eading of the Indonesian Word Groups on Dislexia
Patients in Medan City
, Elmeida Effendi
, Ali
USU Postgraduate, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia, 20155
Internal Reviewer of Research Institution of Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia, 20155
Lecturer of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan, Indonesia, 20155
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Islamic University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. SM Raja, Teladan, Medan,
Indonesia, 20216
Keywords: Deviation of reading and writing, Dyslexic patients.
Abstract: The objectives of this study were: (1) to classify the difficulties of reading Indonesian word groups in Dyslexic
Patients (PDS), and (2) to classify the difficulty of understanding long instructions in a short time Dyslexic
Patients (PDS). Theoretically, this research explains the intervention and ability concerning memories,
productions, thoughts, meanings, and emotions that are very influential in someone's speech when speaking
because there is a disorder in the brain. This research applied research and development method. This research
oriented to a cycle begun with the collection of information research results in the form of difficulty reading
and writing by involving 3 (three) Dyslexic patients. Method used for data collection was reading and writing
tests. The basic technique used was tapping technique, i.e. tapping the PDS 1-3 taken from Medan
Extraordinary School. Data analyzing was done in order to classify the difficulty found in reading and writing
and to classify long instruction in the same time. The research found that dyslexic patients are not able to read
and write tree words or the complex words and dyslexic patients are also difficult to understand long
instructions as their long-term memories are also damaged.
Dyslexia is a reading disability that primarily
concerns with a particular language base, which
affects the ability to learn words and compose words
even though the child has an average or above
average intelligence level, sufficient motivational and
educational opportunities and normal vision and
Dyslexia usually occurs in children with normal
vision and intelligence. Children with dyslexia
usually speak normally, but have difficulty
interpreting "spoken language" and writing. Dyslexia
tends to be lowered and more common in boys.
Dyslexia is mainly caused by brain abnormalities that
affect sound processing and spoken language. This
disorder is a congenital abnormality, which can affect
the decomposition of words as well as impaired
spelling and writing. (Ali and Gustianingsih, 2018)
Dyslexia comes from the Greek word "dys" which
means difficulty and "lexia" which means words. In
other words, dyslexia mean difficulty in processing
words. Dyslexia is an abnormality with the basis of
neurobiological abnormalities and is characterized by
difficulty in recognizing the word precisely or
accurately in spelling and in the ability to encode
symbols. There are two kinds of dyslexia,
developmental dyslexia and acquired dyslexia.
Developmental Dyslexia is innated and due to
genetic or hereditary factors. People with dyslexia
will carry this disorder for the rest of their lives or
cannot be cured. Not only have difficulty reading,
they also experience the barriers to spelling, writing,
and some other language aspects. However, dyslexic
children have normal or even above average levels of
intelligence. With special handling, the obstacles they
experience can be minimized. And acquired dyslexia
is acquired due to interference or changes in the way
the left brain reads (Downing, 2013).
Some experts also define dyslexia as a condition of
input processing or different information (from
normal children) often characterized by reading
difficulties that may affect the areas of cognition,
such as memory, input processing speed, timing
Gustianingsih, ., Effendi, E. and Ali, .
Difference Reading of the Indonesian Word Groups on Dislexia Patients in Medan City.
DOI: 10.5220/0010070712301235
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ability, coordination, and control motion. There can
also be visual and phonological difficulties, and there
is usually a difference in ability in various aspects of
development (Paris and Carter, 2013)
Dyslexia usually occurs in children with normal
vision and intelligence. Children with dyslexia can
usually talk normally, but have difficulty interpreting
"spoken language" and writing. Dyslexia tends to be
lowered and more common in boys (Ritchie, 2012).
Dyslexia is primarily caused by brain abnormalities
that affect sound processing and spoken language.
This disorder is a congenital disorder, which can
affect the decomposition of words as well as spelling
and writing disorder (http: // www.dyslexia-
2.1 Dyslexia Symptoms
The symptoms of dyslexia may be difficult to
recognize before the child enters school, but some
early symptoms may identify the problem, such as
irregularities perceiving other people's speech
delivered to the patient, distortion of vision when
looking at pictures around the patient, hearing
aberrations of the songs that are heard in the sufferer
and when the child reaches school age, the teacher of
the child may be the first to be aware of the problem.
(Webb and Lowson, 2011)
Actually, dyslexic people have signs and
symptoms that have a high risk such as telulang
talking, adding vocabulary after being able to speak
very slowly, experiencing difficulty "rhyming"
(rhyme) when the child has not attended school.
When the child has entered school the signs and
symptoms have become more visible: (1) Reading at
the level below what is expected for the child's age,
(2) experiencing a disturbance in processing and
understanding something that the child hears, (3) (4)
experiencing interruptions in following instructions
more than one at the same time, (5) experiencing
interruptions to recite pronunciation of unfamiliar
words, (6) experiencing hearing impairment (when at
certain moments of hearing) can not make similarities
and differences in the singing of words that are almost
the same as "put" for "put", (7) experiencing impaired
vision (see writing on the signboard for words in
reverse ( b for d or "birth" to "dead"). (8) Under 8
years of age, dyslexic children will continue to look
reversed after their age, spellinga and difficult to learn
a foreign language (Wang, 2011).
2.2 Handling
Children with dyslexia require individual teaching
and treatment for dyslexia often involves multisensor
education programs. Moral support from parents is
also an important part. The best treatment is direct
instruction, which incorporates a multisensoric
approach. This type of treatment consists of teaching
sounds with different cues, usually separately and (if
possible) part of the reading program.
Indirect instructions can also be applied. It usually
consists of training to speak a word or reading
comprehension. The child is taught how to process
sound by mixing sounds to form words, by separating
words into letters and by recognizing the position of
sounds in words. (eg in recognizing parts or patterns
and distinguishing different types of sounds) or
problems with memories, conversations, thoughts
and hearing.
Distractions that cause problems in speaking,
listening, reading, writing or math skills, as well as
specific developmental disorders. Learning
difficulties are impairments in learning abilities
including in terms of speaking, listening, reading,
writing, or math skills. Children who experience
learning difficulties can be seen from their academic
ability a year or two under their age children with
normal intelligence. Often these learning difficulties
seem to coincide with other difficulties such as
ADHD (Attention Deficit / hyperactivity disorder)
caused by functional irregularities of certain parts of
the brain. This is due to hereditary factors.
Learning difficulties are associated with brain
dysfunction that affects basic skills such as perceptual
sensory ability. In general, learning difficulties in the
academic field include:
2.3 Dyslexia
It is also called a developmental disorder reading.
Symptoms include: (1) Difficulty in connecting
letters with sounds, (3) Difficulties in forming
sukukata, (4) Reversal of letter positions, (5) Speech
disorder, (6) Doubt in words, (7) ) Less understanding
of the meaning of the sentence.
1) Assessment
Assessment of learning difficulties can be done by
one or more of the experts, such as psychologists,
psychiatrists, and neorologists. Assessment that can
be done is through IQ test to determine the ability of
verbal and non verbal child, test projectif to evaluate
the emotional level.
Difference Reading of the Indonesian Word Groups on Dislexia Patients in Medan City
2) Treatment
Basically the treatment for children learning
difficulties is remedial education and psychotherapy.
Both can be implemented simultaneously or one
follows the other as needed. Remedial should be done
individually with a tutor. The goal is to find and tear
down the walls that cause learning difficulties.
Basically the most needed by children with learning
difficulties is the affection, understanding and
patience of the people around him, especially from
parents. After that then can be done proper handling.
Dyslexia is a learning disorder, in which a person
has difficulty reading, writing, or spelling. Dyslexic
sufferers will have difficulty in identifying how
spoken words should be changed into letters and
sentences, and vice versa. Dyslexic, based on gender,
male sex has memory memory disorders, knowledge,
fine motor skills, body balance for a sample of 40
people from preschool shows 27.5% (11 adults) show
symptoms at risk of dyslexia, but only 15% (6 people)
indicates a very high risk of having a dyslexic
symptom. Boys are more affected by dyslexia than
girls. 40% more children fail to mention abaca /
letters, 5% do not recognize rhymes / first letters, and
3% can not distinguish language sounds). The
Malaysian Education Ministry disclosed that since
2001 many preschool-aged children were exposed to
dyslexia of 290,000 school pupils from 4.9 million
total pupils (KPM, 2000). 4% of the world's
population is significant to have dyslexic symptoms
(Moses, 2002). These special needs children include
dyslexic children who also need special education to
be socially acceptable in a meaningful life (Bent,
Noorr (2011) has budgeted 314,000 children who
are studying in Malaysia Malaysia with dyslexia
Setiausaha Parlimen, Ministry of Education in 2004
(Komala, 2011) also reported that 5% of cases of
dyslexia or one in 20 students are detected dyslexia
compared with Down syndrome disease. which is
about one in 600 people detected dyslexic disease and
about one in 700 people increased sharply also
reported by the President of the Malaysian Social
Harmony Union (PSHM). Increasing dyslexia in
Malaysia makes Malaysian government recommend
to do research about dyslexia to be known early
handling of dyslexia. According to studies conducted
by Meier, Hammond and Hughes, and Spaafford and
Grosser, there are two factors that cause the
emergence of this disorder problem, among which are
genetic factors or heredity and biological factors.
Studies have shown that dyslexia is caused by
chromosomes 1, 15 and 16 that may be inherited from
generation to generation. In most cases, there is a
family expert having the same problem, the only thing
that sets them apart is the stage of seriousness. While
biological factors are an outcome factor that
culminates with a preterm birth or an insufficient
lunar birth, lack of oxygen at birth as well as birth
complications. Damage to the brain during the birth
process is also one of the impetus to the problems and
disorders of the child in the learning process (
Maliphant and Saraga, 2011). In fact, the child who
faces this problem has a normal stage of intelligence
and has no hearing and vision problems. Nor are they
classified as weak and foolish. This problem can be
overcome if the parents and teachers can recognize
this disorder. Umar, Rahman, et al., Says that the
Malaysian kingdom expects its people to be able to
master 100% literacy capability by 2020.
Nevertheless, the proficiency of reading, writing and
guessing (3M) principles may be difficult to obtain.
According to Julina, about 40% of students are not
capable and do not master 3M due to students facing
severe cognitive problems such as dyslexia. Dyslexia
has a high population and may lead to various
problems of individuals, families, communities and
countries. 10% -15% of the world population has
dyslexic problems (Rohati, 2011).
3.1 Difficulty Reading Indonesian
Language Group to Dyslexic
(1) Researchers: Try to read this word "shoes"
PDS-1: "panu"
Researchers: Read the "horse"
PDS-1: "luda"
Researchers: Read "Kuda Lumping"
PDS-1: "luda lumpum"
Researchers: Read the "Goat Cage"
PDS-1: "ladan landin"
The above-mentioned PDS-1 reading events are very
worrying for children with dyslexia. The words read
do not match what is written. Some words are omitted
and some phonemes swap, like [t] and are swapped to
[n], and the [se] element in word [shoes] is lost,
unreadable by PDS-1. Similarly, the word [horse] is
read as [luda]. The sound [k] is converted into sound
[l]. For Word base. PDS-1 has an interruption of
reading one word. Certain sounds are exchanged by
him and read them imperfectly. The age of PDS-1 is
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
10 years. Age that is perfect enough to read a word.
In Indonesia in general, children begin to enter
primary school (SD) at the age of 6/7 years, so the age
of 10 years actually the child is in the 5th grade
elementary school. In grade 5 elementary school is
basically children have read fluently long sentences.
For the case of two words (group of words) PDS-
1 apparently equates the sound of [l] in the first word
position [horse] to [luda] with the second word
[lumping]. This language event can be phonologically
traced into a progressive assimilation form. The front
[1] sound affects the [k] sound at the back to sound
In particular, which occurs in PDS-2, different
cases of reading the child. Words that children read
backwards, the composition of words is not
systematically arranged, the way of reading there is at
the lowest level and not in accordance with the age of
children, children also disturbed hearing, so disturbed
the process of language and language understanding,
understand the instructions that very simple even
disturbed let alone follow the instructions more than
one at the same time, sight and hearing is also
disturbed, so can not distinguish and find the
similarity between the word one with the other word
can not spell and can not learn a foreign language.
PDS-2 has difficulty distinguishing "bamboo" with
"lamp"; or they misunderstand words that sound
almost identical, such as "seventy" with "seventeen".
This difficulty is not due to hearing problems, but is
related to the processing of inputs in the brain. Here's
an illustration below:
(2) Researchers: Read "bamboo"
PDS-2: [lamu]
Penelti: read the "lights"
PDS-2: [lamu]
Researchers: which is "bamboo" and which is
PDS-2: "light" he pointed 'bamboo', when asked
again 'bamboo' he pointed "lamp"
Researchers: read "seventy" (70) and "seventeen"
PDS-2: [tujubas] and [tujuoh]
When asked which "seventeen" with "seventy",
reversed he pointed to it, and at all the PDS-2 did not
understand the instruction. Besides the PDS-2 was
unable to read two words / groups, PDS-2 also
suffered from interference understanding. When
associated with neurolinguistics, PDS-2 is impaired
in both brain hemispheres. In the Wernicke field is the
part of the brain located on the left hemisphere of the
brain specially regulating the understanding of
language, and the right hemisphere, the khujsus
governs the language of reading and writing skills
(Ali and Gustianingsih, 2015).
3.2 Difficulties of Understanding Long
Words of Instruction in One Short
In this case the PDS is incapable of understanding the
instruc- tion of long and many words at the same time.
The PDS very much regulates the words that have
been delivered to him completely and perfectly.
Here's an illustration when researchers see the mother
PDS-3 memeberi message to his son.
(3) Mother: "Keep the bag in your room upstairs,
change clothes, wash your feet and
hands, then go down again for lunch with
mom, but do not forget to take it too
your math homework book, yes ".
PDS-3: Mak .. this is Prku "basa nesa" (bahasa
Indonesia). School bag still on, shirt schools
have not been replaced, hands and feet have
not been washed.
Mother: PR Bahasa Indonesia, taken mother. Mom
told PDS-3 to come back with instructions
the first "Save the bag in your room upstairs,
change clothes, wash your feet and
hands down, then down again for lunch with
PDS-3: Climb again to the top of the stairs, up on it
down again by saying "yok Maam "(meaning
to take her mother to lunch), but the bag
remains slung over the child's shoulders,
hands and feet have not been washed.
Mother: Ouch nang (dear call a mother to the only
child). Yes, eat us yes, but keep your bag in
your room, banging your bag who was
carried his son, Son silently looked at his
PDS-3: Son rises again to the 2nd floor and takes off
his bag, then he drops back down.
Mother: Nice my son, your bag is stored in your study
cabinet? Your hands and feet are washed?
PDS-3: Shut up, bewildered. Climb again up and
followed by his mother. Above the 2nd floor,
Mom gave an example of putting a child's
school bag into a study cabinet and bring the
child to the bathroom to wash hands and feet.
From the above illustration on data (3), it is clear
that this dyslexic child is incapable of understanding
long and complex sentence instructions in the same
situation, short time. The PDS-3 is only able to
remember the last words of "eating with mom", after
which the mother shakes the child's bag, the PDS-3 is
Difference Reading of the Indonesian Word Groups on Dislexia Patients in Medan City
able to remember the second message of the ibunta,
but forgot the 3rd message and the 4th message.
Refreshing on the above data, can be done
positive handling in children, assessment, and
positive treatment with great patience and affection.
3.2.1 Handling
Children with dyslexia require individual teaching
and treatment for dyslexia often involves multisensor
education programs. Moral support from parents is
also an important part. The best treatment is direct
instruction, which incorporates a multisensoric
approach. This type of treatment consists of teaching
sounds with different cues, usually separately and (if
possible) part of the reading program.
Indirect instructions can also be applied. It usually
consists of training to speak a word or reading
comprehension. The child is taught how to process
sound by mixing sounds to form words, by separating
words into letters and by recognizing the position of
sounds in words. (eg in recognizing parts or patterns
and distinguishing different types of sounds) or
problems with memories, conversations, thoughts
and hearing.
3.2.2 Assessment
Assessment of learning difficulties can be done by
one or more of the experts, such as psychologists,
psychiatrists, neurologists, and linguists. Assessment
that can be done is through the IQ test to determine
the verbal and non-verbal skills of children, projectif
tests to evaluate the level of emotions, and tests
language proficiency (reading, writing, speaking, and
listening the language correctly and correctly).
3.2.3 Treatment
Basically, the treatment for children learning
difficulties is remedial education and psychotherapy.
Both can be implemented simultaneously or one
follows the other as needed. Remedial should be done
individually with a tutor. The goal is to find and tear
down the walls that cause learning difficulties.
Basically, the most needed by children with learning
difficulties is the affection, understanding and
patience of the people around him, especially from
parents. After that then can be done proper handling.
The conclusions that can be drawn from this paper are
difficulty Reading Indonesian to Dyslexic Patients,
not just reading word group, but reading one word
also has difficulty. The words of a group of words are
read in reverse, the composition of the words is not
organized systematically, the way of reading is at the
bottom and not in accordance with the age of the
child. Children also disturbed hearing, so disturbed
the process of language and language comprehension.
Understanding very simple instructions once
disturbed let alone follow the instructions more than
one at the same time, sight and hearing is also
disturbed, so it can not distinguish and find the
similarity between words with one another. Children
have difficulty distinguishing "bamboo" from "light";
or they misunderstand words that sound almost
identical, such as "seventy" with "seventeen". This
difficulty is not due to hearing problems, but is related
to the processing of inputs in the brain.
The Authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
researcher is supported by Ministry of Research and
Technology and Higher Education Republic of
Indonesia. The support is under the research DRPM -
DIKTI of Year 2018 Contract:
No.1140A/UN5.1.1R/PPM/2018, SP DIPA-
042.06.1. 401516/ 2018, date December, 5
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Difference Reading of the Indonesian Word Groups on Dislexia Patients in Medan City