively and to the areas that needed the
support attract the investors through investment
incentives according to the authority of the area itself.
Asian Economic Integration Report 2015. (2015). Special
Chapter : How Can Special Economic Zones Catalyze
Economic Development.
Scheepers, Coenrad Muller. (2012). A Case Study for
Special Economic Zones in South Africa as A Means of
Attracting Foreign Direct Investment, University of
Tambunan, Tulus. (2001). Perekonomian Indonesia
Beberapa Masalah Penting. Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
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