The Integration Traditional Medicine Practice at National Health
Insurance in Indonesia
Riza Alifianto Kurniawan and Sapta Aprilianto
Universitas Airlangga, Dharmawangsa Dalam Selatan, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: traditional, medicine, integrated, health service.
Abstract: Health service has become the most demanded service when it provided simultaneously by the state. Based
on National Social Guarantee Regulation, issued in 2008, force Government to provide and establish health
insurance for Indonesian. National health insurance system was established since then and require more
medical practitioners to participate not only medical doctors, nurse, but also traditional medical practitioners.
One of the obstacles is certification for competency of traditional medical practitioners. The certification is a
recognition by the society to show a trust for traditional medical practitioner for its competency. Furthermore,
traditional medicine has been regulated in Health Act, Law No 35 Year 2009. The Act also followed by the
Government Regulation which specifically regulated Traditional Medicine. Based on Health Act and
Traditional Medicine Regulation, traditional medicine is recognised and has equal rights to develop the
practice and the knowledge for providing its service to the society. This paper objective is to find out the
problems and obstacles for traditional medical practitioners serving its knowledge to the society. Thus, every
obstacles and issues which have been found, will be followed by proposing program or policy to remove the
obstacle and improve traditional medicine practitioners to be accepted to practice or giving service at social
health insurance.
Health is a very important thing needed by every
human being and is one of the basic needs other than
clothing, food and shelter. What we could be
ascertained that no one wants to experience pain in
the period of his life. Every effort will be made to heal
and improve his health condition. Health is a human
right and one of the elements of welfare that must be
realized in accordance with the ideals of the
Indonesian people as intended in the Pancasila and
the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
(UUD NRI 1945). As a basic right for everyone,
health care is a right that every citizen deserves. In the
1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia it is
mandated that health insurance for the peoples,
especially the poor and incapable is the responsibility
of the central and regional governments. Article 28 H
(1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia states that "Everyone has the right to live
physically and mentally prosperously, to reside, and
to have a good and healthy environment and the right
to obtain health services." This provision is then
implemented by Law Number 36 Year 2009
concerning Health (hereinafter referred to as the
Health Act).
Every activity and effort to improve the level of
public health is the highest responsibility of the
government and the community, thus, development
efforts in the region, especially in the city of
Surabaya, must be based on health insights and
carried out based on non-discriminatory,
participatory, protection and sustainable principles
that very important for the creation of human
resources of Indonesia, increasing the resilience and
competitiveness of the nation, and national
development. Related to health improvement efforts
Bahder Johan Nasution states that (Koeswadji,1995):
Efforts to improve the quality of human life in the field
of health, is a vast and comprehensive effort, the
business includes the improvement of physical and
non-physical health. Within the national health
system it is mentioned that health concerns all aspects
of life whose scope and scope is very broad and
complex. From the above understanding, it can be
understood that basically health issues concerning all
aspects of human life, both past life, present, and the
future. Judging from the history of its development,
Kurniawan, R. and Aprilianto, S.
The Integration Traditional Medicine Practice at National Health Insurance in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010049900130017
In Proceedings of the International Law Conference (iN-LAC 2018) - Law, Technology and the Imperative of Change in the 21st Century, pages 13-17
ISBN: 978-989-758-482-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
there has been a change of orientation of values and
thoughts about efforts to solve health problems. The
process of change of orientation and thought is
always evolving in line with technological and socio-
cultural developments.
Health problems are a crucial issue, but not all
communities have their right to health care. Although
there has been a program of Public Health Insurance,
Regional Health Insurance, and so on, but not yet able
to serve all levels of society of Surabaya.
Therefore, the main goal of health efforts is to
improve the distribution and quality of health efforts
that are effective and efficient and affordable by all
people. For the implementation of health efforts,
effective and efficient policies and management are
needed so that equitable and quality health services
can be achieved. As regulated in Law Number 36
Year 2009 on Health (hereinafter referred to as the
Health Act) that every person has the right to health
and have equal rights in obtaining safe, quality and
affordable health services.
Indonesian Traditional Health Urgency.
Indonesian traditional health practices have been
known for a long time. The demand for traditional
health services begins with the consumption of herbal
medicine in Indonesia. Based on the data from the
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the
consumption of herbal medicine managed to reach
59.12% of the total population of Indonesia in 2010.
(WHO, 2014) Biodiversity also provides wealth for
Indonesia because it managed to become a source of
traditional health ingredients that have the potential to
cure diseases. Traditional health already has a special
place in the lives of Indonesian people.
Traditional medicine in many countries is rooted
in the culture and history of each region. Some of the
most widely known is traditional medical techniques
and practices of Ayurveda, traditional Chinese
medicine. In addition, the development of alternative
medicine (complementary medicine) is growing
rapidly such as anthroposophical medicine,
chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy, and
osteopathy. Alternative medicine is currently in the
popular and used by the community.
Healthcare systems around the world have
experience in dealing with chronic disease endemics
and swelling of health insurance bills all over the
country. The community (patient) and health-care
providers have demanded a change or revitalization
in the provision of health services, on the provision of
individual-centered care guarantees. The concept of
providing health services based on individual needs
(person-centered care) is expected to provide equal
access and opportunity for actors or providers of
traditional health services or traditional health
workers to provide services and competencies in
improving national health quality. The variety of
types and forms of regulations and policies which
regulates traditional health personnel and all forms of
services complicate the development of healthcare
services and products internationally. Based on data
released by WHO (World Health Organization)
shows an increase in demand for traditional health
products and services in several countries, for
example, in China in 2012 demand reached US $ 83.1
billion, there was an increase of more than 20% over
the previous year. The increase in demand for
traditional health services also occurred in South
Korea in 2004 of US $ 4.4 billion to US $ 7.4 billion
in 2009.
1.1 Reason for using Traditional
There are many reasons for people to demand
traditional medicine services. The factors that
influence are culture, historical significance and
regulations. On the other hand, there is no uniform
standard to examine patterns of use traditional
medicine. There are there general patterns for people
using traditional medicine (WHO,2014):
1. Traditional medicine becomes primary source
of health care. This pattern becomes a primary
option because the availability and/or
accessibility of conventional medicine-based
health services is, on the whole, limited. The
example, traditional medicine in Africa and
some developing countries.
2. Traditional medicine applied due to cultural
and historical influences. Some countries such
as Singapore and The Republic of Korea
where the conventional health-care system is
quite well established. There is approximately
76%-86% of population at both countries
using traditional medicine.
3. Traditional medicine as complementary
therapy. This pattern is common at developed
countries. The health system structure is well
built and developed, traditional medicine
becomes secondary option to increase the
health level for people in developed countries.
The other motivation for people to use traditional
medicine is the unsatisfactory of existing health-care
services. The increasing demand of traditional
medicine services because of the awareness of people
about disease treatment. Some people see other
treatments are failed to cure a disease and initiate for
iN-LAC 2018 - International Law Conference 2018
the desire of a healthy lifestyle were the main motives
for using traditional medicine.
1.2 Advantages for using Traditional
Reason for patients for using traditional medicine is
various based on many perspectives. Some patient
applies traditional medicine because to save more
money than using general health service. For
example, the cost for using physiotherapy, manual
therapy, and general practitioner care for neck pain.
The budget for applying of all services, manual
therapy is less spending. It needs one third of the costs
of the highest service (practitioner care).
Traditional medicines also give patients trust. The
relationship between patients and traditional
medicine practitioners create social bond. Patients
entrust their health care to the traditional medicine
practitioners, because they believe, that the therapies
are trustworthy and will not committed neglect action
which can endangered patient’s health.
1.3 Type and Qualification for
Traditional Medicine Practitioners
Before traditional medicine practitioners give
medical aid or services. Well-trained practitioners are
become significant factor for high quality health
services. Many developing countries see this factor to
be enhanced. Most traditional medicine practitioners
who give services are argued or questioned their
competencies. There is no certification to certified
traditional practitioners to control their competencies.
Indonesia based on health act, implemented
certification for traditional health practitioners.
Moreover, this encouraged policy, would trigger for
many traditional practitioners who have skills or
training to apply for certification.
Skill and knowledge in traditional medicine in
Indonesia are variety in diversity. Traditional potion
medicine or traditional health services will be
developed. The development of traditional medicine
service will be emphasized to potion-based and skill-
based. The objective of this development is to
enhance health condition, disease prevention,
curative goals, and enhancing quality of
The objective of traditional health medicine in
Indonesia will be based on body of knowledge. This
will lead traditional health service in Indonesia would
coherence with social norm and religious values.
Traditional health service which blend together with
religious values will complement general health
service, which emphasizes biomedicine, the synergy
between them would occur and become an option for
In order to enhance the competencies and quality
of traditional medicine practitioners, Indonesia issues
a policy for planning, mapping, development, and
supervision traditional medical practitioners.
Ministry of health became the institution in Indonesia
which is given by the regulation to manage traditional
medicine practitioners. A strategy for enhance the
competencies, universities or higher education
institutions in medicine have significant role. The role
these institutions are operating a study in traditional
medicine. From this study, it would produce a
continuous traditional medical practitioner and
developing the knowledge and method in traditional
medicine education. Universities and higher
education institutions are not only developing
knowledge and method in traditional medicine but
also organizing and promoting training for traditional
medicine practitioners to enhance and developing
their skills.
Safety and quality assurance for traditional
medicine services also become awareness. Based on
Indonesia government regulation, every practitioner
(traditional medicine) must hold a licence.
(Pudjiastuti, 2015) This licence is a permit from
government and legal basis for traditional medicine
practitioners practise their skill and knowledge to the
community or patients. In addition, based on
government regulation a licence is a compulsory
permit, if violates, it would be a legal consequence.
Government through ministry of health has obligation
to oversight licence that has been issued and maintain
quality assurance of traditional medicine
Another strategy for maintain quality assurance in
traditional medicine is applying ethics code and build
a strong professional association. Ethics are important
for professional when they conduct their skill or
method. Traditional medicine practitioners must
honour and respect ethics when they give services to
patients. Patients will feel save and encourage trust to
their practitioners. (Suharto, 2015) Negligence could
be minimized and will lead to quality health care
services. A strong professional association among
traditional health practitioner also give significant
role for quality assurance. The Association will give
assistance to government for educating and
promoting policies, method, and development in
traditional health skills. The bond of association
members to obey ethics and quality assurance in
health service could emerge among them and easily
to enhance quality assurance.
The Integration Traditional Medicine Practice at National Health Insurance in Indonesia
1.4 Type of Traditional Health Service
There are 3 (three) type of services that offered by
traditional medicine practitioners toward patients or
communities. Legal basis for services that offered is
regulated at Indonesian Government regulation about
traditional medicine. The services are: (Indonesian
Traditional Medicine Act, 2014)
1. Empirical Traditional medicine service
2. Complementary traditional medicine service
3. Integrated traditional medicine service
Empirical traditional medicine service is the first
level of service to the community. This type of
medicine service must have safety and could be
implemented empirically based on science and skills
of medicine treatment knowledge. Empirical
traditional treatment could be implemented by skills
and combination between skills and traditional
potions. Another service that could be provided is
complementary traditional medicine service.
Complementary traditional medicine service is higher
level than previous one. This service provides health
treatment with implementation of bio culture science
and bio medical science which have proven its
function and safety assurance. Requirement for
complementary traditional medicine service are:
a) Must follow scientific method
b) Does not harm patients or communities
c) The best interest for patient interest must
become priority
d) Have a potential for promotive function,
prevention function, curative function, and
rehabilitative function. In addition, the
service could enhance quality of life.
e) Must be done by certified traditional
medicine practitioners
Final type for traditional medicine service model,
which can be offered, is integrated traditional
medicine service. This type of service is a
combination between conventional health services
with complementary traditional medicine service.
Integrated traditional medicine service needs a
collaboration service for medical practitioners with
traditional medicine practitioners. The service must
be held at medical facilities. The offered service at
integrated traditional medicine, must be verified and
have a licence from medical committee whether
applied in conventional medical facilities such as
In addition, model for traditional medicine service
not only become a concern to enhance the quality
assurance. The medical traditional practitioner is also
become priority in order to offer a safe and high-
quality service. Human resources in traditional
medicine play a key role to gain thrust from society.
The integration of health service between
traditional medicine and conventional medicine
service is possible to be offered to strengthen health
insurance in Indonesia. Problem which may occur for
this integration health service is the trust from society.
People in Indonesia still believe that conventional
health service is more useful for curative and
maintaining their health. On the other hand, the many
health facilities are insufficient, especially in rural
areas and border areas. In addition, medical workers
such as doctors and nurses are not always available.
Some of health facilities are lack of doctor to give
services to communities. This problem could be
solved with encouraging involvement of traditional
health practitioners.
The integration between traditional medicine and
conventional health service is possible. Indonesia
government has issued a regulation to encourage the
integration service. The regulation has objectives to
achieve condition that are:
1. Give a legal basis for complementary
traditional medicine to give services at health
facilities with save, integrity, and high quality
2. As a guideline for medical workers to operate
integrated traditional medicine services
3. Establish an integrated management of service
for integrated traditional medicine
4. Establish a monitoring and quality assurance
system for traditional medicine practitioners
by government.
The integration service will enhance quality and
offering various services to communities for maintain
and fulfil their health rights and demands. Thus,
quality and facilities to complete the integration
health service could be developed with offering more
trainings and safety assurance to traditional medicine
practitioners which could triggered the developing
quality of health services.
Koeswadji, Hermien Hadiati, 1995, Hukum Kesehatan,
Citra Aditya Bhakti.
Soeparto, Pitono,2006, Etik dan Hukum Di Bidang
Kesehatan, Airlangga University Press.
iN-LAC 2018 - International Law Conference 2018
Pudjiastuti, Lilik, Licencing and Legalization of Traditional
Medicine to Ensure Public Health Quality, Jurnal
Dinamika Hukum, vol 15 no 2 May 2015.
Suharto, Bekti, Human Rights Dimension in Health Service
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The Integration Traditional Medicine Practice at National Health Insurance in Indonesia